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California Active Faults

This resource contains data on active faults in California that are believed to be sources of M>6 earthquakes during the Quaternary (the past 1,600,000 years). This resource is a compilation of Quaternary Active Fault features compiled by the USGS in cooperation with the California Geological Survey and accessed on July 11, 2012 by the AZGS. The Quaternary Fault and Fold Database for the Nation can be accessed online at through a user-friendly interface developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. This is part of the first nationwide compilation to provide up-to-date and comprehensive geologically based information on known or suspected active faults. The data are available as a Web feature service, a Web map service, an ESRI Service Endpoint, and an Excel workbook for the National Geothermal Data System. Each feature in an active fault dataset (record or row in the worksheet) is characterized by a unique combination of features, as well as being physically connected or inferred to be connected spatially in the Earth. For mapped active faults, the deformation style is assumed to be brittle (as opposed to ductile). The workbook contains 6 worksheets, including information about the template, instructions on using the template, notes related to revisions of the template, resource provider information, the data, a field list (data mapping view), and vocabularies (data valid terms) used to populate the spreadsheet. Fields in the data table include FeatureURI, Name, FullName, ParentFeatureURI, Label, Description, Symbol, OtherID, SpecificationURI, FeatureType, GeologicHistory, RepresentativeAgeURI, YoungerAgeURI, OlderAgeURI, IntervalSince Movement, Shape, ObservationMethod, PositionAccuracyMeters, PositionAccuracy, Displacement, SlipRate, SlipAccumulationInterval, MovementType, MovementSense, DipDirection, DateMostRecentEvent, RecurrenceInterval, TotalSlip, Source and MetadataURI.--NGDS

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active faultscaliforniacross-sectioncross-well seismicfaultsfracturegeochronologygeothermalquaternarystructureunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Central Eastern United States - Seismic Source Characterization for Nuclear Facilities

The purpose of compiling the CEUS-SSC Project database was to organize and store those data and resources that had been carefully and thoroughly collected and described for the TI Team’s use in characterizing potential seismic sources in the CEUS. An important goal for the development of this database was to document sources and dates for all information that was initially assessed for the CEUS-SSC Project, specifying exactly what data and resources were considered, and provide for pertinent future data sets to be incorporated as they were generated for the project. Development of the project database began at the inception of the project to provide TI Team members with a common set of data, maps, and figures for characterization of potential seismic sources. The database was continually updated during the course of the project through the addition of new references and data collected by TI Team members and project subcontractors, including information presented in project workshops and provided through PPRP review documentation. This appendix presents the contents of the project database, as well as information on the workflow, development roles, database design considerations, data assessment tasks, and management of the database. Based on the CEUS Project Plan, the project database included, but was not limited to, the following general types of data: Magnetic anomaly Gravity anomaly Crystalline basement geology Tectonic features and tectonic/crustal domains Tectonic stress field Thickness of sediments Crustal thickness VP at top of crystalline basement Seismic reflection data at Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake catalog Quaternary faulting and potential Quaternary features Mesozoic rift basins Paleoliquefaction sites Topography and bathymetry Liquefaction dates from published literature for the Wabash, New Madrid, and Charleston seismic zones Index map showing locations of published crustal scale seismic profiles and geologic cross sections

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basementbathymetrycross-sectioncrustal domaincrystalline basementearthquakefaultsgeologygravitymagneticquaternaryrift basinseismicseismic reflectionstructuretectonictectonic stress fieldtopographyunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Detection of natural gas migration using seismic diffractions

Confining system integrity assessment by detection of natural gas migration using seismic diffractions

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Digital Data File DDF Series

Digital Data File (DDF) Series

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DepthFaultsFoldsFormation NameGeologyGrain SizeLithologyOHOhioOtherStratigraphyStructuralfaultsfoldsstratigraphy
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Earthquake Faults and Folds in the USASource

Earthquake Faults and Folds in the USAThis feature layer, utilizing data from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP), displays known faults and folds in the U.S. This layer, per USGS, "contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that demonstrate geological evidence of coseismic surface deformation in large earthquakes during the past 1.6 million years (Myr)."Earthquake Faults and FoldsData currency: This cached Esri service is checked monthly for updates from its federal source (Faults)Data modification: noneFor more information: Earthquake HazardsFor feedback please contact: ArcGIScomNationalMaps@esri.comNote: the map is designed to be displayed at a "States scale", in order to showcase the contents more efficiently.U.S. Geological SurveyPer USGS, "The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change."

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DOIDepartment of the InteriorEHPEarthquake Hazards ProgramU.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological SurveyUSDOIUSGSearthquakesfaultsfederalfoldsgeological surveygeologyhazardslandscapemagnitudequaternarysubsurface
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Energy Data ExchangeSource

EDX is the Department of Energy (DOE)/Fossil Energy Carbon Management (FECM) virtual library and data laboratory built to find, connect, curate, use and re-use data to advance fossil energy and environmental R&D. Developed and maintained by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), EDX supports the entire life cycle of data by offering secure, private collaborative workspaces for ongoing research projects until they mature and become catalogued, curated, and published. EDX adheres to DOE Cyber policies as well as domestic and international standards for data curation and citation. This ensures data products pushed public via EDX are afforded a citation for proper accreditation and complies with journal publication requirements.

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AlaskaAppalachian BasinCO2 sequestrationGISGeologic AtlasKMZKYKentuckyMarcellus ShaleNATCARBPASDAPennsylvaniaTennesseeUSGSWVWest Virginiaarcatmospherebedrockcoaldatadikesdownloadestimated waterfaultsfoldsgasgeographicgeologic mapgeologykmlmapmineral resourcesnationalnatural gasoilproductionreportrepositoryshaleshapefilesoilsoil surveywaterwater usewhite paper
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Fault Discretization

These are the fault locations used in the Computational Geosciences paper.

No licence known
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Final Report: Low Temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis for the Appalachian BasinSource

This is a final report summarizing a two-year (2014-16) DOE funded Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Low-Temperature resources of the Appalachian Basin of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Collaborators included Cornell University, Southern Methodist University, and West Virginia University. As a result of the research, 'play fairways' were identified for further study, based on four risk criteria: 1) the Thermal Resource Quality, 2) the Natural Reservoir Quality, 3) the Risk of Seismic Activity, and the 4) Utilization Viability. In addition to the final report document, this submission includes project 'memos' referred to throughout the report. Many of these same memos are also provided in the submissions with the detailed data products accompanying the relevant risk factor (thermal, reservoir, seismicity, and utilization). This report updates a preliminary version submitted in late 2015 (Submission 559 - See "Reservoir Analysis 2015" below) This file presents the Final Report and Supporting Documents for a Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Appalachian Basin sectors of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The purpose of this Department of Energy funded effort was to assess the potential for viable low temperature (50-150 degrees C) geothermal energy exploration and development using the methods of Play Fairway Analysis. The resources analyzed occur at depths of 1000 m and greater below the surface, and the application scenarios considered are for direct utilization of the heat. This report illustrates the lateral variability of each of the four risk criteria. This report also illustrates multiple alternative methods to combine those factors in order to communicate the estimated overall favorability of geothermal development. Uncertainty in the risk estimation is also quantified. Based on these metrics, geothermal plays in the Appalachian Basin were identified as potentially viable for a variety of direct-use-heat applications. The methodologies developed in this project and presented in this report may be applied in other sedimentary basins as a foundation for geothermal resource, risk, and uncertainty assessment. Accompanying this report is an Appendix that describes in greater detail the methods used in the analysis, and 17 other technical memos that document criteria, methods and decisions on which the final product was built.

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Appalachian BasinBHT correctionsGEOPHIRESGPFA-ABGeothermal Play Fairway AnalysisLCOHNew YorkPennsylvaniaSLCOHWest Virginiacombined risk segment mapsdeep direct usedemanddistrict heatingfaultsfavorabilitygeothermalgeothermsheat flowheat utilizationinduced seismicitylow temperaturelow-temperaturepotential fieldsproductivityreservoirreservoir flow capacityreservoir productivity indexresource assessmentrisk analysissurface leveled cost of heatthermal analysisthermal conductivitywavelets
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geologic Framework of Thermal Springs, Black Canyon, Nevada and ArizonaSource

This report presents the geologic framework critical in understanding spring discharge and the hydrogeology in Black Canyon directly south of Lake Mead below Hoover Dam, Nevada and Arizona. Most of the springs are thermal 2 Geologic Framework of Thermal Springs, Black Canyon, Nevada and Arizona with temperatures as much as 45 degrees C. This study is part of a hydrogeologic and geochemical study of the Black Canyon thermal springs by the U.S. Geological Survey, funded by the National Park Service and National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey. The study consisted of (1) compilation of existing geologic mapping, augmented by new field geologic mapping and geochronology (Felger and others, 2014), (2) collection and analysis of structural data adjacent to the springs of interest (appendix 1; Anderson and Beard, 2011; Beard and others, 2011a), and (3) construction of regional cross sections (pl. 1). The most significant results identify faults, fracture zones, and rock characteristics that influence the hydrogeology of Black Canyon. Additional results include refinement of the volcanic stratigraphy based on field mapping and new geochronology. This report will be integrated into a companion hydrogeologic report that includes new geochemical and spring flow data that describes groundwater components of Black Canyon thermal springs (M. Moran, written commun, 2013).

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ArizonaBlack CanyonNevadaThermal Springscross sectioncross-sectionfaultsfracture zonesgeochronologygeologic mappinggeologygeothermalhydrogeologichydrogeologymaprock characteristicsstratigraphystructuralstructureusgs
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geologic Map and Cross Sections of the McGinness Hills Geothermal Area - GIS DataSource

Geologic map data in shapefile format that includes faults, unit contacts, unit polygons, attitudes of strata and faults, and surficial geothermal features. 5 cross-sections in Adobe Illustrator format. Comprehensive catalogue of drill-hole data in spreadsheet, shapefile, and Geosoft database formats. Includes XYZ locations of well heads, year drilled, type of well, operator, total depths, well path data (deviations), lithology logs, and temperature data. 3D model constructed with EarthVision using geologic map data, cross-sections, drill-hole data, and geophysics.

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3D modelBasin and RangeEarthVisionGIS dataGeologic Cross-SectionsGeologic MapGeoogic Cross-sectionsGeosoft dataGreat BasinIllustrator filesMcGinness Hills Geothermal AreaNevadaStructural Controlscross-sectiondrill-hole datafaultingfaultsgeologic contactgeologic unitgeologygeophysicsgeosoftgeospatial datageothermallithologylithology logshape fileshapefileshapefilesstratastratigraphic unitstratigraphysurficial geothermal featurestemperaturetemperature dataunit contactsunit polygonvector datawell datawell locations
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geology and Structure Map of North America

The Geological Society of Americas (GSA) Geologic Map of North America (Reed and others, 2005; 1:5,000,000) shows the geology of a significantly large area of the Earth, centered on North and Central America and including the submarine geology of parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This map is now converted to a Geographic Information System (GIS) database that contains all geologic and base-map information shown on the two printed map sheets and the accompanying explanation sheet. We anticipate this map database will be revised at some unspecified time in the future, likely through the actions of a steering committee managed by the Geological Society of America (GSA) and staffed by scientists from agencies including, but not limited to, those responsible for the original map compilation (U.S. Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Canada, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute). Regarding the use of this product, as noted by the maps compilers: The Geologic Map of North America is an essential educational tool for teaching the geology of North America to university students and for the continuing education of professional geologists in North America and elsewhere. In addition, simplified maps derived from the Geologic Map of North America are useful for enlightening younger students and the general public about the geology of the continent. With publication of this database, the preparation of any type of simplified map is made significantly easier. More important perhaps, the database provides a more accessible means to explore the map information and to compare and analyze it in conjunction with other types of information (for example, land use, soils, biology) to better understand the complex interrelations among factors that affect Earth resources, hazards, ecosystems, and climate.

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GeologyGlacialLithologyNorth AmericaStructuraldrainagefaultsgeologic structure
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Mapped FaultsSource

Faults combined from USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii and the USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold database. This data is in shapefile format.

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ArcGISGISHawaiiPFAfaultsgeologygeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefilestructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold DatabaseSource

This database contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that are believed to be sources of M>6 earthquakes during the Quaternary (the past 1,600,000 years). Maps of these geologic structures are linked to detailed descriptions and references. Used to supplement faults mapped on the USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii. Reference: U.S. Geological Survey, 2006, Quaternary fault and fold database for the United States, accessed 2015, from USGS web site: http//

No licence known
DatabaseFaultHawaiiUSGSactivefaultsfeaturesfoldgeologicgeologic unitgeologygeothermalpfaquaternaryseismicitystructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
INGENIOUS - Great Basin Regional Dataset CompilationSource

This is the regional dataset compilation for the INnovative Geothermal Exploration through Novel Investigations Of Undiscovered Systems (INGENIOUS) project. The primary goal of this project is to accelerate discoveries of new, commercially viable hidden geothermal systems while reducing the exploration and development risks for all geothermal resources. These datasets will be used in INGENIOUS as input features for predicting geothermal favorability throughout the Great Basin study area. Datasets consist of shapefiles, geotiffs, tabular spreadsheets, and metadata that describe: 2-meter temperature probe surveys, quaternary faults and volcanic features, geodetic shear and dilation models, heat flow, magnetotellurics (conductance), magnetics, gravity, paleogeothermal features (such as sinter and tufa deposits), seismicity, spring and well temperatures, spring and well aqueous geochemistry analyses, thermal conductivity, and fault slip and dilation tendency. For additional project information, see the INGENIOUS project site linked in the submission. Terms of use: These datasets are provided "as is", and the contributors assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The user assumes the entire risk associated with their use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for their intended use. These datasets may be redistributed with attribution (see citation information below). Please refer to the license information on this page for full licensing terms and conditions.

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2-meter probecaliforniacompilationconductanceconductivitydatadilationdiscoveryearthquakesenergyexplorationfaultsfavorabilitygeochemistrygeodeticsgeospatialgeothermalgeotiffgravitygreat basingridsheat flowidahoingeniousmachine learningmagneticsmagnetotelluricsmodelingnevadaoregonpaleogeothermalplay fairwayplay fairway analysisquaternary falutsquaternary volcanicsregionalseismicityshapefilesshearsinterslipslip and dilationspringstemperaturethermal conductivitytufaundiscovered systemsutahvolcanicswells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Intermountain West, U.S., 2020 EarthquakesSource

The beautiful mountains of Utah, the abundant streams of Idaho, the wide-open expanses of Nevada, the little hamlets of eastern California, and the urban centers next to steep mountain ranges – all part of the Intermountain West (IMW) region of the U.S. The IMW encompasses a large area of the middle western part of the country from the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Ranges and is approximately bound on the north by the Canadian border and on the south by the Mexican border (shown on map to left inside yellow border). The IMW is a broad zone of east-west extension, meaning the crust is being stretched, so there are predominantly normal faults within the region – except for the western edge, which is a zone of strike-slip faults parallel to the San Andreas fault called the Walker Lane. This broad region of the western U.S. typically has a fair number of small earthquakes each year, but in 2020 there was an unusual amount of seismic activity – four moderate-sized earthquakes (shown as red stars on the map) and their prolific aftershocks occurred in various locations.

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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
KY Geologic Faults

Kentucky Geologic Faults

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FaultsGeologyKYStructuralfaultsgeologic faultskentucky
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
KY Geologic Faults 1500k scale

Kentucky Geologic Faults (1:500k scale)

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FaultsGeologyKYStructuralfaultsgeologic faultskentucky
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Kentucky 1:24,000 Geologic Map Data

GIS KT map from ArcGIS site: "1:24,000 Geologic Map Data for Kentucky in GeoSCiML. Contains faults, geologic units, and geologic contacts. The data in this package is compatible with GeoSciML portrayal view for geoscience data. The source of the data is the Kentucky Geological Survey map database and consists of mapped geologic units throughout Kentucky."

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Machine Learning to Identify Geologic Factors Associated with Production in Geothermal Fields: A Case-Study Using 3D Geologic Data from Brady Geothermal Field and NMFkSource

In this paper, we present an analysis using unsupervised machine learning (ML) to identify the key geologic factors that contribute to the geothermal production in Brady geothermal field. Brady is a hydrothermal system in northwestern Nevada that supports both electricity production and direct use of hydrothermal fluids. Transmissive fuid-fow pathways are relatively rare in the subsurface, but are critical components of hydrothermal systems like Brady and many other types of fuid-fow systems in fractured rock. Here, we analyze geologic data with ML methods to unravel the local geologic controls on these pathways. The ML method, non-negative matrix factorization with k-means clustering (NMFk), is applied to a library of 14 3D geologic characteristics hypothesized to control hydrothermal circulation in the Brady geothermal field. Our results indicate that macro-scale faults and a local step-over in the fault system preferentially occur along production wells when compared to injection wells and non-productive wells. We infer that these are the key geologic characteristics that control the through-going hydrothermal transmission pathways at Brady. Our results demonstrate: (1) the specific geologic controls on the Brady hydrothermal system and (2) the efficacy of pairing ML techniques with 3D geologic characterization to enhance the understanding of subsurface processes. This submission includes the published journal article detailing this work, the published 3D geologic map of the Brady Geothermal Area used as a basis to develop structural and geological variables that are hypothesized to control or effect permeability or connectivity, 3D well data, along which geologic data were sampled for PCA analyses, and associated metadata file. This work was done using the GeoThermalCloud framework, which is part of SmartTensors (both are linked below).

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3D geologic map3D well dataBHSBradyBrady Hot SpringsGeoThermalCloudMLNMFKNonnegative Matrix Factorization k-meansSmartTensorscharacterizationclusteringcodeenergyfaultsgeologic modelgeologic structuregeologygeothermalhydrothermalk-meansmachine learningmatrix factorizationnonnegative matrix factorizationproductionstressunsupervised
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Motion of Tectonic PlatesSource

This story map tells the tale of Earth’s tectonic plates, their secret conspiracies, awe-inspiring exhibitions and subtle impacts on the maps and geospatial information we so often take for granted as unambiguous. But is it? We recommend you journey through this map on the trail we’ve manicured on the left. You will find yourself hovering over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge or swimming in magma deep within the Earth’s core. Have fun and we hope your voyage is fruitful!

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Map JournalNature and EnvironmentStory Mapconvergencecrustal motionearthquakesepicentereruptionfaultsgeodesygeologyseismictectonic platestectonicsvolcanoes
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
NMBGMR Interactive MapSource

An interactive map of data maintained by the NM Bureau of Geology. Displays geographic, geologic, water, energy, mineral, and recreational resources.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
aquifer mappingasbestoscoal minescorecuttingsenergyfaultsgame management unitsgeologic mapsgeologygeothermalgroundwater levelshydrogeologic modelmining districtsoil and gas poolsrare earthrecreationuraniumwater quality
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
Nevada Earthquake ClearinghouseSource

Virtual clearinghouse of observations and knowledge collected from field investigations after a major earthquake occurs in Nevada.

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Hub SiteNevada earthquakesearthquake damageearthquakesfaultsrupturesseismicity
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Newberry Caldera Conceptual Geologic ModelSource

Conceptual model for the Newberry Caldera geothermal area. Model is centered around caldera and evaluates geologic information in tandem with some geophysical datasets to derive a conceptual subsurface model. Includes: Geologic information from the USGS geologic map of Newberry and cross-sections from Sonnenthal et al, 2012 West flank seismic body representing a fractional change in seismic velocity of 0.1, defined in Beachly et al., 2012 and Heath et al., 2015 West flank gravity body "granite" that represents a gravity anomaly identified in Waibel et al., 2014 (DOE document, figure 35) Magma chamber defined seismically, found in Heath et al., 2015 Ring fracture fault intrusions Various faults sourced from the USGS geologic map of Newberry, Grasso et al. 2012's fault and fissure mapping

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EGSNEWGENNewberryOregonconceptualconceptual modelenhanced geothermal systemfaultsgeologic modelgeologicalgeologygeothermalmodelseismicstructuresubsurface model
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Newberry Caldera Conceptual Geophysical ModelSource

Conceptual model for the Newberry Caldera geothermal area. Model is centered around caldera and evaluates multiple geophysical datasets to derive a conceptual subsurface model. Includes: Conductor layer based on transient electromagnetic data from Fitterman et al., 1988 (figure 10) Base of conductor layer based on MT conductor values found in Waibel et al., 2014 (DOE document, figure 38) Resistor layer based on magnetotellurics from Fitterman et al., 1988 (figure 13). Seismic intrusives layer representing a smoothed version of 5.5 km/s seismic velocity layer defined in Beachly et al., 2012 West flank seismic body representing a fractional change in seismic velocity of 0.1, defined in Beachly et al., 2012 and Heath et al., 2015 West flank gravity body "granite" that represents a gravity anomaly identified in Waibel et al., 2014 (DOE document, figure 35) Magma chamber defined seismically, found in Heath et al., 2015 Ring fracture fault intrusions Various faults and geologic layers

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EGSMTNEWGENNewberryOregoncalderaconceptualconceptual modelenhanced geothermal systemfaultsgeologic modelgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgravitymagnetotelluricmodelseismicstructuresubsurface model
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Oregon Cascades Play Fairway Analysis: Faults and Heat Flow MapsSource

This submission includes a fault map of the Oregon Cascades and backarc, a probability map of heat flow, and a fault density probability layer. More extensive metadata can be found within each zip file. For information about "Oregon Faults," contact John David Trimble, Oregon State University.

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cascadescomposite risk segmentcrsdensityfaultfault densityfaultsfeaturesflowgeologygeospatial datageothermalheatheat flowheatflowkrigingmaporegonoregon state universitypfaplay fairway analysisprobabilitystructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Play Fairway Analysis CA-NV-OR: 2km Grid Based AnalysisSource

Combined geochemical and geophysical data, weighted and ranked for geothermal prospect favorability.

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CA-NV-ORCaliforniaMTMedicine LakeNevadaOregonPFASan Emidiocharacterizationexplorationfaultfaultsfavorabilitygeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalgeothermometrygrid filesheat flowheliumplay fairway anaysisprospectrankrankingsseismicitystrainstrain ratestressstructural settingvolcanismwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Precambrian Basement Map of the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.

This report contains files that provide a digital version of USGS map I-1853-A, "Precambrian Basement Map of the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.," compiled by P.K. Sims and published in 1990. The files are provided in two formats: (1) Arc export (e00) files, which can be imported directly into a number of applications, and (2) Arcview shapefiles and a related Arcview project, which allow direct viewing and manipulation of the map information. The intent of this release is solely to make the original map data available digitally, not to make updates or modifications to the map based on new data acquired in the past decade since the original map was published. Thus, the information in the database files is distilled from the original map and preserves the terminology used therein. To further preserve the original map, ancillary information such as the Correlation of Map Units and Description of Map Units are included as images that were scanned from the printed map. The data are presented in several data layers. A polygon coverage presents the distribution of map units in which each polygon is attributed with 15 geological parameters. An accompanying line coverage shows faults. Additional coverages show location of drill holes used in the original compilation and structure contours on the Precambrian basement surface. --USGS

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basementbedrock geologyfaultsgeologymidcontinentprecambrianstructureunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Precambrian basement structure map United States

The Precambrian basement rocks of the continental United States are largely covered by younger sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and the availability of updated aeromagnetic data (NAMAG, 2002) provides a means to infer major regional basement structures and tie together the scattered, but locally abundant, geologic information. Precambrian basement structures in the continental United States have strongly influenced later Proterozoic and Phanerozoic tectonism within the continent, and there is a growing awareness of the utility of these structures in deciphering major younger tectonic and related episodes. Interest in the role of basement structures in the evolution of continents has been recently stimulated, particularly by publications of the Geological Society of London (Holdsworth and others, 1998; Holdsworth and others, 2001). These publications, as well as others, stress the importance of reactivation of basement structures in guiding the subsequent evolution of continents. Knowledge of basement structures is an important key to understanding the geology of continental interiors.

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aeromagneticbasementfaultsgeologymagnetic anomalyprecambrianrift zoneshearstructuretectonicunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Qfaults US DatabaseSource

Earthquake Faults and Folds in the USAThis feature layer, utilizing data from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP), displays known faults and folds in the U.S. This layer, per USGS, "contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that demonstrate geological evidence of coseismic surface deformation in large earthquakes during the past 1.6 million years (Myr)."Earthquake Faults and FoldsData currency: This cached Esri service is checked monthly for updates from its federal source (Faults)Data modification: noneFor more information: Earthquake HazardsFor feedback please contact: ArcGIScomNationalMaps@esri.comNote: the map is designed to be displayed at a "States scale", in order to showcase the contents more efficiently.U.S. Geological SurveyPer USGS, "The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change."

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DOIDepartment of the InteriorEHPEarthquake Hazards ProgramU.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological SurveyUSDOIUSGSearthquakesfaultsfederalfoldsgeological surveygeologyhazardslandscapemagnitudequaternarysubsurface
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Quaternary Fault and Fold Database of the United States

This website contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that are believed to be sources of M>6 earthquakes during the Quaternary (the past 1,600,000 years). Maps of these geologic structures are linked to detailed descriptions and references. Read our Factsheet for more information.

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
SE Great Basin Play Fairway Analysis Heat and Permeability CRSSource

Within this submission are multiple .tif images with accompanying metadata of magnetotelluric conductor occurrence, fault critical stress composite risk segment (CRS), permeability CRS, Quaternary mafic extrusions, Quaternary fault density, and Quaternary rhyolite maps. Each of these contributed to a final play fairway analysis (PFA) for the SE Great Basin study area.

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EasternGreat BasinMTSE great basinUtahbasaltcomposite risk segmentconductorcritical stresscrsdataeastern great basinexplorationfaultfault densityfaultsfluid flowgeospatial datageothermallineamentsmagnetotelluricmapoccurencepermeabilitypfaplay fairway analysisprobabilityquaternaryquaternary faultsrhyolite
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of Neal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaSource

Slip and Dilation Tendency in focus areas Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an indication of which faults or fault segments within a geothermal system are critically stressed and therefore likely to transmit geothermal fluids. The slip tendency of a surface is defined by the ratio of shear stress to normal stress on that surface: Ts = T / on (Morris et al., 1996). Dilation tendency is defined by the stress acting normal to a given surface: Td = (o1-on) / (o1-o3) (Ferrill et al., 1999). Slip and dilation were calculated using 3DStress (Southwest Research Institute). Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the fault plane by ambient stress conditions. Values range from a maximum of 1, a fault plane ideally oriented to slip or dilate under ambient stress conditions to zero, a fault plane with no potential to slip or dilate. Slip and dilation tendency values were calculated for each fault in the focus study areas at, McGinness Hills, Neal Hot Springs, Patua, Salt Wells, San Emidio, and Tuscarora on fault traces. As dip is not well constrained or unknown for many faults mapped in within these we made these calculations using the dip for each fault that would yield the maximum slip tendency or dilation tendency. As such, these results should be viewed as maximum tendency of each fault to slip or dilate. The resulting along-fault and fault-to-fault variation in slip or dilation potential is a proxy for along fault and fault-to-fault variation in fluid flow conduit potential. Stress Magnitudes and directions Stress field variation within each focus area was approximated based on regional published data and the world stress database (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2010; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012; Moeck et al., 2010; Moos and Ronne, 2010 and Reinecker et al., 2005) as well as local stress information if applicable. For faults within these focus systems we applied either a normal faulting stress regime where the vertical stress (sv) is larger than the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (sv>shmax>shmin) or strike-slip faulting stress regime where the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) is larger than the vertical stress (sv) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (shmax >sv>shmin) depending on the general tectonic province of the system. Based on visual inspection of the limited stress magnitude data in the Great Basin we used magnitudes such that shmin/shmax = .527 and shmin/sv= .46, which are consistent with complete and partial stress field determinations from Desert Peak, Coso, the Fallon area and Dixie valley (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2011; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012). Based on inversion of fault kinematic data, Edwards (2013) interpreted that two discrete stress orientations are preserved at Neal Hot Springs. An older episode of east-west directed extension and a younger episode of southwest-northeast directed sinistral, oblique -normal extension. This interpretation is consistent with the evolution of Cenozoic tectonics in the region (Edwards, 2013). As such we applied a southwest-northeast (060) directed normal faulting stress regime, consistent with the younger extensional episode, to the Neal Hot Springs faults. Under these stress conditions northeast striking steeply dipping fault segments have the highest tendency to dilate and northeast striking 60 degrees dipping fault segments have the highest tendency to slip. Under these stress conditions, both the Neal Fault and Sugarloaf Butte faults area well-oriented for both slip and dilation and thus for fracture permeability. In addition, several subsidiary faults on the eastern side and within the step-over between the Neal fault and Sugarloaf Butte fault are well oriented for slip and dilation as well. NOTE: 'o' is used in this description to represent lowercase sigma.

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ArcGISDilation TendencyGISNeal Hot SpringsNeal Hot Springs Geothermal AreaSlip Tendencyambient stressdatafaultingfaultsfluid flow conduitsgeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefilestress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Patua Geothermal AreaSource

Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip or to dilate provides an indication of which faults or fault segments within a geothermal system are critically stressed and therefore likely to transmit geothermal fluids. Slip and dilation were calculated using 3DStress (Southwest Research Institute). Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the fault plane by ambient stress conditions. Values range from a maximum of 1, a fault plane ideally oriented to slip or dilate under ambient stress conditions to zero, a fault plane with no potential to slip or dilate. Slip and dilation tendency values were calculated for each fault in the focus study areas at, McGinness Hills, Neal Hot Springs, Patua, Salt Wells, San Emidio, and Tuscarora on fault traces. Stress Magnitudes and directions Stress field variation within each focus area was approximated based on regional published data and the world stress database as well as local stress information. Slip and dilation tendency analysis for the Patua geothermal system was calculated based on faults mapped in the Hazen Quadrangle (Faulds et al., 2011). Patua lies near the margin between the Basin and Range province, which is characterized by west-northwest directed extension and the Walker Lane province, characterized by west-northwest directed dextral shear. As such, the Patua area likely has been affected by tectonic stress associated with either or both of stress regimes over geologic time. In order to characterize this stress variation we calculated slip tendency at Patua for both normal faulting and strike slip faulting stress regimes. Dilation tendency results for a strike-slip faulting stress regime and for a normal faulting stress regime are virtually identical, so we present one result for dilation tendency applicable to both strike-slip and normal faulting stress conditions along with slip tendency for both a normal faulting and a strike-slip faulting stress regime. Under these stress conditions, north-northeast striking steeply dipping fault segments have the highest dilation tendency. Under the strike-slip faulting stress regime, north-northwest and east-northeast striking, steeply dipping fault have the highest slip tendency, while under normal faulting conditions north northeast striking, 60 degrees dipping faults have the highest slip tendency.

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ArcGISDilation Tendency AnalysisGISPatuaPatua Geothermal AreaSlip Tendency Analysisambient stressdatafaultingfaultsfluid dlow conduitsgeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefilestress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Salt Wells Geothermal AreaSource

Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an indication of which faults or fault segments within a geothermal system are critically stressed and therefore likely to transmit geothermal fluids. The slip tendency of a surface is defined by the ratio of shear stress to normal stress on that surface: Ts = T / on (Morris et al., 1996). Dilation tendency is defined by the stress acting normal to a given surface: Td = (o1-on) / (o1-o3) (Ferrill et al., 1999). Slip and dilation were calculated using 3DStress (Southwest Research Institute). Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the fault plane by ambient stress conditions. Values range from a maximum of 1, a fault plane ideally oriented to slip or dilate under ambient stress conditions to zero, a fault plane with no potential to slip or dilate. Slip and dilation tendency values were calculated for each fault in the focus study areas at, McGinness Hills, Neal Hot Springs, Patua, Salt Wells, San Emidio, and Tuscarora on fault traces. As dip is not well constrained or unknown for many faults mapped in within these we made these calculations using the dip for each fault that would yield the maximum slip tendency or dilation tendency. As such, these results should be viewed as maximum tendency of each fault to slip or dilate. The resulting along-fault and fault-to-fault variation in slip or dilation potential is a proxy for along fault and fault-to-fault variation in fluid flow conduit potential. Stress Magnitudes and directions Stress field variation within each focus area was approximated based on regional published data and the world stress database (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2010; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012; Moeck et al., 2010; Moos and Ronne, 2010 and Reinecker et al., 2005) as well as local stress information if applicable. For faults within these focus systems we applied either a normal faulting stress regime where the vertical stress (sv) is larger than the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (sv>shmax>shmin) or strike-slip faulting stress regime where the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) is larger than the vertical stress (sv) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (shmax >sv>shmin) depending on the general tectonic province of the system. Based on visual inspection of the limited stress magnitude data in the Great Basin we used magnitudes such that shmin/shmax = .527 and shmin/sv= .46, which are consistent with complete and partial stress field determinations from Desert Peak, Coso, the Fallon area and Dixie valley (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2011; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012). Slip and dilation tendency for the Salt Wells geothermal field was calculated based on the faults mapped in the Bunejug Mountains quadrangle (Hinz et al., 2011). The Salt Wells area lies in the Basin and Range Province (N. Hinz personal comm.) As such we applied a normal faulting stress regime to the Salt Wells area faults, with a minimum horizontal stress direction oriented 105, based on inspection of local and regional stress determinations. Under these stress conditions north-northeast striking, steeply dipping fault segments have the highest dilation tendency, while north-northeast striking 60 degrees dipping fault segments have the highest tendency to slip. Several such faults intersect in high density in the core of the accommodation zone in the Bunejug Mountains and local to the Salt Wells geothermal .

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ArcGISDilation TendencyDilation Tendency AnalysisGISSalt Wells Geothermal AreaSlip TendencySlip Tendency Analysisambient stressdatafaultingfaultsfluid flow conduitsgeospatial datageothermalsalt wellsshape fileshapefilestress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the San Emidio Geothermal AreaSource

Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an indication of which faults or fault segments within a geothermal system are critically stressed and therefore likely to transmit geothermal fluids. The slip tendency of a surface is defined by the ratio of shear stress to normal stress on that surface: Ts = T / on (Morris et al., 1996). Dilation tendency is defined by the stress acting normal to a given surface: Td = (o1-on) / (o1-o3) (Ferrill et al., 1999). Slip and dilation were calculated using 3DStress (Southwest Research Institute). Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the fault plane by ambient stress conditions. Values range from a maximum of 1, a fault plane ideally oriented to slip or dilate under ambient stress conditions to zero, a fault plane with no potential to slip or dilate. Slip and dilation tendency values were calculated for each fault in the focus study areas at, McGinness Hills, Neal Hot Springs, Patua, Salt Wells, San Emidio, and Tuscarora on fault traces. As dip is not well constrained or unknown for many faults mapped in within these we made these calculations using the dip for each fault that would yield the maximum slip tendency or dilation tendency. As such, these results should be viewed as maximum tendency of each fault to slip or dilate. The resulting along-fault and fault-to-fault variation in slip or dilation potential is a proxy for along fault and fault-to-fault variation in fluid flow conduit potential. Stress Magnitudes and directions Stress field variation within each focus area was approximated based on regional published data and the world stress database (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2010; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012; Moeck et al., 2010; Moos and Ronne, 2010 and Reinecker et al., 2005) as well as local stress information if applicable. For faults within these focus systems we applied either a normal faulting stress regime where the vertical stress (sv) is larger than the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (sv>shmax>shmin) or strike-slip faulting stress regime where the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) is larger than the vertical stress (sv) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (shmax >sv>shmin) depending on the general tectonic province of the system. Based on visual inspection of the limited stress magnitude data in the Great Basin we used magnitudes such that shmin/shmax = .527 and shmin/sv= .46, which are consistent with complete and partial stress field determinations from Desert Peak, Coso, the Fallon area and Dixie valley (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2011; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012). Slip and dilation tendency for the San Emidio geothermal field was calculated based on the faults mapped Tuscarora area (Rhodes, 2011). The San Emidio area lies in the Basin and Range Province, as such we applied a normal faulting stress regime to the San Emidio area faults, with a minimum horizontal stress direction oriented 115, based on inspection of local and regional stress determinations, as explained above. This is consistent with the shmin determined through inversion of fault data by Rhodes (2011). Under these stress conditions north-northeast striking, steeply dipping fault segments have the highest dilation tendency, while north-northeast striking 60 degrees dipping fault segments have the highest tendency to slip. Interesting, the San Emidio geothermal field lies in an area of primarily north striking faults, which have moderate dilation tendency and moderate to low slip tendency. NOTE: 'o' is used in this description to represent lowercase sigma.

No licence known
ArcGISDilation Tendency AnalysisGISSan EmidioSan Emidio Geothermal AreaSlip Tendency Analysisambient stressdatadilation tendencyfaultingfaultsfluid flow conduitsgeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefileslip tendencystress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Slip and Dilation Tendency Analysis of the Tuscarora Geothermal AreaSource

Critically stressed fault segments have a relatively high likelihood of acting as fluid flow conduits (Sibson, 1994). As such, the tendency of a fault segment to slip (slip tendency; Ts; Morris et al., 1996) or to dilate (dilation tendency; Td; Ferrill et al., 1999) provides an indication of which faults or fault segments within a geothermal system are critically stressed and therefore likely to transmit geothermal fluids. The slip tendency of a surface is defined by the ratio of shear stress to normal stress on that surface: Ts = T / on (Morris et al., 1996). Dilation tendency is defined by the stress acting normal to a given surface: Td = (o1-on) / (o1-o3) (Ferrill et al., 1999). Slip and dilation were calculated using 3DStress (Southwest Research Institute). Slip and dilation tendency are both unitless ratios of the resolved stresses applied to the fault plane by ambient stress conditions. Values range from a maximum of 1, a fault plane ideally oriented to slip or dilate under ambient stress conditions to zero, a fault plane with no potential to slip or dilate. Slip and dilation tendency values were calculated for each fault in the focus study areas at, McGinness Hills, Neal Hot Springs, Patua, Salt Wells, San Emidio, and Tuscarora on fault traces. As dip is not well constrained or unknown for many faults mapped in within these we made these calculations using the dip for each fault that would yield the maximum slip tendency or dilation tendency. As such, these results should be viewed as maximum tendency of each fault to slip or dilate. The resulting along-fault and fault-to-fault variation in slip or dilation potential is a proxy for along fault and fault-to-fault variation in fluid flow conduit potential. Stress Magnitudes and directions Stress field variation within each focus area was approximated based on regional published data and the world stress database (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2010; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012; Moeck et al., 2010; Moos and Ronne, 2010 and Reinecker et al., 2005) as well as local stress information if applicable. For faults within these focus systems we applied either a normal faulting stress regime where the vertical stress (sv) is larger than the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (sv>shmax>shmin) or strike-slip faulting stress regime where the maximum horizontal stress (shmax) is larger than the vertical stress (sv) which is larger than the minimum horizontal stress (shmax >sv>shmin) depending on the general tectonic province of the system. Based on visual inspection of the limited stress magnitude data in the Great Basin we used magnitudes such that shmin/shmax = .527 and shmin/sv= .46, which are consistent with complete and partial stress field determinations from Desert Peak, Coso, the Fallon area and Dixie valley (Hickman et al., 2000; Hickman et al., 1998 Robertson-Tait et al., 2004; Hickman and Davatzes, 2011; Davatzes and Hickman, 2006; Blake and Davatzes 2011; Blake and Davatzes, 2012). Slip and dilation tendency for the Tuscarora geothermal field was calculated based on the faults mapped Tuscarora area (Dering, 2013). The Tuscarora area lies in the Basin and Range Province, as such we applied a normal faulting stress regime to the Tuscarora area faults, with a minimum horizontal stress direction oriented 115, based on inspection of local and regional stress determinations, as explained above. Under these stress conditions north-northeast striking, steeply dipping fault segments have the highest dilation tendency, while north-northeast striking 60 degrees dipping fault segments have the highest tendency to slip. Tuscarora is defined by a left-step in a major north- to-north northeast striking, west-dipping range-bounding normal fault system. Faults within the broad step define an anticlinal accommodation zone wherein east-dipping faults mainly occupy western half of the accommodation zone and west-dipping faults lie in the eastern half of the accommodation zone. The geothermal system resides in the axial part of the accommodation, straddling the two fault dip domains. Within the axial part of the accommodation zone several west-dipping, north northeast-striking faults are well oriented for both slip and dilation, including fault strands that are exploited for both production and injection for the Tuscarora geothermal power plant. NOTE: 'o' is used in this description to represent lowercase sigma.

No licence known
ArcGISDilation Tendency AnalysisGISSlip Tendency AnalysisSlip tendencyTuscaroraTuscarora Geothermal Areaambient stressdatadilation tendencyfaultingfaultsfluid flow conduitsgeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefilestress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis - Volcanic Vents, Lacustrine Sediments, and post-Miocene Faults KMZ filesSource

This dataset contain raw data files in kmz files (Google Earth georeference format). These files include volcanic vent locations and age, the distribution of fine-grained lacustrine sediments (which act as both a seal and an insulating layer for hydrothermal fluids), and post-Miocene faults compiled from the Idaho Geological Survey, the USGS Quaternary Fault database, and unpublished mapping. It also contains the Composite Common Risk Segment Map created during Phase 1 studies, as well as a file with locations of select deep wells used to interrogate the subsurface.

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CCRSIdahoPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River Plaindatafaultfaultsgeoreferencinggeospatialgeospatial datageothermalgoogle earthkmzlacustrinemudsphase 1sedimentsedimentsstructureventventsvolcanicvolcanics
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Heat, Permeability, and Seal CRS Map Raster FilesSource

Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis - Phase 1 CRS Raster Files. This dataset contains raster files created in ArcGIS. These raster images depict Common Risk Segment (CRS) maps for HEAT, PERMEABILITY, AND SEAL, as well as selected maps of Evidence Layers. These evidence layers consist of either Bayesian krige functions or kernel density functions, and include: (1) HEAT: Heat flow (Bayesian krige map), Heat flow standard error on the krige function (data confidence), volcanic vent distribution as function of age and size, groundwater temperature (equivalue interval and natural breaks bins), and groundwater T standard error. (2) PERMEABILTY: Fault and lineament maps, both as mapped and as kernel density functions, processed for both dilational tendency (TD) and slip tendency (ST), along with data confidence maps for each data type. Data types include mapped surface faults from USGS and Idaho Geological Survey data bases, as well as unpublished mapping; lineations derived from maximum gradients in magnetic, deep gravity, and intermediate depth gravity anomalies. (3) SEAL: Seal maps based on presence and thickness of lacustrine sediments and base of SRP aquifer. Raster size is 2 km. All files generated in ArcGIS.

No licence known
IdahoPlay Fairway AnalysisSnake River Plainaquiferdilation tendancyfaultingfaultsgeothermalgravitygroundwater temperatureheatheat sourcemagneticpermeabilitypfaresource assessmentsealsedimentsite characterizationslip tendancysrpvent
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Structural Data for the Columbus Salt Marsh Geothermal Area - GIS DataSource

Shapefiles and spreadsheets of structural data, including attitudes of faults and strata and slip orientations of faults. - Detailed geologic mapping of ~30 km2 was completed in the vicinity of the Columbus Marsh geothermal field to obtain critical structural data that would elucidate the structural controls of this field. - Documenting E- to ENE-striking left lateral faults and N- to NNE-striking normal faults. - Some faults cut Quaternary basalts. - This field appears to occupy a displacement transfer zone near the eastern end of a system of left-lateral faults. ENE-striking sinistral faults diffuse into a system of N- to NNE-striking normal faults within the displacement transfer zone. - Columbus Marsh therefore corresponds to an area of enhanced extension and contains a nexus of fault intersections, both conducive for geothermal activity.

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ArcGISColumbus MarshColumbus Salt Marsh Geothermal AreaGISGIS dataStructural ControlsStructural Datafaultingfaultsgeologic mapgeologygeospatial datageothermalshape fileshapefileshapefilesslipslip orientationstratastratigraphystructural geology
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Structural and Tectonic Controls of Geothermal Activity in the Basin and Range ProvinceSource

We are conducting an inventory of structural settings of geothermal systems (>400 total) in the extensional to transtensional Great Basin region of the western USA. A system of NW-striking dextral faults known as the Walker Lane accommodates ~20% of the North American-Pacific plate motion in the western Great Basin and is intimately linked to N- to NNE-striking normal fault systems throughout the region. Overall, geothermal systems are concentrated in areas with the highest strain rates within or proximal to the eastern and western margins of the Great Basin, with the highest temperature systems clustering in transtensional areas of highest strain rate in the northwestern Great Basin. Of the 250+ geothermal fields catalogued, step-overs or relay ramps in normal fault zones serve as the most favorable setting, hosting ~32% of the systems. Such areas have multiple, overlapping fault strands, increased fracture density, and thus enhanced permeability. Other common settings include a) intersections between normal faults and strike-slip or oblique-slip faults (22%), where multiple minor faults connect major structures and fluids can flow readily through highly fractured, dilational quadrants, and b) normal fault terminations or tip-lines (22%), where horse-tailing generates closely-spaced faults and increased permeability. Other settings include accommodation zones (i.e., belts of intermeshing, oppositely dipping normal faults; 8%), major normal faults (6%), displacement transfer zones (5%), and pull-aparts in strike-slip faults (4%). In addition, Quaternary faults lie within or near most systems (e.g., Bell and Ramelli, 2007). The relative scarcity of geothermal systems along displacement-maxima of major normal faults may be due to reduced permeability in thick zones of clay gouge and periodic release of stress in major earthquakes. Step-overs, terminations, intersections, and accommodation zones correspond to long-term, critically stressed areas, where fluid pathways are more likely to remain open in networks of closely-spaced, breccia-dominated fractures.

No licence known
Basin and RangeGreat BasinNevadaStrain RatesStructural ControlsWalker LaneWestern USAcataloguefaultingfaultsgeothermalstructural geologystructural settingtectonics
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
The Nemaha Trend-- A System of Compressional Thrust-Fold, Strike-Slip Structural Features in Kansas and Oklahoma, Part 1

From the abstract: Much has been written about the buried Nemaha uplift in Kansas and Oklahoma since drillers and geologists first became aware of it from oil-well drilling in the early years of the twentieth century. It has been described as extensional, compressional, and strike-slip. In this paper I will present data to show that the Nemaha was formed by compressional or thrust faulting that is rooted deep within the Precambrian crust and extended in listric fashion to the ground surface coincident with the Humboldt fault zone, or east-bounding fault. Compressional effects observed from well data and seismic surveys do not permit an extensional origin.

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faultsfoldsgeologykansasnemahaoil well drillingoklahomastructure
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Tularosa Basin Play Fairway Analysis: Geologic Map of the Organ Mountains and Southern San Andres Mountain Range, NMSource

This is a digitized geologic map, in shapefile format, including rock unit lithological descriptions, faults, and dikes.

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ArcGISGISdikesfaultsgeologic layergeologic mapgeologygeospatialgeospatial datalithologymapnew mexicoorgan mountainssan andresshape fileshapefilestratigraphy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
US State Faults

Digital geologic maps of the US states with consistent lithology, age, GIS database structure, and format.

No licence known
GISGeologyUnited Statesdatabasefaultsgeologic structurelithology
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Geophysics, Heat Flow, and Slip and Dilation Tendency Data used in Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, NevadaSource

This package contains USGS data contributions to the DOE-funded Nevada Geothermal Machine Learning Project, with the objective of developing a machine learning approach to identifying new geothermal systems in the Great Basin. This package contains three major data products (geophysics, heat flow, and fault dilation and slip tendencies) that cover a large portion of northern Nevada. The geophysics data include map surfaces related to gravity and magnetic data, and line and point data derived from those surfaces. Heat flow data include an interpolated map of heat flow in mW/m^2, an error surface, and well data used to construct them. The dilation and slip tendency information exist as attributes assigned to each line segment of mapped faults and geophysical lineaments. GDR submission contains link to official USGS data release. Additional metadata available on source DOI page.

No licence known
DilationHeat FlowNevadaSlipcharacterizationenergyexplorationfaultsgeophisicsgeophysicsgeothermalgeotiffsgravitygreat basinhydrothermalmachine learningmagneticspfa
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Induced Seismicity Mitigation PlanSource

This is the current induced seismicity mitigation plan (ISMP) for the Utah FORGE project. Information that was collected during Phases 1 and 2 of the Utah FORGE project has been incorporated, as have literature searches and risk assessments. The purpose of this report is to identify and mitigate induced seismicity for the Utah FORGE Project. Mitigation includes preliminary screening, outreach, criteria for ground vibration and noise, data collection practices, and natural seismic hazard analysis. From this, the overall risk from the project was determined. This report is subject to change as new information comes to light.

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EGSMitigation planUtahUtah FORGEearthquakeearthquakesenergyfaultfaultsgeophysicsgeothermalhazardinduced seismicityinduced seismicity mitigation planmitigationplanriskrisk mitigationseismicseismicityseismicity mitigation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Faults, Fractures, and Lineaments in the Mineral MountainsSource

This submission includes a shapefile of the Opal Mound Fault, and multiple datasets of lineaments mapped in the Mineral Mountains which overlook the Utah FORGE site, hyperlinked to rose diagrams in a polygon grid shapefile.

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ArcGISFORGELineamentMilfordOpal MoundRoosevelt Hot SpringsShapefileUtahUtah FORGEegsfaultfaultsfracturefracturesgeologygeospatial datageothermaljointlineamentsmineral mountainsmoundopalrose diagramshape filestructural
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Geology Map and GIS DataSource

This archive contains a geology map of the general Roosevelt Hot Springs region, both in PDF and ArcGIS geodatabase formats, that was created as part of the Utah FORGE project.

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ArcGISEGSFORGEGISMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUTUtahUtah FORGEenergyfaultsgeodatabasegeologic featuresgeologic mapgeologygeology mapgeospatialgeospatial datageothermallithologymapshapefile
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
West Virginia Faults 1:250,000

This dataset is a compilation of fault (shear displacement) features throughout West Virginia, provided by the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES), published as a web feature service, a web map service, an ESRI service and an Excel workbook.The workbook contains 16 worksheets, including information about the template, notes related to revisions of the template, resource provider information, the data, a field list (data mapping view), and various sheets indicating valid terms and URIs for this information exchange. For mapped active faults, which are the scope of this scheme, the deformation style is assumed to be brittle (as opposed to ductile). For more info about this resource please see the links provided (shapefiles and metadata URLs). This resource was provided by the West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey and made available for distribution through the National Geothermal Data System. --NGDS

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bedrock geologycross-sectionfault zonefault zonesfaultsfracturegeochronologystructurewest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
West Virginia Onondaga Faults Lines

West Virginia Onondaga Faults Lines

No licence known
GeologyOnondaga LimestoneWest Virginiafaults
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
ca offshoreSource

Earthquake Faults and Folds in the USAThis feature layer, utilizing data from the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP), displays known faults and folds in the U.S. This layer, per USGS, "contains information on faults and associated folds in the United States that demonstrate geological evidence of coseismic surface deformation in large earthquakes during the past 1.6 million years (Myr)."Earthquake Faults and FoldsData currency: This cached Esri service is checked monthly for updates from its federal source (Faults)Data modification: noneFor more information: Earthquake HazardsFor feedback please contact: ArcGIScomNationalMaps@esri.comNote: the map is designed to be displayed at a "States scale", in order to showcase the contents more efficiently.U.S. Geological SurveyPer USGS, "The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change."

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DOIDepartment of the InteriorEHPEarthquake Hazards ProgramU.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological SurveyUSDOIUSGSearthquakesfaultsfederalfoldsgeological surveygeologyhazardslandscapemagnitudequaternarysubsurface
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago