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AnthWest, occurrence records for wool carder bees of the genus Anthidium (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae, Anthidiini) in the Western Hemisphere

AnthWest is a large dataset, one of the outcomes of a comprehensive, broadly comparative study on the diversity, biology, biogeography, and evolution of Anthidium Fabricius in the Western Hemisphere. In this dataset a total of 22,648 adult occurrence records comprising 9,657 unique events are documented for 92 species of Anthidium, including the invasive range of two introduced species from Eurasia, A. oblongatum (Illiger) and A. manicatum (Linnaeus). The geospatial coverage of the dataset extends from northern Canada and Alaska to southern Argentina, and from below sea level in Death Valley, California, USA, to 4,700 m a.s.l. in Tucumán, Argentina. The majority of the records in the dataset correspond to information recorded from individual specimens examined by the authors during this project, and deposited into 60 biodiversity collections located in Africa, Europe, North and South America. A fraction (4.8%) of the occurrence records were taken from the literature, largely California records from a taxonomic treatment with some additional records for the two introduced species. The temporal scale of the dataset represents collection events recorded between 1886 and 2012. The data underpinning the analysis reported in this paper are deposited at GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility,

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AnthidiiniAnthidiumAnthophilaApoideaInvasive speciesbeesbiodiversityfloral hostspollinatorswool carder beeswool-carder bees
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Evaluating plant biodiversity measurements and exotic species detection in National Resources Inventory Sampling protocols using examples from the Northern Great Plains of the USA

Plant biodiversity data and associated soils, ecological site, and livestock management data that were collected at the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory in 2011 and 2013. Data were collected using the modified Whittaker technique. The unique design of the Whitaker method reduces autocorrelation among subplots, which is common in standard transect methods (Goslee, 2006). Grassland scientists worldwide use this standard technique to quantify and monitor plant diversity on, for example, Serengeti grasslands (Anderson et al., 2006), South African serpentine grasslands (Reddy et al., 2009), and rangelands in Turkey (Firinciglu et al., 2007) among many other environments. In addition, Sanderson at the NGPRL and Goslee at ARS University Park have developed a large database on plant species diversity of grazing lands in the U.S. (nearly 300 sites sampled using the Whitaker plot method). The use of the standardized Whitaker plot method allows us to combine data from the northern Great Plains with other databases worldwide for larger-scale meta-analyses. The multiscale technique also enables comparison of vegetation dynamics at multiple scales. Resources in this dataset: Resource Title: NGPRL modified Whittaker data File Name: NGPRL_ModWhit.csv Resource Title: Ancillary data for NGPRL modified Whittaker plots File Name: NGPRL_ModWhit_Ancillary data.csv Resource Title: Data dictionary for NGPRL modified Whittaker data File Name: Modified Whittaker dataset dictionary.csv Methods for NGPRL modified Whittaker data File Name: modWhit methods and metadata.docx

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NP215biodiversityspecies richness
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Evaluating plant biodiversity measurements and exotic species detection in National Resources Inventory Sampling protocols using examples from the Northern Great Plains of the USA

Plant biodiversity data and associated soils, ecological site, and livestock management data that were collected at the USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory in 2011 and 2013. Data were collected using the modified Whittaker technique. The unique design of the Whitaker method reduces autocorrelation among subplots, which is common in standard transect methods (Goslee, 2006). Grassland scientists worldwide use this standard technique to quantify and monitor plant diversity on, for example, Serengeti grasslands (Anderson et al., 2006), South African serpentine grasslands (Reddy et al., 2009), and rangelands in Turkey (Firinciglu et al., 2007) among many other environments. In addition, Sanderson at the NGPRL and Goslee at ARS University Park have developed a large database on plant species diversity of grazing lands in the U.S. (nearly 300 sites sampled using the Whitaker plot method). The use of the standardized Whitaker plot method allows us to combine data from the northern Great Plains with other databases worldwide for larger-scale meta-analyses. The multiscale technique also enables comparison of vegetation dynamics at multiple scales. Resources in this dataset: Resource Title: NGPRL modified Whittaker data File Name: NGPRL_ModWhit.csv Resource Title: Ancillary data for NGPRL modified Whittaker plots File Name: NGPRL_ModWhit_Ancillary data.csv Resource Title: Data dictionary for NGPRL modified Whittaker data File Name: Modified Whittaker dataset dictionary.csv Methods for NGPRL modified Whittaker data File Name: modWhit methods and metadata.docx This record was taken from the USDA Enterprise Data Inventory that feeds into the catalog. Data for this record includes the following resources: • • • • For complete information, please visit

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NP215biodiversityspecies richness
No formats found
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Deposition, critical loads, and exceedances for 1800-2025Source

This data includes gridded estimates of: (1) decadally averaged total N and S deposition for the conterminous US from 1800-2025, (2) critical loads from the National Critical Loads Database, and (3) exceedances of critical loads from atmospheric deposition of N and/or S. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Clark, C., J. Phelan, P. Doraiswamy, J. Buckley, J. Cajka, R. Dennis , J. Lynch, C. Nolte, and T. Spero. Atmospheric Deposition and Exceedances of Critical Loads from 1800-2025 for the Coterminous United States. BULLETIN OF THE ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Ecological Society of America, Ithaca, NY, USA, 978-1002, (2018).

No licence known
acid rainaquatic ecosystemsbiodiversitycritical loadsnaaqsnitrogennitrogen depositionsulfursulfur depositionterrestrial ecosystems
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
European Environment Agency Data centre: Water and Marine Environment

The Water Data Centre provides the European entry point for water related data as part of the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). Data covers the following broad (non-exhaustive) themes: Water quality and contamination including surface and groundwater resource contamination with Nitrate, Phosphorous etc. Waterbase Water Quality database. Water treatment and investment water biodiversity marine environmental condition Runoff trends (including minimum flow return period analysis) Drought frequency and extent flood risk and extent including climate change impact Freshwater abstraction by source Water use by sector Economic value added and water extraction Water scarcity exposure water intensity water accounting by river basin Water and food-borne diseases water and crop production and irrigation, including land area water abstraction in candidate countries Water Statistics (Eurostat) Europe water asset accounts

Other (Open)
agriculturebiodiversitydiseaseinvestmentwater abstractionwater qualitywater scarcitywater supply
European Environment Agencyover 1 year ago
Flow intermittence and ecosystem services in rivers of the Anthropocene_Figure 4_Journal of Applied EcologySource

Counts of ecosystem service status (provided, altered, and lost/absent) during three hydrological phases (flowing, pool, dry) typically seen in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. The ecosystem services follow the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) version 4.3 across three broad categories of services (provisioning, regulating and cultural). Table 1 details these ecosystem services and how these may be altered when transitioned from flowing to pool or dry phases. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Datry, T., A. Boulton, N. Bonada, K. Fritz, C. Leigh, E. Sauquet, K. Tockner, B. Hugueny, and C. Dahm. Flow intermittence and ecosystem services in rivers of the Anthropocene. Journal of Applied Ecology. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA, USA, 55(1): 353-364, (2018).

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anthropocenebiodiversityclimate changeconservationecosystem servicesephemeral streamsflow managementintermittent riversmanagementrivers
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Great Lakes fauna inventory as of 20 May 2019Source

Dataset is an Excel file with 6 tabs as follows: 1) Changelog: Documentation of additions and changes to file since its creation 2) Citations: Listing of citations with full references used in other 4 tabs 3-6) Fish, Herps, Zoops, Benthos: For each of these 4 groups, a listing where rows are unique taxa and columns are the attributes recorded for them as described in the journal manuscript. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Trebitz, A., M. Sykes, and J. Barge. A reference inventory for aquatic fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes. JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 45(6): 1036-1046, (2019).

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biodiversitygreat lakesspecies occurrencetaxonomic literature
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
LMR diatom metabarcoding 2016Source

DNA barcoding gene sequences and files associated with their analysis

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United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Norfok Data set

database contains chemical, biological data (plants, zooplankton, invertebrates, fishes) and surface sediment fossil data (diatoms, chironomids, zooplankton) for 39 shallow lakes (29 Norfolk, UK and 10 in Denmark) More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF53 (

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aquatic ecologybiodiversity
Freshwater Information Platformabout 1 year ago
Ocean Health - ArcGIS Living Atlas - Indicators of the Planet

The Ocean Health Index (OHI) is a comprehensive framework for evaluating the health of the world’s oceans. Using the best available data, methods, and analytical tools, OHI assessments synthesize data into concrete scores organized around 10 goals for the sustainable use of healthy oceans: Food Provision, Artisanal Fishing, Natural products, Carbon Storage, Coastal Protection, Tourism & Recreation, Livelihoods & Economies, Sense of Place, Clean Waters, and Biodiversity. Updating each year, the latest OHI information is available from NCEAS in Esri’s Living Atlas.

License not specified
biodiversitycarbon storageclean watercoastalfisheriesfishingoceanswater resources
data viewer
ESRIover 1 year ago
PROPS model output for individual speciesSource

There are two datasets. First, a dataset for the PROPS models (i.e. “US-PROPS_v2_models_May30_2019.xlsx,” which describe the parameters for the PROPS models for the 1503 species that were included in the study. Metadata for this data is provided in the excel spreadsheet. Second, is a spreadsheet of the “critical load functions” (CLF) that are derived from the PROPS models (i.e. “PROPS-CLF_results_May30_2019.xlsx”). Metadata for this dataset are also provided in the spreadhseet.

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biodiversityclimate changecritical loadsnaaqsnative plantsnitrogen depositionsulfur deposition
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) targets

The Saudi Green Initiative aims to improve quality of life and protect future generations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With the launch of the Saudi Green Initiative, the Kingdom has reaffirmed its belief in a sustainable future for all. The first wave of more than 60 initiatives announced under SGI—and unveiled at the October 2021 Saudi Green Initiative Forum—represent over SAR 700 billion investment to contribute to the growth of the green economy.Saudi Arabia is playing a key role in global efforts:Global Ocean AllianceProtect at least 30% of the global ocean in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) by 2030.UN Sports for Climate Action InitiativeContribute to UNFCCC climate action by supporting and guiding sports actors in achieving global climate change goals and displaying climate leadership.Global Methane PledgeCut global methane emissions by 30% by 2030 through the six-sector solution proposed by UNEP.SGI brings together environmental protection, energy transformation and sustainability programs to work towards three overarching targets to achieve a common goal of a green future: Reducing emissions, Greening Saudi, and Protecting land and sea.Since the launch of Vision 2030 in 2016, the Kingdom has taken significant steps to scale up its climate action and environmental protection. Under the patronage of HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Saudi Green Initiative now takes efforts to the next level by unifying all sustainability efforts in the Kingdom to increase reliance on clean energy, offset the impact of fossil fuels and combat climate change. In a whole-of-society approach, SGI works with entities and organizations across the Kingdom to amplify their existing climate actions and create opportunities for new initiatives. SGI also bridges the gap between public and private sustainability efforts, identifying opportunities for collaboration and innovation. SGI oversees all of Saudi Arabia’s work to combat climate change, working collaboratively with government ministries, private sector entities, and foreign governments to bring together environmental efforts and rapidly scale climate action.This dataset lists all initiatives under Saudi Green Initiative (SGI) three main targets. Additionally, it includes other Initiatives with significant indirect contribution to the Saudi Green Initiative targets advancing the Kingdom’s green transformation.  

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Sustainabilitybiodiversitydesertificationemissions reductionforestation
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Shieldbug RecordsSource

Collation of shieldbug records submitted the National Biodiversity Data Centre. Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland and its offshore waters Temporal Coverage: 2016 Species Groups recorded: insect - true bug (Hemiptera) Dataset Status: Dataset is incomplete as it forms part of an ongoing survey

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biodiversitybiodiversity data centrebiotaecological parameterecosystemecosystem analysisecosystem researchenvironmentenvironmental conservationenvironmental researchgeoscientificinformationhabitatirelandnational biodiversity data centrenature protectionnbdcorganismprotected areapublishtoisdespeciesspecies distributionsynecologywildlifewildlife conservationwildlife habitatwildlife protectionwildlife sanctuary
HTMLCSV 1 year ago
Simkin et al. 2016 PNAS data on herbaceous species richness and associated plot and covariate informationSource

This dataset includes the geographic location (lat/lon) for 15,136 plots, as well as the herbaceous species richness, climate, soil pH, and other variables related to the plots. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Simkin, S., C. Clark , W. Bowman, E. Allen, J. Belnap, and L. Pardo. Conditional vulnerability of plant diversity to atmospheric nitrogen deposition across the United States. PNAS (PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES). National Academy of Sciences, WASHINGTON, DC, USA, 113(15): 4086-4091, (2016).

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biodiversityclimatecritical loadsnitrogen depositionplant species richnesssoil ph
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Stream water concentrations of herbicides and nutrients for sites in the northern Missouri and southern Iowa region, 1994 to 1999

The data set contains stream water concentrations of herbicides and nutrients for 153 sites in the northern Missouri/southern Iowa region from 1994 to 1995. The data are available in Microsoft Excel 2010 format. Sheet 1 (Metadata) of the file contains supporting information regarding the length of record, site locations, parameters measured, concentrations units, method detection limits, describes the meaning of zero and blank cells, defines the major land resource areas (MLRAs) of the region, and provides a link to the U. S. Geological Survey discharge data. Sheet 2 (Site names and locations) has a list of the site names by MLRA, river system, and site name. It also contains site locations, provided as Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates, drainage areas, and indicates which sites were co-located at U. S. Geological Survey gauge sites. Sheet 3 (Concentration Data) contains data for 15 herbicide and nutrient analytes along with the corresponding site name, river system, and MLRA. Atrazine concentrations in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW) were shown to be among the very highest of any watershed in the United States based on comparisons using the national Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) model and by direct comparison with the 112 watersheds used in the development of WARP. The herbicide data collected in GCEW are documented at plot, field, and watershed scales. This 20-yr-long (1991-2010) effort was augmented with a spatially broad effort within the Central Mississippi River Basin encompassing 12 related claypan watersheds in the Salt River Basin, two cave streams on the fringe of the Central Claypan Areas in the Bonne Femme watershed, and 95 streams in northern Missouri and southern Iowa. The research effort on herbicide transport has highlighted the importance of restrictive soil layers with smectitic mineralogy to the risk of transport vulnerability. Near-surface soil features, such as claypans and argillic horizons, result in greater herbicide transport than soils with high saturated hydraulic conductivities and low smectitic clay content.

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EnvironmentSoilsbiodiversitycontaminantscropsdrainage basinsfarminghydrologyland usenitrogenpercolationphosphorusplant yieldswater nutrientswater qualitywatersheds
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Swifts of IrelandSource

Spatial distribution of Common Swifts in Ireland Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland Species Groups recorded: bird Dataset Status: Ongoing

No licence known
biodiversitybiodiversity data centrebiotaecological parameterecosystemecosystem analysisecosystem researchenvironmentenvironmental conservationenvironmental researchgeoscientificinformationhabitatirelandnational biodiversity data centrenature protectionnbdcorganismprotected areapublishtoisdespeciesspecies distributionsynecologywildlifewildlife conservationwildlife habitatwildlife protectionwildlife sanctuary
HTMLCSV 1 year ago
VT Biodiversity Project - Biological HotspotsSource

(Link to Metadata) This dataset is the result of an effort to map biological "hotspots" in Vermont based on the "element occurrences" in the Nongame and Natural Heritage Program database. The NNHP database, compiled and maintained by the VT Department of Fish and Wildlife, records over 4000 locations of rare, threatened, and endangered plants, animals, and exemplary natural communities throughout the state. 2332 of the highest quality and rarest of these point locations were mapped, and polygons were drawn economically around concentrations of mapped points. An attempt was made to include point locations characteristic of a given landscape or region (an escarpment and talus slopes, for example, or a region of hills and rich fens) within individual polygons. 544 of the 2332 occurrences were not included within drawn polygons-- these more dispersed occurrences are candidates for finer-scaled conservation measures.

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VBPbiodiversitybiological diversitybiological hotspotbiological hotspotsbiotadatasetEcologicHabitat_HOTSPOTSecologicelement occurrence recordisothemeEcologicnodeVCGIsubthemeHabitatsubthemeOthervcgi open datavermont biodiversity project
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Biodiversity Project - Plant and Animal Species AtlasSource

(Link to Metadata) This database contains town-level totals of documented species records for several plant and animal taxa including vascular plants, trees, bryophytes, ferns, fish, mammals, and reptiles & amphibians. Also contained are number of Black Bear kills by town for the years 1980-1996, and number of non-hunter Moose deaths by town for the years 1980-1997. A breeding bird atlas collected at finer resolution than town-level is included but was not summarized by town. Data were originally acquired from Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources (ANR), U.S. Forest Service, museum and herbarium collections, and other published or unpublished atlases.

No licence known
VBPanimalsbear killsbiodiversitybiologybiotadatasetEcologicFauna_ATLASecologicfaunafloraisothemeEcologicmoose mortalitynodeVCGIplant and animal speciesplant and animal species atlasplantsspeciessubthemeFaunasubthemeFlorataxavcgi open datavermont biodiversity project
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Biodiversity Project - Representative Landscapes boundary linesSource

(Link to Metadata) This coverage represents the results of an analysis of landscape diversity in Vermont. Polygons in the dataset represent as much as possible (in a limited area) of the physical diversity in each of the state's 8 biophysical regions (BPRs)-- hence the name "representative landscapes" (RLs). Units of physical diversity were based on elevation, bedrock type, surficial deposits, and landform. Numbers of unique landscape diversity unit labels occurring in the 8 BPRs ranged from 586 to 956. Percent of diversity units represented in the RL polygons in this dataset ranged from a low of 74% (in 25% of the Champlain Valley BPR) to 87% (in 23% of the Northern Piedmont BPR). The most efficient repesentations were in the Northeastern Highlands and the Champlain Valley, where 83% and 81% (respectively) of the landscape diversity units occurring in the BPRs were represented in 17% of the BPR area.

No licence known
VBPbiodiversitydatasetGeologicOther_REPLANDSgeologicgeologyisothemeEcologicisothemeGeologicnodeVCGIrepresentative landscapessubthemeOthervcgi open datavermont biodiversity project
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Biodiversity Project - Representative Landscapes in Vermont polygonsSource

(Link to Metadata) This coverage represents the results of an analysis of landscape diversity in Vermont. Polygons in the dataset represent as much as possible (in a limited area) of the physical diversity in each of the state's 8 biophysical regions (BPRs)-- hence the name "representative landscapes" (RLs). Units of physical diversity were based on elevation, bedrock type, surficial deposits, and landform. Numbers of unique landscape diversity unit labels occurring in the 8 BPRs ranged from 586 to 956. Percent of diversity units represented in the RL polygons in this dataset ranged from a low of 74% (in 25% of the Champlain Valley BPR) to 87% (in 23% of the Northern Piedmont BPR). The most efficient repesentations were in the Northeastern Highlands and the Champlain Valley, where 83% and 81% (respectively) of the landscape diversity units occurring in the BPRs were represented in 17% of the BPR area.

No licence known
BiodiversityLandscape diversityVBPbiodiversityconservation planningdatasetGeologicOther_REPLANDSgeologicgeologygeoscientificInformationisothemeEcologicisothemeGeologicnodeVCGIrepresentative landscapessubthemeOthervcgi open datavermont biodiversity project
State of Vermont12 months ago
Vascular plants: Online Atlas of Vascular Plants 2012 OnwardsSource

Data on the geographic distribution of Irish plants Geographic Coverage: Island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: Data submitted online from 2012 to present Species Groups recorded: quillwort, stonewort, bird, conifer, flowering plant, moss, horsetail, clubmoss, fern Dataset Status: This dataset is continually updated with new records Additional Information:

No licence known
biodiversitybiodiversity data centrebiotaecological parameterecosystemecosystem analysisecosystem researchenvironmentenvironmental conservationenvironmental researchgeoscientificinformationhabitatirelandnational biodiversity data centrenature protectionnbdcorganismprotected areapublishtoisdespeciesspecies distributionsynecologywildlifewildlife conservationwildlife habitatwildlife protectionwildlife sanctuary
CSVHTML 1 year ago
WBA 2021 Food and Agriculture Benchmark DatasetSource

In 2021, WBA launched the first Food and Agriculture Benchmark, assessing and ranking 350 of the world’s most influential food and agriculture companies.These companies were assessed using the 2021 Methodology for the Food and Agriculture Benchmark, which includes 45 indicators distributed across four measurement areas of governance and strategy, environment, nutrition and social inclusion.2022, WBA published the first iteration of the Nature Benchmark, assessing close to 400 of the world’s most influential companies on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity.

License not specified
World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)over 1 year ago
WBA 2022 Nature Benchmark DatasetSource

In 2022, WBA published the first iteration of the Nature Benchmark, assessing close to 400 of the world’s most influential companies on their efforts to protect our environment and its biodiversity.

License not specified
World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)over 1 year ago
WBA 2022 Transport Benchmark DatasetSource

The 2022 Climate and Energy Benchmark on the Transport Sector measures the world’s 90 most influential companies in the transport sector on their alignment with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5° Celsius and their contributions to a just transition. The Transport Benchmark is the first comprehensive assessment of companies across air, rail and road, as well as sea freight (shipping) using the ACT Assessment along with just transition and social scoring.

License not specified
World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA)over 1 year ago