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Azura Advanced Controls 1/15th Scale Wave Tank TestingSource

Experimental data from the wave tank test of the Advanced control systems developed by Northwest Energy Innovations (NWEI) for the Azura at the University of Maine in Orono (UMO). Summary data is included utilizing the WEC Lab Testing Content Model v2.1. All raw and processed experimental data files are also included. The test plan and test report are included, along with the test plan and the test report from prior, passively controlled tests of the same model for reference.

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AzuraControlsDASHILHydraulicsHydrokineticMHKMPCMarineNWEINorthwest Energy InnovationsOronoUniversity of MaineWECWaveWave EnergyWave TankWave Tank Testabsorberaccumulatordeploymentdigital acoustic sensingenergyflexible mooringhardware-in-the-loophydrauliclab datalab testmodel predictive controlmodelingmotion trackingpointpostprocessedpowerrawtank testtechnologyvalidationwave calibration
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Azura WEC 1/15th Wave Tank Test DataSource

Test data from the 1/15th Wave Tank Tests of the Azura performed in 2017/2018 to validate the power performance and survivability of the Azura Design developed by Northwest Energy Innovations (NWEI) planned for deployment at the US Navy's Wave Energy Test Site. Raw and processed data included, along with test plan, test report, and summary data in the content model: "WEC Lab Testing content Model".

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AzuraDASHardware-in-the-loopHydrokineticMHKMarineNWEINorthwest Energy InnovationsWECabsorberaccumulatordeploymentdigital acoustic sensingenergyexperimentalflexible mooringhydrauliclab testmotion trackingpointpostprocessedpowerrawtank testtechnologyuniversity of mainevalidationwavewave calibrationwave tankwave tank test
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) of Strain at Earth Tide Frequencies: Laboratory TestsSource

The solid Earth strains in response to the gravitational pull from the Moon, Sun, and other planetary bodies. Measuring the flexure of geologic material in response to these Earth tides provides information about the geomechanical properties of rock and sediment. Such measurements are particularly useful for understanding dilation of faults and fractures in competent rock. A new approach to measuring earth tides using fiber optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) is presented here. DAS was originally designed to record acoustic vibration through the measurement of dynamic strain on a fiber optic cable. Here, laboratory experiments demonstrate that oscillating strain can be measured with DAS in the microHertz frequency range, corresponding to half-day (M2) lunar tidal cycles. Although the magnitude of strain measured in the laboratory is larger than what would be expected due to earth tides, a clear signal at half-day period was extracted from the data. With the increased signal-to-noise expected from quiet field applications and improvements to DAS using engineered fiber, earth tides could potentially be measured in deep boreholes with DAS. Because of the distributed nature of the sensor (0.25 m measurement interval over kilometers), fractures could be simultaneously located and evaluated. Such measurements would provide valuable information regarding the placement and stiffness of open fractures in bedrock. Characterization of bedrock fractures is an important goal for multiple subsurface operations such as petroleum extraction, geothermal energy recovery, and geologic carbon sequestration.

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DASEGSLab TestsMatlabcharacterizationdistributed acoustic sensingearth tideenergyfiber optics sensorsfracturegeomechanicsgeothermalhydrauliclow frequency strainmeasurementstimulation strain
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab - 4850L Downhole Camera Surveys During InjectionSource

This package includes data and footage from two rounds of downhole camera surveys performed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) on the 4850 level. The exercise was performed once on 25 May 2018 and once on 21 December 2018. On May 25th, the first round was done during fluid injection at the 164-ft stimulation zone in the injection well (E1-I). On December 21st, the second round was carried out during fluid injection at the 142-ft stimulation zone. Prior to the injections, downhole instrumentation was removed from the production well (E1-P) to allow room for the downhole camera system. The water within E1-P was then lifted out by the application of air pressure and the downhole camera system was conveyed into the production well. Finally, the water was injected into E1-I and the camera was used to scan for jetting points, or fluid entry, in E1-P. There is a survey description in this package that further describes the procedure of the survey and the overall results. Additionally, there is a detailed analysis of the surveys in the form of a PowerPoint, which includes animations/visualizations from the camera footage, presents interpretations in detail, and provides some general conclusions. Three animations, along with the two video segments that show the jetting into E1-P, are also provided. The video footage was collected using a GeoVISION Dual-Scan Micro Video Camera, the specs of which are also included in this package as a resource.

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BoreholeDownhole CameraDual-Scan Micro Video CameraE1-PEGSEGS CollabGeoVISIONSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityStressdatadepthdrillingenergyexperimentflowfoliationfracturefracturinggeothermalhydraulicinjectioninjection rateinjection testjetsjetting pointpressureproduction wellstimulationwell datawellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Circulation TestingSource

These data and test descriptions comprise a chilled circulation test conducted at the 164' fracture in the EGS Collab Experiment 1 testbed on the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility. Descriptions of the meta data, design drawings for the flow testing system, and evaluation of the thermistor data are provided here. The test ran from April 2019 through early March of 2020, when testing was concluded at the experiment 1 site. These data are are complementary to the stimulation data provided in another submission which is linked below (i.e. stimulation at the 164' notch). More information about the test itself as well as the rationale and process of data processing is available on the EGS Collab Experiment 1 Long Term Circulation Test wiki page which is also linked below.

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EGSEGS CollabLeadSURFSanford Underground Research FacilitySouth Dakotaenergyexperimentfield testingflowflow testingfracturinggeothermalhydraulicinjectionproductionraw datastim and flow systemstimulationwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment #2: Continuous Broadband Seismic Waveform DataSource

Two broadband seismometers were installed on the 4100 level and recorded for the duration of EGS Collab Experiment #2. Inspired by published data from similar instruments installed in the Aspo Hard Rock Lab, these long-period instruments aimed to measure the tilting of the drift in response to the injection of fluid into the testbed. One instrument was installed underneath the wellheads in Site A (aka the "battery" alcove) and the other was installed along the east wall of the drift, south of Site B. Due to the feet of gravel (ballast) laid along the floor of the drift, we were unable to anchor the sensors directly to the rock. As a result, the coupling of the sensors to the experiment rock volume is likely poor. In addition, there are a number of noise sources that complicate the interpretation of the data. For example, sensor BBB is installed adjacent (within 3 ft) to the rail line that runs towards the Ross shaft. Trains (motors) run along this line almost daily and produce a large signal in these data. Careful extraction of periods of interest, as well as filtering for specific signals, is necessary. The sensors are Nanometrics Trillium Compact Posthole seismometers, sensitive down to 120 seconds period. They were installed as close to the drift wall and as deep as we could manually excavate (only about 1 ft or so). The holes were leveled with sand and the sensors were placed on a paver before backfilling with sand. The hole was then covered by a bucket filled with insulation to improve the sensor's isolation from daily temperature variations, which are minor but present due to drift ventilation from the surface. Data were recorded on Nanometrics Centaur digitizers at 100 Hz. The full response information is available in the StationXML file provided here, or by querying the sensors through the IRIS DMC (see links below). These instruments were provided free of charge through the IRIS PASSCAL instrument center. The network code is XP and the station codes are BBA and BBB. The waveform data can be queried through the IRIS FDSN server using any method the user likes. One convenient option is to use the Obspy python package:

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4100 levelEGSEGS CollabExperiment 2SURFSanford Underground Research Facilitybroadbandcharacterizationcontinuousenergyexperimentfracturinggeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicmonitoringseismicstimulationtiltwaveformwaveforms
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment #2: Distributed Fiber Optic Temperature Data (DTS)Source

Distributed fiber optic sensing was an important part of the monitoring system for EGS Collab Experiment #2. A single loop of custom fiber package was grouted into the four monitoring boreholes that bracketed the experiment volume. This fiber package contained two multi-mode fibers and four single-mode fibers. These fibers were connected to an array of fiber optic interrogator units, each targeting a different measurement. The distributed temperature system (DTS) consisted of a Silixa XT-DTS unit, connected to both ends of one of the two multi-mode fibers. This system measured absolute temperature along the entire length of fiber for the duration of the experiment at a sampling rate of approximately 10 minutes. This dataset includes both raw data in XML format from the XT-DTS, as well as a processed dataset with the sections of data pertaining only to the boreholes are extracted. We have also included a report that provides all of the relevant details necessary for users to process and interpret the data for themselves. Please read this accompanying report. If, after reading it, there are still outstanding questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Happy processing.

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DFOSDTSEGSEGS CollabExperiment 2Fiber opticSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityXT-DTScharacterizationdistributed sensingenergyexperimentfracturinggeothermalhydraulicmonitoringstimulationtemperature
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1 Stimulation DataSource

Stimulation data from Experiment 1 of EGS Collab, which occurred on the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). A detailed description of the stimulation data is provided in the StimulationDataNotes.docx and is also available on the EGS Collab Wiki. A Meta Data Cheat Sheet, which describes all of the channels in the Raw CSV files, is available as well. Note that this cheat sheet is a comprehensive meta data descriptor and channels were added as the experiment evolved. This means that some columns may not be populated in early data. Additionally, we have included the chat logs from these experiments. The experiments were broadcast over teleconferencing software and real-time data displays were available to remote observers. The logs contain important observations from those personnel performing the experiment and the remote contributors. Finally, we have included summary and individual plots of all of the data for the user to compare to.

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4850E1-IE1-PEGSEGS CollabSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityenergyexperimentflowfracturinggeothermalhydraulicinjectioninjection rateinjection testpressureraw datastimulationtemperaturewell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: Continuous Active-Source Seismic Monitoring (CASSM) DataSource

The U.S. Department of Energy's Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) Collab project aims to improve our understanding of hydraulic stimulations in crystalline rock for enhanced geothermal energy production through execution of intensely monitored meso-scale experiments. The first experiment was performed at the 4850 ft level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), approximately 1.5 km below the surface at Lead, South Dakota. The data reported here were collected by the continuous active-source seismic monitoring (CASSM) system (Ajo-Franklin et al., 2011). This system was permanently installed in the testbed and consisted of 17 piezoelectric sources that were recorded by 2-12 channel hydrophone arrays, 18 3-C accelerometers, and 4 3-C geophones at a Nyquist frequency of 24kHz. The source array was activated in a repeated sequence of shots (each source fired 16 times and stacked into resultant waveforms) for the duration of the experiment (April 25, 2018 - March 7, 2019) with few exceptions. Please see the attached documents describing the source / receiver geometry. The data are available in both seg2 (.dat extension) and segy (.sgy extension) format. Each segy file contains multiple seg2 files.

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Active SourceCASSMEGSEGS CollabExperiment 1ImagingMonitoringSURFSanford Underground Research FacilitySeismicaccelerometercontinuousenergyexperimentfracturinggeophonegeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydrophonemeso scalestimulationwell instrumentation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: Core LogsSource

Core logs from the EGS Collab project Experiment 1 for the stimulation (Injection) well (E1-I), the Production well (E1-P), and monitoring wells (E1-OT, E1-OB, E1-PST, E1-PSB, E1-PDT, and E1-PDB) on the 4850 Level of SURF (the Sanford Underground Research Facility), single PDF file, 5-ft run intervals. In the monitoring well IDs, "O" indicates that the well is orthogonal to the anticipated fracture plane, "P" indicates that the well is parallel to the anticipated fracture plane, "S" indicates a shallow well, "D" indicates a deep well, "T" refers to top, and "B" refers to bottom. Logs include: experiment number; borehole ID; depth interval; run number; final packed core box number; scribe line (yes/no; red-on-right convention); logging dates; logger initials; as well as sketches of core foliation, folding, and fracturing with additional details and notes on other features of interest.

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CollabE1-IE1-OBE1-OTE1-PE1-PDBE1-PDTE1-PSBE1-PSTEGSExperiment 1HomestakePoormanSIGMA-VSURFboreholecoreenergyfeaturesfoldfoldingfoliationfracturefracturesfracturinggeothermalhydraulicinjectioninjection wellloglogsmonitoringphotossamplestimulationwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: In-situ observation of pre-, co- and post-seismic shear slip preceding hydraulic fracturingSource

Understanding the initiation and arrest of earthquakes is one of the long-standing challenges of seismology. Here we report on direct observations of borehole displacement by a meter-sized shear rupture induced by pressurization of metamorphic rock at 1.5 km depth. We observed the acceleration of sliding, followed by fast co-seismic slip and a transient afterslip phase. Total displacements were about 7, 5.5 and 9.5 micrometers, respectively for the observed pre-slip, co-seismic slip and afterslip. The observed pre-slip lasted about 0.4 seconds. Co-seismic slip was recorded by the 1 kHz displacement recording and a 12-component array of 3-C accelerometers sampled at 100 kHz. The observed afterslip is consistent with analytical models of arrest in a velocity-strengthening region and subsequent stress relaxation. The observed slip vector agrees with the activation of a bedding plane within the phyllite, which is corroborated by relocated seismic events that were observed during the later stages of the injection experiment. This submission includes the pressure and deformation data recorded by the SIMFIP probe during the first injection at the 164 ft (50 m) notch of borehole E1-I. The injection was performed on on 05/22/2018 as part of Experiment 1 of the EGS Collab project. This data accompanies a manuscript submitted to GRL, linked in this submission.

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E1-IEGSEGS CollabSIMFIPSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityafterslipaxialboreholeborehole displacementco-seismicdeformationdisplacementenergyfracturinggeothermalhydraulicin-situinjection testpost-seismicpre-slippressureprobeseismicshearslipslip vectorstimulation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: SIMFIP Notch-164 GRL PaperSource

Characterizing the stimulation mode of a fracture is critical to assess the hydraulic efficiency and the seismic risk related to deep fluid manipulations. We have monitored the three-dimensional displacements of a fluid-driven fracture during water injections in a borehole at ~1.5 km depth in the crystalline rock of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (USA). The fracture initiates at 61% of the minimum horizontal stress by micro-shearing of the borehole on a foliation plane. As the fluid pressure increases further, borehole axial and radial displacements increase with injection time highlighting the opening and sliding of a new hydrofracture growing ~10 m away from the borehole, in accordance with the ambient normal stress regime and in alignment with the microseismicity. Our study reveals how fluid-driven fracture stimulation can be facilitated by a mixed-mode process controlled by the complex hydromechanical evolution of the growing fracture. The data presented in this submission refer to the SIMFIP measurements and analyses of the stimulation tests conducted on the 164 ft (50 m) notch of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), during the EGS-Collab test 1. In addition to the datafiles, there is the draft of a manuscript submitted to Geophysical Research Letters (GRL).

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EGSEGS CollabNew borehole instrumentSIMFIPSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityanisotropyboreholedisplacementenergyexperimentflow ratefoliationfracturegeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydraulic conductivityhydrofractureinjection testmicro-shearingnucleateseismicseismicityshearshear displacementstimulationstresswellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: TOUGH2-CSM Simulation of Embedded Natural Fractures and Chemical Tracer Transport and SorptionSource

The EGS Collab SIGMA-V project is a multi-lab and university collaborative research project that is being undertaken at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota. The project consists of studying stimulation, fluid-flow, and heat transfer processes at a scale of 10-20 m, which is readily amenable to detailed characterization and monitoring. One objective of the project is to establish circulation from injector to producer by hydraulically fracturing the injector. Data generated during these experiments is to be compared with predictions from coupled thermal, hydrological, mechanical, and chemical simulators. One such a simulator, TOUGH2-CSM, has been enhanced in order to simulate EGS Collab SIGMA-V project experiments. These modifications include adding tracers, the capability to model tracer sorption, and an embedded fracture formulation. A set of example problems validate our conservative tracer transport and sorption formulations. We then simulated tracer transport and thermal breakthrough for the first EGS Collab SIGMA-V experiment. This dataset includes the TOUGH2-CSM input and output files associated with the thermal and tracer simulations. A conference paper is included for additional context.

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EGSEGS CollabSIGMA-VSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityTOUGH2TOUGH2-CSMbreakthroughchemicalcirculationenergyenhanced geothermal systemsfluid flowfracturesfracturinggeothermalheat flowhydraulicinjectioninjectormodelingmonitoringnaturalreservoirsimulationsorptiontemperaturethermaltracertransfer
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 2: Core LogsSource

Core logs and photos from the EGS Collab project Experiment 2 for the Top Vertical well (TV4100) and the Top Horizontal well (TV 4100) on the 4100 Level of SURF (the Sanford Underground Research Facility). The core logs are stored in a single PDF file with 5-ft run intervals. In the monitoring well IDs, "O" indicates that the well is orthogonal to the anticipated fracture plane, "T" refers to top, and "H" refers to horizontal. A core log CT scan for TV4100 and a layout image of the 4100 wells are included as well. Logs include: experiment number; borehole ID; depth interval; run number; final packed core box number; scribe line (yes/no; red-on-right convention); logging dates; logger initials; as well as sketches of core foliation, folding, and fracturing with additional details and notes on other features of interest. Shift reports include: date, location, personnel, summary of site activity, and field notes.

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EGSEGS CollabSURFSanford Underground Research Facilitycorecore logenergyexperimentfoldingfoliationfracturinggeothermalhydraulicloggingstimulationwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Modeling and Simulation Working Group Teleconference Series (1-98)Source

This submission contains the presentation slides and recordings from the first 98 EGS Collab Modeling and Simulation Working Group teleconferences. These teleconferences served three objectives for the project: 1) share simulation results, 2) communicate field activities and results to the simulation teams, and 3) hold open scientific discussions on EGS topics.

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DTSEGSEGS CollabSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityc-dotsenergyexperimentflowfracturinggeothermalheat flowhydraulicinjection testmodelingpressurestimulationtemperaturetracer
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Modeling and Simulation Working Group Teleconference Series (99-128)Source

This submission contains the presentation slides and recordings from EGS Collab Modeling and Simulation Working Group (MSWG) teleconferences number 99 through 128. These teleconferences served three objectives for the project: 1) share simulation results, 2) communicate field activities and results to the simulation teams, and 3) hold open scientific discussions on EGS topics.

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EGSEGS CollabMSWGModeling and Simulation Working GroupSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityconferenceenergyexperimentfracturinggeothermalhydraulicmeetingpresentationrecordingscientific discussionstimulationteleconference
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1- Common Discrete Fracture NetworkSource

This package includes data and models that support hydraulic fracture stimulation and fluid circulation experiments in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF). A paper by Schwering et al. (2020) describes the deterministic basis for developing a "common" discrete fracture network (CDFN) model of significant natural fractures in EGS Collab Testbed 1 on the 4850-Level of SURF. The ReadMe for this model shows drift, wells, scanlines, fracture data, interpreted fractures, and geophysical visualizations. There is also a summary of the data that was used in this experiment and includes results from reviewing core, televiewer (TV) logs, core-TV depth/feature registration, and from mapping weeps in the 4850-Level drift. The CDFN is intended to be a baseline model of the pre-stimulated testbed (though some observations from stimulation helped inform the model).

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DFNEGSEGS CollabSURFSandia National LaboratoriesSanford Underground Research Facilityboreholecoredatadiscrete fracture networkdrillingelectrical resistivityenergyenhanced geothermal systemexperimentflowfluidfluid circulationfracturefracturinggeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicinjection testmodelnetworkstimulationsystemtracerweepwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1: Baseline Cross-well SeismicSource

As part of the geophysical characterization suite for the first EGS Collab tesbed, here are the baseline cross-well seismic data and resultant models. The campaign seismic data have been organized, concatenated with geometry and compressional (P-) & and shear (S-) wave picks, and submitted as SGY files. P-wave data were collected and analyzed in both 2D and 3D, while S-wave data were collected and analyzed in 2D only. Inversion models are provided as point volumes; the volumes have been culled to include only the points within source/receiver array coverage. The full models space volumes are also included, if relevant. An AGU 2018 poster by Linneman et al. is included that provides visualizations/descriptions of the cross-well seismic characterization method, elastic moduli calculations, and images of model inversion results.

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EGSEGS CollabSEGYSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityYoungsbaselineboreholebulkcalculationcollabcross-welldatadensityelastic modulienergyenhanced geothermal systemexperimentgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydrofractureinversionmodelmodulimodulusp-waveresultss-waveseismicsgyshearstimulationvelocityvisualization
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Testbed 1: Tracer data testsSource

This file contains the first set of tracer data for the EGS Collab testbed. The first set of tracer tests were conducted during October-November, 2018. We have included tracer data for C-dots, chloride, fluorescein, and rhodamine-B. The details about the tracer test can be found in Background and Methods of Tracer Tests (Mattson et al. (2019)) (also included in this package). References Mattson, E.D., Neupane, G., Plummer, M.A., Hawkins, A., Zhang, Y. and the EGS Collab Team 2019. Preliminary Collab fracture characterization results from flow and tracer testing efforts. In Proceedings 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, edited, Stanford University, Stanford, California.

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Breakthrough curveC-DotsEGSEGS CollabSURFSanford Underground Research FacilityTracer testschlorideenergyexperimentalfluoresceinfracturinggeothermalhydraulicrhodamine-Bstimulationtracertracer data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EPA-developed, patented technologies related to vehicles and fuel emissionsSource

Under the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA), Federal Agencies can patent inventions developed during the course of research. These technologies can then be licensed to businesses or individuals for further development and sale in the marketplace. These technologies primarily relate to efficient vehicle systems and hybrid or diesel engines.

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United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Full Moment Tensor Inversion SoftwareSource

The link points to a website at NCEDC to download the full moment tensors inversion software The moment tensor analysis conducted in the current project is based on the full moment tensor model described in Minson and Dreger (2008). The software including source, examples and tutorial can be obtained from (download file pasi-nov282012.tar.gz). Performance criteria, mathematics and test results are provided by Minson and Dreger (2008), Ford et al. (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012) and Saikia (1994). References: Ford, S., D. Dreger and W. Walter (2008). Source Characterization of the August 6, 2007 Crandall Canyon Mine Seismic Event in Central Utah, Seism. Res. Lett., 79, 637-644. Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger and W. R. Walter (2009). Identifying isotropic events using a regional moment tensor inversion, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B01306, doi:10.1029/2008JB005743. Ford, S. R., D. S. Dreger and W. R. Walter (2010). Network sensitivity solutions for regional moment tensor inversions, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 100, p. 1962-1970. Ford, S. R., W. R. Walter, and D. S. Dreger (2012). Event discrimination using regional moment 665 tensors with teleseismic-P constraints, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 102, 867-872. Minson, S. and D. Dreger (2008), Stable Inversions for Complete Moment Tensors, Geophys. J. Int., 174, 585-592. Saikia, C.K. (1994), Modified Frequency-Wavenumber Algorithm for Regional Seismograms using Filons Quadrature: Modeling of Lg Waves in Eastern North America. Geophys. J. Int., 118, 142-158.

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EGSanalysisearthquakeenergyexamplefaultfaultingfracturefull moment tensor inversiongenerationgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulicinducedinjectioninversionmicroseismicitymoment tensormonitoringpassiveseismicseismicitysoftwarestimulationtutorial
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments in Devonian Shale


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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Hydraulic power stations of EDF SASource

Abstract: Location and installed capacity of EDF SA's power plants and generation units in operation, for hydraulics. Of the more than 400 hydropower facilities operated by EDF, only power plants with a capacity greater than 100 MW are present in this dataset. The geographical scope is metropolitan France, but excluding Corsica and the Ponant Islands. Consolidated view at 31/12/2022. Detailed description: Details of power station categories: Run-of-river: These waterfalls normally operate in base mode and use whatever flow is available. Falls with reserves: Waterfalls with reserves store all or part of the inflow in their reservoirs, in order to produce at times of high demand. Depending on how long a reservoir takes to fill up, there are 2 possible scenarios: Lock & Lake. Tidal power: This involves taking advantage of the ebb and flow of the tide to alternately fill and empty a reservoir by activating turbines built into the dam. Pumped waterfalls: Pumped waterfalls are those where the water can be pumped up from a lower basin to an upper basin by means of pumps and accumulated in order to be used later to generate electricity. There are several categories: Pure pumping the aim of which is to bring up, during off-peak periods of electricity consumption, volumes of water that will be turbined during peak periods of electricity consumption. Pure PSP have no gravity feed to the upper basin. Mixed pumping the aim of which is to raise, during off-peak periods of electricity consumption, the volumes of water that will be turbined during peak periods of electricity consumption. Mixed PSP have gravity inflows to the upper basin.

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Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
Newberry EGS Demonstration Report: Repairing and Re-stimulating Well 55-29Source

The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 5 year project begun in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to run for weeks and deliver large volumes of water at moderate well-head pressure. Second, to stimulate multiple zones, AltaRock developed thermo-degradable zonal isolation materials (TZIMs) to seal off fractures in a geothermal well to stimulate secondary and tertiary fracture zones. The TZIMs degrade within weeks, resulting in an optimized injection/ production profile of the entire well. Third, the project followed a project-specific Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan (ISMP) to evaluate, monitor for, and mitigate felt induced seismicity. An initial stimulation was conducted in 2012 and continued for 7 weeks, with over 41,000 m3 of water injected. Further analysis indicated a shallow casing leak and an unstable formation in the open hole. The well was repaired with a shallow casing tieback and perforated liner in the open hole and re-stimulated in 2014. The second stimulation started September 23rd, 2014 and continued for 3 weeks with over 9,500 m3 of water injected. The well was treated with several batches of newly tested TZIM diverter materials and a newly designed Diverter Injection Vessel Assembly (DIVA), which was the main modification to the original injection system design used in 2012. A second round of stimulation that included two perforation shots and additional batches of TZIM was conducted on November 11th, 2014 for 9 days with an additional 4,000 m3 of water injected. The stimulations resulted in a 3-4 fold increase in injectivity, and PTS data indicates partial blocking and creation of flow zones near the bottom of the well.

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EGSNEWGENNewberrydemonstrationdiverter materialgeothermalgroundwater monitoringhydraulicmicroseismic monitoringrepairstimulationtemperature monitoringwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Newberry EGS Demonstration Report: Stimulating the Existing Fracture NetworkSource

The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 3 year project started in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to run for weeks and deliver large volumes of water at moderate well-head pressure. Second, to stimulate multiple zones, AltaRock developed thermo-degradable zonal isolation materials (TZIMs) to seal off fractures in a geothermal well to stimulate secondary and tertiary fracture zones. The TZIMs degrade within weeks, resulting in an optimized injection/ production profile of the entire well. Third, the project followed a project-specific Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan (ISMP) to evaluate, monitor for, and mitigate felt induced seismicity. Stimulation started October 17, 2012 and continued for 7 weeks, with over 41,000 m3 of water injected. Two TZIM treatments successfully shifted the depth of stimulation. Injectivity, DTS, and seismic analysis indicate that fracture permeability in well NWG 55-29 was enhanced by two orders of magnitude.

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EGSNEWGENdemonstrationdiverter materialgeothermalgroundwater monitoringhydraulicmicroseismic monitoringstimulationtemperature monitoring
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration Well 55-29 Stimulation DataSource

The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 3 year project started in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to run for weeks and deliver large volumes of water at moderate well-head pressure. Second, to stimulate multiple zones, AltaRock developed thermo-degradable zonal isolation materials (TZIMs) to seal off fractures in a geothermal well to stimulate secondary and tertiary fracture zones. The TZIMs degrade within weeks, resulting in an optimized injection/ production profile of the entire well. Third, the project followed a project-specific Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan (ISMP) to evaluate, monitor for, and mitigate felt induced seismicity. Stimulation started October 17, 2012 and continued for 7 weeks, with over 41,000 m3 of water injected. Two TZIM treatments successfully shifted the depth of stimulation. Injectivity, DTS, and seismic analysis indicate that fracture permeability in well NWG 55-29 was enhanced by two orders of magnitude. This submission includes all of the files and reports associated with the geophysical exploration, stimulation, and monitoring included in the scope of the project.

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55-29Daily ReportDiverter InjectionEGSFlowGeochemistryGeophysical LogsLithologyNEWGENPublicationsSeismicStimulation DataTZIMTemperatureTracer Injection and groundwater monitoringWHPWell Constructioncasingcatalogdiverter materialdivertersdrillinggeophysicsgeothermalgroundwater monitoringhydrauliclogmicroseismic monitoringmicroseismicitymonitoringreportseismicitystimulationtemperature monitoringwaterwell
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Numerical Model of Massive Hydraulic Fracture

Numerical Model of Massive Hydraulic Fracture. Final report; March 1985

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Numerical Modeling of Massive Hydraulic Fractures, Annual Report; July 1983

Numerical Modeling of Massive Hydraulic Fractures, Annual Report; July 1983

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Numerical Modeling of Massive Hydraulic Fractures, First Annual Report; September 1980-August 1981

Numerical Modeling of Massive Hydraulic Fractures, First Annual Report; September 1980-August 1981

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
River flows in the vicinity of hydropower plants (since 2001)Source

Abstract: Average daily river flow data, measured by EDF Hydro, an entity of EDF SA. Detailed description: The geographical scope is limited to mainland France, but not its islands. In other words, mainland France (excluding Corsica and Guadeloupe, for example). This data is also stored on, the national hydrometric database. The data comes from the Castor application. The provision of these data sets is governed by the national protocol for the water information system (agreement of 11/07/2003 - with SCHAPI-DGPR). The surface area of the catchment is given in km2. The map view shows the number of measurement points per geographical position.

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Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
Seismic Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Fracture Generation During EGS Resource Development - Deviatoric MT, Fracture Network, and Final ReportSource

This submission contains 167 deviatoric moment tensor (MT) solutions for the seismicity observed two years prior and three years post start of injection activities at The Geysers Prati 32 EGS Demonstration. Also included is a statistical representation of the properties of 751 fractures derived from the analysis of seismicity observed two years prior and three years post start of injection activities at The Geysers Prati 32 EGS Demonstration Project. The locations of the fractures are taken from microseismic hypocenters, the fracture areas are derived from moment magnitudes via scaling relationships, and the azimuths (sigma 1) and dips (sigma 3) are derived from the results of stress analyses.

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CACaliforniaDeviatoric MT SolutionsEGSGeysersHigh Temperature ReservoirThe Geysersanalysiscatalogdeviatoricearthquakeenergyeventfaultfaultingfinal reportfracturefracture networkfracture orientationfracture sizegeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichypocentersinducedinjectioninversionlocationmicroseismicmicroseismicitymomentmonitoringnetworkpassiveseismicseismicityshearstimulationstrainstresstensor
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Seismic Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Fracture Generation During EGS Resource Development - Full Moment Tensors and Stress Inversion CatalogsSource

This submission contains 167 full moment tensor (MT) solutions for the seismicity observed two years prior and three years post start of injection activities. Also included are the azimuth and plunge angles for the three main stress directions sigma1, sigma 2 and sigma 3 at the Prati32 EGS demonstration site in the northwest Geysers geothermal reservoir. The data are divided into 15 time periods spanning a range of five years, including two years prior to start of injection until three years post start of injection activities.

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EGSHigh Temperature ReservoirPrati 32Spatio-TemporalThe Geysersanalysisarrayazimuthcatalogdemonstrationdevelopmentearthquakeenergyenhanced geothermalfaultfaultingfracturefull MTgenerationgeophysicalgeophysicsgeothermalgeysershydraulicinducedinjectioninversionmicroseismicitymincroseismicitymomentmonitoringpassiveplungereservoirresourceseismicseismic moment tensorseismicitysolutionsstimulationstressstress changesstress orientationtensor
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Testing for Controlled Rapid PressurizationSource

Borehole W1 is a NQ core hole drilled at our test site in Socorro. The rock is rhyolite. Borehole W1 which was used to test gas-gas explosive mixtures is 55 feet deep with casing (pinkish in the drawing) set to 35 feet. The model is a representation of the borehole and the holes we cored around the central borehole after the test. The brown colored core holes showed dye when we filled W1 with water and slightly pressurized it. This indicates there was some path between W1 and the colored core hole. The core holes are shown to their TD in the drawing. The green plane is a fracture plane which we believe is the result of the explosions of the gas mixture in W1. Data resource is a 2D .pdf Solid Works Drawing of borehole W1.

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CADEGSGas-GasGas-Gas PressurizationPressurizationSocorro test siteSolidWorksW1boreholecontrolledcoredownholedrawingenergeticexperimentexplosivegeothermalhigh temperaturehydraulicmaterialrapid pressurizationrhyolitestimulationsystemwellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Understanding Constraints on Geothermal Sustainability Through Reservoir Characterization at Brady Geothermal Field, NevadaSource

The vast supply of geothermal energy stored throughout the Earth and the exceedingly long time required to dissipate that energy makes the world's geothermal energy supply nearly limitless. As such, this resource holds the potential to provide a large supply of the world's energy demands; however, like all natural resources, it must be utilized in an appropriate manner if it is to be sustainable. Understanding sustainable use of geothermal resources requires thorough characterization efforts aimed at better understanding subsurface properties. The goal of this work is to understand which critical subsurface properties exert the most influence on sustainable geothermal production as a means to provide targeted future resource characterization strategies. Borehole temperature and reservoir pressure data were analyzed to estimate reservoir thermal and hydraulic properties at an active geothermal site. These reservoir properties then served as inputs for an analytical model which simulated net power production over a 30-year period. The analytical model was used to conduct a sensitivity analysis to determine which parameters were most critical in constraining the sustainability of a geothermal reservoir. Modeling results reveal that the number of preferential flow pathways (i.e. fractures) used for heat transport provides the greatest impact on geothermal reservoir sustainability. These results suggest that early and pre-production geothermal reservoir exploration would achieve the greatest benefit from characterization strategies which seek to delineate the number of active flow pathways present in the system.

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Brady Hot SpringsDTSNevadaPoroTomoanalysisanalyticalassessmentborehole pressureborehole temperaturecharacterizationdistributed temperature sensingenergyflowflow pathsfracturesgeothermalheathydraulichydrogeologyidentificationmodelnumericalparameterspathwayspower productionpreferentialpressureproductionpropertiesreservoirreservoir characterizationresorcesensitivitysimulationsubsurface propertiessustainabilitysustainable usetemperaturethermaltransport
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Hydrothermal Friction-Hydraulic Transmissivity Laboratory ExperimentsSource

Submission includes data from laboratory slide-hold-slide tests, combined with flow through tests, conducted on Westerly granite with 30 degree sawcut. Tests were conducted with a constant confining pressure of 30 MPa with an average pore pressure of 10 MPa at temperatures of 23 and 200 degC. Three fluid flow conditions were examined (1) no flow, (2) cycled flow, and (3) continuous flow. Data were collected to asses the effect of temperature and pore fluid on frictional healing rates in granite at geothermal conditions. Data is available in XML and JSON data types.

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FORGEUtahUtah FORGEexperimentfailureflow testflow throughfluid flowfluid flow conditionsfrictionfriction hydraulic transmissivitygeothermalhydrauliclablaboratorypressureslide hold slidetemperaturetesttestingtestswesterly granite
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE InSAR Data from 2020Source

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the TerraSAR-X and the TanDEM-X satellite missions operated by the German Space Agency (DLR). Interferometric pairs (interferograms) were created using generic mapping tool GMT-SAR processing software (see link in Resources). Data from January through December 2020.

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EGSFORGEInSARUtah FORGEUtah geothermalenergyengineeringfracturinggeothermalhydraulicpreprocessed dataraw dataremote sensingreservoir
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE InSAR Data from 2021Source

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the TerraSAR-X and the TanDEM-X satellite missions operated by the German Space Agency (DLR). Interferometric pairs (interferograms) were created using generic mapping tool GMT-SAR processing software (see link in Resources). Data from January through November 2021.

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EGSFORGEInSARUtah FORGEUtah geothermalenergyengineeringfracturinggeothermalhydraulicpreprocessed dataraw dataremote sensingreservoir
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE InSAR Data from 2022Source

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar data from the TerraSAR-X and the TanDEM-X satellite missions operated by the German Space Agency (DLR). Interferometric pairs (interferograms) were created using generic mapping tool GMT-SAR processing software (see link in Resources). Data from January through June 2022.

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EGSFORGEInSARUtah FORGEUtah geothermalenergyengineeringfracturinggeothermalhydraulicpreprocessed dataraw dataremote sensingreservoir
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Well 16A(78)-32 Core PhotosSource

Images of core samples collected from Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32. These images were created by stitching together multiple photographs resulting in a circumferential view of the cores exterior in two dimensions. Core footages (measured depths) are indicated in the file names, and are annotated on each image. The images, of which there are 30 in the .zip file, are in a .jpg format.

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EGSFORGEUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalWell 16A78-32Well 16A78-32 coreWell 16A78-32 core imagescorecore sampleenergyengineeringfracturinggeologicgeologygeothermalhydraulicimagesreservoirsampleswellwell samples
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Stimulation Conference Paper and DataSource

The U.S. Department of Energy's (U.S. DOE) Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) is a field laboratory that provides a unique opportunity to develop and test new technologies for characterizing, creating and sustaining Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in a controlled environment. In 2018, the U.S. DOE selected a site in south-central Utah for the FORGE laboratory. Numerous geoscientific studies have been conducted in the region since the 1970s in support of geothermal development at Roosevelt Hot Springs. A vertical scientific well, 58-32, was drilled and tested to a depth of 2290 m (7515 ft) GL in 2017 on the FORGE site to provide additional characterization of the reservoir rocks. The well encountered a conductive thermal regime and a bottom hole temperature of 199degC (390degF). More than 2000 natural fractures were identified, but measured permeabilities are low, less than 30 micro-darcies. Induced fractures indicate that the maximum horizontal stress trends NNE-SSW, consistent with geologic and well observations from the surrounding area. Approximately 45 m (147 ft) at the base of the well was left uncased. A maximum wellhead pressure of 27.6 MPa (4000 psig) at an injection rate of ~1431 L/min (~9 bpm) was measured during stimulation testing in September 2017. Conventional diagnostic evaluations of the data suggest that hydraulic fracturing and shearing occurred. Estimates of the stress gradient for delta_h_min range from of 16.7 to 17.6 kPa/m (0.74 to 0.78 psi/ft). A gradient of 25.6 kPa/m (1.13psi/ft) was calculated for delta_V. In 2019, the 2017 open-hole stimulation in well 58-32 was repeated with injection rates up to 2385 L/min (15 bpm). Two additional stimulations were conducted in the cased portion of the well; one to stimulate critically stressed fractures and the second to test noncritically stressed fractures. Breakdown of the zone spanning critically-stressed fractures occurred at a surface pressure of approximately 29.0 MPa (4200 psig). Although stimulation of the noncritically stressed fractures was interrupted by failure of the bridge plug beneath the perforated interval, micro-seismic data suggests stimulation of the fractures may have been initiated at a surface pressure of 45.5 MPa (6600 psig). These stimulation results support the conclusion the Mineral Mountains granitoid is an appropriate host for EGS development. Micro-seismicity was monitored during the stimulations using surface and downhole instrumentation. Five seismometers and a nodal array of 150 seismic sensors were deployed on the surface. A Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) cable and a string of 12 geophones were deployed in well 78-32, drilled to a depth of 998 m (3274 ft) GL. A broadband sensor and a high-temperature geophone were deployed in well 68-32, drilled to a depth of 303 m (994 ft) GL. More than 420 micro-seismic events were detected by the geophone string. Other instruments detected fewer events.

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DASEGSFORGEGRGMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalWell 58-32Well 58-32 stimulationdisccrete fracture flowdistributed acoustic sensingenergyflowflowbackgeophysicsgeothermalhydraulichydraulic fracturinglower perforationmicroseismicityopen hole stimulationopen-holephase 2cpre-processedpressureratereservoir stimulationstimulationtemperatureupper perforation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 58-32 Stimulation DataSource

Pressure, temperature, and flow data from open-hole, upper perforation, and lower perforation well stimulations gathered from various tools collected at well 58-32 during phase 2C.

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BadgerBridge PlugDiDrillDiDrill Survey ServicesEGSFORGEGRGMemory toolPasonRoosevelt Hot springsSpartek Memory PT gaugeUtahUtah FORGEUtah geothermalWell 58-32energyflowflowbackfracture flowgeothermalgeothermal resource grouphydraulichydraulic fracturingisolate pumpinglower perforationmilfordopen-holeopenhole stimulationphase 2Cpressurerateraw datareservoir stimulationstimulationsurface instrumentstemperatureupper perforationweatherford HD
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago