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CO2 emissions by country of the EDF groupSource

Abstract: Direct CO2 emissions of EDF Group companies, by country, related to electricity and heat production. These are direct emissions, excluding the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the means of production and fuels. Units are expressed in ktonnes. Data consolidated according to EDF's shareholding in Group companies, including investments in associates and joint ventures. When the "World" perimeter is specified, it refers to the countries in which EDF is present. Detailed description: EDF is a Group comprising a number of companies and affiliates. To consult the simplified organisation chart of the Group, click here. Also, when we want to get an overall view of the Group's energy production, for example, we have to carry out what is called a consolidation of all our affiliates’ production. For this purpose, two consolidation methods are possible: Consolidation by full integration Only the affiliates over which EDF has control are consolidated. In this financial approach, subsidiaries are consolidated at 100%, regardless of their ownership rate. Entities over which EDF does not have control are therefore not consolidated at all. Net consolidation (or sometimes called patrimonial) All affiliates are consolidated, provided that EDF holds a stake in them. They are then consolidated according to EDF's share of ownership.

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Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
City and County Energy ProfilesSource

The City and County Energy Profiles lookup table provides modeled electricity and natural gas consumption and expenditures, on-road vehicle fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and associated emissions for each U.S. city and county. Please note this data is modeled and more precise data may be available from regional, state, or other sources. The modeling approach for electricity and natural gas is described in Sector-Specific Methodologies for Subnational Energy Modeling: This data is part of a suite of state and local energy profile data available at the "State and Local Energy Profile Data Suite" link below and builds on Cities-LEAP energy modeling, available at the "EERE Cities-LEAP Page" link below. Examples of how to use the data to inform energy planning can be found at the "Example Uses" link below.

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Cities-LEAPCityCountyDieselElectricityEmissionsEnergy ProfilesGasolineNatural GasUSUnited Statescommercialconsumptioncountryenergyexampleexpendituresfuel consumptionindustrialplanningresidentialstatetransportationvehicle
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
City and County Vehicle InventoriesSource

This light-duty vehicle inventory dataset provides information on vehicle registrations by vehicle type (car vs. truck), fuel type, and model year showing the changes in adoption trends over time and average fuel economies. This data is part of a suite of state and local energy profile data available at the "State and Local Energy Profile Data Suite" link below and builds on Cities-LEAP energy modeling, available at the "EERE Cities-LEAP Page" link below. Examples of how to use the data to inform energy planning can be found at the "Example Uses" link below.

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Alternative FuelCities-LEAPEVElectric VehicleFuel EconomyLight-duty vehiclescarcitycountrydieselelectric vehiclesenergyexampleflex fuelfuel typegasolinehybridhydrogenhydrogen fuel cellinventorylight dutylocalmunicipalplanningplug in hybridregistrationtransportationtruckvehiclevehicle typevehicles
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EDF group’s consolidated generation by countrySource

Summary Energy produced by the EDF Group by sector and country (countries in which EDF is present). Units are expressed in GWh, but may be electricity or heat production. Data consolidated according to EDF's shareholding in Group companies, including investments in associates and joint ventures. Detailed description EDF is a Group comprising a number of companies and subsidiaries. To consult the simplified organisation chart of the Group click here. Therefore, when we wish to have a global view of the Group's energy production, we must carry out what is called a consolidation of all the production of our subsidiaries. For this, two consolidation methods are possible : Full consolidation Only the subsidiaries over which EDF has control are consolidated. In this financial approach, the subsidiaries are consolidated at 100%, regardless of their shareholding. Entities over which EDF does not have control are therefore not consolidated at all. Net consolidation (or sometimes called patrimonial consolidation) All subsidiaries are consolidated, provided that EDF has a stake in them. They are then consolidated at EDF's share of ownership.

No licence known
Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
EDF group’s consolidated generation capacity by countrySource

Abstract: Energy mix of EDF Group's installed capacity by country. Units are expressed either in MWe, which corresponds to electrical power, or in MWth, which corresponds to heat power. Data consolidated according to EDF's shareholding in Group companies, including investments in associates and joint ventures. Detailed description: EDF is a Group comprising a number of companies and affiliates. To consult the simplified organisation chart of the Group, click here. Also, when we want to get an overall view of the Group's energy production, for example, we have to carry out what is called a consolidation of all our affiliates’ production. For this purpose, two consolidation methods are possible: Consolidation by full integration (not for this dataset, click here) Only the affiliates over which EDF has control are consolidated. In this financial approach, subsidiaries are consolidated at 100%, regardless of their ownership rate. Entities over which EDF does not have control are therefore not consolidated at all. Net consolidation (or sometimes called Patrimonial) All affiliates are consolidated, provided that EDF holds a stake in them. They are then consolidated according to EDF's share of ownership.

No licence known
Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
IBNET Benchmarking DatabaseSource

Data on water utilities for 151 national jurisdictions, for a range of years up to and including 2017 (year range varies greatly by country and utility) on service and utility parameters (Benchmark Database) and Tariffs for 211 juristictions (Tariffs database). Information includes cost recovery, connections, population served, financial performance, non-revenue water, residential and total supply, total production. Data can be called up by utility, by group of utility, and by comparison between utilities, including the whole (global) utility database, enabling both country and global level comparison for individual utilities. Data can be downloaded in xls format.

Creative Commons Attribution
IBNETover 1 year ago
RTRS Guides for Responsible Soy ExpansionSource

The Round Table on Responsible Soy (RTRS) is a civil society organization that promotes the production, processing and marketing of responsible soy globally. It aims to promote sustainable production to reduce the social and environmental impacts of soybeans. The RTRS Responsible Soy Production Map is created based on [RTRS Standards](, and is intended to guide responsible expansion of soybean production for RTRS certification. The RTRS committed to create macro-scale maps for Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay to identify and preserve critical ecosystems and High Conservation Value Areas (HCVAs), as well as identify opportunities for responsible expansion of soy with low levels of environmental impact. The process began in Brazil in 2012, followed by Paraguay in 2013. Additional national level maps (e.g. Argentina) are in development. These national maps are created by RTRS National Technical Groups in each country, with experts representing all levels of the supply chain to interpret the global methodology at the national level. Each group was led by local coordinators and supported by GIS companies and consultative groups, as well as [BACP (IFC)](, [IDH](, 3Fi, [WWF]( and [The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation](, the principal funders of this project. The guides were developed according to Annex 4: RTRS approach to responsible conversion, page 20, of the [RTRS Production Standard]( The macro-scale maps show the four different categories described in Guide 4 of the Standard, and the High Conservation Value Areas assessment guides for determination and management of HCVAs. *The categories are as follows:* 1. Areas which are critical for biodiversity (hotspots), where stakeholders agree there should not be any conversion of native to responsible soy production. 2. Areas with high importance for biodiversity where expansion of soy is only carried out after an HCVA assessment which identifies areas for conservation and areas where expansion can occur. 3. Areas where existing legislation is adequate to control responsible expansion (usually areas with importance for agriculture and lower conservation). 4. Areas which are already used for agriculture and where there is no remaining native vegetation except legal reserves and so no further expansion is occurring. 5. Areas deforested after 2009.

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World Resources Institute5 months ago
Teal Tool for Precipitation

Teal is a free visual tool that enables you to explore climate variables for the past 70+ years, from 1950 to near real time at annual, monthly, seasonal, and daily frequency.

License not specified
annualclimate changecountrydailydataexceedanceglobalhistoric datamapsmonthlyprecipitationregiontemperature
World Energy and Meteorological Councilover 1 year ago