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Development of Classification Systems for Wave Energy Resources and WEC TechnologiesSource

The submission includes wave resource classification reports, summary of classification statistics and regional trends, and data files with classification statistics for selected sites for extreme significant wave height. Two conference papers were uploaded that include classification metrics and geographic distributions for US coastal waters. These conference papers are: Neary, V.S., Coe, R.G., Cruz, J., Haas, K., Bacelli, G., Debruyne, Y., Ahn, S., Nevarez, V. (2017) Classification systems for wave energy resources and WEC technologies. Proceedings of 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series (EWTEC 2017), Cork, Ireland, August 27-September 1, 2017 Haas, K., Ahn, S., Neary, V.S., and S. Bredin (2017) Development of a wave energy classification system. Proceedings of the 5th Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS2017), Washington, D.C., May 1-3, 2017

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HydrokineticMHKMarineWECcharacterizationclassificationclimateconditionsdatadesigndistributionenergyengineeringextremegeographicoceanpowerregionalresourcesitestatisticssystemtechnologytrendwavewave energy converter classificationwave energy resource classificationwave height
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Federal Highway Administration - Publications: ResilienceSource

Collection of Federal Highway Administration Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty publications on climate change, infrastructure and transportation vulnerability, and other related sustainability and resilience issues. Target audience appears to be other transportation infrastructure management agencies. Publication classification subject headings are as follows: (1) Overview [2 files], (2) Multi-Discipline [4 files], (3) Engineering [7 files], (4) Planning [7 files], (5) Emergency Relief [1 file], (6) Operations [2 files], (7) Asset Management [2 files], (7) International Practices [1 files], (8) Climate Change Projections [3 files], (9) Archives [2 files] Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
climate changeemergency managementengineeringinfrastructureresiliencesustainability
United States Department of Transportationover 1 year ago
Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform (IDAES)

Open-source modeling, simulation, and optimization computational platform for optimizing the multi-scale design and operations of integrated industrial and energy systems to enable decarbonization and carbon management while also quantifying and reducing technical risk.

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Computational Systemengineeringmulti-scale modelingoptimizationprocess model
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
MOIS LabVIEW SoftwareSource

Software developed in LabVIEW for the Modular Ocean Instrumentation System (MOIS) is provided. Two documents: MOIS User's Guide and MOIS Software Developer's Guide are included in the submission.

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GPSHMIHuman Machine InterfaceHydrokineticInstrumentationLabVIEWMHKMOISMarineModular Ocean Instrumentation SystemNRELNational InstrumentsOceanRTERun time engineSecure ShellTidalWECcRIOdata acquisitionenergyengineeringfieldinstrumentlablaboratorypowersoftwaretechnologytesttestingvirtualworkbench
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, OR - Final Technical Report & AppendicesSource

In 2008, the US Department of Energy (DOE) Wind and Water Power Program issued a funding opportunity announcement to establish university-led National Marine Renewable Energy Centers. Oregon State University and the University of Washington combined their capabilities in wave and tidal energy to establish the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, or NNMREC. NNMREC's scope included research and testing in the following topic areas: - Advanced Wave Forecasting Technologies; - Device and Array Optimization; - Integrated and Standardized Test Facility Development; - Investigate the Compatibility of Marine Energy Technologies with Environment, Fisheries and other Marine Resources; - Increased Reliability and Survivability of Marine Energy Systems; - Collaboration/Optimization with Marine Renewable and Other Renewable Energy Resources. To support the last topic, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was brought onto the team, particularly to assist with testing protocols, grid integration, and testing instrumentation. NNMREC's mission is to facilitate the development of marine energy technology, to inform regulatory and policy decisions, and to close key gaps in scientific understanding with a focus on workforce development. In this, NNMREC achieves DOE's goals and objectives and remains aligned with the research and educational mission of universities. In 2012, DOE provided NNMREC an opportunity to propose an additional effort to begin work on a utility scale, grid connected wave energy test facility. That project, initially referred to as the Pacific Marine Energy Center, is now referred to as the Pacific Marine Energy Center South Energy Test Site (PMEC-SETS) and involves work directly toward establishing the facility, which will be in Newport Oregon, as well as supporting instrumentation for wave energy converter testing. This report contains a breakdown per subtask of the funded project. Under each subtask, the following are presented and discussed where appropriate: the initial objective or hypothesis; an overview of accomplishments and approaches used; any problems encountered or departures from planned methodology over the life of the project; impacts of the problems or rescoping of the project; how accomplishments compared with original project goals; and deliverables under the subtasks. Products and models developed under the award are also included.

No licence known
BLADE ELEMENTHydrokineticIIIMHKMarineNETSNNMRECOROSUOregon State UniversityPMECPacific Marine Energy CenterSETSSWANSouth Energy Test SiteUniversity of WashingtonWAMITWAVEWATCHactuatoranalysisanchoringarrayberthcablescompatibilitydevelopmentdevicediskemulationenergyengineeringenvironmenterrorfacilityfinalforecastinggoalgridinfrastructureinstrumentationmarket and supply chainmodelmonitoringmooringnear shorenorth energy test siteobjectiveoptimizationoregonphysicsphysics-basedpowerpre-designreliabilityreportresourceshelfsimulationsite selectionsurvivabilitytechnicaltechnologytesttidalwave
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago

OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information. OSTI.GOV makes discoverable over 70 years of research results from DOE and its predecessor agencies. Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; technical reports; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books and theses; and multimedia.

No licence known
AECAtomic Energy CommissionDOEECDERDAEnergy Research and Development AdministrationOSTIOffice of Scientific and Technical Information peatSTIacceleratorsadvanced propulsionatomic and molecular physicsbibliographic databiologybiomass fuelsbiomedicinechemistrycoalcomputingcondensed matter physicsconservation technologydirect energy conversiondosimetryelementary particles and fieldsenergy citationsenergy conservationenergy consumptionenergy conversionenergy policyenergy researchenergy storageenergy technologiesenergy utilizationengineeringenvironmental cleanupenvironmental sciencesfissionfossil fuelsfull-textfusion technologygasgeosciencesgeothermal energyhazardous waste managementhuman genome projecthydro energyhydroelectricityhydrogeninformation bridgeinformation scienceinstrumentationisotope technologyisotopeslife scienceslignitematerials handlingmaterials sciencemathematicsmechanicsmetals and ceramicsmilitary technologynational defensenatural gasnuclear chemistrynuclear disarmamentnuclear fuelsnuclear medicinenuclear physicsnuclear powernuclear reactorsnuclear sciencenuclear technologyoil shalespetroleumphysicsplasma physicspollutionpower distributionpower generationpower plantspower transmissionquantum mechanicsradiationradiation physicsradiation technologyradioactive wastesradiochemistryradiologyrenewable energy sourcesresearch and developmentsafeguardsscientific and technical informationscientific reportssolar energysuperconductivitysuperfluiditysynthetic fuelstar sandstechnical reportsthermonuclear powertidal energytidal powerwave powerweaponrywind energy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Exploration Production Current Authorisations Onshore & Offshore IrelandSource

This dataset identifies the location of current petroleum exploration and production authorisations as issued by the Minister for the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment under the Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act, 1960. Authorisation types included in this dataset are as follows: 1. Licensing Option (issued under Section 7 (1) of the 1960 Act): This is a non exclusive licence giving the holder the first right, exercisable at any time during the period of the Option, to an Exploration Licence over all or part of the area covered by the Option. 2. Exploration Licence (issued under Section 8 (1) of the 1960 Act): There are three categories of Exploration: a Standard Exploration Licence for water depths up to 200m; a Deepwater Exploration Licence for water depths exceeding 200m and a Frontier Exploration Licence for areas so specified by the Minister. For Standard and Deepwater Explorations Licences the holder is obliged to carry out a work programme which must include the drilling of a least one exploration well in the first phase. For a Frontier Exploration Licence the holder mustcommit to at least one exploration well in order to proceed to the second phase. The area of an Exploration Licence shall be expressed in terms of blocks and/or part blocks of the Williams Grid. 3. Lease undertaking (issued under Section 10 (1) of the 1960 Act): When a discovery is made in a licensed area and the licensee is not in a position to declare the discovery commercial during the period of the licence but expects to be able to do so in the foreseeable future, the licensee may apply for a Lease Undertaking. This is an undertaking by the Minister, subject to certain conditions, to grant a Petroleum Lease at a stated future date. The holder of a Lease Undertaking is required to hold a Petroleum Prospecting Licence which will govern activities under the Lease Undertaking. 4. Petroleum Lease (issued under Section 13 (1) of the 1960 Act): When a commercial discovery has been established it will be the duty of the authorisation holder to notify the Minister and apply for a Petroleum Lease with a view to its development. 5. Reserved Area Licence (issued under Section 19 (1) of the 1960 Act): A Petroleum Lease holder may apply for a reserved area licence in respect of an area adjacent to or surrounding the leased area and which is not subject of an authorisation other than a Petroleum Prospecting Licence. Terms and conditions, including environmental provisions, are attached to the above mentioned authorisations. These licensing terms are set out in the Departments Licensing Terms For Offshore Oil And Gas Exploration, Development & Production 2007.

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applied scienceboundariesceltic seaearth scienceeconomyenergyenergy legislationenergy resourcesengineeringgeologyhydrosphereirish sealithospheremining geologynorth atlantic oceanoceanspetroleum geologyst. georges channel
Station CAD Drawings (A - C)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **A - C**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Station CAD Drawings (D - G)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **D - G**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Station CAD Drawings (H - L)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **H - L**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Station CAD Drawings (M - O)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **M - O**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Station CAD Drawings (P-R)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **P - R**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Station CAD Drawings (S - V)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **S - V**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Station CAD Drawings (W - Z)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **W - Z**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Utah FORGE InSAR Data from 2020Source

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the TerraSAR-X and the TanDEM-X satellite missions operated by the German Space Agency (DLR). Interferometric pairs (interferograms) were created using generic mapping tool GMT-SAR processing software (see link in Resources). Data from January through December 2020.

No licence known
EGSFORGEInSARUtah FORGEUtah geothermalenergyengineeringfracturinggeothermalhydraulicpreprocessed dataraw dataremote sensingreservoir
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE InSAR Data from 2021Source

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the TerraSAR-X and the TanDEM-X satellite missions operated by the German Space Agency (DLR). Interferometric pairs (interferograms) were created using generic mapping tool GMT-SAR processing software (see link in Resources). Data from January through November 2021.

No licence known
EGSFORGEInSARUtah FORGEUtah geothermalenergyengineeringfracturinggeothermalhydraulicpreprocessed dataraw dataremote sensingreservoir
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE InSAR Data from 2022Source

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the TerraSAR-X and the TanDEM-X satellite missions operated by the German Space Agency (DLR). Interferometric pairs (interferograms) were created using generic mapping tool GMT-SAR processing software (see link in Resources). Data from January through June 2022.

No licence known
EGSFORGEInSARUtah FORGEUtah geothermalenergyengineeringfracturinggeothermalhydraulicpreprocessed dataraw dataremote sensingreservoir
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Well 16A(78)-32 Core PhotosSource

Images of core samples collected from Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32. These images were created by stitching together multiple photographs resulting in a circumferential view of the cores exterior in two dimensions. Core footages (measured depths) are indicated in the file names, and are annotated on each image. The images, of which there are 30 in the .zip file, are in a .jpg format.

No licence known
EGSFORGEUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalWell 16A78-32Well 16A78-32 coreWell 16A78-32 core imagescorecore sampleenergyengineeringfracturinggeologicgeologygeothermalhydraulicimagesreservoirsampleswellwell samples
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Widespread Development of Devonian Shale Oil Reservoirs

Geologic and Engineering Analyses and Evaluation of Factors Affecting Widespread Development of Devonian DOE/MC/22140-2651

No licence known
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago