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CameraTrapDetectoR Species Model

CameraTrapDetectoR is an R package that uses deep learning computer vision models to automatically detect, count, and classify common North American domestic and wild species in camera trap images. Data for all versions of the taxonomic species model are located in this dataset. This data is automatically downloaded, extracted, and deployed in the tool's deploy_model function. Additional information about the R package and the training data can be found in the package's Github repository: This research used resources provided by the SCINet project and the AI Center of Excellence of the USDA Agricultural Research Service, ARS project number 0500-00093-001-00-D. List of Resources: is a folder containing the model weights, model architecture, and class label dictionary for the first version of the species model. The model architecture is a FasterRCNN object detection model with a ResNet50 backbone. is a folder containing the model weights, model architecture, and class label dictionary for the second version of the species model. The model architecture is a FasterRCNN object detection model with a ResNet50 backbone, trained on the ARS SCINet Atlas cluster. This model identifies and counts 78 North American species in camera trap images, including humans vehicles and a background class. The training dataset contains 169,352 unique images, with an average of 2199 images per class excluding background class. The (min, max) range of images count per class is (107, 7027); this class imbalance was addressed with a suite of data augmentations and weighted random sampling. Images were acquired from a total of 26 databases across North America. is a folder containing the all information to deploy the species v2 model via Python script from the command line. Full instructions for set up and use may be found at

No licence known
CameraTrapDetectoRNP215animal behaviorcamera trappingclassificationcomputer visiondeep learningmachine learning
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Classification d'armement des voies

Liste des voies du Réseau Ferré National typées par groupes Demaux.L’admission sur une ligne du réseau ferré national d’un matériel moteur est notamment fonction de l’armement, du type de rail et éventuellement du rayon de courbure de la ligne considérée.Les lignes sont classées de 1 à 5 (groupes Demaux) :Les lignes classées de 1 à 3 font l’objet de restrictions de circulation (tonnage et vitesse limite), notamment pour les lignes de rayon faible ;Les lignes classées 4 à 5 sont accessibles sans restriction aux matériels moteurs respectant l’arrêté du 19 mars 2012 précité, sous réserve que le matériel présente des caractéristiques compatibles avec les sections sur lesquelles la circulation est envisagée.Les coordonnées géographiques sont une conversion des coordonnées ferroviaires en Lambert 93 et en WGS84 (EPSG:3857).Dernière mise à jour des données : 28/03/2024

No licence known
ArmementGroupe DemauxGéolocalisationInfrastructureSNCF RESEAUVoiesclassification
SNCF3 months ago
Cropland Data LayerSource

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is an annual raster, geo-referenced, crop-specific land cover data layer produced using satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground reference data. The program began in 1997 with limited coverage and in 2008 forward expanded coverage to the entire Continental United States. Please note that no farmer reported data are derivable from the Cropland Data Layer.

No licence known
AgricultureLand Use Land Cover ThemeNASSNGDANGDA109National Geospatial Data AssetUSUSDAUnited Statesclassificationcrop covercroplanddataenvironmentgeospatialgeotiffland coverland usewms
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data for: Underwater dual-magnification imaging for automated lake plankton monitoringSource

The Dual Scripps Plankton Camera (DSPC) is a new approach for automated in-situ monitoring of phyto- and zooplankton communities based on a dual magnification dark-field imaging microscope. Here, we present the DSPC and its associated image processing while evaluating its capabilities in i) detecting and characterizing plankton species of different size and taxonomic categories and ii) measuring their abundance in both laboratory and field applications. In the laboratory, body size and abundance estimates by the DSPC significantly and robustly scaled with measurements derived by microscopy. In the field, a DSPC installed permanently at 3 m depth in Lake Greifensee (Switzerland) delivered images of plankton individuals, colonies, and heterospecific aggregates at hourly timescales without disrupting natural arrangements of interacting organisms, their microenvironment or their behavior. The DSPC was able to track the dynamics of taxa, mostly at the genus level, in the size range between ∼10 μm to ∼ 1 cm, covering many components of the planktonic food web (including parasites and potentially toxic cyanobacteria). Comparing data from the field-deployed DSPC to traditional sampling and microscopy revealed a general overall agreement in estimates of plankton diversity and abundances. The most significant disagreements between traditional methods and the DSPC resided in the measurements of zooplankton community properties. Our data suggest that the DSPC is better equipped to study the dynamics and demography of heterogeneously distributed organisms such as zooplankton, because high temporal resolution and continuous sampling offer more information and less variability in taxa detection and quantification than traditional sampling. Time series collected by the DSPC depicted ecological succession patterns, algal bloom dynamics and diel fluctuations with a temporal frequency and morphological resolution that was never observed by traditional methods. Access to high frequency, reproducible and real-time data of a large spectrum of the planktonic ecosystem can expand our understanding of both applied and fundamental plankton ecology. Our work leads us to conclude that the utilization of the DSPC is robust for both research and water quality monitoring and suitable for stable long-term deployments.

No licence known
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
Declassification Mission Application Server (DMAS)

Declassification Mission Application Server (DMAS) is a collection of applications that support the department's classification mission. Applications include the electronic Document Review System, electronic Publication system, electronic Classification Guidance System, OpenNet, Tracking and Distribution System and the Reference Library System. [Applications include the Authorities and Training Tracking System (ATTS) which contains training records for individuals who have attended classification training courses and those individuals who have been granted official authorities such as Authorized Derivative Classifiers and Authorized Derivative De-classifiers , Executive Order Review System (EOReview) which contains information for tracking reviews of classified documents, Guidance Distribution Tracking System (GDTS) contains information used to distribute classification guidance, and Policy Reference Library System (PRL) is a reference library of scanned documents relevent to classification policy.]

No licence known
classificationdeclassificationdocument reviewguidancerestricted datasecurity
No formats found
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Development of Classification Systems for Wave Energy Resources and WEC TechnologiesSource

The submission includes wave resource classification reports, summary of classification statistics and regional trends, and data files with classification statistics for selected sites for extreme significant wave height. Two conference papers were uploaded that include classification metrics and geographic distributions for US coastal waters. These conference papers are: Neary, V.S., Coe, R.G., Cruz, J., Haas, K., Bacelli, G., Debruyne, Y., Ahn, S., Nevarez, V. (2017) Classification systems for wave energy resources and WEC technologies. Proceedings of 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series (EWTEC 2017), Cork, Ireland, August 27-September 1, 2017 Haas, K., Ahn, S., Neary, V.S., and S. Bredin (2017) Development of a wave energy classification system. Proceedings of the 5th Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS2017), Washington, D.C., May 1-3, 2017

No licence known
HydrokineticMHKMarineWECcharacterizationclassificationclimateconditionsdatadesigndistributionenergyengineeringextremegeographicoceanpowerregionalresourcesitestatisticssystemtechnologytrendwavewave energy converter classificationwave energy resource classificationwave height
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems – 10 Risk ZonesSource

This dataset was developed for the National Inspection Plan 2018 – 2021. The aim of the Plan is to protect water and human health from risks posed by domestic waste water treatment systems. The data consists of 10 risk zones. The zones were derived from the combination of surface waterbody characterisation data and geological vulnerability data. The 10 risk zones were developed to guide the selection of sites for inspection.

No licence known
10 risk zoneclassificationdomestic wastedomestic waste waterdomestic waste water treatment systemsdwwtsenvironmentenvironmental protectiongeological vulnerabilityienational inspection planpollutionpublic healthsurface water characterizationwastewaste waterwater framework directivewaterbody protectionwfd
HTML 1 year ago
EHSS Web Services

EHSS Web Services (AUWS) provides for the maintenance of content for EHSS information on Energy.Gov, Powerpedia and the EHSS intranet.

No licence known
classificationdeclassificationenforcementenvironmenthealthnuclear safetysafetysecuritytraining
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
National Training Center

National Training Center provides for the infrastructure and applications necessary to develop and deliver safety and security training courses across the department.

No licence known
classificationdeclassificationenforcementenvironmenthealthnuclear safetyoversightsafetysecuritytraining
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (August 2018) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at August 2018 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 45MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2018LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (August 2019) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at August 2019 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 45MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
AUG_2019LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (August 2020) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at August 2020 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2020AUG_2020LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (August 2021) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at August 2021 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2021AUG_2021LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (August 2022) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2022 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2022AUG_2022LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (February 2019) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at February 2019 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 45MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (February 2020) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at February 2020 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2020FEB_2020LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (February 2021) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at February 2021 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2021FEB_2021LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (February 2022) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at February 2022 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2022FEB_2022LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2018) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2018 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 45MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2018LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPCD_OAHierarchy_ClassificationPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2019) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2019 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 45MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMay_2019Middle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2020) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2020 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2020LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMAY_2020MSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2021) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2021 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2021LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMAY_2021MSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2022) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2022 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2022LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMAY_2022MSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (November 2018) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at November 2018 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 45MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2018LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (November 2019) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at November 2019 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNOV_2019NSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (November 2020) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at August 2020 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2020LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNOV_2020OAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (November 2021) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at November 2021 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 46MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2021LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNOV_2021OAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2011) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (November 2022) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, frozen 2011 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at November 2022 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA11CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA11CD, LSOA11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2022LADLSOALUP_EXACT_PCD_OAC_OALUP_PCDLUP_PCD_OACLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNOV_2022NSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2021) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (August 2023) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, 2021 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at August 2023 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA21CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2023AUG_2023LADLSOALUP_BFT_PCD_OA21_OAC11Local Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2021) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (February 2024) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, 2021 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at February 2024 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA21CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2021_Census2024FEB_2024LADLSOALUP_BFT_PCD_OA21_OAC11Latest LookupsLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationMSOAOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificstionPCDPostcodePostcode LookupPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with ClassificationPostcodesSuper Output AreaUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2021) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2023) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, 2021 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2023 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA21CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2023LADLSOALUP_BFT_PCD_OA21_OAC11Latest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMAY_2023MSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2021) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (May 2024) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, 2021 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at May 2024 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA21CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2021_Census2024LADLSOALUP_BFT_PCD_OA21_OAC11Latest LookupsLatest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationMAY_2024MSOAOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationPCDPostcodePostcode LookupPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with ClassificationsPostcodesSuper Output AreaUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
Postcode to OA (2021) to LSOA to MSOA to LAD with 2011 Classifications (November 2023) Best Fit Lookup in the UKSource

A best-fit lookup between postcodes, 2021 Census Output Areas (OA), Workplace Zones (WZ), Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA), Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) and current local authority districts (LAD) along with OA, WZ, and LAD classifications as at November 2023 in the UK. Postcodes are best-fitted by plotting the location of the postcode's mean address into the areas of the output geographies. (File size 44MB).Field Names - PCD7, PCD8, PCDS, DOINTR, DOTERM, USERTYPE, OSEAST1M, OSNRTH1M, OA21CD, OAC11CD, OAC11NM, WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, LSOA21CD, LSOA21NM, MSOA21CD, MSOA21NM, LADCD, LADNM, LADNMW, LACCD, LACNMField Types - All TextField Lengths - 7, 8, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 9, 3, 48, 9, 2, 60, 9, 63, 9, 35, 9, 36, 35, 3, 48

No licence known
2023LADLSOALUP_BFT_PCD_OA21_OAC11Latest_LookupsLocal Authority ClassificationLocal Authority DistrictLocal Authority DistrictsLookupLookupsLower Layer Super Output AreaLower Layer Super Output AreasMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreaMiddle Layer Super Output AreasNOV_2023NSPCLOAOutput AreaOutput Area ClassificationOutput AreasPCDPostcodePostcode LookupsPostcode to Output Area Hierarchy with Classifications LookupPostcodesSuper Output Area ClassificationUKWorkplace Zone Classificationclassificationlatest lookups
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago
The global water quality database GEMStatSource

The Global Water Quality database and information system GEMStat is hosted, operated, and maintained by the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) in Koblenz, Germany, within the framework of the GEMS/Water Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and in cooperation with the Federal Institute of Hydrology. GEMStat hosts water quality data of ground and surface waters providing a global overview of the condition of water bodies and the trends at global, regional and local levels.

Creative Commons Attribution
classificationcontact informationenvironmental datafreshwater monitoringhydrosphereinland waterprogrammesspacialstationstemporalwater quality
UNEPover 1 year ago
Workplace Zone (2011) to MSOA to LAD (Dec 2017) Exact Fit Lookup in GB - ClassificationsSource

A lookup between workplace zones, middle layer super output areas and local authority districts with workplace zone and LAD classifications as at 31 December 2017 in Great Britain.  (File size - 3 MB) Field Names - WZ11CD, WZC11CD, WZC11NM, MSOA11CD, MSOA11NM, LAD17CD, LAD17NM, LACCD, LACNM, RGN11CD, RGN11NM, CTRY11CD, CTRY11NM Field Types - Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text, Text Field Lengths - 9, 2, 57, 9, 58, 9, 36, 4, 36, 9, 24, 9, 17REST URL of Feature Access Service –

No licence known
20112017DEC_2017GBGreat BritainLADLUP_WZCLUP_WZ_MSOA_LADLocal Authority DistrictLookupsMSOAMiddle Layer Super Output AreasWZWorkplace Zone to Middle Layer Super Output Area to Local Authority District LookupWorkplace Zonesclassification
Office for National Statistics (ONS)3 months ago