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National Grid Electricity Distribution Data Challenge 1: High Resolution Peak Estimation

This is the data for the first of three National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) short data challenges! The aims of these challenges include: - Demonstrating the value in making data openly available - Increasing the visibility of some of the challenges network operators face - Increase the understanding of the different ways to tackle some of these problems - Providing high quality and accurate benchmarks with which to enable innovation and research Note all the slides from the kick-off and other information can be found on our LinkedIn group: This initial challenge aims to understand how accurately high resolution features can be estimated given only information from lower resolution data. Specifically we are asking participants to estimate the highest peak value and lowest trough at a one minute resolution within each half hourly period given only half hourly measurements. This is an interesting problem to a distribution network operator as the spikes in demand can mean strain on their network. Such issues may become increasingly common, especially on the lower voltages of the network, due to the expanding use of lower carbon technologies such as electric vehicles, and heat pumps. However, monitoring can be expensive (especially in the long term) as it requires investment in additional storage, communications equipment and processing units.

challengedemandestimationexportgenerationtime series
National Grid Electricity Distributionabout 2 years ago
National Grid Electricity Distribution Data Challenge 2: Estimating EV Charger Demand

This is the second of three National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) short data challenges! The aims of these challenges include: 1. Demonstrating the value in making data openly available 2. Increasing the visibility of some of the challenges network operators face 3. Increase the understanding of the different ways to tackle some of these problems 4. Providing high quality and accurate benchmarks with which to enable innovation and research This challenge aims to estimate the increased demand created on primary substations by the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers. High uptakes of EVs will cause more strain on the distribution networks, especially at the low voltage level where there is limited headroom for high demand technologies such as EVs. Unfortunately, the amount of EV chargers installed, and hence the potential extra demand on a network, may be unknown, even to a distribution network operator (DNOs). However, DNOs do monitor the demand at the substation level and this shows the aggregated demand from all connected appliances and, in addition, many DNOs do have example data for EV demand. The ask for this challenge is whether this information can be combined with other data to help predict the increased demand generated from EV chargers on a network. All the slides from the kick-off and other information can be found on the [LinkedIn group]( and the recording from the kick-off event will be uploaded shortly after the event. The challenge page is here:

challengedemandestimationevtime series
National Grid Electricity Distributionabout 2 years ago
New Mexico Play Fairway Analysis: Particle Tracking ArcGIS Map PackagesSource

These are map packages used to visualize geochemical particle-tracking analysis results in ArcGIS. It includes individual map packages for several regions of New Mexico including: Acoma, Rincon, Gila, Las Cruces, Socorro and Truth or Consequences.

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AcomaArcGISBoronGISGeochemistryGilaLas CrucesLithiumNMNew MexicoPFAParticle trackingRinconSocorroT or CTruth or Consequencesadvectiveestimationflow modelinggeospatial datageothermalheat flowmap packagempk
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago