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Cropland Data LayerSource

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is an annual raster, geo-referenced, crop-specific land cover data layer produced using satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground reference data. The program began in 1997 with limited coverage and in 2008 forward expanded coverage to the entire Continental United States. Please note that no farmer reported data are derivable from the Cropland Data Layer.

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AgricultureLand Use Land Cover ThemeNASSNGDANGDA109National Geospatial Data AssetUSUSDAUnited Statesclassificationcrop covercroplanddataenvironmentgeospatialgeotiffland coverland usewms
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
INGENIOUS - Great Basin Regional Dataset CompilationSource

This is the regional dataset compilation for the INnovative Geothermal Exploration through Novel Investigations Of Undiscovered Systems (INGENIOUS) project. The primary goal of this project is to accelerate discoveries of new, commercially viable hidden geothermal systems while reducing the exploration and development risks for all geothermal resources. These datasets will be used in INGENIOUS as input features for predicting geothermal favorability throughout the Great Basin study area. Datasets consist of shapefiles, geotiffs, tabular spreadsheets, and metadata that describe: 2-meter temperature probe surveys, quaternary faults and volcanic features, geodetic shear and dilation models, heat flow, magnetotellurics (conductance), magnetics, gravity, paleogeothermal features (such as sinter and tufa deposits), seismicity, spring and well temperatures, spring and well aqueous geochemistry analyses, thermal conductivity, and fault slip and dilation tendency. For additional project information, see the INGENIOUS project site linked in the submission. Terms of use: These datasets are provided "as is", and the contributors assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. The user assumes the entire risk associated with their use of these data and bears all responsibility in determining whether these data are fit for their intended use. These datasets may be redistributed with attribution (see citation information below). Please refer to the license information on this page for full licensing terms and conditions.

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2-meter probecaliforniacompilationconductanceconductivitydatadilationdiscoveryearthquakesenergyexplorationfaultsfavorabilitygeochemistrygeodeticsgeospatialgeothermalgeotiffgravitygreat basingridsheat flowidahoingeniousmachine learningmagneticsmagnetotelluricsmodelingnevadaoregonpaleogeothermalplay fairwayplay fairway analysisquaternary falutsquaternary volcanicsregionalseismicityshapefilesshearsinterslipslip and dilationspringstemperaturethermal conductivitytufaundiscovered systemsutahvolcanicswells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Machine Learning Model Geotiffs - Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, NevadaSource

This submission contains geotiffs, supporting shapefiles and readmes for the inputs and output models of algorithms explored in the Nevada Geothermal Machine Learning project, meant to accompany the final report. Layers include: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Bayesian Neural Network (BNN), Principal Component Analysis (PCA/PCAk), Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF/NMFk), input rasters of feature sets, and positive/negative training sites. See readme .txt files and final report for additional metadata. A submission linking the full codebase for generating machine learning output models is available under "related resources" on this page.

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ANNAlgorithmBNNBayesianELMGreat BasinMachine LearningNMFNeural NetworkNevadaPCAPFAPlay FairwayPrincipal Componentcharacterizationenergyexplorationfeature setgeothermalgeotiffinputsoutputsrastertraining sites
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Python Codebase and Jupyter Notebooks - Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, NevadaSource

Git archive containing Python modules and resources used to generate machine-learning models used in the "Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, Nevada" project. This software is licensed as free to use, modify, and distribute with attribution. Full license details are included within the archive. See "" for setup instructions and file trees annotated with module descriptions.

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Great BasinNevadaPFAalgorithmannartificial neural networkbayesian neural networkbnncharaterizationcodedatadocumentationenergyexplorationgeothermalgeotiffgitjupyterjupyter notebookmachine learningmodelnmfknon-negative matrix factorizationpandaspcaprincipal component analysispythonpytorchresultsscript
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago