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State Fact Sheets

State fact sheets provide information on population, income, education, employment, federal funds, organic agriculture, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and exports, for each State in the United States. Links to county-level data are included when available.

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Census of AgricultureU S State FactUS Department of Agricultureacresagricultural exportsagricultural salesagricultural sector outputanimal outputaverage age of farmerscapital consumptioncertified organic farmschangeconservation and wetland reserve programcroplanddebtearnings per jobemploymentemployment changefact sheetfactsfamily farmsfamily held corporationsfarm assetsfarm income and balance sheetfarm organizationfarm receiptsfarm related jobsfarm sizefarmlandfarms by salesfinal crop outputfinancial indicatorsincomeland areametrononmetronumber of farmsorganicpasturelandper-capita incomepopulationpoverty raterank among statesruralsole proprietorshipstatestate factstenure of farmer agricultural commoditiestop countiestotaltotal number of jobstradeunemploymentunemployment rateurbanwoodland
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
USDA Web Soil SurveySource

Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information.

Other (Public Domain)
AASHTOHorizonNRCSNational Cooperative Soil SurveyNatural Resources Conservation ServiceSSURGOSTATSGO2animal disposalavailable water capacitybivouac areascalcium carbonatecanopy covercapability classcation exchangeclaycompostingconductivityconsistencecorrosioncrop yieldcrop yieldsdikesdrainage classecological classificationembankmentserosionexcavationsfarmfarmlandfighting positionfloodingforestfragmentsfrostgeomorphicgolfgravelgypsumhelicopter landinghydrick factorlandfillslandscapinglawnsleveeslinear extensibilityliquid limitmanuremap unitmineral particlesmineralogymoistureorganic matterpHpermeabilityplantsplasticity indexpondpondingporesproductivtyradioactive accumulationradioactive sequestrationreclamation materialsrestrictive layerroadfillroadsrubble disposalrunoffsalinitysand contentsand sourcesanitary landfillseptic tank absorptionsewagesewage sludgesieve analysissiltslopesodium absorptionsoilsoil mapsoil surveysubsidencesurface morphometryt factortemperaturetexturetopsoiltrafficabilitywastewaterwastewater dosposalwater tablewind erodibilitywindbreak
United States Department of Agricultureover 1 year ago
VT Data - Agriculturally Important Soil UnitsSource

(Link to Metadata) GeologicSoils_SOAG includes a pre-selected subset of SSURGO soil data depicting prime agricultural soils in Vermont. The SSURGO county coverages were joined to the Top20 attribute table. The joined data set was then reselected on the PRIME attribute for a value not equal to NPSL, Water, or Not Rated. This ensured that all soil units with a prime rating were selected. This data set is a digital soil survey and generally is the most detailed level of soil geographic data developed by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. The information was prepared by digitizing maps, by compiling information onto a planimetric correct base and digitizing, or by revising digitized maps using remotely sensed and other information. This data set consists of georeferenced digital map data and computerized attribute data. The map data are in a soil survey area extent format and include a detailed, field verified inventory of soils and miscellaneous areas that normally occur in a repeatable pattern on the landscape and that can be cartographically shown at the scale mapped. A special soil features layer (point and line features) is optional. This layer displays the location of features too small to delineate at the mapping scale, but they are large enough and contrasting enough to significantly influence use and management. The soil map units are linked to attributes in the National Soil Information System relational database, which gives the proportionate extent of the component soils and their properties. Survey Dates -

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Natural Resource Conservation Service county surveysPrime Agricultural SoilsSOAGSSURGOSoil Survey Geographicagriculturalcounty soil surveysdatasetGeologicSoils_SOAGfarmlandgeologicgeoscientificInformationisothemeFarmisothemeGeologicnewnessUpdatednodeVCGInrcsnrcs county soil surveyssoil surveyssoilsssurgosubthemeLandsubthemeSoilstopicEnergyPlanningvcgi open data
State of Vermont12 months ago