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Advanced TidGen Power System - Summary PresentationSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes a summary presentation as an overview of the BP1 report for the Advanced TidGen Project.

No licence known
CECHydrokineticIOMMHKMarineTidGencross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentdesigndevelopmenteconomicsenergyenvironmentalinstallationmaintenancemanagementmonitoringoceanoperationorpcoverviewplanpowerpresentationprojectrisksystem designsystem fabricationtechnologytesttidaltidal current
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System 2.0 - Presentation of SystemSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes the final presentation on all technical work performed, the final subsystem design, supporting analytical models, risk analysis and development plan.

No licence known
CECHydrokineticMHKMarineTGUTidGenanchorcross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentdeploymentdesignenergyenvironmentalmitigationmooringoceanorpcpowerrisksubsystemsubsystems reporttechnologytidaltidal currentturbine generator unit
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Air Emissions InventoriesSource

The National Emissions Inventory (NEI) is a detailed estimate of air emissions that include criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants. It is an aggregate of data from State, Local, and Tribal sources, compiled every three years. It currently has data from 2008, 2011, and 2014. This data informs the EPA Report on the Environment. While containing a few new files, this dataset is highly overlapped with this dataset: Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPAair qualityenvironmentenvironmentalpollution
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Air Quality Data Collected at Outdoor Monitors Across the USSource

Preserved copy of site that allows for various ways of downloading, generating, and visualizing air quality data. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPAair qualityenvironmentenvironmental
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Cleanups in My Community (CIMC)Source

Cleanups in My Community (CIMC) enables you to map and list hazardous waste cleanup locations and grant areas, and drill down to details about those cleanups and grants and other, related information. Harvested May 20, 2017. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPAcommunityenvironmentenvironmentalhazardous waste
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Disaster Debris Recovery DatabaseSource

Information and locations of over 6,000 facilities throughout Region 5 and surrounding states capable of managing different materials which may be found in disaster debris. Harvested May 19, 2017. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPARegion 5disasterenvironmentenvironmental
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)

EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online website to search for facilities in your community to assess their compliance with environmental regulations.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
The New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD)about 1 year ago
EPA Recovery MapperSource

This map displays selected locations that have received funding from US EPA through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The placement of award locations on this map is from EPA's FRS Geospatial program and represents EPA's best estimation of recovery work locations. State-wide awards are placed at the location of the state capital. County-wide and city-wide awards are placed at the center of the county or city. For site-specific awards, a representative point within the site boundary was used. All other data comes from award recipient reported data as required by Section 1512 of the ARRA. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
EPA Trends/Pacific Southwest, Region 9: Air Quality AnalysisSource

Documents data of the air quality and geographic maps of the states located in the US Pacific Southwest. Harvested May 19, 2017. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPAGISRegion 9air qualityenvironmentenvironmentalmaps
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago

Ecoregions are areas where ecosystems (and the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources) are generally similar. This ecoregion framework is derived from Omernik (1987) and from mapping done in collaboration with EPA regional offices, other Federal agencies, state resource management agencies, and neighboring North American countries. Designed to serve as a spatial framework for the research, assessment, and monitoring of ecosystems and ecosystem components, ecoregions denote areas of similarity in the mosaic of biotic, abiotic, terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystem components with humans being considered as part of the biota. These regions are critical for structuring and implementing ecosystem management strategies across Federal agencies, state agencies, and nongovernmental organizations that are responsible for different types of resources within the same geographic areas. Ecoregions are identified by analyzing the patterns and composition of biotic and abiotic phenomena that affect or reflect differences in ecosystem quality and integrity. These phenomena include geology, landforms, soils, vegetation, climate, land use, wildlife, and hydrology. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Enforcement and Compliance History OnlineSource

Use EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online website to search for facilities in your community to assess their compliance with environmental regulations. You can also investigate pollution sources, examine and create enforcement-related maps, or explore your state's performance. Learn more about ECHO Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago

Envirofacts, a single point of access to select U.S. EPA environmental data. This website provides access to several EPA databases to provide you with information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United States. With Envirofacts, you can learn more about these environmental activities in your area or you can generate maps of environmental information. Harvested May 19, 2017. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Environmental Documents and Reports

As we fulfill the Laboratory’s mission, we act as stewards of our environment and obey environmental regulations. By setting goals for continuous improvement, we measure and document our progress, and share our results with our workforce, stakeholders, and the public. Environmental documents and reports are available online. Hard copies are available at the Public Reading Room in Pojoaque, New Mexico.

License not specified
Los Alamosenvironmental
Los Alamos National Laboratoryabout 1 year ago
Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping ToolSource

In order to better meet the Agency’s responsibilities related to the protection of public health and the environment, EPA has developed a new environmental justice (EJ) mapping and screening tool called EJSCREEN. It is based on nationally consistent data and an approach that combines environmental and demographic indicators in maps and reports. Internet Archive URL:*/

Other (Public Domain)
EJViewEPAdemographic indicatordemographicsenvironmentenvironmentalenvironmental dataenvironmental indicatorenvironmental justicegeographic area
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Environmental Regulations Handbook for Enhanced Oil Recovery


No licence known
Enhanced Gas RecoveryGeologyenhancedenvironmentalhandbookoilregulation
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Environmental geology and the unconventional gas revolution

International Journal of Coal Geology 126 (2014) 1–3

No licence known
Geologycoalenvironmentalgeologyinternationaljournalofrevolutionunconventional gas
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago

Online web mapping tool for visualization and simple analysis of Earth-energy data files from public and DOE related sources. Geocube allows users to upload and visualize their own datasets but also comes preloaded with individual spatial datasets as well as spatial data collections that align to topical themes.

No licence known
EarthGIScarbon storageconsumptioncustomizedownloadenergyenvironmentalfaultgasgeodatabasegeographichydrocarboninfrastructureoffshoreoilonshorepermeabilitypipelineporositypressureproductionreservoirsequestrationshapefilesubsurfacesurfacetemperaturethicknesstransmissionunconventionalvisualizationwell
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Geothermal Development and the Use of Categorical Exclusions Under NEPASource

This study focuses primarily on the Categorial Exclusions (CX) process and its applicability to geothermal exploration. In this paper, we: - Provide generalized background information on CXs, including previous NEPA reports addressing CXs, the process for developing CXs, and the role of extraordinary circumstances; - Examine the history of the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) geothermal CXs; - Compare current CXs for oil, gas, and geothermal energy; - Describe bills proposing new statutory CXs; - Examine the possibility of standardizing geothermal CXs across federal agencies; and - Present analysis from the Geothermal NEPA Database and other sources on the potential for new geothermal exploration CXs. As part of this study, we reviewed Environmental Assessments (EAs) conducted in response to 20 geothermal exploration drilling permit applications (Geothermal Drilling Permits or Notices of Intents) since the year 2001, the majority of which are from the last 5 years. All 20 EAs reviewed for this study resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

No licence known
BLMEAFONSIFinding of No Significant ImpactNEPANational Environmental Policy Actadministrativeassessmentbureau of land managementcategorical exclusionenergyenvironmentalgeothermalpermitpermittingregulatorystatutory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Intellus Database

Intellus New Mexico is a publicly-accessible database containing environmental monitoring data provided by the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) DOE Oversight Bureau (DOE OB), and other third-party providers (such as local and Tribal entities). Since 2012, the integrated records of Los Alamos National Laboratory— part of DOE's network of national laboratories— have been stored in Intellus.

License not specified
Los Alamosanalysesanalyticsenvironmentalgroundwater levelsprecipitationwater qualitywater quantity
Los Alamos National Laboratoryabout 1 year ago
NM Environmental Public Health Tracking Program

Find out more about how the environment may be affecting your health with this easy to use tool that lets you see health and environmental information in one place. Learn about environmental health issues in your community and what you can do to protect yourself and your family. Use this website to answer questions about air quality, drinking water, cancer, and a wide variety of other topics.

License not specified
DEHPHAA5PCETCETTHMarsenicatrazineclimatecommunity water systemscontaminant concentrationscontaminantsdrinking waterenvironmentalhaloacetic acidshealthhealth trackingnitrateperchloroethylenepublic water systemsradiumtetrachloroethylenetotal trihalomethanesuraniumwater qualityweather
New Mexico Environmental Public Health Tracking Programabout 1 year ago
NMED - DOE Oversight Bureau

The Department of Energy Oversight Bureau (DOE-OB) conducts independent environmental monitoring of Department of Energy (DOE) operations in New Mexico and provides transparent, unbiased, and publicly available information to the citizens of New Mexico.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
New Mexico Environment Departmentabout 1 year ago
NMSU Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring & Research Center

Historical Inorganic and Radiochemistry data from CEMRC’s WIPP Environmental Monitoring (EM) program.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
NMSUenvironmentalwater chemistry
New Mexico State Universityabout 1 year ago
NTB (Non-technical Barriers) - Interviews with Geothermal Stakeholders for Geothermal Development in the Salton Sea.Source

Non-technical barriers to deploying geothermal electricity projects in the United States can create significant delays and other challenges, leading to higher project risk and costs, lost opportunities to access policy incentives, and ultimately decreased competitiveness against other electricity generation technologies. These non-technical barriers cover multiple aspects of geothermal project development, including land access and permitting as well as other environmental regulations. Interviews were held with relevant stakeholders in California and Nevada to discuss their experiences with land access and permitting approvals for geothermal projects from the perspectives of both regulators and developers.

No licence known
CaliforniaNTBNevadaSalton Seabarriersenergyenvironmentalgeothermalinterviewsnon technical barriersnon-technicalnon-technical barriersregulatorystakeholders
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
National Emissions Inventory (NEI) | Air Emissions Inventories | US EPASource

The National Emissions Inventory (NEI) is a comprehensive and detailed estimate of air emissions of criteria pollutants, criteria precursors, and hazardous air pollutants from air emissions sources. The NEI is released every three years based primarily upon data provided by State, Local, and Tribal air agencies for sources in their jurisdictions and supplemented by data developed by the US EPA. The NEI is built using the Emissions Inventory System (EIS) first to collect the data from State, Local, and Tribal air agencies and then to blend that data with other data sources. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPAair qualityenvironmentenvironmentalpollution
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
New Mexico Environmental Review Tool (ERT)

An interactive tool for conservation planning and review of important resources for wildlife and habitats. The ERT is a partnership that draws upon expertise in wildlife and information management from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), Natural Heritage New Mexico, and NatureServe. It provides conservation information on wildlife and habitat diversity, protected lands, and other natural resources, and allows users to submit proposed projects for review of potential impacts to special status species and their habitats in New Mexico.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
New Mexico Department of Game and Fishabout 1 year ago
Next Generation RivGen Power System: Risk RegisterSource

Risk Register for the RivGen power system, optimized for performance, durability and survivability, in Microsoft Excel format.

No licence known
CECHydrokineticIgiugigMHKMarineORPCRivGenanalysisassessmentaxialaxisbottom mountedcommercialcross flow turbinecurrenteconomiceconomicsenergyenvironmentalhorizontalmanagementpowerregulatoryreliabilityriskrisk registerrivershallowtechnicaltechnology
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, OR - Project PlansSource

Plans for Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC) Project. Mobile Ocean Test Berth (MOTB) plans PMEC-SETS Plans

No licence known
HydrokineticMHKMarineNNMRECOROWETOregonOregon State UniversityPMECPMEC-SETSPacific Marine Energy CenterSETSSouth Energy Test Siteconcepteconomicsenergyenvironmentenvironmentalevaluationfacilityfeasibilityhealthlocationlogisticsmarketingopen waterplanpowerregulationsregulatorysafetysitesitingstrategytest
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Regulatory and Permitting Information Desktop (RAPID) ToolkitSource

The Regulatory and Permitting Information Desktop (RAPID) Toolkit combines the former Geothermal Regulatory Roadmap, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Database, and other resources into a Web-based tool that gives the regulatory and utility-scale geothermal developer communities rapid and easy access to permitting information. RAPID currently comprises five tools: Permitting Atlas, Regulatory Roadmap, Resource Library, NEPA Database, and Best Practices. Because of the huge amount of information involved, RAPID was developed in a wiki platform to allow industry and regulatory agencies to maintain the content in the future so that it continues to provide relevant and accurate information to users. The content was expanded to include regulatory requirements for utility-scale solar, hydropower, and bulk transmission development projects. Going forward, development of the RAPID Toolkit will focus on expanding the capabilities of current tools, developing additional tools, including additional technologies, and continuing to increase stakeholder involvement.

No licence known
BLMEAGRCGeothermal Resource CouncilNEPANational Environmental Policy ActRAPIDRAPID Toolkitassessmentbest practicesbulk transmissiondatabaseenergyenvironmentalgeothermallibrarypermitpermittingregulatoryregulatory roadmaproadmaptoolkit
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
SPARROW Surface Water-Quality ModelingSource

A modeling tool for the regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
University of Pennsylvaniaover 1 year ago
Sand and Gravel DepositsSource

This dataset is a statewide polygon coverage of sand, gravel, and stone resources. This database includes the best data available from the VT Agency of Natural Resources and VTrans quadrangle maps where sand and gravel locations are noted. Sources are maps from "Geology for Environmental Planning" booklets prepared by Charles G. Doll in the 1970's, the data were derived from USGS sources. VCGI expects that this data will be updated and added to by other sources, but it is the most complete/accurate data available to us at this time.

No licence known
Aggregate sandVermontdeptDECdivGeologyenvironmentalgeoglogicalgeologygravelgravel and stone resourcesisothemeGEOLOGICnodeVTANRprogMappingsandstatestatewidestonesubthemeSurficial
State of Vermont12 months ago
Sandia National Laboratories Environmental Reports

Archive of Sandia's environmental reports including groundwater monitoring.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
Sandia Labsenvironmentalgroundwater
Sandia National Laboratoriesabout 1 year ago
Sole Source Aquifers for Drinking WaterSource

The SSA program enables EPA to designate an aquifer as a sole source of drinking water and establish a review area. EPA then reviews proposed projects that will both 1) be located within the review area and 2) Receive federal funding. The review area includes the area overlying the SSA. It may also include the source areas of streams that flow into the SSA's recharge zone. EPA's review is intended to ensure that the projects do not contaminate the SSA. Harvested May 19, 2017. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
EPAaquifersenvironmentenvironmentalwater quality
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Triton Field Trials (TFiT) underwater noise - University of New Hampshire Living Bridge turbine Processed DataSource

In July 2021, a commercial-off-the-shelf hydrophone was deployed in a free-drifting configuration to measure underwater acoustic emissions and characterize a 25 kW-rated tidal turbine at the University of New Hampshire's Living Bridge Project in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sampling methods and analysis were performed in alignment with the recently published IEC 62600-40 Technical Specification for acoustic characterization of marine energy converters. Results from this study indicate acoustic emissions from the turbine were below ambient sound levels and therefore did not have a significant impact on the underwater noise levels of the project site. As a component of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Triton Field Trials (TFiT) described in a paper published in a Special Issue of Journal of Marine Energy Science and Engineering, this study provides a valuable use case for the IEC 62600-40 Technical Specification framework and further recommendations for cost-effective technologies and methods for measuring underwater noise at future current energy converter project sites. The paper can be accessed in the link bellow.

No licence known
CECHydrokineticLiving Bridge ProjectMHKMarineTFiTacousticacoustic emissionscross flow turbinecurrent energy converterdrifting hydrophoneenergyenvironmentalenvironmental monitoringhydrophonemarine energypowerprocessed dataraw datatidal turbineunderwater noise
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USU Camas-1 Test Well: DocumentationSource

This submission contains documents that describe the USU Camas-1 test well, drilled in Camas Prairie, Idaho, in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019. The purpose of this well is to validate exploration methodologies of the Snake River Plain (SRP) Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) project.

No licence known
Camas PrairieCamas-1EAIdahoIdaho Department of Water ResourcesPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River PlainUSUUtah State Universityassessmentblindcharacterizationclay-richconductivitycorecultural inventorydrillingenergyenvironmentenvironmentalgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgougegraniteimpactlithologiclithologypermitprospectusresistivityresourcerhyoliteseismictemperaturetest wellwell datawellborewildlifewildlife inventory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
VT Existing Hydroelectric SitesSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdamsdatasetEnvironOther_HYDROenvironmentenvironmentalhydroelectrichydropowerisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Geothermal Closed Loop Horizontal or Vertical Systems - polygonsSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdatasetEnvironOther_GEOTHERMALenvironmentenvironmentalgeothermalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Geothermal Closed Loop Pond Systems - polygonsSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdatasetEnvironOther_GEOTHERMALenvironmentenvironmentalgeothermalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Geothermal Open Loop Systems - well pointsSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdatasetEnvironOther_GEOTHERMALenvironmentenvironmentalgeothermalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Potential Cropland Biomass AreasSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTbiomasscroplanddatasetEnvironOther_BIOMASSenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIreasubthemeOthervcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Potential Large Commercial Wind AreasSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdatasetEnvironOther_WINDenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysubthemePollutionvcgi open datawind
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Potential Residential Wind AreasSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdatasetEnvironOther_WINDenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysubthemePollutionvcgi open datawind
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Potential Solar PV SHW and Ground Mount Resources - location pointsSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
REAVTdatasetEnvironOther_SOLARenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrearenewable energysolarsubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - GeothermalSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
datasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalgeothermalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - LandfillsSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
datasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironlandfillsnodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - Methane DigestersSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
datasetEnvironOther_RESITESdigestersenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironmethane digesternodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - Oilseed Crop BiodieselSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
biodieseldatasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIoilseedrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - Renewable Energy ProfessionalsSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
datasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalindustryisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - Waste Vegetable Oil BiodieselSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
biodieseldatasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open datawaste vegetable oilwvo
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - WindSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
datasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open datawind
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Renewable Energy Sites - Woody BiomassSource

(Link to Metadata) The Renewable Energy Atlas of Vermont and this dataset were created to assist town energy committees, the Clean Energy Development Fund and other funders, educators, planners, policy-makers, and businesses in making informed decisions about the planning and implementation of renewable energy in their communities - decisions that ultimately lead to successful projects, greater energy security, a cleaner and healthier environment, and a better quality of life across the state. Energy flows through nature into social systems as life support. Human societies depended on renewable, solar powered energy for fuel, shelter, tools, and other items for most of our history. Today, when we flip on a light switch, turn an ignition or a water faucet, or eat a hamburger, we engage complex energy extraction systems that largely rely on non-renewable energy to power our lives. About 90% of Vermont's total energy consumption is currently generated from non-renewable energy sources. This dependency puts Vermont at considerable risk, as the peaking of world oil production, global financial instability, climate change, and other factors impact the state.

No licence known
biomassdatasetEnvironOther_RESITESenvironmentenvironmentalisothemeEnvironnodeVCGIrenewable energyresitessubthemePollutionvcgi open datawoody biomass
State of Vermont12 months ago