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Brady Geodatabase for Geothermal Exploration Artificial IntelligenceSource

These files contain the geodatabases related to Brady's Geothermal Field. It includes all input and output files for the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence. Input and output files are sorted into three categories: raw data, pre-processed data, and analysis (post-processed data). In each of these categories there are six additional types of raster catalogs which are titled Radar, SWIR, Thermal, Geophysics, Geology, and Wells. These inputs and outputs were used with the Geothermal Exploration Artificial Intelligence to identify indicators of blind geothermal systems at the Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Site. The included zip file is a geodatabase to be used with ArcGIS and the tar file is an inclusive database that encompasses the inputs and outputs for the Brady Hot Springs Geothermal Site.

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AIArcGISBradyBrady WellBrady hot springsGISLSTNevadaSVMSWIRanomaly detectionartificial intelligenceblindblind systemconceptual modeldatabasedeep learningdeformationenergyexplorationfaultfield datageodatabasegeophysicalgeophysicsgeospatial datageospatial databasegeothermalgeothermal site detectionhydrothermalhyperspectralhyperspectral imagingland surface temperaturemachine learningmodelpreprocessedprocessed dataradarrasterraw dataremote sensingseismicshort wavelength infraredsite detectionsupport vector machinevectorwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Brady Hot Springs Seismic Modeling Data for Push-Pull ProjectSource

This submission includes synthetic seismic modeling data for the Push-Pull project at Brady Hot Springs, NV. The synthetic seismic is all generated by finite-difference method regarding different fracture and rock properties.

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Brady Hot SpringsCO2NVNevadaVSPactive sourceboreholedataenergyfinite differencefracturefracturedgeologicgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalmediamodelingnon-fracturednumericalnumerical modelingpropertiespropertypush-pullrocksaturationseismicsyntheticvelocityvertical seismic profiling
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
British Geologic Survey

Opengeoscience Apps Data collections Data downloads Maps and viewers Scans & photos Web services Top data services Earthwise GeoIndex Geology of Britain viewer Geology Lexicon Maps portal Our products Geology Geophysics Groundwater Hazards Marine Minerals Soil chemistry Premium data services GeoRecords Plus+ GeoReports Groundhog National Geoscience Data Centre Cited data Earth Science Academic Archive Geology data management Groundwater data, information and services Marine data access Materials collection National Hydrocarbons Data Archive Records & archives National Geological Repository Collections Facilities Users

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Confined Brazilian Tests for Rock Failure Envelope and BehaviorSource

Includes test data from Confined Brazilian Tests. The tests were aim at investigating the rock failure envelope of four different lithologies including Indiana limestone, Scioto sandstone, Grey Berea sandstone, and Tennessee sandstone. Tables include the strength data obtained using load and damage controlled Brazilian tests on the six lithologies. Confine Brazilian tests are preformed by wrapping a sample in a copper jacket so that the confining fluid does not directly interact with the sample. Then a constant confining pressure is applied to the fluid to create a state of triaxial stress in the disc such that the disc center is under three nonzero and unequal principal stress components. By increasing the confining pressure, the least principal stress changes from tensile to compressive so that rock failure can be investigated over a wide range of stress conditions.

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Confined Brazilian TestGrey Berea sandstoneIndiana limestoneScioto sandstoneTennessee Sandstonebrittle ductile transitioncompressiveconfining pressuredamage contoldatafailurefailure envelopefracturegeologygeophysicsgoemechanicslimestoneload controlsandstonestrengthstresstensiletesttestingtriaxial stress
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
DCIF Westerly Granite AE Stress Effect Test (Task 3-1)Source

Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on rectangular Westerly granite blocks (width=depth=4.0", height=2.0"). Liquid nitrogen was poured in a small, 1"-diameter copper cup attached to the top of the sample, and the resulting acoustic emissions (AEs) and temperature changes on the surface of the sample were monitored. Several confining stresses were applied bi-axially to the sides of the samples so that the onset of AE activity and the stress applied to the sample were correlated. The obtained AEs were used to determine the microcracking source locations and amplitude, and the associated moment tensors. Included in this submission are the animations of the AE locations and graphics displaying the measured temperature-AE activity changes for different stresses.

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Westerly Graniteacoustic emissionacoustic emission locationacoustic emission ratedataenergyfracturefracturinggeophysicsgeothermalgranitemicrofractureprocessed datastressstress measurementstress testingtemperaturethermal fracturing
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
DEEPEN Data Catalog for Magmatic Geothermal Systems in the United StatesSource

This data catalog contains information related to the Training Site Analysis for the Geothermica project "DE-risking Exploration of geothermal Plays in magmatic ENvironments (DEEPEN)." The DEEPEN project aims to reduce exploration risk for geothermal fluids in magmatic systems by developing improved an improved framework for interpretation of exploration data using the Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) methodology. The Training Site Analysis performed for DEEPEN leverages existing datasets to develop a customized PFA approach to exploration for multiple geothermal resource types in magmatic systems (conventional hydrothermal resources, supercritical fluid and superheated steam resources, and superhot EGS resources). This data catalog contains links to publicly available data files related to 8 training sites in the United States. US training sites are: the Cascades/Aleutians PFA project; the Hawaii PFA project, the Oregon Cascades PFA project, the Snake River Plain, Idaho PFA project, the Washington State PFA project, Newberry Volcano, Coso Geothermal Field, and the Geysers Geothermal field. This database contains an overview of these training sites, data sources, and links to publicly available exploration datasets. For the five PFA projects, details on exploration data related to PFA components (heat, fluid, permeability, sometimes seal) are provided, including a summary of data weighting methodologies.

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AleutiansCaliforniaCascadesCosoDEEPENGeysersHawaiiNewberryOregonPFASRPSnake River PlainWashingtoncharacterizationdata catalogenergyexplorationgeochemistrygeologygeophysicsgeothermalgroundwatermagmaticmagmatic environmentsmodelingplay fairwayremote sensingsupercriticaltemperaturevolcanicvolcanowell dataworld volcanic centers
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Data Arrays for Microearthquake (MEQ) Monitoring using Deep Learning for the Newberry EGS SitesSource

The 'Machine Learning Approaches to Predicting Induced Seismicity and Imaging Geothermal Reservoir Properties' project looks to apply machine learning (ML) methods to Microearthquake (MEQ) data for imaging geothermal reservoir properties and forecasting seismic events, in order to advance geothermal exploration and safe geothermal energy production. As part of the project, this submission provides data arrays for 149 microearthquakes between the year 2012 and 2013 at the Newberry EGS Site for use with the Deep Learning Algorithm that has been developed. The data provided includes raw waveform data, location data, normalized waveform data, and processed waveform data. Penn State Geothermal Team has shared the following files from the project: - 149 microearthquakes (MEQs) between 2012 and 2013 at Newberry EGS sites, 'Normalized Waveform Inputs.npz' are normalized waveforms. - labels of 149 MEQs: Processed Waveform Inputs.npz - location labels of 149 MEQs: Location Data.npz Note: .npz is the python file format by NumPy that provides storage of array data.

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EGSMEQMLNewberryNewberry Volcanic SiteNewberry VolcanoNumPyOregonPythonaiartificial intelligencecodedeep learningenergyengineered geothermal systemsenhanced geothermal systemsgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalmachine learningmicroearthquakemicroseismicitypreprocessedprocessed dataraw dataseismicwaveform
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing Westerly Granite Test ResultsSource

Directional Cooling-Induced Fracturing (DCIF) experiments were conducted on a short, cylindrical sample of Westerly granite (diameter = 4 inches, height ~ 2 inches). Liquid nitrogen was poured in a copper cup attached to the top of the sample, and the resulting acoustic emissions (AEs) and temperature changes on the surface of the sample were monitored. The obtained AEs were used to determine the microcracking source locations and amplitude, and the associated moment tensors. Included in this submission is an animation of the AEs, a graphic displaying the temperature changes, and the measured data.

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Westerly graniteacoustic emissionsdirectional coolingdirectional cooling-induced fracturingfracturegeophysicsgeothermalgraniteinduced fracturinglaboratory experimentliquid nitrogenmicrocrackingmoment tensorseismicstimulationstresstemperaturetemperature changesthermalthermal crackingtomographyvelocitywellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EDX4CCS Carbon Storage Technical Viability Database Version 0.1

The EDX4CCS Carbon Storage Technical Viability Database Version 0.1 is a geodatabase of geologic, geophysical, structural, hydrologic, energy extraction, transportation infrastructure, local political boundaries, community and environmental data, among other categories, that is designed to help users find resources to determine the technical viability of geologic carbon storage in the conterminous United States. This database includes previously obtained data that are publicly available, including resources from entities such as the United States Geological Survey, various state geological surveys, and data available on the National Energy Technology Laboratory’s Energy Data eXchange (EDX). The database is divided into two primary categories: Socioeconomic and Subsurface/Physiography.

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CoalCommunity dataEnergyEnvironmentalGeologic carbon storageGeologyInfrastructurePhysiographyPolitical BoundariesSocioeconomicStructural GeologyTransportationcommunity and environmental dataenergy extractiongeologygeophysicsgeophysics structuralhydrologichydrologylocal political boundariesnearshore habitatsubsurface datatransportation infrastructure
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment #2: Continuous Broadband Seismic Waveform DataSource

Two broadband seismometers were installed on the 4100 level and recorded for the duration of EGS Collab Experiment #2. Inspired by published data from similar instruments installed in the Aspo Hard Rock Lab, these long-period instruments aimed to measure the tilting of the drift in response to the injection of fluid into the testbed. One instrument was installed underneath the wellheads in Site A (aka the "battery" alcove) and the other was installed along the east wall of the drift, south of Site B. Due to the feet of gravel (ballast) laid along the floor of the drift, we were unable to anchor the sensors directly to the rock. As a result, the coupling of the sensors to the experiment rock volume is likely poor. In addition, there are a number of noise sources that complicate the interpretation of the data. For example, sensor BBB is installed adjacent (within 3 ft) to the rail line that runs towards the Ross shaft. Trains (motors) run along this line almost daily and produce a large signal in these data. Careful extraction of periods of interest, as well as filtering for specific signals, is necessary. The sensors are Nanometrics Trillium Compact Posthole seismometers, sensitive down to 120 seconds period. They were installed as close to the drift wall and as deep as we could manually excavate (only about 1 ft or so). The holes were leveled with sand and the sensors were placed on a paver before backfilling with sand. The hole was then covered by a bucket filled with insulation to improve the sensor's isolation from daily temperature variations, which are minor but present due to drift ventilation from the surface. Data were recorded on Nanometrics Centaur digitizers at 100 Hz. The full response information is available in the StationXML file provided here, or by querying the sensors through the IRIS DMC (see links below). These instruments were provided free of charge through the IRIS PASSCAL instrument center. The network code is XP and the station codes are BBA and BBB. The waveform data can be queried through the IRIS FDSN server using any method the user likes. One convenient option is to use the Obspy python package:

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4100 levelEGSEGS CollabExperiment 2SURFSanford Underground Research Facilitybroadbandcharacterizationcontinuousenergyexperimentfracturinggeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicmonitoringseismicstimulationtiltwaveformwaveforms
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM) DataSource

The U.S. Department of Energy's Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) Collab project aims to improve our understanding of hydraulic stimulations in crystalline rock for enhanced geothermal energy production through execution of intensely monitored meso-scale experiments. The first experiment was performed at the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), approximately 1.5 km below the surface at Lead, South Dakota. The data reported here were collected by the continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM) system (Ajo-Franklin et al., 2011). This system was permanently installed in the testbed and consisted of 17 piezoelectric sources that were recorded by 2-12 channel hydrophone arrays, 18 3-C accelerometers, and 4 3-C geophones at a Nyquist frequency of 24kHz. The source array was activated in a repeated sequence of shots (each source fired 16 times and stacked into resultant waveforms) for the duration of the experiment (April 25, 2018 - March 7, 2019) with few exceptions. Please see the attached documents describing the source / receiver geometry. The data are available in both seg2 (.dat extension) and segy (.sgy extension) format. Each segy file contains multiple seg2 files.

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Active SourceCASSMEGSEGS CollabExperiment 1ImagingMonitoringSURFSanford Underground Research FacilitySeismicaccelerometercontinuousenergyexperimentfracturinggeophonegeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydrophonemeso scalestimulationwell instrumentation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1: Baseline Cross-well SeismicSource

As part of the geophysical characterization suite for the first EGS Collab tesbed, here are the baseline cross-well seismic data and resultant models. The campaign seismic data have been organized, concatenated with geometry and compressional (P-) & and shear (S-) wave picks, and submitted as SGY files. P-wave data were collected and analyzed in both 2D and 3D, while S-wave data were collected and analyzed in 2D only. Inversion models are provided as point volumes; the volumes have been culled to include only the points within source/receiver array coverage. The full models space volumes are also included, if relevant. An AGU 2018 poster by Linneman et al. is included that provides visualizations/descriptions of the cross-well seismic characterization method, elastic moduli calculations, and images of model inversion results.

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EGSEGS CollabSEGYSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityYoungsbaselineboreholebulkcalculationcollabcross-welldatadensityelastic modulienergyenhanced geothermal systemexperimentgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydrofractureinversionmodelmodulimodulusp-waveresultss-waveseismicsgyshearstimulationvelocityvisualization
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Earthquake Hazards Program

The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program is a major element of the four-agency National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), established by Congress in 1977. The USGS responsibilities within NEHRP include earthquake monitoring and notification, earthquake impact and hazard assessments, and targeted research on earthquake causes and effects.

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Full Moment Tensor Inversion SoftwareSource

The link points to a website at NCEDC to download the full moment tensors inversion software The moment tensor analysis conducted in the current project is based on the full moment tensor model described in Minson and Dreger (2008). The software including source, examples and tutorial can be obtained from (download file pasi-nov282012.tar.gz). Performance criteria, mathematics and test results are provided by Minson and Dreger (2008), Ford et al. (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012) and Saikia (1994). References: Ford, S., D. Dreger and W. Walter (2008). Source Characterization of the August 6, 2007 Crandall Canyon Mine Seismic Event in Central Utah, Seism. Res. Lett., 79, 637-644. Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger and W. R. Walter (2009). Identifying isotropic events using a regional moment tensor inversion, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B01306, doi:10.1029/2008JB005743. Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger and W. R. Walter (2010). Network sensitivity solutions for regional moment tensor inversions, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 100, p. 1962-1970. Ford, S. R., W. R. Walter, and D. S. Dreger (2012). Event discrimination using regional moment 665 tensors with teleseismic-P constraints, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 102, 867-872. Minson, S. and D. Dreger (2008), Stable Inversions for Complete Moment Tensors, Geophys. J. Int., 174, 585-592. Saikia, C.K. (1994), Modified Frequency-Wavenumber Algorithm for Regional Seismograms using Filons Quadrature: Modeling of Lg Waves in Eastern North America. Geophys. J. Int., 118, 142-158.

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EGSanalysisearthquakeenergyexamplefaultfaultingfracturefull moment tensor inversiongenerationgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicinducedinjectioninversionmicroseismicitymoment tensormonitoringpassiveseismicseismicitysoftwarestimulationtutorial
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
GIS Resource Compilation Map Package - Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, NevadaSource

This submission contains an ESRI map package (.mpk) with an embedded geodatabase for GIS resources used or derived in the Nevada Machine Learning project, meant to accompany the final report. The package includes layer descriptions, layer grouping, and symbology. Layer groups include: new/revised datasets (paleo-geothermal features, geochemistry, geophysics, heat flow, slip and dilation, potential structures, geothermal power plants, positive and negative test sites), machine learning model input grids, machine learning models (Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Bayesian Neural Network (BNN), Principal Component Analysis (PCA/PCAk), Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF/NMFk) - supervised and unsupervised), original NV Play Fairway data and models, and NV cultural/reference data. See layer descriptions for additional metadata. Smaller GIS resource packages (by category) can be found in the related datasets section of this submission. A submission linking the full codebase for generating machine learning output models is available through the "Related Datasets" link on this page, and contains results beyond the top picks present in this compilation.

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ANNBNNELMGISMachine LearningMap PackageNMFNevadaPCAPFAPlay Fairwaycharacterizationculturaldatadilationdlipenergyexplorationgeochemistrygeodatabasegeophysicsgeothermalgreat basinheat flowhydrothermalmodelspaleo-geothermal featuresprocessed dataslip and dilationstructuresupervisedtest sittesunsupervised
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geothermal Data Gap Analysis Over the Western USSource

NREL, as part of the Play Fairway Analysis Retrospective, compiled and mapped publicly available geologic and geophysical data in relation to the 2008 USGS geothermal potential analysis. Included in this submission are maps displaying the publicly available data for LIDAR coverage, aeromagnetic coverage, gravity station locations, and geologic map coverage over the Western United States.

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LIDARPFAUSGSaeromagneticcoveragedata gapdata gap analysisenergygeologicgeologic mappinggeologygeophysicsgeothermalgravity stationmapplay fairway analysis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Gravity Station Locations

Combined Gravity Station Locations Initial 3D gravity results from Zonge Int'l recorded for the 4D EGS Monitoring project at Newberry, during stimulation of Well 55-29 by AltaRock Energy

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Hydrogeologic investigation of the southern Taos Valley, Taos County, New Mexico - Open-file Report 581

The southern Taos Valley, located just southwest of the Town of Taos, has experienced high growth in the last few decades. The increasing demand for domestic water is dependent on the long-term availability of groundwater. Much of the study area is unincorporated, and therefore the county government is responsible for approving or disapproving residential developments. Recently, a variety of residents (homeowners, farmers, developers, county officials, scientists, and others) have expressed concerns about the vulnerability of the groundwater aquifers in the region. The study area contains over 20 acequias and irrigation ditches, the Taos Country Club (18-hole golf course), the Taos Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Town of Taos production wells, several deep exploration wells, the Ponce de Leon geothermal area, and a vast amount of private land that could potentially be subdivided in the future. The geology and hydrogeology of the study area are complex; the aquifers and the quality of water range from excellent to poor, and the depth to water in wells ranges from shallow to deep and flowing artesian. The results of this study will demonstrate the complex hydrogeologic conditions that create such remarkable groundwater variations.

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Miranda CanyonPicuris piedmont aquiferboreholesconfined aquifersdrought versus depletiongeochemistrygeologic mappinggeophysicsgroundwater age datinggroundwater chemistrygroundwater level changesgroundwater levelsgroundwater residence timegroundwater resourcesgroundwater thermal conditionsgroundwater trendshydrostratigraphic unitsperched aquiferswater chemistrywater table map
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
National Geophysical Data Center

NGDC's Vision is to be the world's leading provider of geophysical and environmental data, information, and products. The National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), located in Boulder, Colorado, is a part of the US Department of Commerce (USDOC), National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS). We are one of three NOAA National Data Centers. NGDC's Mission is to provide long-term scientific data stewardship for the Nation's geophysical data, ensuring quality, integrity, and accessibility. NGDC provides stewardship, products and services for geophysical data describing the solid earth, marine, and solar-terrestrial environment, as well as earth observations from space. NGDC's data holdings currently contain more than 400 digital and analog databases, some of which are very large. As technology advances, so does the search for more efficient ways of preserving these data. NGDC works closely with contributors of scientific data to prepare documented, reliable data sets. We welcome cooperative projects with other government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and universities, and encourage data exchange.

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AtmosphericEarth ObservationsGeomagnetic DataGeophysicsGlobal ReliefMarineMarine GeologyNatural HazardsSolar EventsSpace Weatherbathymetrygeologygeophysicsmarine
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Nevada Play Fairway - Gabbs Valley Geodatabase and Modeling DataSource

This package contains data and metadata for 2-meter temperature probe survey, gravity, slip dilation, play fairway modeling, and ArcGIS geodatabase resources. This project focused on defining geothermal play fairways and development of a detailed geothermal potential map of a large transect across the Great Basin region (96,000 km2), with the primary objective of facilitating discovery of commercial-grade, blind geothermal fields (i.e. systems with no surface hot springs or fumaroles) and thereby accelerating geothermal development in this promising region.

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ArcGISGISGabbs ValleyGravityNVNV Great BasinNevadaPFAPlay FairwayTemperaturedilationenergygeodatabasegeophysicsgeospatial datageothermalmodelingprobe surveyreportslip
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Passive Seismic Emission Tomography Results at San Emidio NevadaSource

The utility of passive seismic emission tomography for mapping geothermal permeability has been tested at San Emidio in Nevada. The San Emidio study area overlaps a geothermal field in production since 1987 and another resource to the south of the production field. Passive seismic data collections were completed at San Emidio in late 2016 by Microseismic Inc as part of a DOE project. The PSET results are being analyzed as part of the WHOLESCALE project. This submission includes P-wave velocity model data, and the passive seismic data with more information on each bellow.

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P-Wave Velocity ModelP-wavePSETSan EmidioWHOLESCALEcharacteriztionenergyexcelgeophysicsgeospatial datageothermalholehydrologichydrothermalmechanicalmodelingobservationpassive seismicphysicsprocessed dataseismicspatialstresssystemtemporalthermalvelocitywater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Seismic Survey 2016 Data at San Emidio NevadaSource

In December 2016, 1301 vertical-component seismic instruments were deployed at the San Emidio Geothermal field in Nevada. The first record starts at 2016-12-05T02:00:00.000000Z (UTC) and the last record ends at 2016-12-11T14:00:59.998000Z (UTC). Data are stored in individual files in one-minute increments in SEGD and MSEED formats. See the metadata in GDR submission (linked below as "Seismic Survey 2016 Metadata at San Emidio Nevada") for details about the seismic station locations, seismic data logger specifications, instrumentation specifications, descriptions of data, a fracture finding summary, and the final report for the 2016 seismic survey done in San Emidio, Nevada.

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NevadaSEGDSan EmidioWHOLESCALEcharacterizationdataenergygeophysicsgeothermalholehydrologichydrothermalmechanicalmetadataminiseedmodelingmseedobservationphysicsseismicseismicityspatialstresssurveysystemtemporalthermalwater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River (Idaho) Geothermal Drilling Project: Innovative Approaches to Geothermal ExplorationSource

The goal of our project was to test innovative exploration technologies using existing and new data, and to ground-truth these technologies using slim-hole core technology. The slim-hole core allowed us to understand subsurface stratigraphy and alteration in detail, and to correlate lithologies observed in core with surface based geophysical studies. Compiled data included geologic maps, volcanic vent distribution, structural maps, existing well logs and temperature gradient logs, groundwater temperatures, and geophysical surveys (resistivity, magnetics, gravity). New data included high-resolution gravity and magnetic surveys, high-resolution seismic surveys, three slimhole test wells, borehole wireline logs, lithology logs, water chemistry, alteration mineralogy, fracture distribution, and new thermal gradient measurements. Drill holes are located at Kimama, Kimberly, and Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho.

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IdahoKimamaKimberlyMountain HomeSnake River Plainassessmentbasaltconceptual modelenergygeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalinnovative explorationprocessed datarhyoliteslimhole drillingtechnical
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Project Active Source Seismic DataSource

This archive contains seismic shot field records for 10 profiles located in Camas Prairie, Idaho. The eight numbered .sgy files were acquired using a seismic land streamer system with an accelerated weight drop source and 72 geophones. These 10-Hz geophones were mounted on base plates and dragged behind the seismic source. Shots were acquired every 4 meters along the length of lines 500West, 550 West, 600West, 700West, 800West, 900West, 200South and 200North. The objective was to map stratigraphy and structures related to geothermal fluid flow in the upper few hundred meters. A readme file is included with descriptions of individual files. The lines names refer to to roads which are numbered relative to the distance from the county seat (the town of Fairfield) along the the main highways. For example, 500 West implies that this north-south street crosses the main road 5 miles to the west of town. The included geologic, topographic, and aerial maps show the labeled seismic lines, while the regional map shows only the line geometry and regional faulting.

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CamasFairfieldIdahoPFAPrairieSRPSnake River Plainactive sourceaerialdataenergygeologicgeologygeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalmapplay fairway analysisseismicsgysurveytopographictopography
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis Project MT DataSource

MT is measured in the field by using induction coils to measure the time-varying magnetic source for frequencies between 1000-0.001~Hz, and electric dipoles to measure the Earth's electrical response. Because the magnetic source field is polarized, orthogonal directions of the fields need to be measured to get a complete description of the fields. In all measurements collected for this project, induction coils and electric dipoles were aligned with geomagnetic north and east. MT data were collected at 22 stations with a ZEN 32-bit data logger developed by Zonge International, magnetic fields were measured with ANT-4 induction coils, and electric fields where measured with Ag-AgCl reference electrodes from Borin on 50~m dipoles. The data was collected on a repeating schedule of 10~min at 4096~samples/s and 7 hours and 50 minutes at 256 samples/s over a 20-24 hour period. To convert time series data into the frequency domain and get estimations of the impedance tensor, the processing code BIRRP was used (Chave & Thompson 2004). Simultaneous measurements were used as remote references to reduce noise and bias in the data. Chave, A. D., & Thomson, D. J. 2004. Bounded inuence magnetotelluric response function estimation. Geophys. J. Int., 157, 988-1006.

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CamasIdahoMTPFAPrairieSRPSnake River Plainconductivitydataelectricalenergygeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalmagnetotelluricsplay fairway analysisresistivity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis: Phase 1 ReportSource

This presents the results of Phase 1 of the Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis project, along with a proposed work for Phase 2. No new data were collected, but we list data sources for our compilation. The Snake River volcanic province (SRP) overlies a thermal anomaly that extends deep into the mantle; it represents one of the highest heat flow provinces in North America. The Yellowstone hotspot continues to feed a magma system that underlies southern Idaho and has produced basaltic volcanism as young as 2000 years old. It has been estimated to host up to 855 MW of potential geothermal power production, most of which is associated with the Snake River Plain volcanic province. Our goals for this Phase 1 study were to: (1) adapt the methodology of Play Fairway Analysis for geothermal exploration to create a formal basis for its application to geothermal systems, (2) assemble relevant data for the SRP from publicly available and private sources, and (3) build a geothermal play fairway model for the SRP and identify the most promising plays, using software tools that are standard in the petroleum industry. Our ultimate goals are to lower the risk and cost of geothermal exploration throughout geothermal industry, and to stimulate the development of new geothermal power resources in Idaho.

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ArcGISEGSGISIdahoMTMagnetotelluricMagnetotelluricsMountain HomeNumerical ModelPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River Mountain Home ModelingSnake River Plainblindcharacterizationenergygeophysicsgeospatial datageothermalgravitymodelingresourceresource assessmentstructuretemperaturethermal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
SubTER Final Magnetotelluric (MT) Data: Mineral Mountains, UtahSource

Subsurface Science, Technology and Engineering Research, and Development (SubTER) Crosscut is a collaboration across the Department of Energy offices involved in research activities in energy production/extraction, subsurface storage, and environmental remediation. This submission contains the edi-format responses of 80 tensor MT soundings taken over the Mineral Mountains of SW Utah by contractor Quantec Geoscience Inc. as part of the SubTER project. It includes contractor png images of the soundings plus the responses computed with two different remote references. There is also a readme text file that contains more information about the dataset.

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MTMT dataMT soundingsMineral MountainsMineral Mountains MTSubTERSubTER MTUtahUtah MTUtah SubTERdataenergygeophysicsgeothermalmagneticsmagnetotelluricmagnetotelluric dataprocessed data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USGS Geophysics, Heat Flow, and Slip and Dilation Tendency Data used in Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, NevadaSource

This package contains USGS data contributions to the DOE-funded Nevada Geothermal Machine Learning Project, with the objective of developing a machine learning approach to identifying new geothermal systems in the Great Basin. This package contains three major data products (geophysics, heat flow, and fault dilation and slip tendencies) that cover a large portion of northern Nevada. The geophysics data include map surfaces related to gravity and magnetic data, and line and point data derived from those surfaces. Heat flow data include an interpolated map of heat flow in mW/m^2, an error surface, and well data used to construct them. The dilation and slip tendency information exist as attributes assigned to each line segment of mapped faults and geophysical lineaments. GDR submission contains link to official USGS data release. Additional metadata available on source DOI page.

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DilationHeat FlowNevadaSlipcharacterizationenergyexplorationfaultsgeophisicsgeophysicsgeothermalgeotiffsgravitygreat basinhydrothermalmachine learningmagneticspfa
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USGS Mineral Resources: Aeroradiometric Surveys of North America

From the site: "Data generated by aerial sensing of radiation emanating from the earth's surface provides general estimates of the geographic distribution of Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium in surficial and bedrock units. Covers the conterminous United States, southeastern Canada, and most of Alaska, but there are gaps in northern Québec, western Canada, and north central Alaska"

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AerialAeroradiometric SurveysElectricElectromagneticGeophysicsGravityNorth AmericaPotential Fieldsand Radardatadownloadgeophysicsgismineral resourcesusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Mineral Resources: Isostatic residual gravity anomaly grid for the conterminous US

From the site: "Measurements of the gravitational field vary slightly from place to place due to the composition and structure of Earth's crust. This digital grid describes the isostatic residual gravity anomaly for the conterminous US."

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GeophysicsGravityIsostatic residual gravityPotential Fieldsanomalydatadownloadgeophysicsgismineral resourcesunited statesusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USGS Mineral Resources: Magnetic anomaly maps and data for North America

From the site: "Airborne measurement of the earth's magnetic field over all of North America provides gridded data describing the magnetic anomaly caused by variations in earth materials and structure."

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AerialElectricElectromagneticGeophysicsNorth Americaand Radardatadownloadgeophysicsgismagnetic anomalymapmineral resourcesusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
USU Camas-1 Test Well: DocumentationSource

This submission contains documents that describe the USU Camas-1 test well, drilled in Camas Prairie, Idaho, in Fall 2018 and Fall 2019. The purpose of this well is to validate exploration methodologies of the Snake River Plain (SRP) Play Fairway Analysis (PFA) project.

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Camas PrairieCamas-1EAIdahoIdaho Department of Water ResourcesPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River PlainUSUUtah State Universityassessmentblindcharacterizationclay-richconductivitycorecultural inventorydrillingenergyenvironmentenvironmentalgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgougegraniteimpactlithologiclithologypermitprospectusresistivityresourcerhyoliteseismictemperaturetest wellwell datawellborewildlifewildlife inventory
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Composite Raw Gravity Data 2021Source

This is a composite raw gravity dataset of the Utah FORGE area taken over time from December 2018 to to June 2021. The data shows differences in local gravity at different location across Utah FORGE. Included with the gravity data is the NAD83 UTM coordinates of each station in meters. More detailed information can be found in the readme included in the data resource.

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FORGEFORGE gravity 2021UtahUtah FORGEUtah FORGE gravity 2021dataenergygeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgravimetergravitygravity dataraw dataraw gravity data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Downhole Geophone Seismic Data (August 2022)Source

This is a link to downhole geophone data collected by Schlumberger. These data were collected in the Utah FORGE deep seismic monitoring wells 58-32 and 56-32. The format is a standard SEGY and the units are bits. To convert to acceleration (m/s2) multiply by 2.333 x 10-7. Use one of the scripts linked below to use wget commands to pull the data.

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56-3258-32EGSFORGESchlumberger dataSchlumberger geophoneUtah FORGEdeepdeep well geophonesdowndownholedownhole geophoneenergygeophonegeophone datageophysicsgeothermalmonitoringseismicseismic dataseismicity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE FSB4, FSB5, & FSB6 Shallow Seismic Well LocationsSource

This is a PDF file generated by Woolsey Land Surveying, P.C containing the surveyed locations, as located, in Latitude and Longitude degrees, of the Utah FORGE FSB4, FSB5, & FSB6 shallow seismic well locations.

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FSB4FSB5FSB6ForgeUtahUtah FORGEcoordinatesdataenergygeophysicsgeothermalseismicseismic well locationsseismicityshallow seismic wellssurveywellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE LBNL 3-2535 Preliminary Report on Development of a Reservoir Seismic Velocity ModelSource

This report describes the development of a preliminary 3D seismic velocity model at the Utah FORGE site and first results from estimating seismic resolution in the generated fracture volume during Stage 3 of the April 2022 stimulation. A preliminary 3D velocity model for the larger FORGE area was developed using RMS velocities of the seismic reflection survey and seismic velocity logs from borehole measurements as an input model. To improve the accuracy of the model in the shallow subsurface, travel times phase arrivals of the direct propagating P-waves were determined from the seismic reflection data, using PhaseNet, a deep-neural-network-based seismic arrival time picking method. The travel times were subsequently inverted using the input velocity model. The results showed that the input velocity model needs improvement as the resulting model appears too fast in the easter region of the FORGE area. During the next phase of this work, we will update the input velocity model and generate P-wave arrival times for additional seismic source locations, to improve the horizontal resolution in the sedimentary layer and to obtain a model that better matches the sedimentary layer and the travel time observations.

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3D seismic velocity modelEGSFORGEMilfordPhaseNetUtah FORGEcharacterizationdeep learningenergygeophysicsgeothermalmachine learningmodelneural networkingpreliminaryreportreservoirseismicseismic resolutionvelocity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Project 2439: A Multi-Component Approach to Characterizing In-Situ StressSource

Core-based in-situ stress estimation, Triaxial Ultrasonic Velocity (labTUV) data, and Deformation Rate Analysis (DRA) data for Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32 using triaxial ultrasonic velocity and deformation rate analysis. Report documenting a multi-component approach to characterizing in-situ stress at the U.S. DOE FORGE EGS site: laboratory, modeling and field measurement. Core-based methods for in-situ stress estimation were applied using samples from 5 intervals within the Utah FORGE 16A(78)-32 well. At three of these locations, Triaxial Ultrasonic Velocity (labTUV) tests were performed, resulting in experimentally-determined relationships between wave velocities and stresses. Non-monotonic increase in the velocity-stress relationships are inferred provide evidence of stress history and are therefore used to estimate in-situ stress magnitudes. Additionally, Deformation Rate Analysis (DRA) tests were run on core plugs from various orientations at each of the 5 sampling locations. These, too, provide evidence of stress history based on stress-strain behavior. A novel Weight of Evidence (WoE) method was developed as a means of synthesizing in-situ stress evidence from these two types of tests. Results indicate the minimum horizontal stress gradient ranges from 0.58 psi/ft to 0.69 psi/ft, with 4 of the 5 values between 0.66 psi/ft and 0.69 psi/ft. The vertical stress gradient ranges from 1.05 psi/ft to 1.12 psi/ft, with 4 of the 5 zones given results between 1.09 psi/ft and 1.12 psi/ft. The maximum horizontal stress gradient ranges from 0.98 psi/ft to 1.34 psi/ft, with 4 of the 5 zones falling between 0.98 psi/ft and 1.24 psi/ft. The stress regime thus appears to be on the edge between normal faulting and strike-slip faulting, potentially flipping back and forth between the two regimes due to variability of rock properties, structures such as faults, and/or thermal anomalies.

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16A78-32CharacterizationDRADeformation Rate AnalysisEGSFORGEField MeasurementIn-Situ StressLaboratoryModelingStress TestTUVTriaxial Ultrasonic VelocityUtah FORGEWeight of EvidenceWell DataWoEenergygeophysicsgeothermal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Raw Microgravity Composite Data: Updated 10/2021.Source

This is a microgravity dataset from the Utah FORGE site near Milford, Utah. This composite dataset was updated in October, 2021 and contains data from December 17th, 2018 through September 24th, 2021. The data includes the GPS location of the measurement, date of the measurement, name of the station, relative difference in gravity, and coordinates of the station. This data was generated by the Utah Geological Survey.

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GPSUtahUtah FORGEUtah FORGE microgravityUtah Forge gravityUtah geothermaldataenergygeophysicsgeothermalgravitygravity datagravity stationmicrogravity datamigrogravityraw data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: 3D Gravity DataSource

These resources describe the 3D geophysical inversion modeling of gravity data at the FORGE site near Milford, Utah. FORGE is the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy and the site in Utah has been selected by the U.S. Dept. of Energy for a 5-year R&D program to test technologies for the development of Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS). 3D modelling of gravity data at the FORGE site is to help characterize the subsurface geologic framework. Specifically, modelling of gravity data in 3D, used in conjunction with rock density measurements and other subsurface geologic information can provide an independent test of an existing 3D geologic model (e.g. Witter et al., 2018). Such an exercise can be useful for reducing uncertainty in 3D geologic models (Witter et al, 2019).

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3D3D gravity3D gravity data3D modelEGSFORGEMilFordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah FORGEUtah Forge gravity dataUtah geothermalbougercomplete bouguercorrectedcorrectiondensitydensity modelenergyfree airgeologicgeophysicsgeothermalgravitygravity anomalygravity datainverseinversionmodelmodelingmodellingobserved gravitysimple bougersurveyterrain correctionterrestrial gravity surveytop of granite
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Final Topical Report 2018Source

This is the final topical report for the Phase 2B Utah FORGE project, which is located near Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah. This PDF format report details results associated with the conceptual geologic model, deep well 58-32, rock geomechanics, reservoir temperatures, seismic surveys, seismic monitoring, certainty, and NEPA. The report also provides an overview of all of the deliverables which were used to produce the results and full appendices.

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CO2DFNEGSFORGEHeISMPMilfordQuaternary faultsRoosevelt Hot SpringsTEMUtahUtah FORGEUtah FORGE 2BUtah FORGE 2B final reportUtah FORGE final reportUtah FORGE phase 2Bcarbon dioxideconceptual geologic modelconstructionenergyenvironmental assessmentenvironmental impact assessmentfracturesgeologygeomechanical propertiesgeomechanicsgeophysicsgeothermalgravityheliumhydrochemistryinduced seismicityinduced seismicity mitigation planinfrastruturemicroseismicityoutreachpermeabilitypermittingpetrologypetrology cuttingsrock stressseismic mitigationseismic monitoringseismic reflectionseismicitysoil gassoil gas surveystress analysisstructuraltechno-economic assessmenttemperature profiletransient electromagneticswellwell 58-32
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: LBNL Status Report on The VEMP ToolSource

This report describes the current status of the Vertical Electromagnetic Profiling, or VEMP tool, that is on loan to Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) from Geothermal Energy Research and Development Co., Ltd. (GERD), Japan. The report describes the initial inspection of the tool by LBNL scientists and engineers, and presents a path forward for it to be used at Utah FORGE.

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EGSFORGELBNLUtah FORGEVEMPVertical Electromagnetic Profilingelectromagneticenergyevaluationgeophysicsgeothermaltechnologytool
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Phase 3 Magnetotelluric (MT) DataSource

New high-quality tensor MT data at 122 sites, including the vertical magnetic field and utilizing ultra-remote referencing, have been acquired over the Utah FORGE project area. The results will be used to delineate the densities of faults and fractures in crystalline basement rocks, to define the heat sources, and to derive baseline 3D resistivity structure for later MT monitoring of temporal changes in resistivity structure following well stimulation in the EGS reservoir. There are three files here related to Utah FORGE magnetotelluric (MT) data acquisition and processing. The FORGE MT EDIs zip file contains the observed MT responses in industry-standard EDI format. For each site, there is an EDI response file that utilized a local independent reference for noise cancellation, and a file that utilized a distant reference cancelling noise associated with the DC transmission line of the Delta IPP passing down the west side of Milford Valley. These two site files could be merged as appropriate. The FORGE Model Cell Center file contains the model volume of the 3D Forge MT inversion for characterizing the resistivity structure in the project area. It was derived using finite element inversion methodology described in Wannamaker et al, in the attached FORGE Phase3 Geophysics paper, from the MT observation EDI files. It is ASCII format (.dat) and entries are defined at top of the file in a simple x-y-z-Rho listing in UTM coordinates. The element layers drape the topography so the Rho value layers are not purely horizontal slices. This greatly simplifies the listing.

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EGSFEAFEMFORGEMT dataMagnetotelluric dataMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtah FORGEUtah FORGE MTUtah Geothermalenergyfinite elementgeodesygeophysical datageophysicsgeothermalgravitymagneticsmagnetotelluricsseismicsite characterization
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Seismic Reflection DataSource

This is 2D and 3D seismic reflection data from Utah FORGE reprocessed during Phase 2c. The readme file containing an explanation of the data including data formats, software that can be used, processing, and projection and datum used. The Reprocessing document gives the rationale for reprocessing and shows examples of the improvements that were obtained. For all 3D and 2D data the following datasets were created and output in SEG-Y format: - Unmigrated Time - Prestack Time Migration (PSTM), Unenhanced (UnEnh) and Enhanced (Enh) - Prestack Depth Migration (PSDM), Unenhanced (UnEnh) and Enhanced (Enh) - Velocity Model used for Migration

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2D seismic3D seismic3D seismic reflectionEGSFORGEMilfordPSDMPSTMPhase 2cRoosevelt Hot SpringsSEG-YUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalacousticsattributesdepth migrationenergyenhancedgeophysical surveygeophysicsgeothermalimaginginterpertedlegacymigrationmodelprestackprocessed dataraw datareflectionreflection dataseismicseismic dataseismic profilessubsurfacetime migrationunenhancedunmigratedvelocityvelocity modelvibroseis
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: TEM and Gravity DataSource

This submission includes a gravity data in text format and as a GIS point shapefile and transient electromagnetic (TEM) raw data. Each text file additionally contains location data (UTM Zone 12, NAD83) and elevation (meters) data for that station. The gravity data shapefile was in part downloaded from PACES, University of Texas at El Paso,, and in part collected by the Utah Geological Survey (UGS) as part of the DOE GTO supported Utah FORGE geothermal energy project near Milford, Utah. The PACES data were examined and scrubbed to eliminate any questionable data. A 2.67 g/cm^3 reduction density was used for the Bouguer correction. The attribute table column headers for the gravity data shapefile are explained below. There is also metadata attached to the GIS shapefile. name: the individual gravity station name. HAE: height above ellipsoid [meter] NGVD29: vertical datum for geoid [meter] obs: observed gravity ERRG: gravity measurement error [mGal] IZTC: inner zone terrain correction [mGal] OZTC: outer zone terrain correction [mGal] Gfa: free air gravity gSBGA: Bouguer horizontal slab sCBGA: Complete Bouguer anomaly

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ArcGISEGSFORGEFrontier observartory for research in geothermal energyGISMilfordMineral MountainsRoosevelt Hot SpringRoosevelt Hot SpringsTEMTEM dataUtahUtah FORGEbouger anomalycorrectionsdata reductionelectromagneticsenergygeophysicalgeophysical datageophysicsgeospatialgeospatial datageothermalgravitygravity dataprocessed dataraw datashape fileshapefilesurveytext filetime-domain emtransient electromagnetic data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Stimulation Conference Paper and DataSource

The U.S. Department of Energy's (U.S. DOE) Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) is a field laboratory that provides a unique opportunity to develop and test new technologies for characterizing, creating and sustaining Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in a controlled environment. In 2018, the U.S. DOE selected a site in south-central Utah for the FORGE laboratory. Numerous geoscientific studies have been conducted in the region since the 1970s in support of geothermal development at Roosevelt Hot Springs. A vertical scientific well, 58-32, was drilled and tested to a depth of 2290 m (7515 ft) GL in 2017 on the FORGE site to provide additional characterization of the reservoir rocks. The well encountered a conductive thermal regime and a bottom hole temperature of 199degC (390degF). More than 2000 natural fractures were identified, but measured permeabilities are low, less than 30 micro-darcies. Induced fractures indicate that the maximum horizontal stress trends NNE-SSW, consistent with geologic and well observations from the surrounding area. Approximately 45 m (147 ft) at the base of the well was left uncased. A maximum wellhead pressure of 27.6 MPa (4000 psig) at an injection rate of ~1431 L/min (~9 bpm) was measured during stimulation testing in September 2017. Conventional diagnostic evaluations of the data suggest that hydraulic fracturing and shearing occurred. Estimates of the stress gradient for delta_h_min range from of 16.7 to 17.6 kPa/m (0.74 to 0.78 psi/ft). A gradient of 25.6 kPa/m (1.13psi/ft) was calculated for delta_V. In 2019, the 2017 open-hole stimulation in well 58-32 was repeated with injection rates up to 2385 L/min (15 bpm). Two additional stimulations were conducted in the cased portion of the well; one to stimulate critically stressed fractures and the second to test noncritically stressed fractures. Breakdown of the zone spanning critically-stressed fractures occurred at a surface pressure of approximately 29.0 MPa (4200 psig). Although stimulation of the noncritically stressed fractures was interrupted by failure of the bridge plug beneath the perforated interval, micro-seismic data suggests stimulation of the fractures may have been initiated at a surface pressure of 45.5 MPa (6600 psig). These stimulation results support the conclusion the Mineral Mountains granitoid is an appropriate host for EGS development. Micro-seismicity was monitored during the stimulations using surface and downhole instrumentation. Five seismometers and a nodal array of 150 seismic sensors were deployed on the surface. A Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) cable and a string of 12 geophones were deployed in well 78-32, drilled to a depth of 998 m (3274 ft) GL. A broadband sensor and a high-temperature geophone were deployed in well 68-32, drilled to a depth of 303 m (994 ft) GL. More than 420 micro-seismic events were detected by the geophone string. Other instruments detected fewer events.

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DASEGSFORGEGRGMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalWell 58-32Well 58-32 stimulationdisccrete fracture flowdistributed acoustic sensingenergyflowflowbackgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydraulic fracturinglower perforationmicroseismicityopen hole stimulationopen-holephase 2cpre-processedpressureratereservoir stimulationstimulationtemperatureupper perforation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well Data for Student CompetitionSource

Well 58-32 (previously labeled MU-ESW1) was drilled near Milford Utah during Phase 2B of the FORGE Project to confirm geothermal reservoir characteristics met requirements for the final FORGE site. Well Accord-1 was drilled decades ago for geothermal exploration purposes. While the conditions encountered in the well were not suitable for developing a conventional hydrothermal system, the information obtained suggested the region may be suitable for an enhanced geothermal system. Geophysical well logs were collected in both wells to obtain useful information regarding there nature of the subsurface materials. For the recent testing of 58-32, the Utah FORGE Project contracted with the well services company Schlumberger to collect the well logs.

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58-32EGSFORGEGRMU-ESW1MilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsSPUtahUtah FORGEaccord-1calipercharacterizationconductivitydatadensityenergyexplorationgammageophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalhole diameterlithologyneutronporosityradiationreservoir characteristicsresistivityresourcesonicspecific potentialstudent competitiontemperaturethermal conductivitywellwell datawell locationswell logwell surveyx-ray diffraction
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
WHOLESCALE Catalog of Rock Samples at San Emidio Nevada collected in January 2021 Version 2.0Source

This submission includes an update to the WHOLESCALESamples2021January.xls file where the strikes and dips initially reported have been corrected to comply with the right hand rule. The updated excel file and a link to the original submission are included in this report. The original submission "WHOLESCALE Catalog of Rock Samples at San Emidio Nevada collected in January 2021" contains information on thirty-six rock samples collected from San Emidio, Nevada during January, 2021 for Subtask 2.3 of the WHOLESCALE project. The following resources include a .zip of rock sample photos taken in the field, a .zip of rock sample photos taken in the laboratory at UW-Madison, and an excel catalog of rock samples with information on sample name, rock type, coordinates of sample location, structural measurements, field notes, observations for plug preparation (e.g., weathering, ability to be cut and cored), and rock descriptions. It should be noted that not every sample was photographed in the field. Names and descriptions of rock formation units are taken from Rhodes et al. (2011). The README.txt file is a description of this submission.

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National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
WISE-CASING: Surface Seismic Survey at Cymric Field, California Central ValleySource

This test was conducted at the Chevron Cymric oilfield in the California central valley near Bakersfield. A reflected seismic signal was observed in all three components (x, y, z) of the 3-component Episensor geophone, as well as all phones on the single component array. The arrival time of the reflected seismic signal matches calculations based on a reasonable velocity model (~650 m/s). The seismic data has three channels that are from the 3-C Broadband Episensor, then from 4th -- 12th channels has no data. Channel 13 -- 25 are surface single change vertical geophones. The source of this seismic survey is weight drop. More info could be found from the data header and the attached PPT file.

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3-component geophonesCymricCymric oilfieldEGSWISE-CASINGassessmentbertical geophonescasingcymric surfaceenergygeophysicsgeothermalintegrityreflected waveseismicseismic dataseismic signalsensingsurfacewellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
WV Geology - Aeromagnetic Map

From the site: "A reference map of the total intensity magnetic field of the earth in gammas published by the WV Geological and Economic Survey in 1978. In May/June 2007, two hardcopy map sheets of the 1978 Aeromagnetic Map of West Virginia were scanned at 300 dpi 8-bit color by the WV GIS Technical Center. The scanned TIFs were converted to index color mode, and resampled to 150 dpi. The map sections were then mosaicked together and georeferenced to a 15-minute Longitude/Latitude grid."

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AeromagneticGeophysicsdownloadgeologygeophysicsmapwest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
WV Geology - WV Bouguer Gravity Map

From the site: "A reference map of Bouguer gravity values with axes of persistent highs and lows published by the WV Geological and Economic Survey in 1987. In May/June 2007, two hardcopy map sheets of the 1987 Bouguer Gravity Map of West Virginia were scanned at 300 dpi 8-bit color by the WV GIS Technical Center. The scanned TIFs were converted to index color mode, and resampled to 150 dpi. The map sections were then mosaicked together and georeferenced to a 15-minute Longitude/Latitude grid. Data for the gravity stations was taken from Geonet, the United States Gravity Data Repository System."

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ExperimentalFluidsGeochemistryGeographicGeologySolidsbouguer gravitydownloadgeologygeophysicsmapwest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago