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All Island River CatchmentsSource

River Catchment boundaries in all of the island of Ireland

No licence known
administrationcatchmentcatchment areacatchmentscatchments all islandenvironmenthydrographyieriverriver catchmentswater
WMSHTML 1 year ago
Coastal Water QualitySource

This dataset shows water quality monitoring and assessments carried out on Irish Coastal Waters for the Reporting period 2010-2012.

No licence known
aquatic environmentclean waterscoastal areacoastal watercoastal watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyiewaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoring
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
Coastal Water Quality 2018-2020Source

This dataset shows water quality monitoring and assessment of Trophic Status carried out on Irish Coastal Waters for the Reporting period 2018-2020.

No licence known
aquatic environmentclean waterscoastal areacoastal watercoastal watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyiewaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoring
nullHTMLukstWFS 1 year ago
Flow Direction ArrowsSource

This dataset shows the direction of river flow realted to the EPA/OSi river network dataset.

No licence known
environmenthydrographyieriverriver networkrivers
HTMLWMSJSON 1 year ago
Historical Groundwater Quality 2003-2005Source

This is a points dataset of pre-WFD Groundwater quality levels, 2003-2005.

No licence known
aquatic environmentclean watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityground water statusground waterbody statusground watersgroundwatergroundwater protectiongroundwater qualitygwb statushistorical ground water qualityhydrographyiepre wfdwaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater statuswfd
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
Hydrography - Major AreasSource

NHD_MajorAreas are a subset of the largest double banked stream/river polygon features selected from the High Resolution NHD dataset for Washington State. This subset includes only NHDAreas that have an associated NHD_MajorStream. NHD_MajorStreams are classified as those that have GNIS Names that include "River", or have a Stream Order > 7, or have a GNIS Name that includes "Creek" and is longer than 24 km. NHD_MajorAreas have an NHD_MajorStream flowing through it.The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1: 12,000/1:24,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD. Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. Reaches are also defined on waterbodies and the approximate shorelines of the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee. Updated March 2019

No licence known
012ECYNHDNHDAreaNational Hydrography DatasetUSGSUnited States Geological SurveyWATWashington Department of Ecologyartificial pathcanalditchhydrographyinlandWaterslakemarshoceanpondreservoirriverseaseepspringstreamstreamsswampwater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Hydrography - Major StreamsSource

NHD_MajorStreams are a subset of the largest linear stream/river features selected from the High Resolution NHD dataset for Washington State. This subset includes only NHDflowlines that have GNIS Names that include "River", or have a Stream Order > 7, or have a GNIS Name that includes "Creek" and is longer than 24 km. The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:12,000/1:24,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. Reaches are also defined on waterbodies and the approximate shorelines of the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee. Updated March 2019

No licence known
012ECYNHDNHDFlowlineNational Hydrography DatasetReachCodeUSGSUnited States Geological SurveyWATWashington Department of Ecologyartificial pathcanalditchhydrographyinlandWatersreservoirriverseepspringstreamstreamswater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Hydrography - Major WaterbodiesSource

NHD_MajorWaterbodies are a subset of the largest waterbody features selected from the High Resolution NHD dataset for Washington State. This subset includes only waterbodies that are classified as lake/ponds ,reservoirs, or estuaries and that are > 1 sqKm (10763900 sqft).The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:12,000/1:24,000 scale, adds detail to the original 1:100,000-scale NHD Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. Reaches are also defined on waterbodies and the approximate shorelines of the Great Lakes, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.

No licence known
012ECYNHDNHDWaterbodyNational Hydrography DatasetReachCodeUSGSUnited States Geological SurveyWATWashington Department of Ecologyartificial pathhydrographyinlandWaterslakemarshoceanpondreservoirseastreamsswampwater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Hydrometric AreasSource

Ireland’s hydrometric areas, used as management units for hydrological areas (EPA, OPW, ESBI, Local Authorities etc). They are made up of amalgamations of large river basins.

No licence known
boundarycatchmentdrainagedrainage waterenvironmenthydrographyhydrologicalhydrometricie
WMSHTML 1 year ago
Lake Bathymetry Contour LinesSource

This GIS layer contains bathymetric elevation bands (derived from bathymetric contours) of selected freshwater lakes in Washington State. The majority of the bathymetric contours were digitized from maps contained in a series of seven documents: Reconnaissance Data on Lakes in Washington, Water-Supply Bulletin 43, Volume 1 through 7 by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology. The exceptions are 1) Lake Chelan which was digitized in 2016 from the publication Morphometry of Lake Chelan (published in January 1987); 2) Lake Sammamish whose digital data was acquired from King County in 2013 and is derived from data collected during the publication of Development of a Three-Dimensional Hydrographic Model of Lake Sammamish (published in November 2008); and 3) Lake Crescent, whose digital bathymetric soundings were taken by a private party during 2013/2014 and provided to the Department of Ecology and were converted to contour lines in 2016.

No licence known
006012ECYELVPacific NorthwestWATWashington StateWashington State Department of Ecologybathymetricbathymetrydepthelevationelevation bandshydrographyinlandWaterslakeswater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Lake Water QualitySource

This dataset shows water quality monitoring and assessments carried out on Irish Lake Waters for the Reporting period 2007-2009

No licence known
clean watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyielake waterswaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoring
WMSHTML 1 year ago
Levee InventorySource

The data contained in this dataset is a synthesis of existing information on levees in the State of Washington. The shapefiles displayed attempt to depict levee centerlines as accurately as possible. Primary data sources include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, In addition to these sources, inputs from local levee managers were used to augment the aforementioned sources.

No licence known
012ECYFCWFEMAFederal Emergency Management AgencyFlood Control WorksNFIPNational Flood Insurance ProgramSEAShorelands and Environmental Assistance ProgramUnited States Army Corps of EngineersWATWashington State Department of EcologyaccreditationfloodfloodplainhydrographyinlandWatersleveestreamswater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Monitoring - Hydrometric GaugesSource

A Register of Hydrometric Stations in Ireland.

No licence known
environmentflowflow monitoringhydrographyiemonitoringriverwater
HTMLJSONWMS 1 year ago
NAUPLIUS: Advanced Ecosystem Data ProductsSource

NAUPLIUS ties together data and visualization components from the COPEPOD, COPEPODITE, and ECHO projects, creating a comprehensive ecosystem overview from hydrography to biology, using data ranging from in-situ measurements to satellite to model output, visualized using spatial mean fields, time series, and animation, all available through an interactive interface, and downloadable in a variety of temporal and spatial resolutions.*/

Other (Public Domain)
biologydata visualizationhydrography
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationover 1 year ago
National Hydrography DatasetSource

National Hydrography Dataset

No licence known
NHDdatasetWaterHydro_NHDhydrographyisothemeWaterlakesnational hydrography datasetnodeVCGIpondsriversstreamssubthemeHydrosurface watervcgi open datawaterwatershed
State of Vermont12 months ago
National Inventory of DamsSource

National Inventory of DamsThis feature layer, utilizing National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), displays dams within the United States, Puerto Rico and Guam. Per the USACE, "The National Inventory of Dams (NID) consists of dams meeting at least one of the following criteria:High hazard potential classification - loss of human life is likely if the dam fails.Significant hazard potential classification - no probable loss of human life but can cause economic loss, environmental damage, disruption of lifeline facilities, or impact other concerns.Equal or exceed 25 feet in height and exceed 15 acre-feet in storage.Equal or exceed 50 acre-feet storage and exceed 6 feet in height".The goal of the NID is to include all dams in the United States that meet these criteria. In most cases, dams within the NID criteria are regulated (construction permit, inspection, and/or enforcement) by federal or state agencies, who have basic information on the dams within their jurisdiction."Hoover, Davis & Glen Canyon DamsData currency: This cached Esri federal service is checked weekly for updates from its enterprise federal source (NID2019 U) and will support mapping, analysis, data exports and OGC API – Feature Not AvailableGeoplatform: Not AvailableOGC API Features Link: (National Inventory of Dams - OGC Features) copy this link to embed it in OGC Compliant viewersFor more information, please visit: National Inventory of DamsFor feedback please contact: Esri_US_Federal_Data@esri.comNGDA Data SetThis data set is part of the NGDA Water - Inland Theme Community. Per the Federal Geospatial Data Committee (FGDC), Water - Inland is defined as the "interior hydrologic features and characteristics, including classification, measurements, location, and extent. Includes aquifers, watersheds, wetlands, navigation, water quality, water quantity, and groundwater information."For other NGDA Content: Esri Federal Datasets

No licence known
FGDCFederalFederal Geospatial Data CommitteeInland WatersMarineNGDANIDNational Geospatial Data AssetNational Inventory of DamsRecreationU.S. Army Corps of EngineersUSACEdamsfederalhazardshydrographyinfrastructureregulatorsstructuretransportationwaterwater structurewater supplywaterway
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Naturalised River Flow Duration PercentilesSource

This data set contains estimates of naturalised river flow duration percentiles for Irish rivers. The flow estimates represent flows that could be expected in rivers under naturalised conditions and do not take account of artificial influences of any kind such as water supply abstractions or waste water discharges. The data set should be used in conjunction with the HYDRO Catchments layer to display contributing areas to each flow node. Data results include naturalised flow percentiles (NATQ1-99%), naturalised mean monthly flows (NATMMF1-12) and physical catchment descriptors. Flow estimates are provided in m3/second.

No licence known
environmenthydrographyhydrologyhydrometrichydromorphologyieriver flowwater framework directive
www:download-1.0-http--downloadHTMLWMS 1 year ago
Navigable Waterways

Summary The RITA/BTS desires a single nationwide database that has polygons/attributes for major rivers and lakes, is consistent across state lines, and has the most accurate data available. This database will be used primarily for map production, basic queries, and will be distributed as part of the National Transportation Atlas Databases (NTAD) 2008. Description The hydro polygon/arc coverages were created using TIGER/LINE 2000 shapefile data gathered from ESRI's Geography Network. The individual county hydrography line shapefiles were processed into Arc/Info coverages and then appended together to create complete state coverages. They were then edited to remove unwanted features, leaving a state-by-state database of both important and navigable water features. Attributes were added to denote navigable features and names. Also, an attribute was added to the polygons to denote which were water and which were land features. The state databases were then appended together to create a single, nationwide hydrography network containing named arcs and polygons. These features also contain a state FIPS. Because some of the hydro features are represented by lines instead of polygons, the complete hydro dataset consists of 2 shapefiles, one for lines and one for polygons. They must be used together to paint a complete picture.

No licence known
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Near Surface Nitrate SusceptibilitySource

This dataset shows Near Surface Nitrate Susceptibility. Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment Characterisation Tool (CCT). The CCT delineates the CSAs displayed in the PIP maps by overlaying the hydro(geo)logically susceptible areas (the likelihood of nutrient transfer due to soil and geological properties along the near surface and/or subsurface pathway) with nitrate or phosphate loadings. The nitrate and phosphate PIP maps for the surface water receptor combine the contribution from both the subsurface pathway and the near surface pathway while the groundwater receptor maps only consider the contribution from the groundwater pathway. Surface Water Receptor Nitrate PIP map shows the relative pollution impact potential to surface water along the subsurface and near surface pathways due to nitrate loading. This map should be used to evaluate nutrient impact at the waterbody, subcatchment or catchment scale (at a resolution of less than 1:20,000). Pollution impact potential (PIP) maps rank the CSAs in descending order of risk (where Rank 1 is the highest risk) and are available for the surface water receptor for nitrate and phosphate, and the groundwater receptor for nitrate. Local pressure data has been used to generate the maps in agricultural areas where available. For urban, forestry and the remaining agricultural areas, regional sources of pressure data have been used; these areas are marked 'using regional loadings' on the PIP maps.

No licence known
catchmentcharacterisationcritical loadcritical source areaenvironmentenvironmental policygroundwaterhydrographyieloadingnitratenutrientpathwaysphosphatepollutionpollution impact potentialreceptorsrelative rankriskriverriver watersubcatchmentsurface waterwfd
HTMLPDFWMS 1 year ago
Pacific Northwest Channel Migration Potential (CHAMP)Source

The Channel Migration Potential (CHAMP) layer contains stream networks of Western Washington (and much of Western Oregon) with associated data and information important for assessing channel migration activity. It also features information on channel characteristics such as stream flow and physical dimensions. This data layer’s main feature is a classification of channel migration potential based on channel confinement and erosion potential. The layer was derived from existing statewide geospatial datasets and classified according to channel migration measurements by the High Resolution Change Detection (HRCD) project for the Puget Sound Region (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2014). While the layer identifies the potential for channel migration, it does not predict channel migration rates. Thus, this data layer should be used to screen and prioritize stream reaches for further channel migration evaluation. The tool helps plan and prioritize floodplain management actions such as Channel Migration Zone mapping, erosion risk reduction, and floodplain restoration. The background, use, and development of the CHAMP layer are fully described in Ecology Publication 15-06-003 (full report citation and URL below). That report also describes visual assessment techniques that should be used along with the CHAMP layer to assess channel migration potential. Legg, N.T. and Olson, P.L., 2015, Screening Tools for Identifying Migrating Stream Channels in Western Washington: Geospatial Data Layers and Visual Assessments: Washington State Department of Ecology Publication 15-06-003, 40 p. tool developers would like to thank the following people for their contribution to this work: • Brian D. Collins (University of Washington) • Jerry Franklin (Washington Department of Ecology) • Christina Kellum (Washington Department of Ecology) • Matt Muller (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife) • Hugh Shipman (Washington Department of Ecology) • Terry Swanson (Washington Department of Ecology) This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under Puget Sound Ecosystem Restoration and Protection Cooperative Agreement Grant PC-00J27601 with Washington Department of Ecology. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.Generally, this data layer should be used to screen and prioritize stream reaches for further channel migration evaluation. The data resolution does not allow one to predict channel migration. The classification identifies stream segments for further examination, and those that likely require limited attention or analysis. The potential uncertainty involved in the classification approach is a reason for the visual assessment techniques (described below in Ecology Publication 15-06-003) being described along with the CHAMP data layer.

No licence known
012ECYSEAShorelands and Environmental Assistance ProgramWATWashington State Department of EcologyWestern OregonWestern WashingtonchangechannelconfinementdetectionerosionfloodplaingeologyhydrographyhydrologyinlandWaterslateral movementlithologymigratingmigrationpotentialpredictionstreamstreams
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas River Waterbodies

WFD River Waterbodies intersecting with designated Nutrient Sensitive Areas waterbodies in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010.

No licence known
conservationecological parameterenvironmenthabitats and biotopeshydrographyieinlandwatersnutrientnutrient sensitivitynutrientsprotected areaprotected siteprotected siteswater-bodywatercourse
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas River Waterbodies (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)

This dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD River Waterbodies intersecting with designated Nutrient Sensitive Areas waterbodies in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010.

No licence known
conservationecological parameterenvironmenthabitats and biotopeshydrographyieinlandwatersnutrientnutrient sensitivitynutrientsprotected areaprotected siteprotected siteswaterbodywatercourse
HTML 1 year ago
Shoreline Drift CellsSource

Littoral drift, or shore drift, is the process by which beach sediment is moved along the shoreline. Drift results primarily from the oblique approach of wind-generated waves and can therefore change in response to short-term (daily, weekly, or seasonally) shifts in wind direction. Over the long term, however, many shorelines exhibit a single direction of net shore drift. Net shore-drift is determined through geomorphologic analysis of beach sediment patterns and of coastal landforms. Many shorelines can be divided into discrete littoral, or drift, cells, which are independent of one another and for which distinct sediment sources and sinks can be identified. This coverage denotes the extent of individual littoral cells and the direction of net shore-drift within each.

No licence known
014ECYOCNPacific NorthwestPacific OceanPuget SoundSEAShorelands and Environmental Assistance ProgramStrait of Juan de FucaWashington State Department of Ecologybeachcoastdrifterosiongeologyhydrographylittoralmarineoceanssandsedimentshorelinestatewater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Adopted Marine ShorelineSource

Washington marine (saltwater) shorelines including Puget Sound, Hood Canal, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Pacific coastline. Also includes those portions of Washington's marine shorelines that are designated "Shorelines of State-wide Significance" by the Shoreline Management Act, Chapter 90.58. Nisqually Delta area updated May 2016 to reflect post dike removal.

No licence known
012Chapter 173-18-044 WACECYPacific OceanPuget SoundRCW 90.58SEASMA. Shoreline Master ProgramSMPShorelands and Environmental AssistanceShoreline Management ActShorelines of the StateWATWashington State Department of EcologycoasthydrographyhydrologyinlandWatersmarinesaltwaterstreamssurface waterwater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Adopted StreamsSource

Ecology created SMA_Jurisdiction_Streams (also known as SMA_Arcs_Adopt) by selecting appropriate flowlines from the National Hydrographic Dataset "NHDFlowline.lyr" as maintained by the Department of Ecology in conjunction with the USGS. This dataset can be used with linear referencing and is synchronized with the March 2019 version of NHD.The original official list of streams that meet the 20 cubic feet per second (cfs) mean annual flow criteria found in state rule at WAC 173-18 HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED by lists contained in Ecology-approved shoreline master programs.Each local government master program shall include a list of streams constituting shorelines of the state within the jurisdiction of the master program that complies with the requirements of RCW 90.58.030 (2)(d). When such master program is approved by the department, subsequent to the effective date of this provision, the list within the master program shall be the official list for that jurisdiction and shall supersede the list contained herein. Streams and rivers westof the Cascades crest with a mean annual flow of 1,000 cfs or greater, and eastof the Cascades crest with either a mean annual flow or 200 cfs or more orthe portion downstream from the first 300 square miles of drainage areas are classified as shorelines of statewide significance.

No licence known
012Chapter 173-18-044 WACECYPuget SoundRCW 90.58SEASMASMPShorelands and Environmental AssistanceShoreline Management ActShoreline Master ProgramShorelines of the StateWATWashington State Department of EcologychannelhydrographyhydrologyinlandWatersriverstreamstreamssurface waterwaterwaterbodies
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Adopted WaterbodiesSource

Ecology created SMA_Poly_Adopt (also known as SMA_Jurisdiction_Lakes) by selecting appropriate water bodies from the National Hydrographic Dataset "NHDWaterbody.lyr" as maintained by the Department of Ecology.The Shoreline Management Act (SMA) applies to lake sand reservoirs greater than 20 acres in area. The area used to make this determination is defined by a continuous ordinary high water mark and may include vegetated areas as well as open water areas.Lakes over 1,000 acres in area and all associated shorelands are shorelines of statewide significance. Lakes of statewide significance are listed by county in WAC 173-20.Water bodies found to be smaller than the 20-acre minimum will be removed from SMA_Poly_Adopt. Water bodies greater than 20 acres not captured in SMA_Poly_Adopt will be added to it. These changes occur on an irregular basis. See Chapter 173-18-044 WACThe SMA_Jurisdiction_Lakes dataset was resynchronized to the March 2019 version of the NHD

No licence known
012Chapter 173-18-044 WACECYRCW 90.58SEASMASMPShorelands and Environmental Assistance ProgramShoreline Management ActShoreline Master ProgramShorelines of the StateWATWashington State Department of EcologyhydrographyhydrologyinlandWaterslakestreamssurface waterwaterwaterbodies
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Original WAC Chapter 173-18 PointsSource

Points on streams and rivers where SMA jurisdiction begins as published in Chapter 173-18 WAC. This layer will not be updated. It is slowly becoming outdated as cities and counties update their list of SMA streams in their shoreline master program. See WAC 173-18-044 posted at locations were originally compiled for Ecology in 1972 by the US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Tacoma, WA, and released in STREAMS OF WASHINGTON UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971. Points were determined using multiple-regression techniques based on streamflow and basin precipitation records. Ecology has occasionally updated point locations, and added and subtracted points since 1972.

No licence known
012ECYPuget SoundRCW 90.58SEASMA. Shoreline Master ProgramSMPShorelands and Environmental AssistanceShoreline Management ActShorelines of the StateWAC 173-18WATWashington State Department of EcologychannelhydrographyhydrologyinlandWaterslakesriverstreamstreamssurface waterwaterwaterbodies
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Original WAC Chapter 173-18 StreamsSource

Streams and rivers published in Chapter 173-18-WAC. This layer will not be updated. It is slowly becoming outdated as cities and counties update their list of Shoreline Management Act streams in their shoreline master program. See WAC 173-18-044 posted at upstream points where SMA jurisdiction begins were originally compiled for Ecology in 1972 by the US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Tacoma, WA, and released in STREAMS OF WASHINGTON UNDER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971. Points were determined using multiple-regression techniques based on streamflow and basin precipitation records. Ecology has occasionally updated those points and added and subtracted SMA streams and portions of SMA streams since 1972.

No licence known
012ECYPuget SoundRCW 90.58SEASMA. Shoreline Master ProgramSMPShorelands and Environmental AssistanceShoreline Management ActShorelines of the StateWAC 173-18WATWashington State Department of EcologychannelhydrographyhydrologyinlandWaterslakesriverstreamstreamssurface waterwaterwaterbodies
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Management Act (SMA) Jurisdiction: Original WAC Chapter 173-20 WaterbodiesSource

Water bodies (lakes, wetlands, etc.) published in Chapter 173-20 WAC. These will be replaced by water body lists published in local government shoreline master programs. See Chapter 173-20-044 WAC.

No licence known
012ECYPuget SoundRCW 90.58SEASMA. Shoreline Master ProgramSMPShorelands and Environmental AssistanceShoreline Management ActShorelines of the StateWAC 173-18WATWashington State Department of EcologychannelhydrographyhydrologyinlandWaterslakesriverstreamstreamssurface waterwaterwaterbodies
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Shoreline Public Access: LinesSource

The Shoreline Public Access Project is a geographic information systems (GIS) project to identify the location, length, and degree of public access to Washington State's marine shoreline. Before the project, it was unknown how much of Washington's 3066 miles of shoreline was public. The information was scattered throughout various government agencies and the data quality was variable. Through the Shoreline Public Access Project, the best available information has been summarized into a single data set, used to answer questions about our shoreline's ownership and public accessibility.For more information, contact Christina Kellum, Washington State Department of Ecology GIS Manager,

No licence known
014ECYOCNSEAShorelands and Environmental Assistance ProgramShoreline ManagementWashington State Department of Ecologyaccessbeachbeachescoasthydrographyoceansownershippublicshorelinewater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
South Carolina DNR Download GIS Data

Collection of various datasets in esri shapefile format for download; includes hydrography and geology data.

No licence known
GeologyResourceSouth CarolinaWaterdatadownloadgeologygishydrographymapwater
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Stream Temperature Class - Forest Practices RegulationSource

Click here to downloadClick for metadataService URL: feature class was developed as a cooperative project between the Department of Natural Resources Forest Practices Division, the Department of Ecology, and the Olympic National Forest. The data set was designed as a polygon coverage, delineated on 1:250,000- scale map overlays and digitized in 1991. It was plotted and proofed, but not completed at that time. Beginning in August, 1994 the coverage STRMTEMP was edited, corrected, and proofed. The data set is now a polygon feature class and shows only Class AA, A, and B polygons. It does not address Lake Class completely (some lakes are delineated, some not); see notes below for explanation. Specific conditions of certain stream segments are also not addressed by the feature class. The WAC MUST be referred to whenever this data set is used. The 1991 MPL coverage was used in delineating the extent of AA polygons. Changes through time in Federal land boundaries may affect the classification of waters in those lands. SUMMARY OF TEMPERATURE CLASSIFICATIONS DESIGNATED IN CHAPTER 173-201A WAC WATERQUALITY STANDARDS FOR SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON WAC 173-201A-030 General water use and criteria classes (1) Class AA (extraordinary) Temperature shall not exceed 16.0 degrees C (freshwater) or 13.0 degrees C (marine water) due to human activities. (2) Class A (excellent) Temperature shall not exceed 18.0 degrees C (freshwater) or 16.0 degrees C (marine water) due to human activities. (3) Class B (good) Temperature shall not exceed 21.0 degrees C (freshwater) or 19.0 degrees C (marine water) due to human activities. (4) Class C (fair) Temperature shall not exceed 22.0 degrees C due to human activities. For all of the above classes, when natural conditions exceed the listed temperature, no temperature increases will be allowed which will raise the receiving water temperature by greater than 0.3 degrees C. (5) Lake Class Temperature - no measurable change from natural conditions. *** Notes regarding WAC 173-201A sections 130 and 140 - Specific classifications for fresh and marine waters: All lakes and their feeder streams are classified as Lake Class. In this data set some large lakes and their feeder streams have had polygons created around them. These are shown as Class AA. Many lakes too small to be separately delineated may be contained within Class B, A, or AA polygons. Some stream segments have special conditions applied to their temperature standards. These conditions are listed in the WAC but are not delineated in the polygon coverage. These include the Columbia River, Duwamish River, Grande Ronde River, Hoquiam River, Lake Washington Ship Canal, Mill Creek (near Walla Walla), Palouse River, Pend Oreille River, Puyallup River, Skagit River, Snake River, Spokane River, Walla Walla River, Wishkah River, Yakima River, and Tacoma city waterway in Commencement Bay. These Special temperature designations are for the stream waters in the listed segment only. Temperature standards for all waters feeding that segment are as shown in the polygon coverage. This data set is a polygon coverage, and does not contain information on all surface waters listed in the WAC. All questions pertaining to temperature classification of surface waters in Washington must be clarified by referring to the WAC.

No licence known
DNRForest PracticesWashingtonWashington Department of Natural Resourceshydrographystream temperature
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Targeting Agricultural Measures

Where agricultural measures are needed to restore water quality, the Subbasin are highlighted with one or more coloured flags to indicate the types of water quality issues associated with that Subbasin: Red (potential point source), Orange (nitrate losses) and/or Navy (phosphorus/sediment losses).

No licence known
agriculturecatchmentenvironmentenvironmental monitoring facilitieshydrographyienitrogenphosphorustargeting agricultural measureswater quality
JSONWMS 1 year ago
Tidal Energy Site Characterization East Forelands AlaskaSource

During the summer field season in 2012, Benthic GeoScience Inc. (Benthic) mobilized under contract with Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) in order to conduct precise geospatial measurements of the seafloor accomplishing a preliminary Site Characterization Study for the ORPC East Forelands Tidal Energy Power Project. This study included a high-density bathymetric survey, acoustic reflective intensity imagery, and an assessment of the physical character of the ORPC East Forelands Tidal Energy Power Project environment. The Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) survey included a large area surrounding the East Forelands of Cook Inlet in the vicinity of Nikiski, Alaska. Included in this submission are the report for the East Forelands Site Characterization Study and the accompanying data from the survey as described below. The digital deliverables from this effort include: - Comprehensive Site Characterization Report (Format: PDF, Ver. 1.1, March 2013) - Comprehensive 3D Fledermaus Presentation (Format: SCENE, Ver. 1.1, March 2013) - Bathymetric Surface (Format: ASCVer. 1, March 2013) - Slope Gradient Surface (Format: ASCVer. 1, March 2013) - Comprehensive Acoustic Intensity Image (Format: TIF/TWFVer. 1, March 2013) - Geologic Seafloor Interpretation Surface (Format: ASCVer. 1.0, March 2013) - Comprehensive Google Earth Presentation (Format: KMZVer. 1.1, March 2013)

No licence known
Acoustic SurveyAlaskaBathymetryBenthicBenthic GeoScienceCook InletEast ForelandsMHKMarineMultibeam EchosounderNikiskiORPCOcean Renewable Power CompanyTerraSondacousticcharacterizationenergygeomorphologyhydrographynavigationsitesurveytidaltidal energy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
VT Data - VT Hydrography Dataset - cartographic extract linesSource

(Link to Metadata) VHDCARTO is a simplified version of the local resolution Vermont Hydrography Dataset (VHD) that has been enriched with stream perenniality, e.g., "intermittent" vs. "perennial", as well as, Strahler stream order attribution for the single linear feature class only. The primary means of accessing this information cartographically is via the FCODE and STREAM_ORDER fields, respectively. See the Entity and Attribution Information section for details. NOTE! Perenniality data does not exist for stream reaches contained within, or intersected by, Essex or Caledonia counties, thus the FCODE "46000" in these areas. The absence of Soil SUrvey GeOgraphic (SSURGO) database information in these areas precluded the computation of perenniality. These areas will be processed at some future date. For information on the FCODE symbol for attribution or analysis see the following document (NHDFlowline). A two dimensional feature class for lakes, ponds and larger streams is also included in VHDCARTO. Both layers are derived from the latest National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) data. The NHD is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. For information on the science behind computing perenniality attribution please refer to the following U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigative Report (SIR) # 2006-5217 -

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NHDVHDdatasetWaterHydro_VHDCARTOhydrohydrographyisothemeWaterlakesnewnessUpdatednodeVCGIpondsriversstreamssubbasinsubthemeHydrosurface watersvcgi open datavermont hydrography datasetwatershedwatersheds
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Data - VT Hydrography Dataset - cartographic extract polygonsSource

(Link to Metadata) VHDCARTO is a simplified version of the local resolution Vermont Hydrography Dataset (VHD) that has been enriched with stream perenniality, e.g., "intermittent" vs. "perennial", as well as, Strahler stream order attribution for the single linear feature class only. The primary means of accessing this information cartographically is via the FCODE and STREAM_ORDER fields, respectively. See the Entity and Attribution Information section for details. NOTE! Perenniality data does not exist for stream reaches contained within, or intersected by, Essex or Caledonia counties, thus the FCODE "46000" in these areas. The absence of Soil SUrvey GeOgraphic (SSURGO) database information in these areas precluded the computation of perenniality. These areas will be processed at some future date. For information on the FCODE symbol for attribution or analysis see the following document (NHDFlowline). A two dimensional feature class for lakes, ponds and larger streams is also included in VHDCARTO. Both layers are derived from the latest National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) data. The NHD is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. For information on the science behind computing perenniality attribution please refer to the following U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigative Report (SIR) # 2006-5217 -

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NHDVHDdatasetWaterHydro_VHDCARTOhydrohydrographyisothemeWaterlakesnewnessUpdatednodeVCGIpondsriversstreamssubbasinsubthemeHydrosurface watersvcgi open datavermont hydrography datasetwatershedwatersheds
State of Vermont12 months ago
VT Hydrography Dataset - High Resolution NHDSource

(Link to Metadata) The Vermont Hydrography Dataset (VHD) is compliant with the local resolution (also known as High Resolution) National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's surface water drainage system. Data users are highly encouraged to read this metadata thoroughly in order to avoid using the data beyond its limitations. This dataset is ONLY available for download from USGS's FTP site as a pre-staged ESRI File Geodatabase only (shapefile not available). Refer to VHDCARTO if you're looking for a layer of surface water data for cartographic purposes only. The VHD is based primarily on the Vermont Mapping Program (VMP) digital orthophotos, vmp "break line" features, and to a lesser degree on historical surface water data, NAPP cir multi-spectral aerial photography and CIR satellite imagery (lamoille and white subbasins only). The original VMP orthos had source dates ranging from 1994-2000 and these are being updated yearly. The VHD is organized at the subbasin level, a.k.a., the eight digit cataloging unit (HUC 8). The 17 Subbasins within or intersecting Vermont include: Black-Ottauquechee Rivers (1080106), Connecticut-Bellows Falls to Vernon Dam (1080107), Connecticut-Johns River to Waits River (1080103), Connecticut-Waits River to White River (1080104), Deerfield River (1080203), Hudson-Hoosic Rivers (2020003), Lake Champlain (2010008), Lake George (2010001), Lamoille River (2010005), Middle Connecticut River (1080201), Mississquoi River (2010007), Otter Creek (2010002), Passumpsic River (1080102), St. Francois River (1110000), Upper Connecticut River (1080101), White River (1080105) and Winooski River (2010003).

No licence known
NHDVHDdatasetWaterHydro_VHDhydrographyisothemeWaterlakesnodeVCGIpondsriversstreamssubbasinsubthemeHydrosurface watersvcgi open datavermont hydrography datasetwatershedwatersheds
State of Vermont12 months ago
WFD Canal Waterbody Ecological Potential 2016 - 2021Source

This table contains the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Canal Waterbody Ecological Potential results for 2016-2021. The data used were primarily from 2019 to 2021. The WFD objectives include the attainment of good ecological potential in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present and retaining good ecological potential or better where such status exists.

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canalcanal ecological potentialcanal wfd ecological potentialclean watersenvironmenthydrographyieriver water statusriver waterbody statusriver waterswater framework directivewater monitoringwater qualitywater quality monitoringwfd
WMSPDFHTML 1 year ago
WFD Coastal Waterbody Status 2013 - 2018

This dataset contains all the Coastal Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present and retaining good status or better where such status exists

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aquatic environmentclean waterscoastal areacoastal watercoastal water statuscoastal waterbody statuscoastal waterscwb statusenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyiewaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
WMSHTML 1 year ago
WFD Coastal Waterbody Status 2016 - 2021

This dataset contains all the Coastal Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present and retaining good status or better where such status exists

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aquatic environmentclean waterscoastal areacoastal watercoastal water statuscoastal waterbody statuscoastal waterscwb statusenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyiewaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
WMSHTML 1 year ago
WFD Groundwater Waterbody Status 2016 - 2021

This dataset contains status results based on the assessment of groundwater chemical and quantitative figures in Ireland. This is drawn from representative monitoring points selected specifically for the Water Framework Directive (WFD) groundwater monitoring programme.

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aquatic environmentclean watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityground water statusground waterbody statusground watersgroundwatergroundwater protectiongroundwater qualitygwb statushydrographyiewaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
WMSHTML 1 year ago
WFD Lake Catchments 2022 - NestedSource

The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new WFD lake catchment layer was created in 2022. New lake catchments were delineated for every WFD lake from the outflow up to very farthest source, i.e. the whole catchment. If multiple lakes exist along the same river system, their catchments overlap.

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administrationcatchmentcatchment areacatchmentsenvironmenthydrographyielakelake catchmentlake catchmentsnestedsurface waterwaterwater framework directivewater qualitywater quality monitoringwfdwfd catchmentwfd lake catchment
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
WFD Lake Catchments 2022 Un-nested 1Source

The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new lake catchment layer of unnested WFD lake catchments was delineated in 2022. For every WFD lake water body, an un-nested lake catchment was delineated from the outflow up to the next upstream WFD lake (as taken from lake waterbodies layer).

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administrationcatchmentcatchment areacatchmentsenvironmenthydrographyielakelake catchmentlake catchmentssurface waterunnestedwaterwater framework directivewater qualitywater quality monitoringwfdwfd catchmentwfd lake catchment
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
WFD Lake Waterbody Status 2016 - 2021

This dataset contains the status results for lake waterbodies (LWB) and status assigned to unmonitored WFD LWBs as part of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) with the objectives to achieve or maintain at least good ecological status and good chemical status

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clean watersenvironmenthydrographyielakelake water statuslake waterbody statuslake waterslakeslwb statuswaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
WMSHTML 1 year ago
WFD River Waterbody Status 2016 - 2021

This table contains all the River Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI no. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present and retaining good status or better where such status exists

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aquatic environmentclean watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyieinlandwatersriver water statusriver waterbody statusriver watersrwb statuswaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
WMSHTML 1 year ago
WFD Transitional Waterbody Status 2013 - 2018Source

This dataset contains all the Transitional Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI no. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present and retaining good status or better where such status exists

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aquatic environmentclean watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyietransitional water statustransitional waterstwbwaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
HTMLWMS 1 year ago
WFD Transitional Waterbody Status 2016 - 2021

This dataset contains all the Transitional Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI no. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at present and retaining good status or better where such status exists

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aquatic environmentclean watersenvironmentenvironmental qualityhydrographyietransitional water statustransitional waterstwbwaterwater managementwater qualitywater quality monitoringwater status
WMSHTML 1 year ago
Washington State NHD & WBDSource

This web map contains datasets representing the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) of Washington State, labels for NHD features, and the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) basins for Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) levels 4, 8, and 12. The NHD dataset has been adopted as the Washington State hydrography standard. The NHD is a national framework for assigning reach addresses to water-related entities, such as industrial discharges, drinking water supplies, fish habitat areas, wild and scenic rivers. Reach addresses establish the locations of these entities relative to one another within the NHD surface water drainage network, much like addresses on streets. Once linked to the NHD by their reach addresses, the upstream/downstream relationships of these water-related entities--and any associated information about them--can be analyzed using software tools ranging from spreadsheets to geographic information systems (GIS). GIS can also be used to combine NHD-based network analysis with other data layers, such as soils, land use and population, to help understand and display their respective effects upon one another. Furthermore, because the NHD provides a nationally consistent framework for addressing and analysis, water-related information linked to reach addresses by one organization (national, state, local) can be shared with other organizations and easily integrated into many different types of applications to the benefit of all.This high-resolution NHD, generally developed at 1:24,000/1:4,800 scale. Local resolution NHD is being developed where partners and data exist. The NHD contains reach codes for networked features, flow direction, names, and centerline representations for areal water bodies. The NHD also incorporates the National Spatial Data Infrastructure framework criteria established by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.This map contains a BETA version of WaterType attached to the Skagit River Basin NHDflowlines. This Beta version of the Watertype is the result of a pilot project and will be refined over the next six months. The field is for users of NHD who want access to Water Type and who are not under Forest Practices rules. The WaterType uses Shorelines Master Program type S streams and Fish Presence Data from both WA Dept Natural Resources and WA Dept Fish and Wildlife.

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The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Watershed Administrative Units - Forest Practices RegulationSource

As established by WAC 222-22-020, the state is divided into areas known as watershed administrative units (WAUs). WAU boundaries are defined by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in cooperation with the departments of Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, affected Indian tribes, local governments, forest land owners, and the public. This dataset is intended for use at 1:24,000 scale. WAU's are used by the Timber/Fish/Wildlife cooperators as the boundaries for watershed analysis studies and other natural resources management purposes on state and privately owned lands. WAU represents the administrative boundaries of 846 units. The boundaries are mainly along drainage divides (ridges), with some along rivers and other Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) management boundaries. In the forested areas of the state WAUs range in size from 3,822 to 297,614 acres with a mean of 40,187 acres and a standard deviation of 26,697 acres. On the Columbia Plateau WAU areas range in size from 35,098 to 1,765,555 acres. This version of the WAU boundaries is current as of April 2006. Administrative boundaries based on hydrology form a general hierarchy. Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs) are the largest unit, BASINs are subunits of WRIAs, and WAUs are subunits of BASINs. However, boundaries in this hierarchy do not necessarliy match in all areas. Where watershed analysis was been conducted, WAU boundaries may cross WRIA lines. Do not use WAU to derive WRIA boundaries. WRIA is managed and maintained by the Washington Department of Ecology.

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DNRForest PracticesWAUWashington Department of Natural Resourceshydrographywatershedwatershed administrative unitwatershed analysis
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Wetlands - Forests Practices RegulationSource

Click to downloadClick for metadataService URL: large areas, like Washington State, download as a file geodatabase.  Large data sets like this one, for the State of Washington, may exceed the limits for downloading as shape files, excel files, or KML files.  For areas less than a county, you may use the map to zoom to your area and download as shape file, excel or KML, if that format is desired.The DNR Forest Practices Wetlands Geographic Information System (GIS) Layer is based on the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). In cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology, DNR Forest Practices developed a systematic reclassification of the original USFWS wetlands codes into WAC 222-16-035 types. The reclassification was done in 1995 according to the Forest Practice Rules in place at the time. The WAC's for defining wetlands are 222-16-035 and 222-16-050.The DNR Forest Practices Wetlands Geographic Information System (GIS) Layer is based on the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI). In cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology, DNR Forest Practices developed a systematic reclassification of the original USFWS wetlands codes into WAC 222-16-035 types. The reclassification was done in 1995 according to the Forest Practice Rules in place at the time. The WAC's for defining wetlands are 222-16-035 and 222-16-050.It is intended that these data be only a first step in determining whether or not wetland issues have been or need to be addressed in an area. The DNR Forest Practices Division and the Department of Ecology strongly supports the additional use of hydric soils (from the GIS soils layer) to add weight to the call of  'wetland'. Reports from the Department of Ecology indicate that these data may substantially underestimate the extent of forested wetlands.  Various studies show the NWI data is 25-80% accurate in forested areas.  Most of these data were collected from stereopaired aerial photos at a scale of 1:58,000.  The stated accuracy is that of a 1:24,000 map, or plus or minus 40 feet. In addition, some parts of the state have data that are 30 years old and only a small percentage have been field checked. Thus, for regulatory purposes, the user should not rely solely on these data. On-the-ground checking must accompany any regulatory call based on these data.The reclassification is based on the USFWS FWS_CODE. The FWS_CODE is a concatenation of three subcomponents: Wetland system, class, and water regime. Forest Practices further divided the components into system, subsystem, class, subclass, water regime, special modifiers, xclass, subxclass, and xsystem. The last three items (xsomething) are for wetland areas which do not easily lend themselves to one class alone. The resulting classification system uses two fields: WLND_CLASS and WLND_TYPE. WLND_CLASS indicates whether the polygon is a forested wetland (F), open water (O), or a vegetated wetland (W).  WLND_TYPE, indicates whether the wetland is a type A (1), type B (2), or a generic wetland (3) that doesn't fit the categories for A or B type wetlands. WLND_TYPE = 0 (zero) is used where WLND_CLASS = O (letter "O"). The wetland polygon is classified as F, forested wetland; O, open water; or W, vegetated wetland depending on the following FWS_CODE categories:  F O W ---------------------------------------------------  Forested Open Vegetated Wetland Water Wetland --------------------------------------------PFO* POW PUB5 E2FO PRB* PML2 PUB1-4 PEM* PAB* L2US5 PUS1-4 L2EM2 PFL* PSS* L1RB* PML1 L1UB* L1AB* L1OW L2RB* L2UB* L2AB* L2RS* L2US1-4 L2OW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * indicates inclusion of the subcategory (ie. PEM* includes PEM1F, PEM1FB, etc.). DNR FOREST PRACTICES WETLANDS DATASET ON FPARS Internet Mapping Website: The FPARS Resource Map and Water Type Map display Forested, Type A, Type B, and "other" wetlands. Open water polygons are not displayed on the FPARS Resource Map and Water Type Map in an attempt to minimize clutter. The following code combinations are found in the DNR Forest Practices wetlands dataset: WLND_CLASS WLND_TYPE wetland polygon classification F 3 Forested wetland as defined in WAC 222-16-035 O 0 *NWI open water (not displayed on FPARS Resource or Water Type Maps) W 1 Type A Wetland as defined in WAC 222-16-035 W 2 Type B Wetland as defined in WAC 222-16-035 W 3 other wetland * NWI open water polygons are indicated by WLND_CLASS = O and WLND_TYPE = 0. Open water is used in the USFWS and WAC 222-16-035 classification system. These open water polygons are not included in the FPARS Resource Map and Water Type Map views of this dataset in an attempt to minimize clutter on the FPARS maps.

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DNRForest PracticesWashington Department of Natural ResourcesWetlandshydrography
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago