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Aerial images and DSM of 19 hydrological subcatchmentsSource

This dataset contains aerial images and digital surface models of 19 out of 20 hydrological subcatchments analysed in the project "Shortcut". The subcatchments mostly lie in rural areas of the Swiss midlands and the datasets were obtained by flights with an eBee drone (SenseFly) between October 2017 and August 2018. The resolutions of the aerial images and the digital surface models lie between 2cm/pixel and 5cm/pixel, depending on the catchment. The aerial images in this dataset were used for the publication "Hydraulic Shortcuts Increase the Connectivity of Arable Land Areas to Surface Waters" (Schönenberger, U. & Stamm C, 2021)". The publication, supporting information, datasets, and codes can be found on the Eawag Research Data Institutional Repository (DOI: 10.25678/0003J3).

No licence known
HydrologyUAVaerial imagesagriculturearable landcatchmentdemdigital elevation modeldigital surface modeldronedsmhydrological catchmentremote sensingsurfacevisible light
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)10 months ago
All Island River CatchmentsSource

River Catchment boundaries in all of the island of Ireland

No licence known
administrationcatchmentcatchment areacatchmentscatchments all islandenvironmenthydrographyieriverriver catchmentswater
WMSHTML 1 year ago
Hydrometric AreasSource

Ireland’s hydrometric areas, used as management units for hydrological areas (EPA, OPW, ESBI, Local Authorities etc). They are made up of amalgamations of large river basins.

No licence known
boundarycatchmentdrainagedrainage waterenvironmenthydrographyhydrologicalhydrometricie
WMSHTML 1 year ago
KIDS Product CatalogSource

Creative Commons Attribution
Annual Average PrecipitationAnnual EvapotranspirationAnnual evapotranspirationAqueduct FoodAutoridad National del AguaAvailable WaterBasinsBhuvan GroundwaterCHIRPS RainfallCatchment Water ExplorerCity Water IntakesClimate EngineClimate StationsClimate engineCoastal Protection ToolDFODams and Hydropower PlantsData4PakistanESRI WATER BalanceESRI Water BalanceEarth Engine NDVI AnalysisEarth Engine Water WatchEarth Wind MapEarth Wind mapEarthMapFAO WaPORFAO aquamapsFlood FrequencyGADASGDACS ToolGEMstatGEOGLAMGEOGLOWS Global Streamflow EstimatorGEOGLOWS Streamflow EstimationGEOGloWS Streamflow ExplorerGFMSGLADD-RGRACE GroundwaterGRACE groundwaterGRDCGioVisGlacier InventoryGlobal Environment Monitoring systemGlobal Reservoirs and Lakes MonitorGlobal Streamflow EstimatorGlobal Urban FootprintGlobal Wetland DatabaseGrace Water Equivalent HeightGross Biomass ProductivityGroundwater DepthGroundwater ProductivityGroundwater StorageHistorical PrecipitationHydroViewerHydroshedsIWMIIllustrative Watershed ToolJRCKNMIKNMI Climate StationsKSEBKerala GeoportalKerala State Land Use BoardKerala State Remote Sensing and Environment CenterLake LevelsMODISMODIS Flood ExplorerMaximum Soil MoistureMekong StreamflowMonthly Average PrecipitationNASA Disasters PortalNMIS water facility dataNOAA BuoyNet Biomass Water ProductivityNigeria Data PortalPower PlantsPrecipitation AccumulationProjects by NDDCRICCARRoad NetworkSERVIR Streamflow Prediction ServicesSRTM Topography DataSalinitySatellite PrecipitationServir Tethys AppsSnow CoverSoil MoistureStandardized Precipitation IndexSurface Water ExplorerTajikistan Hydromet WebsiteUSGSWRISWUEMoCAWater ConflictsWater StressWatershed DelineationWatershed Mapping ToolWorld Water QualityZAMWIS Systemaqueductcatchmentdamsfishing watchfloodflood observatoryfood explorerfreshwatergroundwaterhydrologyhydropowerhydropower plantslakemajor portsmaritime boundariesocean currentsocean data vieweropen data cubeprecipitationqualityreservoirssea level changesea surface temperaturessoil moisturestreamflowsurface watertsunamitsunamiswater balancewater stresswater transitionwater transitionswatershedwatershed delineation
KIDSover 1 year ago
Near Surface Nitrate SusceptibilitySource

This dataset shows Near Surface Nitrate Susceptibility. Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment Characterisation Tool (CCT). The CCT delineates the CSAs displayed in the PIP maps by overlaying the hydro(geo)logically susceptible areas (the likelihood of nutrient transfer due to soil and geological properties along the near surface and/or subsurface pathway) with nitrate or phosphate loadings. The nitrate and phosphate PIP maps for the surface water receptor combine the contribution from both the subsurface pathway and the near surface pathway while the groundwater receptor maps only consider the contribution from the groundwater pathway. Surface Water Receptor Nitrate PIP map shows the relative pollution impact potential to surface water along the subsurface and near surface pathways due to nitrate loading. This map should be used to evaluate nutrient impact at the waterbody, subcatchment or catchment scale (at a resolution of less than 1:20,000). Pollution impact potential (PIP) maps rank the CSAs in descending order of risk (where Rank 1 is the highest risk) and are available for the surface water receptor for nitrate and phosphate, and the groundwater receptor for nitrate. Local pressure data has been used to generate the maps in agricultural areas where available. For urban, forestry and the remaining agricultural areas, regional sources of pressure data have been used; these areas are marked 'using regional loadings' on the PIP maps.

No licence known
catchmentcharacterisationcritical loadcritical source areaenvironmentenvironmental policygroundwaterhydrographyieloadingnitratenutrientpathwaysphosphatepollutionpollution impact potentialreceptorsrelative rankriskriverriver watersubcatchmentsurface waterwfd
HTMLPDFWMS 1 year ago
South America Simulated River Discharge Dataset

Simulated daily discharges for South America from 1990-2009.

Creative Commons Attribution
catchmentdailyriver dischargesimulatedsouth america
Hidrologia de Grande Escalaover 1 year ago
Targeting Agricultural Measures

Where agricultural measures are needed to restore water quality, the Subbasin are highlighted with one or more coloured flags to indicate the types of water quality issues associated with that Subbasin: Red (potential point source), Orange (nitrate losses) and/or Navy (phosphorus/sediment losses).

No licence known
agriculturecatchmentenvironmentenvironmental monitoring facilitieshydrographyienitrogenphosphorustargeting agricultural measureswater quality
JSONWMS 1 year ago
Transboundary Freshwater Spatial Database

The Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database, developed and maintained by the OSU College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, in collaboration with the Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering. There are six main components of the database: Data contains both global and regional information in searchable tabular and spatial datasets, treaty and compact libraries, and GIS shapefiles available for download. Research and Projects includes completed and ongoing projects and links to projects either conducted at or collaborated with Oregon State University faculty and students. Bibliographies and Digital Collections contains the Water Conflict and Cooperation Bibliography and the Middle East Water Collection of scholarly papers ranging from the historic perspective to the present day. Publications includes papers and books related to water conflict and/or cooperation, with links to download. Map and Image Gallery features maps and images for download created by current and former students and faculty, as well as collaborating partners. Useful Resources and External Links is a list of related water conflict and cooperation websites. Wide use of electronic and hardcopy versions of data, GIS coverages, and findings produced by the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (TFDD) project is encouraged. License information: Product of the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Additional information about the TFDD can be found at:

Other (Open)
basincatchmentdisputegroundwaterhydropoliticssurface watertransboundary watertreaty
Oregon State Universityover 1 year ago
WFD Lake Catchments 2022 - NestedSource

The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new WFD lake catchment layer was created in 2022. New lake catchments were delineated for every WFD lake from the outflow up to very farthest source, i.e. the whole catchment. If multiple lakes exist along the same river system, their catchments overlap.

No licence known
administrationcatchmentcatchment areacatchmentsenvironmenthydrographyielakelake catchmentlake catchmentsnestedsurface waterwaterwater framework directivewater qualitywater quality monitoringwfdwfd catchmentwfd lake catchment
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
WFD Lake Catchments 2022 Un-nested 1Source

The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new lake catchment layer of unnested WFD lake catchments was delineated in 2022. For every WFD lake water body, an un-nested lake catchment was delineated from the outflow up to the next upstream WFD lake (as taken from lake waterbodies layer).

No licence known
administrationcatchmentcatchment areacatchmentsenvironmenthydrographyielakelake catchmentlake catchmentssurface waterunnestedwaterwater framework directivewater qualitywater quality monitoringwfdwfd catchmentwfd lake catchment
HTMLWMS 1 year ago