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Corine Landcover 2018Source

Corine Land Cover 2018 is the 2018 update of the COPERNICUS pan-European landcover data series. This dataset is the Irish national CORINE 2018 dataset, covering the Republic of Ireland, which will be integrated into a seamless CORINE 2018 landcover map of Europe. The dataset is based on interpretation of satellite imagery and national in-situ vector data. It is mapped to the standard CORINE classification system (link) and data specifications - minimum mapping unit (mmu) of 25ha and the minimum feature width of 100m.

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copernicuscorinecorine 2018corine land covercorine landcovercorine landcover 2018environmenthabitatsieland coverland useland use classificationlandscape
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
Corine Landcover Change 2012 - 2018Source

CORINE Landcover Change 2012 – 2018 is the 2018 update of the COPERNICUS pan-European landcover change data series. This dataset is the Irish national CORINE change 2012- 2018 dataset, covering the Republic of Ireland, which will be integrated into a seamless CORINE 2012-2018 landcover change map of Europe. The dataset is based on interpretation of satellite imagery and national in-situ vector data. It is mapped to the standard CORINE classification system (link) and data specifications - minimum mapping unit (mmu) of 5ha and the minimum feature width of 100m.

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changecopernicuscorinecorine 2012corine 2018corine changecorine land covercorine landcovercorine landcover 2012corine landcover changeenvironmenthabitatsieland coverland cover changeland useland use classificationlandscape
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
EDI Data Portal

The EDI Data Portal contains environmental and ecological data packages contributed by a number of participating organizations. Data providers make every effort to release data in a timely fashion and with attention to accurate, well-designed and well-documented data. To understand data fully, please read the associated metadata and contact data providers if you have any questions. Data may be used in a manner conforming with the license information found in the “Intellectual Rights” section of the data package metadata or defaults to the EDI Data Policy. The Environmental Data Initiative shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misinterpretation or misuse of the data or metadata.

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climateconductivityconservationdisturbanceevapotranspirationfloodsfood websgeographygeologygroundwaterhabitatshydrologyriparianriverssurface waterwater balancewater levelswater qualitywater quantitywater tablewater wells
Environmental Data Initiativeabout 1 year ago
EuMon database on Biodiversity Monitoring Schemes

Metadatabase about biodiversity Monitoring schemes: The EuMon consortium, comprising 16 partners from 11 EU-countries, designed databases and carried out online surveys to provide an overview of monitoring approaches and monitoring organisations in Europe. One database, the PMN database, covers characteristics of organisations that involve volunteers in biodiversity monitoring (see Overview graphs& tables and BioMAT background information) and a second one, called DaEuMon, addresses coverage and methodological aspects of biodiversity monitoring. Both databases are automatically updated with each new entry. BioMAT allows extracting information from the databases to generate graphs and tables or to contact monitoring schemes for particular habitats or species groups. On this page we provide information on DaEuMon. More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF39 (

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Freshwater Information Platformabout 1 year ago
HabMoS - Mountain Woodland 2023 - Restoration SitesSource

NatureScot has commissioned a new dataset of mountain woodland locations across Scotland; to be used to inform landscape scale restoration, 30x30 goals, Nature Networks, UK and European Reporting and Area based casework, and training data for habitat mapping. A total of 128 mountain woodland restoration sites have been compiled across Scotland, covering a total gross area of 10,844 ha. There are a total of 57 sites which contain a component targeting Annex 1 Habitat H4080, 4 sites which contain a component targeting H5130, and 8 sites which target both. Contributing organisations have participated in a purely voluntary capacity and the dataset will therefore not be an absolute list of all restoration work across Scotland. It is recommended that this new dataset is updated every three to five years.This dataset contains the following fields:UID: Unique IdentifierORG: Who was/is responsible for the restoration projectLOCATION: Name of the geographical areaSITE_NAME: Unique name for the restoration siteSTATUS: Current/Proposed/Unknown i.e. an older site which may not have been recently assessedAREA: Area of the polygon (in ha), or total area combined if the site is composed of multiple polygonsFENCED: Yes/NoPOLY_FENCE: Does the polygon show the location of a fenceline? - Yes - No (within a larger fenced area): the fenced area is larger than the given polygon - No (within a larger proposed fenced area): the proposed fenced area is larger than the given polygon - No (smaller fenced areas are within this larger polygon): the polygon given is the larger restoration project area which contains several smaller unmapped fenced sites - N/A: Area is not fencedFENCE_NOTE: Further details on fencing, such as the date installed and the type of fencingMANAGEMENT: Fencing/planting/regeneration/low interventionTARGET_HAB: General description of the intended habitat as an outcome of restoration management at the siteEUNIS_2017: Intended habitat type classed using the EUNIS habitat classification given by Strachan (2017)EUNIS_2021: Intended habitat type classed using the EUNIS habitat classification revised in 2021NVC: Intended habitat type classed using NVC codes given by Averis et al. (2004)UK_BAP: Intended habitat type classed using UK Biodiversity Action Plant habitatsANNEX1: Intended habitat type classed using EU Habitats Directive Annex 1 definitions (if applicable)DATE_PLANT: Date or date range when tree planting took place (if applicable)TARGET_SP: Tree or shrub species featuring in the restoration project, either by planting and/or as the focus of natural regenerationINFO_PLANT: Details on the numbers of trees planted per species (if known).SPECIALIST_SP: List of specialist montane scrub species included in the project (if applicable)PRO_MS_SP: The provenance of planted arctic-alpine willows (if applicable)NOTES_MAN: Any other key management details of the restoration project not already given in previous columns Complete metadata document on

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Annex IMountain woodlandconditiongrazinghabitatsland coverlossnatural capitaluplands
NatureScot 11 months ago
HabMoS - Mountain Woodland 2023 - Wild, relict or remnantSource

NatureScot has commissioned this new dataset of mountain woodland locations across Scotland; to be used to inform landscape scale restoration, 30x30 goals, Nature Networks, UK and European Reporting and Area based casework, and training data for habitat mapping. A total of 18,538 point records have been compiled across 24 tree and shrub taxa that feature in mountain woodland habitats in Scotland. From these records, there are a total of 324 that qualify for Annex 1 H4080, and a total of 210 that qualify for Annex 1 H5130. However, some geographical areas have had higher recording effort than others. It is recommended that this new dataset is updated every three years, or annually for the Nationally Rare/Scarce arctic-alpine willows and scrub specialist species. The BSBI DDb will be the primary source of information for updates.This dataset contains the following fields:UID: Unique IdentifierTAXON: Latin name, as given in Stace (2019)COMMON_NAME: The common name used in the Scottish contextGROUP: Mountain woodland species; classed into the following categories:Arctic-alpine specialist willows: Nationally Rare or Scarce component species of Sub-Arctic Salix scrub/Montane willow scrub (H480). These records cover any altitudeSub-montane willows: Can form a secondary component of Sub-Arctic Salix scrub/Montane willow scrub (H4080), usually at the lower end of the altitudinal range of the habitat. These records are at altitudes ≥ 400mScrub specialists: Nationally Scarce taxa which feature in upland scrub habitats. These records cover any altitudeSecondary montane/sub-montane trees or shrubs: Taxa which feature in lower altitude woodland or scrub habitats, but can grow at sub-montane and montane altitudes. These records are at altitudes ≥ 400mJuniper: A key component of H5130 habitat. These records are at altitudes ≥ 400m, so only apply to the habitat where it is found in the uplandsMountain broadleaves: Occurrences of Birch or Rowan at higher altitudes. These records are at altitudes ≥ 600mTreeline scrub: Records retained from the OMSD (Original Montane Scrub Database)RECORDER: Person(s) who made the record (if known)PLACENAME: Named location of the recordEASTING: 6-figure British National Grid Easting, including the 100km x 100km prefixNORTHING: 6-figure British National Grid Northing, including the 100km x 100km prefixPRECISION: Record precision (1km, 100m, 10m or 1m)DATE: When the record was madeHABITAT_DIRECTIVE_H4080: Annex 1 Habitat assigned to either “H4080” or “Potential H4080” using the definitions in Table 1 (if applicable)HABITAT_DIRECTIVE_H5130: Annex 1 Habitat assigned to either “H5130” or “Potential H5130” using the definitions in Table 2 (if applicable)COMMENTS: Further notes about the record, if given by the recorder(s)ADUNDANCE: Notes on the abundance of plants, if given by the recorder(s)SOURCE: Where the record was obtained fromURL: Link to the record on the BSBI DDb (if applicable)Complete metadata document on

No licence known
Annex IMountain woodlandconditiongrazinghabitatsland coverlossnatural capitaluplands
NatureScot 11 months ago
New Mexico Environmental Review Tool (ERT)

An interactive tool for conservation planning and review of important resources for wildlife and habitats. The ERT is a partnership that draws upon expertise in wildlife and information management from the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), Natural Heritage New Mexico, and NatureServe. It provides conservation information on wildlife and habitat diversity, protected lands, and other natural resources, and allows users to submit proposed projects for review of potential impacts to special status species and their habitats in New Mexico.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
New Mexico Department of Game and Fishabout 1 year ago