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Abu Dhabi desalination production and consumption

This dataset contains United Arab Emirates(Abu Dhabi) Desalination Production and Consumption for 2010-2019 Data from Statistics Centre − Abu Dhabi. Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.Al Dhafra (also known as the Al Gharbia Region )

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Desalinated waterdesalination
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Benchmark Model for Wastewater Treatment Using an Activated Sludge ProcessSource

This is benchmark model for wastewater treatment using an activated sludge process. The activated sludge process is a means of treating both municipal and industrial wastewater. The activated sludge process is a multi-chamber reactor unit that uses highly concentrated microorganisms to degrade organics and remove nutrients from wastewater, producing quality effluent. This model provides pollutant concentrations, mass balance, electricity requirements, and treatment costs. This model will be continuously updated based on the latest data.

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NAWIactivated sludgebenchmarkdatadesalinationmicroorganismsmodelorganicsprocessprocessed datasludgesludge processtreatmentwastewaterwastewater treatmentwaterwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Biodesalination of Brackish Water Using Halophytic AlgaeSource

The raw data from experiments on the pilot-scale photobio-reactor that represent growth of Euglena deses and Chlorella vulgaris and salt uptake. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Sahle-Demessie, E., A.A. Hassan, and A.E. Badawy. Bio-desalination of brackish and seawater using halophytic algae. DESALINATION. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 465: 104-113, (2019).

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and chlorella vulgarisdesalinationhalophyte algaescenedesmus sp.
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Brackish Water Assessment in the Eastern Tularosa Basin, New Mexico - Open-file Report 582

Communities in the Tularosa Basin, including Tularosa and Alamogordo, face serious challenges related to water resources, both in terms of water quantity and quality. An arid climate, limited surface water as streams or rivers, variable groundwater quality, and projected population increases make water resource management in the Tularosa Basin challenging. Groundwater accounts for approximately 70% of all water use in the area, including irrigation, domestic use, and public supply. It has been estimated that less than four percent of groundwater in the Tularosa Basin is fresh with total dissolved solids (TDS) of less than 1,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L). Most public supply wells pump relatively fresh water from very localized zones located on the eastern margin of the basin at the base of the Sacramento Mountains. Plans to pump and desalinate brackish water (1,000–10,000 mg/L TDS) for public water supply for Alamogordo are in development. There are concerns about the effect of pumping large quantities of brackish water on the water quality for multiple other users. To evaluate the potential impacts of pumping brackish water on existing water resources, it is necessary to know the spatial distribution of groundwater salinity. This report describes recent efforts by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR) to assess the spatial distribution of groundwater salinity in the Tularosa Basin. The objectives of this study were to: Compile and review existing water chemistry data in the area to assess the spatial distribution of groundwater salinity Collect up to 30 water quality samples to address spatial and temporal data gaps Using all data, provide an assessment of fresh and brackish water resources Suggest future research to improve understanding of groundwater salinity in the Tularosa Basin

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La Luz CreekRio Tularosadesalinationgroundwater chemistrygroundwater desalinationgroundwater flowgroundwater qualitygroundwater resourcesgroundwater salinitynon-traditional water resourcessaline water encroachmentsurface water quality
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
Catalyst Design in Nitrate RemovalSource

Based on the volcano plot developed by Dr. Goldsmith group (Report linked in submission), we utilized DFT (density functional theory) calculations to search for bimetallic materials in the application of catalysts in aqueous nitrate removal. The calculations are conducted via the high-throughput automated workflow package developed by our group (Github linked in submission) using VASP commercial first-principles calculation software.

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DFTDFT CalculationsNAWINitrateaqueous nitrate removalbimetallic materialscodedensity functional theorydensity functional theory calculationsdesalinationgithubhigh-throughput automated workflowmodelnitrate reductionnitrate removalpythonsimulationwaterwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Desalinated water percentage of total usable freshwater

This dataset contains Saudi Arabia Desalinated water percentage of total usable freshwater for the period 2010-2018.Data from General Authority for Statistics,Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.

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Water Capacitydesalinationfresh water
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
HERO WEC V1.0 - SolidWorks ModelSource

The attached zip file includes a SolidWorks pack-and-go assembly of NREL's HERO WEC (hydraulic and electric reverse osmosis wave energy converter) V1.0. This model does not include all aspects of the design (i.e. RO (reverse osmosis) system, electrical enclosure, hose, cable) it only includes the WEC and PTO (power take-off) design.

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HERO WECHydrokineticMHKMarineNorth CarolinaOuter BanksSolidWorksWECdesalinationenergyhydraulic PTOpoint absorberpowerreverse osmosissoftware packagesystem model
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Installed capacity of desalinated water plants by entity

This dataset contains UAE Installed Capacity of Desalinated Water Plants by Entity for 2008 - 2020. Data from Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority. Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.Note:Unit: MCM / Day

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King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Membrane Specifications for Multi-Configuration Membrane Distillation ModelSource

The data includes the membrane properties and specifications used for multi-configuration membrane distillation desalination. In this study, membranes from CLARCOR, 3M, and Aquastill are tested in counter-current, co-current and air-gap configurations at Colorado School of Mines (CSM), Advanced Water technology Center ( Aqwatech) laboratories. In the data sheets: The "theoretical" worksheet, contains steady-state values of the experimental runs and also provides several calculated values. The "Specifications" worksheet contains the inputs to the experiment. The "Data" spreadsheet contains the entire set of data and the rest of the sheets "20-40", "20-45", ...etc., contain individual portions of the data with variation of feed temperatures.

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dcmddesalinationdirect contact membrane distillationenergyflat sheetgeothermalmembrane disalinationmembrane specificationsplate and framespiral wound
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Microbial Taxa Distribution Data From 16S rRNA Analysis Of Desalination Operations At Carlsbad, CA And Tampa Bay, FLSource

This data set list the distribution of microbial taxa from three sets of sampling campaigns from unit operations in two large desalination facilities in the US conducted between March and May 2021. The desalination plants include the Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant in Carlsbad, California and the Seater Desalination facility in Tampa Bay, Florida.

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16s rRNA gene analysisCaliforniaCarlsbadFloridaSDCWASan Diego County Water AuthorityTampa BayTampa Bay Waterbiofilmsdesalinationmicrobial ecologyprocessed datareverse osmosistaxawaterwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
NAWI Seedling Project: Foundational Control Methods for Water Treatment Systems - Online Actuator and Sensor DataSource

This repository contains online actuator and sensor data and associated meta-data collected during the NAWI-funded seedling project with title: Foundational Control Methods for Water Treatment Systems. For detailed information on each dataset, please check the README included there.

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CCROExcelManualNAWIactuatorautomationclosed-circuit reverse osmosiscontroldesalinationoptimizationprocessed dataresource extractionseedlingsensor datawaterwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Omics Standard Operating ProceduresSource

This living document will illustrate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for sampling biofilm material from reverse osmosis (RO) membrane modules. The SOPs will empower the NAWI research community to apply omics tools (e.g., time-series metagenomic, meta-transcriptomic, metaproteomic and metabolomic workflows) to fundamentally understand biofilm formation with unprecedented resolution (e.g., the transition from innocuous to detrimental biofilm) and mitigate biofouling in water treatment and distribution systems.

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BiofilmsNAWIOmics analysesROSOPsbiofilmbiofoulingdesalinationdetrimentalinnocuousmembranemeta-transcriptomicmetabolomicmetagenomicmetaproteomicomicomicsreverse osmosistime-serieswater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Overview of Fresh and Brackish Water Quality in New Mexico - Open-file Report 583

Access to adequate supplies of fresh water is becoming an increasingly critical issue in many parts of the world. In arid regions of the southwestern United States, diminishing water supplies and extended periods of drought have generated an interest in non-traditional water resources, and the development of new technologies such as desalination of brackish water to exploit those resources. New Mexico has limited supplies of fresh water, but over the last century there have been claims that the state has very large reserves of brackish groundwater (e.g., Hood and Kister, 1962; McLean, 1970). However, our knowledge of the quality and volume of these brackish water resources varies significantly across the state. Some aquifers and groundwater basins in more densely populated areas have been very thoroughly investigated by multiple individuals and agencies over time periods of years or decades. Despite this foundation of pre-existing research, our knowledge of the distribution of brackish groundwater in many aquifers in New Mexico is often poorly constrained.

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brackish groundwaterdesalinationdroughtfresh watergroundwater qualitygroundwater quantitynon-traditional water resourcessalinitywater chemistrywater qualitywater supplywater wells
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
UNESCWA Data PortalSource

Range of environment and water indicators for Western Asia Countries. Data presented online and can be exported as PDF or XLS. The data runs 5 yearly from 1975 and annually from 1990 to 2015, although not every year is provided for each indicator or country. The following water-related indicators are provided, although not every indicator is available for each country. Average precipitation (cubic meters and mm per year), Surface water abstraction (cubic meters per year), domestic water use (cubic meters per year), Access to improved drinking water (percentage) Wastewater produced (cubic meters per day), Desalination production (cubic meters per year), Total freshwater abstraction (cubic meters per year), Groundwater Abstraction (Cubic Meters Per year), total freshwater use (Cubic meters), Total non-conventional use (cubic metesr per yera), Per capita water resources from conventional and non-conventional resources (Cubic meters per year), Per capita total water resource change (% for previous two years), agricultural water use (Cubic meters per year), Access to improved drinking water sources (urban) (Percentage), Wastewater treated in urban wastewater treatment plants(cubic meters per day), Access to improved drinking water sources (rural) (Percentage) Access to improved sanitation (rural) (Percentage), Population using improved drinking water sources (rural) (urban) (Percentage), Population using improved sanitation facilities (rural) (urban) (Percentage)

Creative Commons Attribution
agricultural water useagriculturedesalinationdomesticgroundwaterimproved drinking waterimproved sanitationnon-conventional waterrainfallsurface waterwater abstractionwater treatment
UNESCWAover 1 year ago
US Municipal Desalination PlantsSource

This submission presents results and observations from a series of surveys of US municipal desalination plants conducted during the last 20 years. The surveys were conducted to determine the number, characteristics, and concentrate disposal practices of US desalination plants. Each survey was intended to identify and contact each US plant that produces 25,000 gpd or more. This cutoff eliminated smaller plants that serve truck stops, mobile home parks, hospitals, campgrounds, etc. Succeeding surveys did not undertake to recontact all previously contacted plants but focused primarily on plants built since the initial survey.

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NAWIROU.S.USUnited Statescapacitydesalinationdisposalenergyfacilitymunicipalplantspost-treatmentreverse osmosissurveytechnologytreatmentwaste managementwaterwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USDA Census of IrrigationSource

The 2018 Irrigation and Water Management Survey (formerly called the Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey) is a follow-on to the 2017 Census of Agriculture by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This survey provides the only comprehensive information on irrigation activities and water use across American farms, ranches, and horticultural operations. In responding to the survey, producers provide information on topics such as water sources and amount of water used, acres irrigated by type of system, irrigation and yield by crop, and system investments and energy costs. The full reports for the 2003, 2008, 2017, and 2018 surveys are provided in this submission. By following the link to the USDA Census of Irrigation, a specific year can be selected, in which the tables and figures of each report are provided.

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NAWIcensuscostcropdesalinationeconomicsfarmgravityhorticultureirrigationirrigation pumpsmicroranchsolar pumpssprinklerwaterwater managementwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USGS Water Data for the NationSource

The U.S. Geological Survey maintains national data bases of water-use information. The data are collected and compiled every five years for each State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. County, state, and national water-use estimates may be downloaded from the National Water Information System Web (NWISWeb) interface, Water Data for the Nation, by selecting the Water Use button or data category pull-down. Data on NWISWeb represent the current best estimates, and may have been revised from previous publications. Data available from the USGS County Water-Use generally reflect the published report, and may have been revised in subsequent analyses. Note: State-level data from 1950-1980 and watershed data are not available on NWISWeb, but they can be downloaded USGS County Water-Use Data link.

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NAWIaquacultureconsumptive usedesalinationdomesticenergyground waterindustrialirrigationlivestockminingpublic supplysurface waterthermoelectric powerwaterwater qualitywater treatmentwater use
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
WRRI Technical Reports

Numerous technical reports related to water in New Mexico regions

License not specified
MesillaNMSURio GrandeWRRIdesalinationevapotranspirationgroundwaterinfiltrationirrigationproduced waterrechargereusesalinitysurface waterwater budgets
New Mexico Water Resources Research Insitituteabout 1 year ago
WaterTAP3 Model Input Data for NAWI's Eight Source Water Baseline AnalysesSource

This folder contains the input data for the WaterTAP3 model that was used for the eight NAWI (National Alliance for Water Innovation) source water baselines studies published in the Environmental Science and Technology special issue: Technology Baselines and Innovation Priorities for Water Treatment and Supply. There are also eight other separate DAMS submissions, one per source water, that include the model results for the published studies. In this data submission, all model inputs across the eight baselines are included. The data structure and content are described in a README.txt file. For more details on how to use the data in WaterTAP3 please refer to the model documentation and GitHub site found at "WaterTAP3 Github" linked in the submission resources.

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LCOWNAWIWaterTAP3agriculturebaselinebrackishconstituent removaldesalinationenergyenergy intensityindustriallevelized cost of waterminingmodelmunicipalpowerproduced waterseawatertechno-economic analysistechno-economic modelingtreatment trainwater recovery
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
WaterTAP3 Model Results for NAWI's Baseline AnalysesSource

Description: This folder contains the results for the WaterTAP3 model that was used for the eight NAWI (National Alliance for Water Innovation) baseline studies published in the Environmental Science and Technology special issue: Technology Baselines and Innovation Priorities for Water Treatment and Supply. The data structure and content are described in a README.txt file. For more details on how to use the data and interpret the results please refer to the model documentation and GitHub site linked in the submission.

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Energy IntensityLCOWNAWIReverse OsmosisWater RecoveryWaterTAP3agriculturebaselinebrackishdesalinationenergyindustrialminingmodelmunicipalpowerproduced waterresultsseawatersensitivitiessensitivity analysistechno-economic analysis xtechno-economic modelingtreatment train xwater treatmentzero liquid discharge
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago