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AASG Wells Data for the EGS Test Site Planning and Analysis TaskSource

AASG Wells Data for the EGS Test Site Planning and Analysis Task Temperature measurement data obtained from boreholes for the Association of American State Geologists (AASG) geothermal data project. Typically bottomhole temperatures are recorded from log headers, and this information is provided through a borehole temperature observation service for each state. Service includes header records, well logs, temperature measurements, and other information for each borehole. Information presented in Geothermal Prospector was derived from data aggregated from the borehole temperature observations for all states. For each observation, the given well location was recorded and the best available well identifier (name), temperature and depth were chosen. The "Well Name Source," "Temp. Type" and "Depth Type" attributes indicate the field used from the original service. This data was then cleaned and converted to consistent units. The accuracy of the observation's location, name, temperature or depth was note assessed beyond that originally provided by the service. - AASG bottom hole temperature datasets were downloaded from between the dates of May 16th and May 24th, 2013. - Datasets were cleaned to remove null and non-real entries, and data converted into consistent units across all datasets - Methodology for selecting best temperature and depth attributes from column headers in AASG BHT Data sets: Temperature: CorrectedTemperature - best MeasuredTemperature - next best Depth: DepthOfMeasurement - best TrueVerticalDepth - next best DrillerTotalDepth - last option Well Name/Identifier: APINo - best WellName - next best ObservationURI - last option The column headers are as follows: gid = internal unique ID src_state = the state from which the well was downloaded (note: the low temperature wells in Idaho are coded as "ID_LowTemp", while all other wells are simply the two character state abbreviation) source_url = the url for the source WFS service or Excel file temp_c = "best" temperature in Celsius temp_type = indicates whether temp_c comes from the corrected or measured temperature header column in the source document depth_m = "best" depth in meters depth_type = indicates whether depth_m comes from the measured, true vertical, or driller total depth header column in the source document well_name = "best" well name or ID name_src = indicates whether well_name came from apino, wellname, or observationuri header column in the source document lat_wgs84 = latitude in wgs84 lon_wgs84 = longitude in wgs84 state = state in which the point is located county = county in which the point is located

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DataEGSEGS test siteboreholeborehole temperaturebottomholegeospatial datageothermalshptemperaturewell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady Geothermal Field Borehole Pressure DataSource

This submission supersedes pressure data from March 2017 which can be found as a link in the submission resources. This submission contains 3 .csv files with time series pressure data in 3 observation wells at Brady Geothermal Field as part of the PoroTomo project. These pressure files correct a time stamp issue that was in older data which did not correct for daylight savings time which occurred 13 Mar 2016 at 0900 UTC. The data here provides borehole pressures at different temperatures and times. The timeframe each resource was taken in varies between each resource and can be found in the resource descriptions.

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BradyBrady Geothermal FieldBrady Hot SpringsNevadaPoroTomoPoroelastic Tomographyboreholeegsenergyenhanced geothermal systemgeothermalhydrogeologyhydrologyobservation wellpressure datawellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady Geothermal Field Well Pumping Data During DeploymentSource

Contains pumping data associated with the wells used in the 2016 Spring Campaign led partially by UW - Madison, LBNL, and LLNL scientists. The well coordinates and the depths to the pressure sensors used in the pumping wells can be found at the link "Coordinates and Sensor Depths" below.

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Bradys geothermal fieldEGSboreholedownholeflow rategeothermalhot springsporotomopressurepump datawell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady Hot Springs Seismic Modeling Data for Push-Pull ProjectSource

This submission includes synthetic seismic modeling data for the Push-Pull project at Brady Hot Springs, NV. The synthetic seismic is all generated by finite-difference method regarding different fracture and rock properties.

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Brady Hot SpringsCO2NVNevadaVSPactive sourceboreholedataenergyfinite differencefracturefracturedgeologicgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalmediamodelingnon-fracturednumericalnumerical modelingpropertiespropertypush-pullrocksaturationseismicsyntheticvelocityvertical seismic profiling
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady's Geothermal Field - Analysis of Pressure DataSource

*This submission provides corrections to GDR Submissions 844 and 845* Poroelastic Tomography (PoroTomo) by Adjoint Inverse Modeling of Data from Hydrology. The 3 *csv files containing pressure data are the corrected versions of the pressure dataset found in Submission 844. The dataset has been corrected in the sense that the atmospheric pressure has been subtracted from the total pressure measured in the well. Also, the transducers used at wells 56A-1 and SP-2 are sensitive to surface temperature fluctuations. These temperature effects have been removed from the corrected datasets. The 4th *csv file contains corrected version of the pumping data found in Submission 845. The data has been corrected in the sense that the data from several wells that were used during the PoroTomo deployment pumping tests that were not included in the original dataset has been added. In addition, several other minor changes have been made to the pumping records due to flow rate instrument calibration issues that were discovered.

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Brady Hot SpringsPoroTomoPoroelastic Tomographyboreholebradybradys geothermal fielddeployment datadownholeegsenergyengineered geothermal systemsenhanced geothermal systemsflow rategeothermalhydrogeologyhydrologyinjection flow rate dataobservation wellobservation wellspressurepressure datapressure sensorproduction flow rate datapumping testwater pressurewell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady's Geothermal Field - Map of DAS, Nodal, Vibroseis and Reftek Station DeploymentSource

Map of DAS, nodal, vibroseis and Reftek stations during March 2016 deployment. The plot on the left has nodal stations labeled; the plot on the right has vibroseis observations labeled. Stations are shown in map-view using Brady's rotated X-Y coordinates with side plots denoting elevation with respect to the WGS84 ellipsoid. Blue circles denote vibroseis data, x symbols denote DAS (cyan for horizontal and magenta for vertical), black asterisks denote Reftek data, and red plus signs denote nodal data. This map can be found on UW-Madison's askja server at /PoroTomo/DATA/MAPS/Deployment_Stations.pdf

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Brady Geothermal FieldDASDistributed Acoustic SensingEGSReftekactive sourcearrayboreholebradybradys hot springsdeploymentdetectiondownholegeophysicsgeothermalmapmonitoringnodalobservation locationspassive sourceporotomoseismicseismic stationsseismometerstationssurfacevibroseis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady's Geothermal Field - Metadata for DTS and DAS SurveysSource

Metadata for DTS and DAS datasets for both borehole 56-1 and trenched cables.

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56-1BHDASDTSNevadaSeismicTemperatureboreholedistributed acoustic sensingdistributed temperature sensinggeophysicsgeothermalmetadataporotomotrenched
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady's Geothermal Field DAS and DTS Surface and Borehole Array MetadataSource

This metadata submission includes the coordinates of the DAS and DTS surface and borehole arrays, the list of file names, and the list of recorded files during testing at the PoroTomo Natural Laboratory at Brady Hot Spring in Nevada. Testing was completed during March 2016.

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Borehole arrayDASDAS dataDTSData collection gapsFile listUTM coordinatesboreholeborehole sensorscoordinatesdistributed acoustic sensingdistributed temperature sensingfiber opticfile listinggeophysicsgeothermalhorizontal arraymetadatameterspassive monitoringseismic arrayseismic monitoringsurface sensorstemperature arrays
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Citronelle 2013 DAS VSP

The data in this archive are the distributed acoustic sensor (DAS) and well log data used in Daley, et al, 2016. Both raw and processed data are included

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CO2DASFiber OpticVSPboreholeseismic
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
DTS Raw Data Guelph, Ontario CanadaSource

Unprocessed active distributed temperature sensing (DTS) data from 3 boreholes in the Guelph, ON Canada region. Data from borehole 1 was collected during a fluid injection while data from boreholes 2 and 3 were collected under natural gradient conditions in a lined borehole. The column labels/headers (in the first row) define the time since start of measurement in seconds and the row labels/headers (in the first column) are the object IDs that are defined in the metadata. Each object ID is a sampling location whose exact location is defined in the metadata file. Data in each cell are temperature in Celsius at time and sampling location as defined above.

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DTSboreholeborehole datacanadadistributed temperature sensingdistributed temperature surveydownholedrill-holegeothermalguelphlogontarioraw datatemperaturetemperature datawellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: Core LogsSource

Core logs from the EGS Collab project Experiment 1 for the stimulation (Injection) well (E1-I), the Production well (E1-P), and monitoring wells (E1-OT, E1-OB, E1-PST, E1-PSB, E1-PDT, and E1-PDB) on the 4850 Level of SURF (the Sanford Underground Research Facility), single PDF file, 5-ft run intervals. In the monitoring well IDs, "O" indicates that the well is orthogonal to the anticipated fracture plane, "P" indicates that the well is parallel to the anticipated fracture plane, "S" indicates a shallow well, "D" indicates a deep well, "T" refers to top, and "B" refers to bottom. Logs include: experiment number; borehole ID; depth interval; run number; final packed core box number; scribe line (yes/no; red-on-right convention); logging dates; logger initials; as well as sketches of core foliation, folding, and fracturing with additional details and notes on other features of interest.

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CollabE1-IE1-OBE1-OTE1-PE1-PDBE1-PDTE1-PSBE1-PSTEGSExperiment 1HomestakePoormanSIGMA-VSURFboreholecoreenergyfeaturesfoldfoldingfoliationfracturefracturesfracturinggeothermalhydraulicinjectioninjection wellloglogsmonitoringphotossamplestimulationwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: In-situ observation of pre-, co- and post-seismic shear slip preceding hydraulic fracturingSource

Understanding the initiation and arrest of earthquakes is one of the long-standing challenges of seismology. Here we report on direct observations of borehole displacement by a meter-sized shear rupture induced by pressurization of metamorphic rock at 1.5 km depth. We observed the acceleration of sliding, followed by fast co-seismic slip and a transient afterslip phase. Total displacements were about 7, 5.5 and 9.5 micrometers, respectively for the observed pre-slip, co-seismic slip and afterslip. The observed pre-slip lasted about 0.4 seconds. Co-seismic slip was recorded by the 1 kHz displacement recording and a 12-component array of 3-C accelerometers sampled at 100 kHz. The observed afterslip is consistent with analytical models of arrest in a velocity-strengthening region and subsequent stress relaxation. The observed slip vector agrees with the activation of a bedding plane within the phyllite, which is corroborated by relocated seismic events that were observed during the later stages of the injection experiment. This submission includes the pressure and deformation data recorded by the SIMFIP probe during the first injection at the 164 ft (50 m) notch of borehole E1-I. The injection was performed on on 05/22/2018 as part of Experiment 1 of the EGS Collab project. This data accompanies a manuscript submitted to GRL, linked in this submission.

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E1-IEGSEGS CollabSIMFIPSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityafterslipaxialboreholeborehole displacementco-seismicdeformationdisplacementenergyfracturinggeothermalhydraulicin-situinjection testpost-seismicpre-slippressureprobeseismicshearslipslip vectorstimulation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: SIMFIP Notch-164 GRL PaperSource

Characterizing the stimulation mode of a fracture is critical to assess the hydraulic efficiency and the seismic risk related to deep fluid manipulations. We have monitored the three-dimensional displacements of a fluid-driven fracture during water injections in a borehole at ~1.5 km depth in the crystalline rock of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (USA). The fracture initiates at 61% of the minimum horizontal stress by micro-shearing of the borehole on a foliation plane. As the fluid pressure increases further, borehole axial and radial displacements increase with injection time highlighting the opening and sliding of a new hydrofracture growing ~10 m away from the borehole, in accordance with the ambient normal stress regime and in alignment with the microseismicity. Our study reveals how fluid-driven fracture stimulation can be facilitated by a mixed-mode process controlled by the complex hydromechanical evolution of the growing fracture. The data presented in this submission refer to the SIMFIP measurements and analyses of the stimulation tests conducted on the 164 ft (50 m) notch of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), during the EGS-Collab test 1. In addition to the datafiles, there is the draft of a manuscript submitted to Geophysical Research Letters (GRL).

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EGSEGS CollabNew borehole instrumentSIMFIPSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityanisotropyboreholedisplacementenergyexperimentflow ratefoliationfracturegeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydraulic conductivityhydrofractureinjection testmicro-shearingnucleateseismicseismicityshearshear displacementstimulationstresswellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 2: 4100 Foot Level Elastic Property DataSource

Static and dynamic elastic properties (Young's modulus, Shear Modulus, P-wave Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio) of amphibolites and rhyolites from the TV4100 and TH4100 boreholes at the Sanford Underground Research Laboratory (SURF). Elastic properties include Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, shear modulus, and p-wave modulus. Raw data from the experiments and slides describing the experimental procedure and a summary of results are included, along with a readme file with additional definitions and information.

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4100 levelEGSEGS CollabExperiment 2SURFSouth DakotaTH4100TV4100amphiboliteaxial strainboreholedifferential straindifferential stressdynamicelastic propertiesenergyexperimentalgeologygeophysicsgeothermallateral strainp-wave moduluspoisson ratioraw datarhyoliterock failureshear modulusstaticstrainstress strain curvesstress-strain curvestriaxial loadinguniaxial loadingvolumetric strainyoungs modulus
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1- Common Discrete Fracture NetworkSource

This package includes data and models that support hydraulic fracture stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). A paper by Schwering et al. (2020) describes the deterministic basis for developing a "common" discrete fracture network (CDFN) model of significant natural fractures in EGS Collab Testbed 1 on the 4850-Level of SURF. The ReadMe for this model shows drift, wells, scanlines, fracture data, interpreted fractures, and geophysical visualizations. There is also a summary of the data that was used in this experiment and includes results from reviewing core, televiewer (TV) logs, core-TV depth/feature registration, and from mapping weeps in the 4850-Level drift. The CDFN is intended to be a baseline model of the pre-stimulated testbed (though some observations from stimulation helped inform the model).

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DFNEGSEGS CollabSURFSandia National LaboratoriesSanford Underground Research Facilityboreholecoredatadiscrete fracture networkdrillingelectrical resistivityenergyenhanced geothermal systemexperimentflowfluidfluid circulationfracturefracturinggeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicinjection testmodelnetworkstimulationsystemtracerweepwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1: Baseline Cross-well SeismicSource

As part of the geophysical characterization suite for the first EGS Collab tesbed, here are the baseline cross-well seismic data and resultant models. The campaign seismic data have been organized, concatenated with geometry and compressional (P-) & and shear (S-) wave picks, and submitted as SGY files. P-wave data were collected and analyzed in both 2D and 3D, while S-wave data were collected and analyzed in 2D only. Inversion models are provided as point volumes; the volumes have been culled to include only the points within source/receiver array coverage. The full models space volumes are also included, if relevant. An AGU 2018 poster by Linneman et al. is included that provides visualizations/descriptions of the cross-well seismic characterization method, elastic moduli calculations, and images of model inversion results.

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EGSEGS CollabSEGYSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityYoungsbaselineboreholebulkcalculationcollabcross-welldatadensityelastic modulienergyenhanced geothermal systemexperimentgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydrofractureinversionmodelmodulimodulusp-waveresultss-waveseismicsgyshearstimulationvelocityvisualization
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Fallon FORGE: Well Data, Geophysical Data, and Geologic MapsSource

The data is associated to the Fallon FORGE project and includes mudlogs for all wells used to characterize the subsurface, as wells as gravity, magnetotelluric, earthquake seismicity, and temperature data from the Navy GPO and Ormat. Also included are geologic maps from the USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology for the Fallon, NV area.

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13-3614-117-1634-3335A-1147A-1151A-2056A-1458A-961-3662-1578-3682-3684-3186-1586-2586A-1588-24Basin and RangeBell and House 2010Bell et. al. 2010Carson SinkDEMEGSFOH 3FOH-3FORGEFallonFlow testGammaGeologic MapHeat FlowHighwaysHinz et. al. 2011MTMagnetotelluricMaurer and Welch 2001MudlogNDOTNVNavy GPONeadaNevadaPressureRadiogenic Heat MeasurementsSeismicSemblanceStewart and Carlson 1978TemperatureTemperature GradientWellacoustilogboreholeboundarycharacterizationdatadrillingdroearthquakesexplorationgamma raygeologicgeologygeophysicsgeospatial datageothermalgravityheatleasemapmud logradiogenicseismicitysitesubsurfacesurveywell datawell drillingx-multipole array
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Fallon FORGE: Well LithologiesSource

x,y,z text file of the downhole lithologic interpretations in the wells in and around the Fallon FORGE site. All the relevant information is in the file header (the spatial reference, the projection etc.) In addition all the fields in the data file are identified in the header.

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EGSFORGEFallonLithologyNevadaboreholedatadownholegeospatial datageothermalinterpretedlithologicalwellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Fallon FORGE: Well Temperature DataSource

x,y,z downhole temperature data for wells in and around the Fallon FORGE site. Data for the following wells are included: 82-36, 82-19, 84.31, 61-36, 88-24, FOH-3D, FDU-1, and FDU-2. Data are formatted in txt format and in columns for importing into Earthvision Software. Column headers and coordinate system information is stored in the file header.

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EGSFALLONFORGENevadaTemperatureboreholedatadownholegeothermalwellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Fort Bliss Geothermal Area Data: Temperature Profile, Logs, Schematic Model and Cross SectionSource

This dataset contains a variety of data about the Fort Bliss geothermal area, part of the southern portion of the Tularosa Basin, New Mexico. The dataset contains schematic models for the McGregor Geothermal System, a shallow temperature survey of the Fort Bliss geothermal area. The dataset also contains Century OH logs, a full temperature profile, and complete logs from well RMI 56-5, including resistivity and porosity data, drill logs with drill rate, depth, lithology, mineralogy, fractures, temperature, pit total, gases, and descriptions among other measurements as well as CDL, CNL, DIL, GR Caliper and Temperature files. A shallow (2 meter depth) temperature survey of the Fort Bliss geothermal area with 63 data points is also included. Two cross sections through the Fort Bliss area, also included, show well position and depth. The surface map included shows faults and well spatial distribution. Inferred and observed fault distributions from gravity surveys around the Fort Bliss geothermal area.

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3D56-5ArcGISCDLCNLCaliperCenturyConceptualDILDavis DomeFaultsFor BlissFort BlissGISGeoTechMapMcGregor RangeModelNew MexicoOHPorosityRMI 56-5ResistivitySchematicTularosaTularosa BasinX ray diffractionXRDboreholecross sectioncross-sectiondepthdownholedrill logdrill logsfaultfracturegammagasesgeologygeophysicsgeopysicalgeospatial datageothermalgoethermalgravitylithologymcgregormineralogypitprofileshallowshape fileshapefilespatialstratigraphysurface mapsurveytemperaturetemperature profiletemperature surveytpwell datawell depthwell locationwell logwell positionwells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geothermal Resource at the McGee Mountain Prospect, Humboldt County, NevadaSource

This report describes the geothermal resource at McGee Mountain, including: 1. Local geology 2. Thermal features 3. Known boreholes and temperature gradients 4. Geophysical surveys 5. Fluid geochemistry and geothermometry 6. Estimate of the heat-in-place Description of the heat-in-place estimate: The magnitude of the geothermal resource at McGee Mountain (Painted Hills) has been estimated using a Monte Carlo method applied to estimating heat-in-place. The method relies (along with certain other parameters) on estimates of the area, thickness and average temperature of the resource, but among these, only area has some constraint at this time. Therefore, the estimates used for thickness and temperature have been based on the characteristics of other geothermal resources in Nevada. Results yield a 90%-probable ("P90") thermal energy-in-place estimate of 87,300 MWth-years (that is, 90% of estimates are higher). We consider this to be a minimum likely value. At 50% probability ("P50") the estimate is 134,000 MWth-years. The recoverable portion of the preceding estimate of energy-in-place has also been estimated and converted into electrical energy, using values of recovery factor, rejection temperature, utilization factor, plant capacity factor and power plant life that are provided. The minimum (90% probable) estimate for generation potential is about 25 MWe for 30 years (or a total of 750 MWe-years) and at 50% probability the estimate is 52 MWe for 30 years (or a total of 1,560 MWe-years). These estimates are somewhat larger than a public-domain McGee resource estimate made by GeothermEx in 2004, because a 2-m deep temperature survey by Caldera has established continuance of the thermal anomaly about a half mile further north than previously documented. This resource estimate was made without reference to the Caldera property (project area) boundary, but it is likely that the entire magnitude of estimated resource lies within it. The estimate should be regarded with caution because there needs to be subsequent proof of area, thickness, temperature and commercial permeability by means of deep drilling and testing. No heat-in-place estimate of this type should ever be used to determine the final, installed size of a well field and power plant.

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GeochemistryGeologyHeat in place estimateMcGee MountainMonte CarloNevadaReportbore holeboreholeborehole gradientfluidgeophysical surveygeophysicsgeothermalgeothermometryheat-in-placetemperature gradientthermal features
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Guelph, ON Canada DTS MetadataSource

Metadata for active distributed temperature survey (DTS) experiments at Guelph, Ontario Canada. This data that this metadata refers to was taken as part of the PoroTomo project. The metadata includes information about status, location, elevation, units, and other metadata.

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CACanadaDTSONboreholedepthdistributed temperature sensingdistributed temperature surveydrillingelevationgeothermalguelphlocationmetadataontarioporotomotemperaturewell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
HFTS-1 Phase 1 Microseismic Data and Results

This dataset includes the results of surface and borehole microseismic monitoring, including the velocity models, event catalogs, and reports, for refrac and new test wells.

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boreholeeventsmicroseismicmicroseismic cloudmicroseismic monitoringsurface microseismicsurvey
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Image Logs

Processed borehole imaging logs and interpretations.

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Chester 16Chester 6-16Chester 8-16Dover 33Image LogLawnichak 9-33MRCSPacousticboreholeultrasonic
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
In Situ Stress Analysis of Wellbore Breakouts from the Oklahoma and the Texas Pandhandle

Abstract: Orientations of crustal stresses are inferred from stressinduced breakouts (well bore enlargements) in the eastern part of the Anadarko basin in central Oklahoma, the Marietta basin in south-central Oklahoma, and the Bravo dome area of the central Texas Panhandle. Inferred directions of maximum horizontal principal stress (SHmax) are east-northeast for the eastern Anadarko basin and northeast for the Marietta basin and the Bravo dome area. The relative magnitudes of the three principal stresses (S,, S2, S3) are known for the Bravo dome area from existing hydraulic-fracturing measurements, and a normal-faulting stress regime (Sv>SHmax >SHmIn) is implied. For the eastern Anadarko basin and the Marietta basin, the magnitudes of the principal stresses are not known. Possible left-lateral oblique slip on the Meers fault during the Quaternary implies that strike-slip (SHmax >Sv>SHmln) and reverse (SHmax >SHmln >Sv) faulting has occurred in south-central Oklahoma. Thus, the study region may be a transition zone between extensional stress in the Texas Panhandle and compressional stress in Oklahoma. Breakout data from the eastern Anadarko basin yield a single consistent SHmax orientation, whereas data from the Marietta basin and the Bravo dome area yield bimodalorthogonal distributions believed to consist of northwestoriented breakouts and northeast-oriented fracture-related wellbore enlargements. This northeast (orthogonal) trend in data from the Marietta basin and the Bravo Dome area is probably related to drilling-induced hydraulic fracturing of the wellbore or to preexisting natural fractures or joint sets intersecting the wellbore. On dipmeter log records, breakouts and fracture-related enlargements have similar elliptical cross sections. Orthogonally oriented breakout and fracturerelated wellbore enlargements are therefore differentiated by comparing their long-axis orientations with directions of known or inferred horizontal stress. The mean orientations of either the breakout or fracturerelated orthogonal trends in the Marietta basin and the Bravo dome area data sets are not as well constrained as the mean orientation of breakout data for the eastern Anadarko basin. Poorly constrained mean orientations give the appearance of data scatter or dispersion among wellbore enlargement orientations within the northwest and northeast bimodalorthogonal trends. Drill holes in the Marietta basin and Bravo dome area are located primarily between northwest-striking subparallel faults. Mean data orientations calculated for either orthogonal trend for individual well data sets appear to rotate counterclockwise across these two fault-bounded study areas. Stress trajectory rotation between suparallel faults within the Marietta basin and the Bravo dome study areas may account for the data scatter. Although breakouts and fracture-related enlargements formed in all parts of the thick sequences of sedimentary rocks logged, they are primarily in limestone, shale, and dolomitic rock, p

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anadarkoboreholebravo domebreakoutmariettaoklahomastress analysistexaswellbore
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Maine Geological Survey Borehole Temperature ProfilesSource

This dataset includes temperature profiles from 30 boreholes throughout Maine that were selected for their depth, location, and lithologies encountered. Depths range from about 300 feet to 2,200 feet. Most of the boreholes selected for measurement were completed in granite because this lithology can be assumed to be nearly homogeneous over the depth of the borehole. Boreholes were also selected to address gaps in existing geothermal datasets. Temperature profiles were collected in October and November, 2012.

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bedrockboreholegeospatial datageothermalmaineprofilesshapefiletemperature
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
New Mexico Play Fairway Analysis: Gamma Ray Logs and Heat Generation Calculations for SW New MexicoSource

For the New Mexico Play fairway Analysis project, gamma ray geophysical well logs from oil wells penetrating the Proterozoic basement in southwestern New Mexico were digitized. Only the portion of the log in the basement was digitized. The gamma ray logs are converted to heat production using the equation (Bucker and Rybach, 1996) : A[microW/m3] = 0.0158 (Gamma Ray [API] - 0.8).

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NMNew MexicoPFAboreboreholedownholeexplorationgamma logsgamma raygamma ray logsgenerationgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalheatheat generationoil wellssouthwestsouthwestern New Mexicowell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project HOTSPOT: Kimama Well Borehole Geophysics DatabaseSource

The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurface stratigraphy and assess geothermal potential. Over 5.9km of core were drilled from three boreholes within the SRP in an attempt to acquire continuous core documenting the volcanic and sedimentary record of the hotspot: (1) Kimama, (2) Kimberly, and (3) Mountain Home. The Kimama drill site was set up to acquire a continuous record of basaltic volcanism along the central volcanic axis and to test the extent of geothermal resources beneath the Snake River aquifer. Data submitted by project collaborator Doug Schmitt, University of Alberta

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IdahoKimamaProject HOTSPOTSRPSnake River PlainYellowstone hotspotboreholeborehole geophysicsborehole logdownholedownhole geophysicsgamma raygeopysicsgeothermalimage logmagnetic susceptibilityneutronpressureresistivityseismicsonictemperaturewell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project HOTSPOT: Kimberly Well Borehole Geophysics DatabaseSource

The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurface stratigraphy and assess geothermal potential. Over 5.9km of core were drilled from three boreholes within the SRP in an attempt to acquire continuous core documenting the volcanic and sedimentary record of the hotspot: (1) Kimama, (2) Kimberly, and (3) Mountain Home. The Kimberly drill hole was selected to document continuous volcanism when analysed in conjunction with the Kimama and is located near the margin of the plain. Data submitted by project collaborator Doug Schmitt, University of Alberta

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IdahoKimberlyProject HOTSPOTSRPSnake River PlainYellowstone Hotspotboreholeborehole geophysicsborehole logdownholedownhole geophysicsgamma raygeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalimage logmagnetic susceptibilityneutronpotassiumpressureresistivityseismicsonictemperaturethoriumuraniumwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project HOTSPOT: Mountain Home Well Borehole Geophysics DatabaseSource

The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurface stratigraphy and assess geothermal potential. Over 5.9km of core were drilled from three boreholes within the SRP in an attempt to acquire continuous core documenting the volcanic and sedimentary record of the hotspot: (1) Kimama, (2) Kimberly, and (3) Mountain Home. The Mountain Home drill hole is located along the western plain and documents older basalts overlain by sediment. Data submitted by project collaborator Doug Schmitt, University of Alberta

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IdahoMountain HomeProject HOTSPOTSRPSnake River PlainYellowstone Hotspotboreholeborehole geophysicsborehole logdowhnhole geophysicsgamma raygeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalimage logmagnetic susceptibilityneutronpotassiumpressureresistivitytemperaturethoriumuraniumwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Shallow EGS Regional Resource Potential and Map - Snake River PlainSource

SMU Geothermal Lab developed a methodology to estimate shallow (1 km to 4 km) Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) resource potential using an approach that utilizes recent geology and geophysical research along with new well data to improve the thermal conductivity model, mitigate impacts from groundwater flow in the thermal model, and examine radioactivity data variations. By incorporating the results of the most recent projects with the SMU shallow methodology, we developed a more accurate, updated resource estimate for the Snake River Plain (SRP). The resulting maps and resource estimates can be used by the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the public to determine how best to move forward with future project development. This completed effort was funded under NREL contract DE-AC36-08GO28308 and coordinated by Amanda Kolker.

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BLMEGSEnhanced Geothermal SystemFORGEIdahoNRELOregonPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River Plainboreholebottom-hole temperatureenergygeothermalheat flowinterval equilibrium temperature loglithologymodelmodelingoil and gas wellsradioactivityradiogenic heat productionshallowtemperaturethermal conductivityvelocitywell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain FORGE: Well Data for INEL-1Source

Well data for the INEL-1 well located in eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho. This data collection includes caliper logs, lithology reports, borehole logs, temperature at depth data, neutron density and gamma data, full color logs, fracture analysis, photos, and rock strength parameters for the INEL-1 well. This collection of data has been assembled as part of the site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. They were assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

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4 arm4-armDOEEGSFORGEINEELINEL-1IdahoLASNGRSRGCSRPSnake River Plainaddendumanalysisaquiferboreholebulk modulusbutte countycaliperchartcompensatedcompensated neutroncompensated soniccomplianceconfining pressurecore holecore sampledatadensitydensity logdepthdesnityfield reportformation densityfour armfracturefracture identificationfrequencyfull colorgammagamma frequencygamma radiationgamma raygeologygeothermalgroundwater monitoringhole diameteridaho fallsinductionlithologiclithologyloglogginglogsmechanical caliper lognatural gamma radiationneutronp-wave velocityparameteresperforatingperforating depth controlphotoplotpoissonpoissons ratiorawraw datarayrocks-wave velocityseismic velocityshear modulussonicspherically focused inductionsrgstrengthtemptemperate at depthtemperaturetesting reportuncompensatedwell completionwell datawell logwell padwell schematicwell surveywildcatyoungs modulus
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain FORGE: Well Data for USGS-142Source

Well data for the USGS-142 well located in eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho. This data collection includes lithology reports, borehole logs, and photos of rhyolite core samples. This collection of data has been assembled as part of the site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. They were assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

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EGSFORGEIdahoSRGCSnake River PlainUSGS 142XRF dataaddendumboreholecore photoscore samplecore sample photoscore samplesdensitygamma radiationgamma-gammageologygeothermalignimibriteimageslithologylogmineralogynatural gammaneutron porositypetrographicpetrographyphotospresentationrhyolitesrgsrpstratigraphic columnstratigraphytemptemperature profilethin sectiontrace-element analysiswell logwhole rockxrf
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Temperature and Pressure Data Brady Monitoring Well SP-2Source

Static Pressure and Temperature Log for Brady monitor well SP-2. This data was taken from Well SP-2 which is part of the Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Site. The data contains pressure and temperature vs depth data for RIH (run in hole) Static conditions and POOH (pull out of hole) Static conditions. The data was recorded on 2/18/2015 and measurements reach a depth of 4392 feet.

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BradyNevadaPOOHPressure LogRIHSP-2Temperature Logboreholedepthgeothermalpressuretemperaturewellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Testing for Controlled Rapid PressurizationSource

Borehole W1 is a NQ core hole drilled at our test site in Socorro. The rock is rhyolite. Borehole W1 which was used to test gas-gas explosive mixtures is 55 feet deep with casing (pinkish in the drawing) set to 35 feet. The model is a representation of the borehole and the holes we cored around the central borehole after the test. The brown colored core holes showed dye when we filled W1 with water and slightly pressurized it. This indicates there was some path between W1 and the colored core hole. The core holes are shown to their TD in the drawing. The green plane is a fracture plane which we believe is the result of the explosions of the gas mixture in W1. Data resource is a 2D .pdf Solid Works Drawing of borehole W1.

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CADEGSGas-GasGas-Gas PressurizationPressurizationSocorro test siteSolidWorksW1boreholecontrolledcoredownholedrawingenergeticexperimentexplosivegeothermalhigh temperaturehydraulicmaterialrapid pressurizationrhyolitestimulationsystemwellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Temperature, Geochemistry, and Gravity DataSource

This submission contains multiple excel spreadsheets and associated written reports. The datasets area are representative of shallow temperature, geochemistry, and other well logging observations made across WSMR (white sands missile range); located to the west of the Tularosa Basin but still within the study area. Written reports accompany some of the datasets, and they provide ample description of the methodology and results obtained from these studies. Gravity data is also included, as point data in a shapefile, along with a written report describing that particular study.

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ArcGISGISboreholedownholeenergyexplorationgeochemistrygeophysicsgeospatialgeospatial datageothermalgravitynew mexicoplay fairway analysisshape fileshapefiletemperaturetularosawell loggingwsmr
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Well 78B-32 Daily Drilling Reports and LogsSource

This data set includes the daily drilling reports and Pason data for well 78B-32 and Schlumberger logs acquired after drilling completion. This well was drilled between June 27th and July 31st of 2021. Also included is raw and processed data for a variety of well data metrics including temperature, porosity, density, and sonic data. This data was taken at the Utah FORGE site as part of the Utah FORGE project.

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CBLFMIUBIUtah FORGEUtah FORGE well 78B-32Well 78B-32Well 78B-32 FMI logsWell 78B-32 UBI logsWell 78B-32 drilling databoreholecementcement bond logdaily drilling reportsdaily reportsdatadensitydrillingenergyfracturegammagamma raygeothermallogspason dataporosityprocess dataraw datareportsresistivitysonictemperaturewellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 14-2 Logs and Data from Roosevelt Hot Spring AreaSource

This is a compilation of logs and data from Well 14-2 in the Roosevelt Hot Springs area in Utah. This well is also in the Utah FORGE study area. Data includes: flowmeter survey (1989), geochemistry (1977-1978, 1977-1983), injection test data (1979, 1982), and spinner surveys (1989, 1985-1986). Logs include: borehole compensated sonic and gamma ray (600'-6112'), borehole geometry and gamma ray (50'-4829'), caliper (0'-1720'), compensated neutron formation density (600'-6121'), induction electric (650'-6118'), mud log (79'-6100'), steam injection survey (50'-1175'), subsurface pressure surveys (0'-6087'), and subsurface temperature surveys (0'-6106'). The file is in a compressed .zip format and there is a data inventory table (Excel spreadsheet) in the root folder that is a guide to the data that is accessible in subfolders.

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14-2EGSFORGEMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah EGSUtah FORGEUtah geothermal wellsUtah well logsboreholecalipercharacterizationcompensatedcompensated neutrondensitydownholeelectricflowmeterflowmeter testformationformation densitygammagamma raygeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalgeothermal well logsgeothermal wellsinductioninjection testmud logneutronporositypressureresourcesonicspinnerspinner surveysteam injectionsubsurfacesurveytemperaturewell datawell logwell logs
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 52-21 Logs and Data: Roosevelt Hot Spring AreaSource

This is a compilation of logs and data from Well 52-21 in the Roosevelt Hot Springs area in Utah. This well is also in the Utah FORGE study area. The file is in a compressed .zip format and there is a data inventory table (Excel spreadsheet) in the root folder that is a guide to the data that is accessible in subfolders.

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52-21BHTEGSFORGEMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah EGSUtah FORGEUtah geothermalUtah geothermal wellsUtah well logsboreholecalipercasing schematiccharacterizationcompensated neutroncompensated sonicdownholedual inductionelectro-magneticelectromagneticflow sampleformation densityfracture identificationgeochemicalgeochemistrygeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgeothermal well logsgradienthistoryhydrothermal alterationlaterlogmud logporositypressure surveyresourcesite mapsubsurfacesurveytemperature surveythickness toolwater analysiswater qualitywell completionwell datawell locationswell logwell logswell schematicwireline sample
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 9-1 Logs and Data from Roosevelt Hot Springs AreaSource

This is a compilation of logs and data from Well 9-1 in the Roosevelt Hot Springs area in Utah. This well is also in the Utah FORGE study area. The file is in a compressed .zip format and there is a data inventory table (Excel spreadsheet) in the root folder that is a guide to the data that is accessible in subfolders.

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19759-1EGSFORGERoosevelt Hot SpringRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalUtah well logsacoustic cement bondammoniaanalysisboreholecharacterizationcompensated soniccore logdaily reportdensilogdirectionaldownholeformation densitygamma raygeochemicalgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgeothermal wellsinductionmilfordmudmulti-shotneutronporosityresourcesilicasubsurfacesurveytemperaturewell datawell logwell logs
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
WISE-CASING: Time Domain Reflectometry Data from Cymric Field, CASource

The objective of this field test is to validate several technologies for non-invasive well integrity assessment using existing wells with a known completion. The tests were made at the Cymric oil field, which is a steam flood operation. The wells therefore undergo similar downhole conditions as geothermal wells. The Cymric field is mainly a cyclic steam operation where wells are 1000-15-00 ft in depth and the reservoir occupies the bottom 400ft. The maximum temperatures can exceed 500 degrees F and the well spacing is very close, often less than 50m. The field plan consisted of applying the Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) method to the wells. The input voltages were set as 70 V shows the TDR responses at frequencies of 450 kHz, 2500 kHz, and 4500 kHz. There is a summary report will full information about the field tests.

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CymricEMKern CountyTDRWISE-CASINGassessmentboreholecasingcorrosiondataelectromagneticenergyexperimentfieldfield testgeophysicsgeothermalhigh frequencyinput pulse frequencyintegrityoilsensingsteam floodsyclic steamtime domain reflectormetrywellwellborewells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
West Flank Coso FORGE: 33-7 Image LogSource

EMI (Electric Micro Imaging tool, Halliburton) image log in GMI Imager format. GMI Imager is software available from Baker Hughes and is used to open .img files.

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CaliforniaCosoEGSEMIFORGEGMIGPM Microwave ImagerWest FlankWest Flank Cosoboreholedownholegeomechanicsgeothermalimage logimagingwell datawell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
West Flank Coso FORGE: 52B-7 Image and Mud LogSource

FMI image log and mud log of well 52B-7

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52B-7CaliforniaCosoEGSFMIFORGEGMIWest FlankWest Flank Cosoboreholecarbon dioxideco2downholedrill logdrillingethanegas analysisgeomechanicsgeothermalhydrogen sulfideimageimage logimaginglithologylogmethanemineralogymud logtemperaturewellwell datawell logwell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Wister, CA Downhole and Seismic DataSource

This submission contains Downhole geophysical logs associated with Wister, CA Wells 12-27 and 85-20. The logs include Spontaneous Potential (SP), HILT Caliper (HCAL), Gamma Ray (GR), Array Induction (AIT), and Neutron Porosity (NPOR) data. Also included are a well log, Injection Test, Pressure Temperature Spinner log, shut in temperature survey, a final well schematic, and files about the well's location and drilling history. This submission also contains data from a three-dimensional (3D) multi-component (3C) seismic reflection survey on the Wister Geothermal prospect area in the northern portion of the Imperial Valley, California. The Wister seismic survey area was 13.2 square miles. (Resistivity image logs (Schlumberger FMI) in 85-20 indicate that maximum horizontal stress (Shmax) is oriented NNE but that open fractures are oriented suboptimally).

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12-273C3D Seismic85-20AITArray InductionCaliforniaDrillingGRImperial CountyImperial ValleyKirchhoff Pre StackNPORP-WavePTSPressureSPSeismicSpinnerTemperatureWell DataWisterboreholecirculationdownholeexplorationgamma raygas analysisgeophysical surveygeophysicsgeothermalinjection testlithologymineral compositionmud logmulti-componentneutron porosityreflectionrefractionresistivityrisk reductionshear wavespontaneous potentialwell log
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
kISMET Core Photos and DescriptionsSource

These core photos and descriptions were taken from the five boreholes that were drilled as part of the kISMET SubTER project conducted at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, SD. The boreholes are subvertical in orientation, and were drilled on the 4850 level of SURF on the West Drift, about 450 feet from Governor's Corner. The well heads for the five wells are in a line, but the outer two wells (k001 and k005) were deviated to form a five-spot configuration at 50 m depth. Four of the five boreholes have a nominal depth of 50 m and have HQ core - the fifth, located in the center (k003) was drilled to a depth of 100m and has NQ core. The central borehole was used for stress and hydraulic fracturing - the other four boreholes were used for monitoring purposes. Core logging was conducted by Paul Cook (LBNL), Bill Roggenthen (SDSMT), and Drew Siler (LBNL). All core consists of rocks from the Poorman Formation. Some of the core photos are missing. These have been documented in the included spreadsheets labeled with the well name and the word missing. The locations of the boreholes are documented on the included map and spreadsheet.

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EGSPoorman FormationSURFSanford Underground Research FacilitySubTERboreholecorecore descriptionscore logscore photosgeothermalhydraulic fracturingkISMETstress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
kISMET Final Report and HighlightsSource

The files in this submission describes the results of a series of stress measurement and hydraulic fracturing experiments conducted at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, SD. This report describes the accomplishments of the kISMET (permeability (k) and Induced Seismicity Management for Energy Technologies) project. Five near-vertical boreholes were drilled and cored on the 4850 level of SURF in phyllite of the Precambrian Poorman Formation, and a series of hydraulic fracture experiments and stress measurements were conducted in the central borehole: the outer boreholes were used for monitoring purposes.

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EGSHydraulic fracturingHydraulic stimulationPoorman FormationSURFSanford Underground Research FacilitySubTERanalytical modelingboreholecoreenergygeothermalinduced seismicitykISMETmanagementnumerical modelingpermeabilitystress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago