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Characteristics of SNAP Households: Fiscal Year 2012

This annual report provides details on the demographic characteristics and economic circumstances of SNAP households at both the national and the State level. In 2012, one-person households comprised more than half the caseload (50.3 percent) and the average SNAP household benefit declined by $7 to $274.

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Demographic CharacteristicsFNSSNAPhousehold
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Expenditures on Children by Families, 2015

Since 1960, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided estimates of expenditures on children from birth through age 17. This technical report presents the most recent estimates for married- couple and single-parent families using data from the 2011-15 Consumer Expenditure Survey (all data presented in 2015 dollars). Data and methods used in calculating annual child-rearing expenses are described. Estimates are provided for married-couple and single-parent families with two children for major components of the budget by age of child, family income, and region of residence. For the overall United States, annual child-rearing expense estimates ranged between $12,350 and $13,900 for a child in a two-child, married-couple family in the middle-income group. Adjustment factors for households with less than or greater than two children are also provided. Expenses vary considerably by household income level, region, and composition, emphasizing that a single estimate may not be applicable to all families. Results of this study may be of use in developing State child support and foster care guidelines, as well as public health and family-centered educational programs. i

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Household Travel SurveySource

Household Travel Survey (HTS) is the most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). This data explores average weekday travel patterns for residents in Sydney GMA. RELEASE NOTE Thank you for your interest in the Household Travel Survey (HTS). The latest release of HTS data is 28 March 2024 . This release includes Region, LGA, SA3 and Six Cities data for 2022/23. This is the first release of SA3 level data from HTS post COVID-19. A revised dataset for HTS 2021/22 data for LGAs and Six Cities has also been included in this release on 28 March 2024. If you have downloaded HTS 2021/22 data by LGA and/or Six Cities from this link prior to 28/03/2024, we advise you replace it with the revised tables. Please refer the HTS landing page ([]( and 2022/23 Data Document for details. Further revisions may be undertaken on the HTS post-COVID data (since 2020) as we review other datasets to calibrate the travel behaviour post-COVID. Please check this page for release dates to ensure you are using the most current version or create a subscription ([]( to be notified of revisions and future releases.

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW6 months ago
Measuring the Effect of SNAP Participation on Food Security

SNAP is designed to reduce food insecurity – reduced food intake or disrupted eating patterns in a household due to lack of money or other resources – but data quantifying this effect is limited. The objectives of this study were to: Assess how food security and food expenditures vary with SNAP participation. Examine how relationships between SNAP and food security and between SNAP and food expenditures vary by household characteristics and circumstances. Estimating the effect of SNAP on food insecurity using household survey data is challenging because households that choose to participate in SNAP can differ in systematic ways from households that do not participate, making it hard to distinguish the impact of SNAP from these other factors. This study sought to control for the SNAP participation “selection bias” by comparing information collected from households within days of entering the program (new entrants) to information obtained after about 6 months of participation.

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FNSFood securitySNAPhousehold
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Pakistan - Energy Access: Household Panel Survey DataSource

This research activity was carried out by Enclude for approximately 8,500 household survey across Pakistan to measure the energy access rates, consumption patterns and economic & psychographic drivers to ‘energy relevant’ behaviours. This data set provides a snapshot of electricity access in Pakistan that covers the level of electricity access by household (availability and use), awareness of available solutions, and willingness to pay and also provides information for behavioural & psychographic segmentation. For more information, please refer to the materials below: Funded by the Asia Sustainable & Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE), a multi-donor trust fund administered by the WB. World Bank contact Clara Ivanescu (

energyenergy accessenergy datahouseholdpakistanruralsurveyurban
World Bank Groupover 1 year ago
Trends in USDA SNAP Participation Rates FY 2016-19

This report is the latest in a series on SNAP participation rates, which estimate the proportion of people eligible for benefits under federal income and asset rules to those who actually participate in the program. This report presents rates for fiscal year (FY) 2019, comparing them to rates for FY 2016-19 and showing participation rates by household characteristics.

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Participation RatesSNAPbenefitseligiblehouseholdparticipation
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago