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Energy Use: TotalSource

The UK's direct use of energy from fossil fuels and other sources (nuclear, net imports, renewables, biofuels and waste and reallocated use of energy by industry (SIC 2007 section - 21 categories), 1990 to 2020.

UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Office for National Statistics (ONS)over 1 year ago
International Energy StatisticsSource

Country specific data by year, month and quarter. Most data are available back to 1980. Fuel production, consumption, imports, exports, capacity, stocks, emissions, heat contents, and conversion factors; as well as population, as available for all fuels and countries.

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CO2 emissionsDOEDepartment of EnergyOECD oil productionOECD oil supplyOPEC oil productionOPEC oil supplybiofuelscarbon emissionscoalcoal reserveselectricityenergy consumptionenergy productionexportsfuel stocksgenerationheat contentimportsinternational energy statistics by countrynatural gasnatural gas reservesoiloil reservespetroleumrenewable fuelreserves
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Irrigation Residue Removal Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network and Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices in Lincoln, Nebraska

Irrigation Residue Removal Study for Greenhouse gas Reduction through Agricultural Carbon Enhancement network and Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices in Lincoln, Nebraska USDA-ARS REAP Study (Ithaca, NE) - NEMEIRR Sustainable intensification of high-yielding production systems may help meet increasing demands for food, fuel, and fiber worldwide. Specifically, corn stover is being removed by producers for livestock purposes, and stover is also targeted as a primary 2nd generation biofuel feedstock. The NEMEIRR experimental objectives are to quantify how stover removal (no removal, moderate removal, high removal) and tillage management (no-till, disk) affect crop yields, soil organic carbon, soil greenhouse gas emissions, and other soil responses (microbial community structure, function; soil health). This experiment is conducted in a fully irrigated continuous corn system in the western Corn Belt, and soil and plant measurements have been taken since study establishment in 2001. By: V.L. Jin (1 Sep 2016). (41 9 43.3 N. 96 14 41.4 W; 349 m asl). Thc soil is Tomck silt loam (a fine, smectitic. mesic Pachic Argiudoll) and Filbert silt loam (a fine, smectitie. mesie Verne Argialboll). Long-term (1981-2010) mean annual precipitation is 74 cm and tempera¬ture is 9.8°C The study has been in continuous corn since 2000. Thc experimental design is a randomized complete block with factorial treatments arranged in split plots. The whole-plot factor is tillage treatment (NT or CT) and the subplot factor is none (0%). medium (•35%). and high (40%) stover removal calcu¬lated on a mass basis. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 202 kg N ha-I yr I in 2001. 2002. 2004. 2007. 2008. 2009, and 2010.190 kg N hi t yr-I in 2003. and 168 kg N ha 1 yr- I in 2005 and 2006. Treatments (tillage) and subplot treatments (residue re¬moval levels) were randomly assigned in a factorial arrangement to whole-plot experimental units (9 by 45.6 m) and subplots within the whole plots (9 by 15.2 m) in six blocks. The previous crop for the entire area in 2000 was corn under rainfcd conditions. Before 2000. the study site was historically cropped with corn, soybean [Glycinc max (L.) Merr.). oat (Arena JoIliM L.), and alfalfa (Maid-ago saliva L). In the spring of 2001, residue was removed from the medium and high stover removal treatments using a flail chopper. The entire study was then disked to remove ridges formed during the previous crop year. In each successive year of the study, only the disk treatment area was tilled to a depth of 15 to 20 cm. usually in the spring before plant¬ing. Irrigation was conducted with a solid set sprinkler system in 2001, then supplemental water applications from 2002 to 2010 were made using a linear-move irrigation system. Irrigation treat¬ments were applied when deemed necessary, with annual rates averaging 12.5 ± 7.0 cm from 2001-2010 (Table I). Glyphosatc-tolerant corn hybrids adapted to eastern Nebraska have been used throughout the study. Corn was plant¬ed with a six-row planter in 76-cm rows at a rate *174.000 viable seeds ha 1, typically during the first week of May. Weed control was accomplished using glyphosate EN-(phosphonomethyl)gly¬eine] and atrazine (6.chloro-N-ethyl-AP-(1-methylethyl)-1.3.5- triazine-2.4-diamine) applications along with in-season cultiva.

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Petroleum & Other Liquids Data and StatisticsSource

Weekly, monthly, and annual data on crude oil, gasoline, diesel, propane, jet fuel, ethanol, and other liquid fuels. Domestic and international data on petroleum prices, crude reserves and production, refining and processing, imports/exports, stocks, and consumption/sales.

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aviation gasolinebiofuelscrude oildieselgasolineheating oiljet fuelkerosenenatural gas liquidsother liquidspropanerefineryresidual fuel oil
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Data Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Data on crude oil reserves and production; refining and processing; imports, exports, movements; stocks; prices; and consumption/sales are available in machine-readable format. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

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Aviation GasolineKeroseneResidual Fuel Oiland other liquidsbiofuelscrude oildieselgasolineheating oiljet fuelnatural gas liquidspropanerefinery
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Renewable and Alternative Fuels Data and StatisticsSource

Monthly and annual data on renewable energy, i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind. Also data on alternative transportation fuels, i.e., hydrogen, natural gas, propane, ethanol, and electricity. Data on renewable energy production, consumption, electricity generation, and consumption by end-use sector.

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alternative transportation fuelsand alternative fueled vehiclesbiodieselbiofuelselectricity generation from renewable sourcesfuel ethanolgeothermallandfill gasmunicipal solid wastephotovoltaicsrenewable energy consumption by end-use sectorrenewable energy production and consumptionsolar thermal collector shipmentswindwoodwood waste
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Short-Term Energy Outlook Application Programming Interface (API)Source

The API provides data back to 1990 and projections annually, monthly, and quarterly for 18 months. Summarizes the outlook for demand, supply and prices for petroleum, natural gas, electricity and coal as well as projections of carbon dioxide emissions from the production of fossil fuels, and a discussion of price forecast uncertainty. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

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OPEC surplus production capacitybiofuelscarbon dioxide emissionsconsumptioncooling degree dayseconomiesexportforecastfuel consumptionfuel costgenerationheating degree daysimportinventorymacroeconomic price indicesmarket indicatorspriceproductionprojectionrefiningresidential customersresidential usageweather
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Thirteen-year Stover Harvest and Tillage Effects on Corn Agroecosystem Sustainability in Iowa

This dataset includes soil health, crop biomass, and crop yield data for a 13-year corn stover harvest trial in central Iowa. Following the release in 2005 of the Billion Ton Study assessment of biofuel sources, several soil health assessments associated with harvesting corn stover were initiated across ARS locations to help provide industry guidelines for sustainable stover harvest. This dataset is from a trial conducted by the National Laboratory for Agriculture and Environment from 2007-2021 at the Iowa State University Ag Engineering and Agronomy farm. Management factors evaluated in the trial included the following. Stover harvest rate at three levels: No, moderate (3.5 ± 1.1 Mg ha-1 yr-1), or high (5.0 ± 1.7 Mg ha-1 yr-1) stover harvest rates. No-till versus chisel-plow tillage. Originally, the 3 stover harvest rates were evaluated in a complete factorial design with tillage system. However, the no-till, no-harvest system performed poorly in continuous corn and was discontinued in 2012 due to lack of producer interest. Cropping sequence. In addition to evaluating continuous corn for all stover harvest rates and tillage systems, a corn-alfalfa rotation, and a corn-soybean-wheat rotation with winter cover crops were evaluated in a subset of the tillage and stover harvest rate treatments. One-time additions of biochar in 2013 at rates of either 9 Mg/ha or 30 Mg/ha were evaluated in a continuous corn cropping system. The dataset includes: 1) Crop biomass and yields for all crop phases in every year. 2) Soil organic carbon, total carbon, total nitrogen, and pH to 120 cm depth in 2012, 2016, and 2017. Soil cores from 2005 (pre-study) were also sampled to 90 cm depth. 3) Soil chemistry sampled to 15 cm depth every 1-2 years from 2007 to 2017. 4) Soil strength and compaction was assessed to 60 cm depth in April 2021. These data have been presented in several manuscripts, including Phillips et al. (in review), O'Brien et al. (2020), and Obrycki et al. (2018).

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NP212biocharbiofuelscover cropsno-tillagesoil carbon changesoil health
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
U.S. Bioenergy Statistics

The U.S. Bioenergy Statistics are a source of information on biofuels intended to present a picture of the renewable energy industry and its relationship to agriculture. Where appropriate, data are presented in both a calendar year and the relevant marketing year timeframe to increase utility to feedstock-oriented users. The statistics highlight the factors that influence the demand for agricultural feedstocks for biofuels production; for instance, numerous tables emphasize the relationship between energy and commodity markets.

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
USDA Agricultural Research Service - Patented Bioenergy and Environment Technologies

Recent USDA/ARS patented technologies on bioenergy and the environment that are available for licensing are described, including summary, contact, benefits, and applications. Updated June 2018.

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago