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Data of High-Temperature Dynamic LCM Testing SetupSource

Data from high temperature dynamic sealing tests for various fracture widths, at various temperatures (degrees F), with 5 wt.% bentonite-based mud containing various material fiber contents, at 100 to 400 psi differential pressure. Data from pressure test and evaluation of the dynamic lost circulation materials (LCM) testing unit to reflect the condition of open and sealed fracture using fracture width of 1000 microns at 120 degrees F. Links to two papers based on the data - "Loss circulation prevention in geothermal drilling by shape memory polymer" which was published in Geothermics 89 (2021) 101943) as well as "Evaluating sealability of blended smart polymer and fiber additive for geothermal drilling with the effect of fracture opening size", published in the Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 206 (2021) 108998.

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FiltrationFractureGeothermal drillingGraniteLost circulationLost circulation materialsSMPSealabilitySealing pressureShape memory polymerSmart LCMSwellbore strengtheningdrillingdrilling fluid additivesenergyexperimentfracture sealinggeothermalmodelprocessed datatechnologytemperaturewellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Deep Sedimentary Basin EGS DevelopmentSource

Stratigraphic reservoirs with high permeability and temperature at economically accessible depths are attractive for power generation because of their large areal extent (> 100 km2) compared to the fault controlled hydrothermal reservoirs (< 10 km2) found throughout much of the western US. A preliminary screening of the geothermal power potential of sedimentary basins in the U.S. assuming present day drilling costs, a levelized cost of electricity over 30 years of $10/Wh, and realistic reservoir permeabilities, indicates that basins with heat flows of more than about 80 mW/m2, reservoir temperatures of more than 175 degrees C, and a reservoir depth of less than 4 km are required. This puts the focus for future geothermal power generation on high heat flow regions of California (e.g. the Imperial Valley and regions adjacent to The Geysers), the Rio Grande rift system of New Mexico and Colorado (especially the Denver Basin), the Great Basin of the western U.S., and high heat flow parts of Hawaii and the Alaska volcanic arc. This submission includes a Stage Gate Report on "Novel Geothermal Development of Deep Sedimentary Systems in the United States" in addition to the following resources compiled into a single PDF: Fluid-Mineral and Reactional Path Calculations (Simmons, S.F. 2012) Summary of Coupled Fluid Geochemistry with Depth Analyses in the Great Basin and Adjoining Regions (Kirby, S.M. 2012) Summary of Compiled Permeability with Depth Measurements for Basin Fill, Igneous, Carbonate, and Siliciclastic Rocks in the Great Basin and Adjoining Regions (Kirby, S.M. 2012) Review of Permeability Characteristics in Drilled, Sediment-Hosted, Geothermal Systems (Anderson, T.C. 2012) Structural Geology of the Eastern Basin and Range; Structural Cross Sections Across Western Utah and Northeastern Nevada (Schelling, D.D. 2012) Stratigraphic Reservoirs in the Great Basin-The Bridge to Development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems in the U.S. (Allis et al. 2012) Presentation: Stratigraphic Reservoirs in the Great Basin-the Bridge to Development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems in the U.S. (Allis et al. 2012) Presentation: Novel Geothermal Development of Deep Sedimentary Systems in the United States (Moore, J. and R. Allis, 2012) The Potential for Basin-Centered Geothermal Resources in the Great Basin (Allis et al. 2011) Presentation: The Potential for Basin-Centered Geothermal Resources in the Great Basin (Allis et al. 2011) Geothermal Resources in Southwestern Utah: Gravity and Magnetotelluric Investigations (Hardwick, C. 2012) Geophysical Delineation of the Crater Bench, Utah, Geothermal System (Hardwick C.L. and D.S. Chapman, 2011) Geothermal Resources in the Black Rock Desert, Utah: MT and Gravity Surveys (Hardwick, C.L and D.S. Chapman, 2012) Simulation of Heat Exchange Processes and Thermal Evolution of Deep Sedimentary Resevoirs (2012) Performance of Air-Cooled Binary Power Plants: An Analysis using Pacificorp's Blundell plant near Milford, Utah (Allis, R. and G. Larsen, 2012) Chapter 4: Reservoir Implications of CO2 in Produced Fluids and as Co-Injected Fluid (2012) Developing Geothermal Resources beneath Hot Basins (stratigraphic reservoirs) Economic Constraints - draft notes for report (Spencer, T. and R. Allis 2012) Using Hydrogeologic Data to Evaluate Geothermal Potential in the Eastern Great Basin, Western U.S. (Heilweil et al. 2012) Subsidence in Sedimentary Basins due to Groundwater Withdrawal for Geothermal Energy Development (Lowe, M. 2012) Induced Seismicity [associated with deep sedimentary basin EGS development] (McPherson, B. 2012)

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basin stratigraphycarbonatesdeep sedimentarydrillinggeothermalheat flowhydrofracturingpermeabilitypower productionreportreservoir modelingsedimentary aquiferssiliciclasticssolarstage gatestratigraphic reservoirstemperature distributions
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Drilling Monitoring Program: Computer Program on Heat Transfer - Temperature Distribution - Hydraulic Calculations for Abrasive Jet DrillingSource

A program was created to evaluate the downhole conditions occurring in a FLASH ASJ drilling system. the program is meant to aid the operator of a coiled tubing rig in maintaining optimum drilling conditions.

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abrasive jet drillingcoiled tubingdrillingflash asj drilling systemgeothermalheat transfermicroboremicroholemonitoringunderbalanced
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Drilling Rate Changes When Air Drilling is Switched to Mist Drilling, August 1977

Drilling Rate Changes When Air Drilling is Switched to Mist Drilling, August 1977

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Geologyair drillingchangesdrillingmist drillingrateswitchedwhen
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
EGS Collab - 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During InjectionSource

This package includes data and footage from two rounds of downhole camera surveys performed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) on the 4850 level. The exercise was performed once on 25 May 2018 and once on 21 December 2018. On May 25th, the first round was done during fluid injection at the 164-ft stimulation zone in the injection well (E1-I). On December 21st, the second round was carried out during fluid injection at the 142-ft stimulation zone. Prior to the injections, downhole instrumentation was removed from the production well (E1-P) to allow room for the downhole camera system. The water within E1-P was then lifted out by the application of air pressure and the downhole camera system was conveyed into the production well. Finally, the water was injected into E1-I and the camera was used to scan for jetting points, or fluid entry, in E1-P. There is a survey description in this package that further describes the procedure of the survey and the overall results. Additionally, there is a detailed analysis of the surveys in the form of a PowerPoint, which includes animations/visualizations from the camera footage, presents interpretations in detail, and provides some general conclusions. Three animations, along with the two video segments that show the jetting into E1-P, are also provided. The video footage was collected using a GeoVISION Dual-Scan Micro Video Camera, the specs of which are also included in this package as a resource.

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BoreholeDownhole CameraDual-Scan Micro Video CameraE1-PEGSEGS CollabGeoVISIONSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityStressdatadepthdrillingenergyexperimentflowfoliationfracturefracturinggeothermalhydraulicinjectioninjection rateinjection testjetsjetting pointpressureproduction wellstimulationwell datawellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1- Common Discrete Fracture NetworkSource

This package includes data and models that support hydraulic fracture stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). A paper by Schwering et al. (2020) describes the deterministic basis for developing a "common" discrete fracture network (CDFN) model of significant natural fractures in EGS Collab Testbed 1 on the 4850-Level of SURF. The ReadMe for this model shows drift, wells, scanlines, fracture data, interpreted fractures, and geophysical visualizations. There is also a summary of the data that was used in this experiment and includes results from reviewing core, televiewer (TV) logs, core-TV depth/feature registration, and from mapping weeps in the 4850-Level drift. The CDFN is intended to be a baseline model of the pre-stimulated testbed (though some observations from stimulation helped inform the model).

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DFNEGSEGS CollabSURFSandia National LaboratoriesSanford Underground Research Facilityboreholecoredatadiscrete fracture networkdrillingelectrical resistivityenergyenhanced geothermal systemexperimentflowfluidfluid circulationfracturefracturinggeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicinjection testmodelnetworkstimulationsystemtracerweepwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Engineering Design and Specification for the Open-Hole PackerSource

This engineering design and specification document contains the applications, specifications, testing, materials, and running methods for the Open-Hole Packer. The Open Hole Packer is designed to seal 8.5 to 9.75 inch open-holes with a 7 inch casing. The design is intended to seal up to 6,000 psi of differential pressure and temperatures of up to 437F (225C). This document is the first step in the design process.

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7 inch casingOpen-Open-HolePackerRIHRun in Holecasingdesigndrillingenergygeothermalholeplugsealspecificationstechnology
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Exploration Best Practices on OpenEISource

This is an electronic database detailing different types of, various phases of, best practices for, and cost and time associated with geothermal exploration techniques. The groups of exploration techniques included in the database are Data and Modeling Techniques, Downhole Techniques, Drilling Techniques, Field Technologies, Geochemical Techniques, Geophysical Techniques, Lab Analysis Techniques, and Remote Sensing Techniques.

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2-M probeDC resistivityFLIRInSARLiDARMT surveyOpenEISARSWIRbest practicesconceptual modelsdatabase linkdrillingelectromagnetic surveyexplorationexploration costsgeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalgravityhyperspectralisotopeloggingmagneticsmultispectralreflectionrefractonremote sensingresistivity surveyseismicwell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Fallon FORGE: Well Data, Geophysical Data, and Geologic MapsSource

The data is associated to the Fallon FORGE project and includes mudlogs for all wells used to characterize the subsurface, as wells as gravity, magnetotelluric, earthquake seismicity, and temperature data from the Navy GPO and Ormat. Also included are geologic maps from the USGS and Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology for the Fallon, NV area.

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13-3614-117-1634-3335A-1147A-1151A-2056A-1458A-961-3662-1578-3682-3684-3186-1586-2586A-1588-24Basin and RangeBell and House 2010Bell et. al. 2010Carson SinkDEMEGSFOH 3FOH-3FORGEFallonFlow testGammaGeologic MapHeat FlowHighwaysHinz et. al. 2011MTMagnetotelluricMaurer and Welch 2001MudlogNDOTNVNavy GPONeadaNevadaPressureRadiogenic Heat MeasurementsSeismicSemblanceStewart and Carlson 1978TemperatureTemperature GradientWellacoustilogboreholeboundarycharacterizationdatadrillingdroearthquakesexplorationgamma raygeologicgeologygeophysicsgeospatial datageothermalgravityheatleasemapmud logradiogenicseismicitysitesubsurfacesurveywell datawell drillingx-multipole array
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
First Results Project Hotspot DrillingSource

Project Hotspot drilled 3 slim hole exploratory wells in southern Idaho, each just under 2 km deep. These holes were designed to investigate thermal structure in three different settings within the Snake River Volcanic Province: (1) along the axial volcanic high of the central SRP, (2) along the margins of the central SRP, in an area of known thermal waters, and (3) in the western SRP graben. All holes were cored and logged geophysically. This paper describes the drilling and logging campaigns and their results. doi:10.2204/

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IdahoProject HotspotScientific DrillingSnake River PlainYellowstone Hotspotdrillingexplorationgeothermal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Full-Scale Laboratory Drilling Tests on Sandstone and Dolomite, Final Report; December 1977

Full-Scale Laboratory Drilling Tests on Sandstone and Dolomite, Final Report; December 1977

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1977Geologydolomitedrillingfinal reportlaboratorysandstonetests
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
GEOPHIRES Simulations for Deep Direct Use (DDU) ProjectsSource

This folder contains the GEOPHIRES codes and input files for running the base case scenarios for the six deep direct-use (DDU) projects. The six DDU projects took place during 2017-2020 and were funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office. They investigated the potential of geothermal deep direct-use at six locations across the country. The projects were conducted by Cornell University, West Virginia University (WVU), University of Illinois (U of IL), Sandia National Laboratory (SNL), Portland State University (PSU), and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Four projects (Cornell, WVU, U of IL, SNL) investigated geothermal for direct heating of a local campus or community, the project by PSU considered seasonal subsurface storage of solar heating, and the NREL project investigated geothermal heating for turbine inlet cooling using absorption chillers. To allow comparison of techno-economic results across the six DDU projects, GEOPHIRES simulations were set up and conducted for each project. The GEOPHIRES code was modified for each project to simulate the local application and incorporate project-specific assumptions and results such as reservoir production temperature or financing conditions. The base case input file is included which simulates the base case conditions assumed by each project team. The levelized cost of heat (LCOH) is calculated and matches the base case LCOH reported by the project teams.

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Champagne-UrbanaChampaign-UrbanaCornellDDUDeep Direct UseGEOPHIRESHawthorneIllinoisIllinois BasinLCOHNevadaOregonPortlandPortland BasinUniversity of IllinoisUrbana-ChampaignWVUWest VirginiaWest Virginia Universityabsorptionabsorption chillercostdrillingeconomicsenergyexperimentflowgeothermalinjection testlevelized cost of heatmodelingporosityreservoirsimulationsubsurface storagetechno-economictechnologytemperaturethermal conductivitywell datawellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geothermal Drilling and Completions: Petroleum Practices Technology TransferSource

NREL and the Colorado School of Mines (SURGE) conducted research in FY14 to identify petroleum drilling and completion practices (methods and technologies) that can be transferred to geothermal drilling and completion, to provide the geothermal industry with more effective, lower cost and lower risk methods. The submitted resource is the FY14 project final report.

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best practicescompletioncostdrillingfinal reportgeothermalmethodspetroleumtechnologytechnology transfer
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geothermal Exploration of Newberry Volcano, Oregon Summary ReportSource

Abstract: Davenport Newberry (Davenport) has completed 8 years of exploration for geothermal energy on Newberry Volcano in central Oregon. Two deep exploration test wells were drilled by Davenport on the west flank of the volcano, one intersected a hydrothermal system; the other intersected isolated fractures with no hydrothermal interconnection. Both holes have bottom-hole temperatures near or above 315 deg C (600 deg F). Subsequent to deep test drilling an expanded exploration and evaluation program was initiated. These efforts have included reprocessing existing data, executing multiple geological, geophysical, geochemical programs, deep exploration test well drilling and shallow well drilling. The efforts over the last three years have been made possible through the DOE's facilitation of innovative geothermal exploration techniques. The combined results of the last 8 years have led to a better understanding of the history and complexity of Newberry Volcano and improved the design and interpretation of geophysical exploration techniques with regard to blind geothermal resources in volcanic terrain.

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AltaRockDavenportIETNewberryNewberry VolcanoOregonblind geothermal systemdrillingexplorationgeothermalinvestigationsitestructuralterrainvolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Guelph, ON Canada DTS MetadataSource

Metadata for active distributed temperature survey (DTS) experiments at Guelph, Ontario Canada. This data that this metadata refers to was taken as part of the PoroTomo project. The metadata includes information about status, location, elevation, units, and other metadata.

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CACanadaDTSONboreholedepthdistributed temperature sensingdistributed temperature surveydrillingelevationgeothermalguelphlocationmetadataontarioporotomotemperaturewell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hard Rock Drilling Optimization SoftwareSource

The main objective of the developed software is to reduce the cost per foot during drilling, in other words, optimize the drilling operational parameters in achieving optimum ROP while avoiding critical operational parameters due to either low ROP, drillstring vibration, accelerated cutter wear, or low MSE. The developed software can also be used for post-well analysis to provide insight and lessons learned for future drilling operations. Several functions are available in the software to help the user perform drilling analysis, optimization, and simulation.

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Drilling optimizationDrilling simulationGUIGeothermal DrillingHard rock drillingcustom softwaredrillingdrilling analysisgeothermalhard rockmodeloptimizationsimulationsoftware
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Lanai Daily Drilling ReportsSource

The Hawaii Play Fairway Project deepened an already existing water well in Palawai Basin, Lanai island. Lanai Well #10 was deepened from 427 m to ~1057 m, with nearly continuous rock core collected. Spanning the dates from May 13 to July 5, 2019, the daily drilling reports of Lanai Well #10 includes a log of events during drilling and well information (e.g. location, elevation, and casing). A project by the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the Hawaii Play Fairway project was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office (award DE-EE0006729). For more information, including preliminary core photos and a log of drilling activity, go to the Hawaii Groundwater and Geothermal Resources website linked in the resources.

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HawaiiLanaiPalawai Basincore photosdatadrillingdrilling datadrilling logsenergygeothermalgroundwaterreportwaterwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
High-Pressure and High-Temperature (HPHT) Lost Circulation Material (LCM) TestingSource

High-pressure and high-temperature (HPHT) lost circulation material (LCM) rheology test results, LCM particle size distributions (PSD) analysis, and HPHT LCM fluid loss test results. Three academic papers / reports derived from this research are also presented.

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Fracture sealingHPHT filtrationLCMLost circulation materialsPSDParticle size distributiondrillingdrilling fluid additivesenergyexperimentgelationgeothermalhigh pressure high temperaturemodelprocessed datarheologytechnologytemperaturethermal degradationwellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
INGENIOUS Thermal Conductivity Measurement Source CategorizationSource

Thermal conductivity (TC) data taken for different wells at a specified drill depth. This is an abridged version of the complete SMU heat flow database, downloaded from the SMU node of the NGDS at the beginning of INGENIOUS (approximately April 2021), and filtered to the INGENIOUS study area. This National Geothermal Data System (NGDS) project aggregates geothermal data collected and curated by the SMU Geothermal Laboratory and its partner organizations. All columns in this database are the same as the SMU database, except for 2 additions associated with this project. Repeated columns are for data correlation purposes. Column descriptions and data types are the same as previous iterations of the SMU database. The new values that are the addition are two new columns developed as part of the INGENIOUS project: INGENIOUS TC Value | INGENIOUS notes INGENIOUS notes are individual notes that were written for specific data points during the analysis process. There are not always notes associated with each input value. INGENIOUS TC Value includes 4 values: 1. Assumed Measured These are values that are assumed to be measured thermal conductivity values, either within a specific well or within the same study region. Many of these have either a published reference, a reported standard deviation, or a unique thermal conductivity value. 2. Data release - assumed measured These are values in the SMU database that are from proprietary data that were added to the SMU database and are labeled as data release for their reference. These values were searched for in person at the SMU Geothermal Laboratory as well as virtual examination of data available on the NGDS. For many of these, there are reported thermal conductivity values associated with the heat flow data in the database, but no specific table or reference to measurements in the original data release files. 3. Known measured These are values that have a reported measurement, either as an original file in the SMU data files on the NGDS or a reported table in a publication. In the rare circumstances, Maria Richards or David Blackwell confirmed measurement. Confirmation of measurement would be written in the INGENIOUS notes column. 4. Unmeasured Unmeasured values are those that are known to be unmeasured, either estimated from another report or no information given. In the SMU database, there are wells that have a heat flow but no thermal conductivity. These are categorized as unmeasured. There are also heat flow values that are stated to have estimated or generalized average thermal conductivity values for the region and rock type. Because these are known to be unmeasured, they are categorized as such. 5. Blank Blank values are either A quality or X quality. These quality values are stated in the INGENIOUS notes. These values were not going to change associated with the heat flow analysis, so these were not examined.

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INGENIOUSNGDSNevadaSMUTCconductivitydatadatabasedrillingenergygeothermalheatheat flowmeasurmentnotesporosityraw datatestthermalthermal conductivitywell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Life Cycle Water Consumption and Water Resource Assessment for Utility-Scale Geothermal Systems: An In-Depth Analysis of Historical and Forthcoming EGS ProjectsSource

This report is the third in a series of reports sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Program in which a range of water-related issues surrounding geothermal power production are evaluated. The first report made an initial attempt at quantifying the life cycle fresh water requirements of geothermal power-generating systems and explored operational and environmental concerns related to the geochemical composition of geothermal fluids. The initial analysis of life cycle fresh water consumption of geothermal power-generating systems identified that operational water requirements consumed the vast majority of water across the life cycle. However, it relied upon limited operational water consumption data and did not account for belowground operational losses for enhanced geothermal systems (EGSs). A second report presented an initial assessment of fresh water demand for future growth in utility-scale geothermal power generation. The current analysis builds upon this work to improve life cycle fresh water consumption estimates and incorporates regional water availability into the resource assessment to improve the identification of areas where future growth in geothermal electricity generation may encounter water challenges.

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CaliforniaEGSNEPANevadaOregonabovegroundbelowground losschemicalcirculation testcoolingdomesticdrillingexploration wellflow testgeologygeothermalinjectioninjection wellinternationallife cyclelife cycle assessmentlossloss ratemake-upobservation welloperationaloperational losspermitpowerproductionproduction wellregional water resource assessmentreservoir lossstimulationwaterwater consumptionwater resourcewell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Mechanically Operated, Surface-Controlled Deviation Device for Directional Drilling

A Study to Determine Feasibility of Developing a Mechanically Operated, Surface-Controlled Deviation Device for Directional Drilling, Final Report; July 1982

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Methodology for prediction of oil recovery by infill drilling


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Enhanced Gas RecoveryGeologydrillinginfillmethodologyoilprediction
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Microhole Test DataSource

Drilling results from the microhole project at the Sandia High Operating Temperature test facility. The project is seeking to help reduce the cost of exploration and monitoring of geothermal wells and formations by drilling smaller holes. The tests were part of a control algorithm development to optimize the weight-on-bit (WOB) used during drilling with a percussive hammer.

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HOTHigh operating temperatureSandiadrillinggeothermalhammersmicroholepercussion
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Mud Pulse Logging While Drilling Telemetry System-Design, Development, and Demonstrations

Mud Pulse Logging While Drilling Telemetry System-Design, Development, and Demonstrations, Topical Report; July 1978

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
National Geological and Geophysical Data Catalog

his ScienceBase community represents the National Digital Catalog of the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP). The National Digital Catalog includes metadata records describing geological and geophysical physical samples managed by state geological agencies. These samples include rock samples, thin sections, field notebooks, photographs, maps, datasets, and many more. Samples are described using metadata elements identified by the NGGDPP as important for discovering, understanding, accessing, and using physical collections. Contact and access information is provided for each sample to enable users to access information and material. More information about the National Digital Catalog is available at:

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completioncuttingsdatadrillingfield notesmapreportrocksamplesstateusgswell log
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration Well 55-29 Stimulation DataSource

The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 3 year project started in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to run for weeks and deliver large volumes of water at moderate well-head pressure. Second, to stimulate multiple zones, AltaRock developed thermo-degradable zonal isolation materials (TZIMs) to seal off fractures in a geothermal well to stimulate secondary and tertiary fracture zones. The TZIMs degrade within weeks, resulting in an optimized injection/ production profile of the entire well. Third, the project followed a project-specific Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan (ISMP) to evaluate, monitor for, and mitigate felt induced seismicity. Stimulation started October 17, 2012 and continued for 7 weeks, with over 41,000 m3 of water injected. Two TZIM treatments successfully shifted the depth of stimulation. Injectivity, DTS, and seismic analysis indicate that fracture permeability in well NWG 55-29 was enhanced by two orders of magnitude. This submission includes all of the files and reports associated with the geophysical exploration, stimulation, and monitoring included in the scope of the project.

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55-29Daily ReportDiverter InjectionEGSFlowGeochemistryGeophysical LogsLithologyNEWGENPublicationsSeismicStimulation DataTZIMTemperatureTracer Injection and groundwater monitoringWHPWell Constructioncasingcatalogdiverter materialdivertersdrillinggeophysicsgeothermalgroundwater monitoringhydrauliclogmicroseismic monitoringmicroseismicitymonitoringreportseismicitystimulationtemperature monitoringwaterwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Operational Performance Requirements For Motor Power Sections Used in Geothermal Drilling Based Upon Minimum Specific EnergySource

Operational performance requirements are needed to support development of specifications for downhole motor power sections to be used for drilling hard rock during geothermal wellbore construction. Theoretical torque specifications are derived based upon a widely-accepted rock-reduction model in the literature using representative properties for typical rock formations. The derived values correspond to optimum motor performance for rock reduction at minimum specific energy and form a set of minimum requirements on output torque and power for downhole motors. Actual values should be increased to account for factors such as increased hydrostatic pressure at depth, bit wear, heterogeneous rock, and non-ideal drilling conditions.

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bit wearconstructiondownholedrillinggeothermalheterogeneous geologyheterogeneous rockhydrostatic pressuremotormotor power sectionsnon-ideal drilling conditionsoperationsperformance requirementspoor drilling conditionspower sectionspecific energytorquewellwellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Petroleum Data: Crude Reserves and Production Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Data on the proved reserves, production, and drilling of crude oil, lease condensates, natural gas, and natural gas wells. Monthly and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

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APIcrude oilcrude oil productiondiesel fueldrillingheating oiljet fuellease condensatemotor gasolinepetroleumproved reservesresidual fuel
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Practices Maintain Straight Hole in Crooked Hole Conditions, While Also Enabling Significant Gains in Drill RateSource

Bottom hole assembly (BHA) designs were assessed in field trials for their ability to achieve critical low inclination requirements, while simultaneously enabling high drill rates. Because angle has historically been controlled by reducing weight on bit (WOB), these are often competing priorities. The use of real time surveillance of mechanical specific energy (MSE) provided unique insights into the bit dysfunction that occurs with many practices used to control angle. These quantitative insights supported the development of BHA and operating practices that maintained low angle while also achieving major gains in drilling performance. The McGinness Hills field in Lander County Nevada is a geothermal operation with wells drilled in hard metamorphic and crystalline formations. Wellbore inclinations must be maintained below 2.0 degrees in the critical 20 inch interval in order to allow use of lineshaft pumps, which is challenging in the required hole sizes and rock hardness. Formation strengths are similar to petroleum operations in the Rockies and West Texas. Pendulum and packed-hole assemblies were tested, and straight motors and slick assemblies were used for corrections. Well build rates were assumed to be controlled by the three-point curvature in the lower assembly and stabilizer placement was modified to control this curvature. The effectiveness of the curvature control as WOB was increased was evaluated from inclination measurements. Real time MSE analysis was used to manage bit operating performance and to determine the root causes of bit dysfunction. The results demonstrated that packed-hole assemblies could be designed that controlled inclination while enabling 2-3 times higher WOB, and that the use of pendulum assemblies should be eliminated. Packed assemblies drilled 87% faster. The increased WOB resulted in higher drill rates, major reduction in whirl and extended bit life, which are equally important performance objectives in hard rock drilling. The use of MSE surveillance allowed the physical processes to be understood deterministically, so that the philosophical design principles can be applied in other petroleum and geothermal operations.

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MSEBHAMcGinness HillsMcGinness Hills FieldPendulum BHASPEWOBanglebottom hole assemblydrillinggeothermalinclinationmechanical specific energypacked BHAweight on bit
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project HOTSPOT: Kimama Well Core and Drill Site PhotosSource

The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurface stratigraphy and assess geothermal potential. Over 5.9km of core were drilled from three boreholes within the SRP in an attempt to acquire continuous core documenting the volcanic and sedimentary record of the hotspot: (1) Kimama, (2) Kimberly, and (3) Mountain Home. The Kimama drill site was set up to acquire a continuous record of basaltic volcanism along the central volcanic axis and to test the extent of geothermal resources beneath the Snake River aquifer. This submission includes photos of the core samples taken from the Kimberly drill hole. Data submitted by project collaborator Doug Schmitt, University of Alberta *Note - The archive file "" contains all of the photos associated with this submission in a more easily downloaded format

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IdahoKimamaProject HOTSPOTSRPSnake River PlainYellowstone Hotspotborehole geophysicscontinuous volcanismcorecore sampledownhole geophysicsdrillinggeothermalphoto core logphotoswell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project HOTSPOT: Kimberly Well Core PhotosSource

The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurface stratigraphy and assess geothermal potential. Over 5.9km of core were drilled from three boreholes within the SRP in an attempt to acquire continuous core documenting the volcanic and sedimentary record of the hotspot: (1) Kimama, (2) Kimberly, and (3) Mountain Home. The Kimberly drill hole was selected to document continuous volcanism when analysed in conjunction with the Kimama and is located near the margin of the plain. This submission includes photos of the core samples taken from the Kimberly drill hole. Data submitted by project collaborator Doug Schmitt, University of Alberta *Note - The archive file "" contains all of the photos associated with this submission in a more easily downloaded format

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IdahoKimberlyProject HOTSPOTSRPSnake River PlainYellowstone Hotspotborehole geophysicscontinuous volcanismcorecore sampledownhole geophysicsdrillinggeothermalphoto core logphotoswell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project HOTSPOT: Mountain Home Well Core and Drill Site PhotosSource

The Snake River Plain (SRP), Idaho, hosts potential geothermal resources due to elevated groundwater temperatures associated with the thermal anomaly Yellowstone-Snake River hotspot. Project HOTSPOT has coordinated international institutions and organizations to understand subsurface stratigraphy and assess geothermal potential. Over 5.9km of core were drilled from three boreholes within the SRP in an attempt to acquire continuous core documenting the volcanic and sedimentary record of the hotspot: (1) Kimama, (2) Kimberly, and (3) Mountain Home. The Mountain Home drill hole is located along the western plain and documents older basalts overlain by sediment. This submission includes photos of the core samples taken from the Mountain Home drill hole. Data submitted by project collaborator Doug Schmitt, University of Alberta *Note - The archive file "MH" contains all of the photos associated with this submission in a more easily downloaded format

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IdahoMountain HomeProject HOTSPOTSRPSnake River PlainYellowstone Hotspotborehole geophysicscontinuous volcanismcorecore logcore sampledownhole geophysicsdrillinggeothermalphoto core logphotoswell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Project Hotspot Report: ExplorationSource

Project Hotspot applies innovative approaches to geothermal exploration in the Snake River Volcanic Province. This report summarizes results from our Phase 1 data compilation.

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IdahoProject HotspotSlim Hole DrillingSnake River Plaindrillingexplorationgeothermalphase 1
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Public GIS Map Viewer for Oil Gas and Pipeline Data

This geographic information system combines detailed information and location coordinates for oil wells, gas wells, and pipelines from the Commission's files with base map data captured from U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle maps. These interactive maps were developed using Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) ArcIMS software, and interface with the Commission's Production Data Query and Drilling Permit Query applications.

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APICasingClassificationCompany DrilledDataDate DrilledDepthDepthsDisposalDrillingEnergy InfrastructureExploratoryFieldFlow RateGasGeographicIdentifiersInjectionInstallationLinerMud WeightNameNatural GasOilOil and GasPetroleumPhase StabilityPressureProduction IntervalRRCRailroad Commision of TexasRailroadsSidetrackSizeTemperatureTexasTotal DepthTransportationTubingTypesValvesWell DataWell Numbercrude oildrillinggasliquified petroleumoiloil wellorphan wellspipelinesrailroadssurface miningtight sandswell logs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
SECARB Construction and Site Info

Site information, well schematics, component diagrams, and casing tally from the SECARB project at Cranfield oil site in Mississippi.

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Cranfield siteDASRCSPas builtcasing tallyconstructiondrillingfield siterate of penetrationsite informationstratigraphytubing detailwell designwell schematicswellhead sketch
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
SECARB Drilling Surveys and Deviation

Daily drilling reports and surveys, deviation data, and gyroscopic surveys from wells CFU31F1, CFU31F2, and CFU31F3 collected from Cranfield oil field in Mississippi as part of SECARB project.

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CO2CranfieldRCSPSECARBcarbon capturecarbon sequestrationdeviationdrillinggyroscopicreportsurvey
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
SMP Preparation, Programming, and CharacterizationSource

The problem of loss circulation in geothermal wells is inherently challenging due to high temperatures, brittle rocks, and presence of abundant fractures. Because of the inherent challenges in geothermal environments, there are limitations in selecting proper lost circulation materials (LCMs). Traditional LCMs such as calcium carbonates that are commonly used in the oil and gas drilling may be softened and prone to failure during geothermal drilling. Moreover, evaluating the performance of different LCMs for geothermal drilling requires unique testing setups, which is expensive, and complicated to run due to harsh environmental conditions of geothermal systems. Herein, we present a numerical approach to simulate LCM transport and bridging through fractures in downhole conditions. By discrete element methods, each individual particle trajectory, and their interactions with the fluid and surrounding particles are incorporated into the analysis. To validate the model, we used experimental results acquired from a high-temperature flow loop system built specifically for this purpose. We took a further step in this work and considered LCM particles that are made from a shape memory polymer (SMP). These particles start expanding and adhering to each other in downhole conditions. The use of SMP is shown to be advantageous in sealing large fractures (3 mm aperture). We demonstrated how numerical modelling may supplement laboratory tests to show initiation of the bridging process, fracture plugging or even its failure. Using the proposed methodology may significantly reduce the number of experiments needed to find an effective LCM recipe, hence drillers can save time and costs by assessing different LCM systems numerically.

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CFDDEMLCMSMPcomputational fluid dynamicsdiscrete element methodsdrillingeconomicenergyfracture sealinggeothermallost circulationlost circulation materialmodelingprocessed datashape memory polymertechnology
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
SMP and Fracture ModelingSource

The problem of loss circulation in geothermal wells is inherently challenging due to high temperatures, brittle rocks, and presence of abundant fractures. Because of the inherent challenges in geothermal environments, there are limitations in selecting proper lost circulation materials (LCMs). Traditional LCMs such as calcium carbonates that are commonly used in the oil and gas drilling may be softened and prone to failure during geothermal drilling. Moreover, evaluating the performance of different LCMs for geothermal drilling requires unique testing setups, which is expensive, and complicated to run due to harsh environmental conditions of geothermal systems. Herein, we present a numerical approach to simulate LCM transport and bridging through fractures in downhole conditions. By discrete element methods, each individual particle trajectory, and their interactions with the fluid and surrounding particles are incorporated into the analysis. To validate the model, we used experimental results acquired from a high-temperature flow loop system built specifically for this purpose. We took a further step in this work and considered LCM particles that are made from a shape memory polymer (SMP). These particles start expanding and adhering to each other in downhole conditions. The use of SMP is shown to be advantageous in sealing large fractures (3 mm aperture). We demonstrated how numerical modelling may supplement laboratory tests to show initiation of the bridging process, fracture plugging or even its failure. Using the proposed methodology may significantly reduce the number of experiments needed to find an effective LCM recipe, hence drillers can save time and costs by assessing different LCM systems numerically.

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CFDDEMLCMSMPcomputational fluid dynamicsdiscrete element methodsdrillingeconomicenergyfracture sealinggeothermallost circulationlost circulation materialmodelingprocessed datashape memory polymertechnology
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Site Survey Data Bank

The Site Survey Data Bank (SSDB) is a repository for digital site survey data submitted in support of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) proposals, expeditions and related activities. Many files are freely available, but proprietary holds requested by proponents are strictly maintained. The SSDB also contains older site survey data for some ODP proposals and legs. Analog site survey data (e.g., paper plots) submitted in support of IODP, ODP and DSDP proposals and expeditions/legs are stored on site at the SSDB, which is located at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (more information about analog documents can be found here).

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IODPIntegrated Ocean Drilling ProgramMarineWell Datadrillingocean drilling
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Testing LCM on a Large Scale for Geothermal Drilling Applications Using a Novel Experimental SetupSource

Rheology data obtained from flow loop tests, performed using different lost circulation materials (LCM) to study their effect on fluid rheology and wellbore hydraulics. The sealing performance of different LCM was tested using different fracture sizes. Five academic papers / reports derived from this research are also presented.

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3D printingAnnular flowDrilling fluidDrilling fluid additivesFlow loopFluid stabilityGeothermal drillingGeothermal wellsHPHTHPHT challengesHT Flow loopHigh temperatureHole cleaningLost circulationLost circulation materialRheological propertiesRheologySGWSealing efficiencyShape memory polymerSmart LCMTemperatureWellbore hydraulicscharacterizationdrillingdrilling technologyenergyexperimentfiltration controlgeochemistrygeothermalmodelprocessed datareporttechnologyviscosifierwellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USU Camas-1 Test Well: DocumentationSource

This submission contains documents that describe the USU Camas-1 test well, drilled in Camas Prairie, Idaho, in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019. The purpose of this well is to validate exploration methodologies of the Snake River Plain (SRP) Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) project.

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Camas PrairieCamas-1EAIdahoIdaho Department of Water ResourcesPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River PlainUSUUtah State Universityassessmentblindcharacterizationclay-richconductivitycorecultural inventorydrillingenergyenvironmentenvironmentalgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgougegraniteimpactlithologiclithologypermitprospectusresistivityresourcerhyoliteseismictemperaturetest wellwell datawellborewildlifewildlife inventory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Borehole Sensors and Well Trajectories (April 2022)Source

This link leads to a webpage with spreadsheets containing seismic borehole sensor locations and well trajectories for wells 56-32, 58-32, 78-32, 78B-32. Each of the files at the provided link include meta data on relevant information.

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EGSExcelFORGEUtah FORGEborehole sensorscharacterizationdrillingenergygeothermalseismic sensorssensor datawell 56-32well 58-32well 78-32well 78B-32well datawell trajectorieswell trajectorywellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE GeoThermOPTIMAL VideoSource

This is a project description video by Dr. William W. Fleckenstein related to their "Development of Multi-Stage Fracturing System and Wellbore Tractor to Enable Zonal Isolation During Stimulation and EGS Operations in Horizontal Wellbores" R&D project at Utah FORGE which is linked bellow.

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EGSFORGESleevesUtahUtah FORGEVideoWellbore technologiesdrillingenergyfracingfracturinggeothermalhorizontal drillingmp4multi-stage fracturingstimulationtechnologywell stimulationwellbore tractorzonal isolation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Well 78B-32 Daily Drilling Reports and LogsSource

This data set includes the daily drilling reports and Pason data for well 78B-32 and Schlumberger logs acquired after drilling completion. This well was drilled between June 27th and July 31st of 2021. Also included is raw and processed data for a variety of well data metrics including temperature, porosity, density, and sonic data. This data was taken at the Utah FORGE site as part of the Utah FORGE project.

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CBLFMIUBIUtah FORGEUtah FORGE well 78B-32Well 78B-32Well 78B-32 FMI logsWell 78B-32 UBI logsWell 78B-32 drilling databoreholecementcement bond logdaily drilling reportsdaily reportsdatadensitydrillingenergyfracturegammagamma raygeothermallogspason dataporosityprocess dataraw datareportsresistivitysonictemperaturewellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Logs and Data from Deep Well 58-32 (MU-ESW1)Source

Data, logs, and graphics associated with the drilling and testing of Utah FORGE deep test well 58-32 (MU-ESW1) near Roosevelt Hot Springs.

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58-32DSI logsEGSEOWRFMI logsFORGEMU-ESW1MilfordPT reportsPressureRoosevelt Hot SpringsTemperatureTemperature logsUtahUtah FORGEborehole stresscalipercaliper logscharacterizationdaily reportsdatadeep welldeppdirectional surveydrillingdrilling dataend of well reportenergygamma logsgeothermalgeothermal drillinggeothermal wellisolation scannerlogmud logspason datapason logsporositypressure logsresourcesonic logstest welltestingwellwell datawell logwell logswell test datawell testing
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Milford Digitized Geophysical Logs from Acord 1Source

This submission includes digitalized versions of the following: McCulloch Geothermal Corp Acord 1-26 Cover Letter McCulloch Geothermal Corp Acord 1-26 Drilling Plan McCulloch Geothermal Corp Acord 1-26 Bond Documents Division of Water Rights Permission to Drill Drillers Log Geothermal Data (Mud) Log Compensated Densilog - Neutron Log Dual Induction Focused Log BHC Acoustilog Differential Temperature Log Dual Induction Focused Log Gamma Ray Neutron Log Temperature Log Caliper Temperature Log (Run 3) Densilog Gamma Ray Neutron Log Temperature Log (Run 4) Compensated Densilog Sample Log (Page 1 of 2) Report of Well Driller Stratigraphic Report (J.E. Welsh) Photographs and Negatives of Acord 1-26 Well Site (7) Petrography Report (M.J. Sweeney) Cuttings Samples (21 Boxes at Utah Core Research Center)

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Acord 1BHC AcoustilogEGSFORGEMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahWater RightsWell dataaccordacordcharacterizationcompensated densilogcuttingsdatadensilogdifferential temperaturedigitizeddrillers logdrillingdrilling plandual inductionfocused loggamma raygeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermallogmud logneutron logphotographyreport of well drillerresourcestratigraphic reportstratigraphytemperaturewellwell log
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 Drilling DataSource

This dataset includes survey data, drilling data, daily reports, summaries of daily operations, and rig photos from the drilling of Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32, which is a highly deviated deep well. It was completed 60 days ahead of schedule. Rig move in began 10/22/2020 and drilling commenced on 10/30/2020, and total depth was reached on 12/18/2020. Drilling was followed by a diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT), logging, and circulating casing. The rig was released on 1/12/2021. The upper part of the well was drilled vertically through approximately 4,700 feet of sediments before penetrating into high strength, crystalline granite. The well was deviated at a 65 degree angle from vertical after reaching a depth of 6,000 ft. This angle was maintained for the remainder of the well's trajectory. The well ultimately reached a true vertical depth of 8,559 feet, and a total measured depth of 10,987 feet. Preliminary measurements indicate temperatures at the "toe" of the well will exceed 442 degrees F (228 degrees C). Approximately 74 ft of core of the granitic and metamorphic rocks that will form the FORGE reservoir was also recovered.

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16A78-32EGSFORGEUtahUtah FORGEdeep welldeviateddirectionaldrillingenergygeothermalhighly deviatedoperationspasonpason dataphotosraw datarigsurveytime seriestrajectory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 56-32 Drilling Data and LogsSource

This dataset consists of drilling data (Pason data spreadsheets, daily reports, days v. depth, mud logs), Schlumberger logs (FMI, shear anisotropy analysis, memory, sonic, array induction/spectral density/dual spaced neutron/gamma ray/caliper, spectral GR/temperature, and Gardner density correlation), and an end of well report (EOWR) for Utah FORGE well 56-32. This is a vertical well that will be used for seismic monitoring. It was drilled between February 7th and February 21st 2021 to a depth of 9,145 feet. More information about this well can be found at: (linked below)

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EGSEOWRFMIFORGEGRGardner densityPasonSchlumbergerUtah FORGEUtah FORGE well 56-32Well 56-32Well 56-32 DataWell 56-32 Pason dataWell 56-32 Schlumberger logsWell 56-32 daily drilling reportsWell 56-32 logsarray inductioncaliperdaily drilling reportday vs depthdensitydrill bit BHAdrillingdual spacedend of well reportenergygammageothermallogginglogsmemorymud logneutronshear anisotropysonicspectralspectral densitytemperaturewell datawell log
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
West Flank Coso FORGE: 52B-7 Image and Mud LogSource

FMI image log and mud log of well 52B-7

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52B-7CaliforniaCosoEGSFMIFORGEGMIWest FlankWest Flank Cosoboreholecarbon dioxideco2downholedrill logdrillingethanegas analysisgeomechanicsgeothermalhydrogen sulfideimageimage logimaginglithologylogmethanemineralogymud logtemperaturewellwell datawell logwell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Western USA Assessment of High Value Materials in Geothermal Fluids and Produced Fluids - Final ReportSource

This report documents the results of investigations dealing with the concentrations and availabilities of strategic, critical and valuable materials (SCVM) in produced waters from geothermal and hydrocarbon reservoirs (50-250 degrees C) in Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Utah. Analytical results were obtained for water samples from 47 production wells in 12 geothermal fields. Results were also obtained for samples from 25 oil/gas production wells in the Uinta and Paradox Basins and Covenant oil field, from 14 groundwater wells in the Tularosa play fairway (New Mexico), and from 20 groundwater wells and hot springs in the Sevier Thermal Belt (southwestern Utah). Please refer to GDR Submission 1126 (linked below) which houses the data summarized in the final report.

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BeowaweDixie ValleyGeologyIdahoNevadaNew MexicoOregonProduction FieldsRoosevelt Hot SpringsSCVMUtahcalcite scalescoproducedcritical and valuable materialscritical elementsdepositdrill cuttingsdrillingenergyfluidgeochemicalgeochemistrygeologicalgeothermalhelium isotopeslithologymineralmineral depositsmineralogymineralogy-lithologyproducedproduced geothermal fluidsproduced hydrocarbon fluidsreservoirrocksstable isotopesstrategicstrategic critical metalstrace elementtrace elementswaterwestern USA
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago