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Document de Synthèse: Atlas Forestier Interactif du Cameroun, v2.0 (2007)Source

Cette seconde version de l’Atlas forestier interactifdu Cameroun constitue un outil pratique de gestionet de compréhension du secteur forestier camerounais.Il atteste d’autre part du sérieux de l’engagementdu partenariat mis en place entre la sociétécivile et le gouvernement.Cet atlas, unique en son genre, illustre l’engagementpour une transparence accrue dans le secteurforestier camerounais en assurant à tous les intervenantsun accès à des informations précises sur lagestion des forêts. Cet atlas est le fruit de cinq annéesde collaboration entre divers partenaires, notammentle Gouvernement camerounais, le WorldResources Institute (WRI) à travers son initiativeGlobal Forest Watch (GFW), le Jardin botaniqueet zoologique de Limbé, Cameroon EnvironmentalWatch, l’industrie forestière, les organismes donateurs internationaux et de nombreuses organisationsde la société civile et des institutions privées auCameroun et à l’étranger.

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2006atlas forestierreport
World Resources Institute9 months ago
Document de Synthèse: Atlas Forestier Interactif du Cameroun, v2.0 (2007)Source

Cette seconde version de l’Atlas forestier interactifdu Cameroun constitue un outil pratique de gestionet de compréhension du secteur forestier camerounais.Il atteste d’autre part du sérieux de l’engagementdu partenariat mis en place entre la sociétécivile et le gouvernement.Cet atlas, unique en son genre, illustre l’engagementpour une transparence accrue dans le secteurforestier camerounais en assurant à tous les intervenantsun accès à des informations précises sur lagestion des forêts. Cet atlas est le fruit de cinq annéesde collaboration entre divers partenaires, notammentle Gouvernement camerounais, le WorldResources Institute (WRI) à travers son initiativeGlobal Forest Watch (GFW), le Jardin botaniqueet zoologique de Limbé, Cameroon EnvironmentalWatch, l’industrie forestière, les organismes donateurs internationaux et de nombreuses organisationsde la société civile et des institutions privées auCameroun et à l’étranger.

No licence known
2006atlas forestierreport
World Resources Institute10 months ago
High Resolution Change DetectionSource

To download the entire dataset click on dataset includes changes in land cover throughout Washington State, specifically areas of tree loss and development. Changes are represented as polygons and include qualitative descriptions and quantitative assessments of changes. Attributes provide details about causes of change (Change Agents), types of changes observed (e.g. canopy loss, impervious surface gain), area of change, and time period for when the change occurred. The change locations were identified from analyzing high resolution (1-meter) NAIP imagery, allowing changes as small as a single tree or new home to be identified. This dataset covers most of Western Washington and several counties in Eastern Washington. Coverage is split along county and/or WRIA boundaries and the time periods for change locations vary by county and/or WRIA. All areas in the dataset were assessed for changes between 2011 and 2017; additionally, some locations include changes as early as 2006 or as recent as 2019. Visit or email for more information on how the data is created, accuracy information, tutorials, user guides, and current coverage information.This dataset is updated regularly (about twice a year) with more recent years of change, new counties / WRIAs, or both. This copy of the data was updated in July 2022.

No licence known
2006200920112013201520172019BiotaChange DetectionEnvironmentEnvironmental MonitoringFish habitatHRCDHigh Resolution Change DetectionLand CoverLand Cover ChangeNAIPNational Agriculture Imagery ProgramPSPPacific NorthwestPuget SoundPuget Sound PartnershipWDFWWRIAWashington Department of Fish and WildlifeWashington StateWater Resource Inventory Area
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Journey to Work (JTW) 2006Source

This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2006 (Tuesday 8th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of Journey to Work (JTW) 2006 is employed persons aged 15 years and over, who were employed the week before Census night, and with a workplace in NSW. JTW data may produce slightly different counts to those obtained directly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the same geographic level due to: * ABS confidentialising process is applied to the data that Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA) purchases (randomisation of small cells) * Further validation and adjustment of the data undertaken by Transport Performance and Analytics TPA * Imputation of records of incomplete addresses to eliminate locality ‘dump’ codes ABS data is used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Creative Commons Attribution
2006ABSTPAcensuscensus daycommutecommutingdestinationemployedindustryjourneyjourney to worknswoccupationpatternspeoplepersonworkplace
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Overview: Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon, v2.0 (2007)Source

This second version of the Interactive Forestry Atlasof Cameroon is a practical tool for understandingand working within Cameroon’s forest sector. Itdemonstrates the power of a committed partnershipbetween civil society and government.The Atlas, a first of its kind, demonstrates a commitmentto transparency in Cameroon’s forestsector by ensuring that all stakeholders have equalaccess to accurate forest management information.It is the result of Þ ve years of collaboration amongpartners including the Cameroon Government, theWorld Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watchprogram, Limbé Botanical Gardens, Cameroon EnvironmentalWatch, the forest industry, internationaldonor agencies and countless civil society groupsand individuals both in Cameroon and abroad.

No licence known
2006forest atlasreport
World Resources Institute10 months ago
Overview: Interactive Forestry Atlas of Cameroon, v2.0 (2007)Source

This second version of the Interactive Forestry Atlasof Cameroon is a practical tool for understandingand working within Cameroon’s forest sector. Itdemonstrates the power of a committed partnershipbetween civil society and government.The Atlas, a first of its kind, demonstrates a commitmentto transparency in Cameroon’s forestsector by ensuring that all stakeholders have equalaccess to accurate forest management information.It is the result of Þ ve years of collaboration amongpartners including the Cameroon Government, theWorld Resources Institute’s Global Forest Watchprogram, Limbé Botanical Gardens, Cameroon EnvironmentalWatch, the forest industry, internationaldonor agencies and countless civil society groupsand individuals both in Cameroon and abroad.

No licence known
2006forest atlasreport
World Resources Institute10 months ago
Situation de l'Exploitation Forestière au Cameroun, Mai 2006Source

Depuis 2002, GFW et le Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune du Cameroun (MINFOF) oeuvrent conjointement à l’amélioration des capacités nationales de suivi de l'exploitation forestière par l’utilisation des données et techniques modernes de gestion de l'information. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, une cartographie complète et à jour des différents titres forestiers et aires protégées du Cameroun a été dressée à partir des données existantes sur l'affectation territoriale forestière. Cette carte reprend l'ensemble des informations du domaine forestier permanent (UFA, forêts communales, aires protégées et réserves forestières), ainsi que certains éléments du domaine forestier non permanent, tels que les forêts communautaires, les ventes de coupes et les principales zones d'extraction minière. Les UFA ont été représentées selon leur avancement en terme de plan d'aménagement. Les forêts communautaires reprises sur ce document ont une convention de gestion ou un plan simple de gestion approuvé. Seules les ventes de coupe valides en 2006 sont cartographiées. Ces informations sont rassemblées dans l'Atlas Forestier Interactif du Cameroun. Lancé en février 2004, au terme de deux ans de travaux, et largementdiffusé auprès de l’ensemble des intervenants du secteur et du grand public, cet Atlas constitue un important outil d’aide à la décision en rendant accessible un sommeimportante de données et d’informations sur l'affectation et l'utilisation des terres (entre autre par la cartographie des pistes d'exploitation).

No licence known
2006atlas forestierposter
World Resources Institute7 months ago
Situation de l'Exploitation Forestière au Cameroun, Mai 2006Source

Depuis 2002, GFW et le Ministère des Forêts et de la Faune du Cameroun (MINFOF) oeuvrent conjointement à l’amélioration des capacités nationales de suivi de l'exploitation forestière par l’utilisation des données et techniques modernes de gestion de l'information. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, une cartographie complète et à jour des différents titres forestiers et aires protégées du Cameroun a été dressée à partir des données existantes sur l'affectation territoriale forestière. Cette carte reprend l'ensemble des informations du domaine forestier permanent (UFA, forêts communales, aires protégées et réserves forestières), ainsi que certains éléments du domaine forestier non permanent, tels que les forêts communautaires, les ventes de coupes et les principales zones d'extraction minière. Les UFA ont été représentées selon leur avancement en terme de plan d'aménagement. Les forêts communautaires reprises sur ce document ont une convention de gestion ou un plan simple de gestion approuvé. Seules les ventes de coupe valides en 2006 sont cartographiées. Ces informations sont rassemblées dans l'Atlas Forestier Interactif du Cameroun. Lancé en février 2004, au terme de deux ans de travaux, et largementdiffusé auprès de l’ensemble des intervenants du secteur et du grand public, cet Atlas constitue un important outil d’aide à la décision en rendant accessible un sommeimportante de données et d’informations sur l'affectation et l'utilisation des terres (entre autre par la cartographie des pistes d'exploitation).

No licence known
2006atlas forestierposter
World Resources Institute10 months ago
State Libraries Survey, FY 2006, Part 1: Operations & WorkforceSource

Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a procedure for estimating a value for a specific data item where the response is missing.Download SLAA data files to see imputation flag variables or learn more on the imputation methods at

Other (Public Domain)
Institute of Museum and Library Servicesover 1 year ago
State Libraries Survey, FY 2006, Part 2: SLAA-Provided ServicesSource

Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a procedure for estimating a value for a specific data item where the response is missing.Download SLAA data files to see imputation flag variables or learn more on the imputation methods at

Other (Public Domain)
Institute of Museum and Library Servicesover 1 year ago
State Libraries Survey, FY 2006, Part 3: Revenue & ExpendituresSource

Find key information on state library agencies.These data include imputed values for state libraries that did not submit information in this data collection.Imputation is a procedure for estimating a value for a specific data item where the response is missing.Download SLAA data files to see imputation flag variables or learn more on the imputation methods at

Other (Public Domain)
Institute of Museum and Library Servicesover 1 year ago
WAECY - Shoreline Photo Points (2006)Source

The locations show the approximate location of shoreline oblique photo points along the inner and outer Washington Coast, the Columbia and Snake Rivers, and large freshwater lakes. The points represent the location of the airplane as recorded by an onboard GPS unit at the time the photographs were taken during the summer months of 2006.For more information, contact Christina Kellum, Washington State Department of Ecology GIS Manager,

No licence known
2006Shorelinecoastcoastlineimageoblique photosphotopoints
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
West Virginia Oil and Gas Well Production data

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) makes oil and gas well information and production data available to the general public through this internet service free of charge. The oil and gas related data originate from the information reported to the Office of Oil and Gas at WVDEP by West Virginia oil and gas operators. The WVDEP does not guarantee their accuracy, precision, or completeness. Neither the WVDEP nor its staff members are liable or responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the use of these data or from inaccuracies contained in the data. We encourage you to report any problems, inconsistencies, or errors noted in using this daAllItems.aspxta to the Office of Oil and Gas so that we can correct them and provide better service.

No licence known
198519861987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011DataWVWVDEPgeologyoilproductionwell datawell location
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago