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Field Demonstration of the Conventional Steam Drive Process with Ancillary Materials


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10761Geologyconventionaldemonstrationdoedrivefieldmaterialsprocesssfsteamwith ancillar
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Organic Prices

Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. This data set provides farmgate and wholesale prices for select organic and conventional fruits and vegetables, wholesale prices for organic and conventional poultry (broilers) and eggs, as well as f.o.b. and spot prices for organic grain and feedstuffs. Prices are based on those reported by USDA Agricultural Marketing Service Market News, Organic Food Business News, and USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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BostonERSEconomic Research ServiceSan FranciscoU S Department of AgricultureUSDAagricultural economicsbroccolicarrotsconventionaldataeggsfarmgate pricesfeed grainsmesclun mixorganicpoultrysoybeanswholesale prices
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Pennsylvania Spatial Data: Oil & Gas Locations - Conventional Unconventional

From the site: "The following data set contains all the Oil & Gas Wells in Pennsylvania that the Dept of Enviromental Protection has locational information on. The wells are broken into two formation types of conventional and unconventional wells. A conventional well is a bore hole drilled or being drilled for the purpose of or to be used for the production of oil or natureal gas from only conventional formation(s). A conventional formation is any formation that does not meet the statutory definition of an unconventional formation. An unconventional gas well is a bore hole drilled or being drilled for the purpose of or to be used for the production of natural gas from an unconventional formation. Unconventional formation is a geological shale formation existing below the base of the Elk Sandstone or its geologic equivalent stratigraphic interval where natural gas generally cannot be produced at economic flow rates or in economic volumes except by vertical or horizontal well bores stimulated by hydraulic fracture treatments or by using multilateral well bores or other techniques to expose more of the formation to the well bore. The following fields are displayed in the data set: PERMIT_NUM is the Permit Number associated with the well, WELL_NAME is the name given to the well by DEP or the Operator, OPERATOR the name of the current operator for the well, OPER_NUM is the Operator Number associated with the current operator, WELL_TYPE describes the type of well, WELL_TYPECD is the code associated with the Well type, WELL_STAT is the current status of the well, WELL_STATCD is the code associated with the current well status, PERM_DATE is the date associated with the permit number, SPUD_DATE is the drilling commencement date, or proposed drilling commencement date as reported by the operator, CONSV_IND indicates whether thie wellbore penetrates the Onondaga horizon as defined in the PA Oil & Gas Conservation Law, COUNTY is the county the well is permitted in, COUNTY_ID is the code associated to the county, MCD is the municipality that the well is in, MCD_TYPE is the type of municipality that the well is in, MCD_CD is the code associated to the municipality name, LATITUDE is the latitude of the well bore hole, LONGITUDE is the longitude of the well bore hole, PRMRY_FID is a system generated id associated with the primary facility record for this well in the DEP eFACTS database, UNCV_IND indicates whether this is a conventional or unconventional well, SURFACE_ELEV is the ground elevation at the well head location, WELL_CONFIG_CD indicates the well configuration, COAL_IND indicates if the well is in a coal or non coal region, PLUG_C_DATE is the well plug completion date, WELL_PAD is the name of the well pad on which the well is located."

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Natural GasOilPASDAPennsylvaniaResourceconventionalgaslocationoilunconventionalwells
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Regional Slip Tendency Analysis of the Great Basin RegionSource

Slip and dilation tendency on the Great Basin fault surfaces (from the USGS Quaternary Fault Database) were calculated using 3DStress (software produced by Southwest Research Institute). Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the fault plane by the measured ambient stress field. - Values range from a maximum of 1 (a fault plane ideally oriented to slip or dilate under ambient stress conditions) to zero (a fault plane with no potential to slip or dilate). - Slip and dilation tendency values were calculated for each fault in the Great Basin. As dip is unknown for many faults in the USGS Quaternary Fault Database, we made these calculations using the dip for each fault that would yield the maximum slip or dilation tendency. As such, these results should be viewed as maximum slip and dilation tendency. - The resulting along-fault and fault-to-fault variation in slip or dilation potential is a proxy for along-fault and fault-to-fault variation in fluid flow conduit potential. Stress Magnitudes and directions were calculated across the entire Great Basin. Stress field variation within each focus area was approximated based on regional published data and the world stress database (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2010; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012; Moeck et al., 2010; Moos and Ronne, 2010 and Reinecker et al., 2005). The minimum horizontal stress direction (Shmin) was contoured, and spatial bins with common Shmin directions were calculated. Based on this technique, we subdivided the Great Basin into nine regions (Shmin

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Basin and RangeDilation TendencyEGSGreat BasinQuaternary FaultsSlip TendencyStress FieldsWalker Laneconventionaldataexplorationfault systemsfaultsgeospatial datageothermalhidden geothermal systemsshapefilestructural controls
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago