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Snake River Plain FORGE: Site Characterization DataSource

The site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. This collection includes data on seismic events, groundwater, geomechanical models, gravity surveys, magnetics, resistivity, magnetotellurics (MT), rock physics, stress, the geologic setting, and supporting documentation, including several papers. Also included are 3D models (Petrel and Jewelsuite) of the proposed site. Data for wells INEL-1, WO-2, and USGS-142 have been included as links to separate data collections. These data have been assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Other contributors include the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CEAS), the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Boise State University, University of Wyoming, University of Oklahoma, Energy and Geoscience Institute-University of Utah, US Geothermal, Baker Hughes Campbell Scientific Inc., Chena Power, US Geological Survey (USGS), Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Geological Survey, and Mink GeoHydro.

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3D3D modelAnnual reportEGSERSPESRPEasternEastern Snake River PlainFORGEGRRAGeothermal SystemsHeHeiseINEL siteINEL-1INLIdahoJewelSuiteMTMonitoringNRMNeogenePaleozoicPetrelPhase 1PicaboResistivitySRGCSeismicSnake River PlainTDUSGSUSGS-142UndiscoveredWO-2Yellowstoneaddendumanalyticalanomaliesaquiferbasinblogcalderacharacterizationcollectionconceptual modelcoordinatesdatadeformationdistributionelectricalelevationeventsextensionextensional structuresfieldfold hingesgeochemicalgeoelectricgeologicgeologic modelgeomechanicalgeomechanical modelgeothermalgravitygroundwaterheat flowheliumhistoryinformationintrusioninversionisostaticisotopeisotopic evidencelocationlong-periodmagmatismmagneticmagneticsmagnetotelluricsmantle plumemapmodelmodelingoceanic hotspotpaleoseismologypaperpotentialprofilingray tracereceiverrefractionrefraction surveyresidualrhyoliticrock physicssectionseismic modelingsettingsitesite characterizationsite datasnapshotsoundingsrgsrpstressstrian ratessublithosphericsubsidencesupplementaltarget depthtectonic faultsteleseismictemptemperaturethermalthermal watervolcanicvolcanicsvolcanismvoncanicwebsitewell datawell headswellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Understanding Constraints on Geothermal Sustainability Through Reservoir Characterization at Brady Geothermal Field, NevadaSource

The vast supply of geothermal energy stored throughout the Earth and the exceedingly long time required to dissipate that energy makes the world's geothermal energy supply nearly limitless. As such, this resource holds the potential to provide a large supply of the world's energy demands; however, like all natural resources, it must be utilized in an appropriate manner if it is to be sustainable. Understanding sustainable use of geothermal resources requires thorough characterization efforts aimed at better understanding subsurface properties. The goal of this work is to understand which critical subsurface properties exert the most influence on sustainable geothermal production as a means to provide targeted future resource characterization strategies. Borehole temperature and reservoir pressure data were analyzed to estimate reservoir thermal and hydraulic properties at an active geothermal site. These reservoir properties then served as inputs for an analytical model which simulated net power production over a 30-year period. The analytical model was used to conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine which parameters were most critical in constraining the sustainability of a geothermal reservoir. Modeling results reveal that the number of preferential flow pathways (i.e. fractures) used for heat transport provides the greatest impact on geothermal reservoir sustainability. These results suggest that early and pre-production geothermal reservoir exploration would achieve the greatest benefit from characterization strategies which seek to delineate the number of active flow pathways present in the system.

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Brady Hot SpringsDTSNevadaPoroTomoanalysisanalyticalassessmentborehole pressureborehole temperaturecharacterizationdistributed temperature sensingenergyflowflow pathsfracturesgeothermalheathydraulichydrogeologyidentificationmodelnumericalparameterspathwayspower productionpreferentialpressureproductionpropertiesreservoirreservoir characterizationresorcesensitivitysimulationsubsurface propertiessustainabilitysustainable usetemperaturethermaltransport
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago