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Annual Summary Electricity Statistics for the U. S. From 2003 - Latest Year AvailableSource

Annual data back to 2003 at the national level for electricity generation; capacity; consumption and cost of fossil fuels; sales, price and revenue; emissions; demand-side management; and operating revenues, expenses, and income. Based on Form EIA-860 and Form EIA-861 data.

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capacityconsumption and cost of fossil fuelsdemand-side managementelectricity generationemissionsexpensesincomeoperating revenuesprice and revenuesales
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Balance of Payments

Explore the balance of payments dataset , including information on current account balance, financial account, primary income, secondary income, goods and services, capital account, portfolio investment, direct investment, and more. Available quarterly and annually. I. Current Account Balance : C. Secondary income, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income : a. Compensation of Employees, III. Financial Account : B. Portfolio Investment : Net acquisition of financial assets, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income : b. Investment Income, III. Financial Account, Quarterly, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income : Debit, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income : Credit, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income : a. Compensation of Employees : Debit, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services : a. Goods, III. Financial Account : C. Other investment : Net acquisition of financial assets, III. Financial Account : A. Direct Investment : Net incurrence of liabilities, I. Current Account Balance : C. Secondary income : a. General Government, I. Current Account Balance : B. Primary income : a. Compensation of Employees : Credit, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services : b. Services, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services : b. Services : Debit, Annually, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services : a. Goods : Credit, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services : a. Goods : Debit, III. Financial Account : A. Direct Investment, III. Financial Account : B. Portfolio Investment, III. Financial Account : A. Direct Investment : Net acquisition of financial assets, Net errors and omissions, I. Current Account Balance, II. Capital Account : A. Capital Transfer : Debit, II. Capital Account : A. Capital Transfer, III. Financial Account : C. Other investment, -, I. Current Account Balance : C. Secondary income : a. General Government : Debit, III. Financial Account : D. Reserve Asset, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services : b. Services : Credit, I. Current Account Balance : C. Secondary income : b. Financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, households, and NPISHs, I. Current Account Balance : A. Goods and Services, III. Financial Account : B. Portfolio Investment : Net incurrence of liabilities, II. Capital Account, III. Financial Account : C. Other investment : Net incurrence of liabilities, money, accounts, Capital, Financial, investment, income, goods, service, SAMA Quarterly Saudi Arabia Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research..Important notes:2016 -2022 Q2: Preliminary.2022 Q3: Estimated.2017 data will be updated after the completion of the 2017 foreign direct investment (FDI) survey.

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CapitalFinancialSAMA Quarterlyaccountsgoodsincomeinvestmentmoneyservice
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) Information

We adjust SNAP maximum allotments, deductions, and income eligibility standards at the beginning of each Federal fiscal year. The changes are based on changes in the cost of living. COLAs take effect on October 1 each year. Maximum allotments are calculated from the cost of a market basket based on the Thrifty Food Plan for a family of four, priced in June that year. The maximum allotments for households larger and smaller than four persons are determined using formulas that account for economies of scale. Smaller households get slightly more per person than the four-person household. Larger households get slightly less. Income eligibility standards are set by law. Gross monthly income limits are set at 130 percent of the poverty level for the household size. Net monthly income limits are set at 100 percent of poverty.

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Aircraft CostSNAPdeductionincome
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Expenditures on Children by Families, 2015

Since 1960, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided estimates of expenditures on children from birth through age 17. This technical report presents the most recent estimates for married- couple and single-parent families using data from the 2011-15 Consumer Expenditure Survey (all data presented in 2015 dollars). Data and methods used in calculating annual child-rearing expenses are described. Estimates are provided for married-couple and single-parent families with two children for major components of the budget by age of child, family income, and region of residence. For the overall United States, annual child-rearing expense estimates ranged between $12,350 and $13,900 for a child in a two-child, married-couple family in the middle-income group. Adjustment factors for households with less than or greater than two children are also provided. Expenses vary considerably by household income level, region, and composition, emphasizing that a single estimate may not be applicable to all families. Results of this study may be of use in developing State child support and foster care guidelines, as well as public health and family-centered educational programs. i

No licence known
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
International Food Consumption Patterns

Total and marginal budget shares and income and price elasticities are estimated, using 2005 ICP data, for nine broad consumption groups and eight food subgroups across 144 countries.

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agricultural economicsconsumptionfoodincomeprice elasticities
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Public Finance and Employment: Kinds of Revenue

Explore public finance and employment data related to central tax income, revenue, and grants in various European countries on this dataset webpage. central, tax, income, Revenue, Grant Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.

No licence known
King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago
State Fact Sheets

State fact sheets provide information on population, income, education, employment, federal funds, organic agriculture, farm characteristics, farm financial indicators, top commodities, and exports, for each State in the United States. Links to county-level data are included when available.

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Census of AgricultureU S State FactUS Department of Agricultureacresagricultural exportsagricultural salesagricultural sector outputanimal outputaverage age of farmerscapital consumptioncertified organic farmschangeconservation and wetland reserve programcroplanddebtearnings per jobemploymentemployment changefact sheetfactsfamily farmsfamily held corporationsfarm assetsfarm income and balance sheetfarm organizationfarm receiptsfarm related jobsfarm sizefarmlandfarms by salesfinal crop outputfinancial indicatorsincomeland areametrononmetronumber of farmsorganicpasturelandper-capita incomepopulationpoverty raterank among statesruralsole proprietorshipstatestate factstenure of farmer agricultural commoditiestop countiestotaltotal number of jobstradeunemploymentunemployment rateurbanwoodland
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
US Census Bureau Data Tools and Apps

Find information using interactive applications to get statistics from multiple surveys.

License not specified
US Census Bureauabout 1 year ago
Underserved Areas FileSource

The Underserved Areas File establishes underserved area designations for census tracts in Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), nonmetropolitan parts of states and Federal and State American Indian Reservations and tribal and individual trust lands. The following are the definitions of underserved geographical areas based on HUDs housing goals regulations at 24 CFR Section 81.2. a. Central Cities and Other Parts of Metropolitan Areas (i) A census tract with median income at or below 120 percent of the median income of the metropolitan area (MSA) and a minority population of 30 percent or greater; or (ii) A census tract with median income at or below 90 percent of median income of the MSA. b. Nonmetropolitan Areas (i) A census tract with median income at or below 120 percent of the greater of the State nonmetropolitan median income or the nationwide nonmetropolitan median income and a minority population of 30 percent or greater; or (ii) A census tract with median income at or below 95 percent of the greater of the State nonmetropolitan median income or the nationwide nonmetropolitan median income. c. Tribal Lands in Metropolitan Areas (i) A Federal or State American Indian reservation or tribal or individual trust land with a median income at or below 120 percent of the median income of the MSA and a minority population of 30 percent or greater; or (ii) A Federal or State American Indian reservation or tribal or individual trust land with a median income at or below 90 percent of median income of the MSA. d. Tribal Lands in Nonmetropolitan Areas (i) A Federal or State American Indian reservation or tribal or individual trust land with a median income at or below 120 percent of the greater of the state nonmetropolitan median income or the nationwide nonmetropolitan median income and a minority population of 30 percent or greater; or (ii) A Federal or State American Indian reservation or tribal or individual trust land with a median income at or below 95 percent of the greater of the state nonmetropolitan median income or the nationwide nonmetropolitan median income. e. Tribal Lands that Cross Metropolitan / Nonmetropolitan Area and/or State Boundaries For certain Federal or State American Indian reservations or tribal or individual trust lands, the tribal area crosses an MSA or state boundary. In these cases, the median incomes of the MSA or MSAs, the nonmetropolitan area of the state or states, or the nationwide nonmetropolitan area that applies to the tract containing the tribal area determines whether the part of the Federal or State American Indian reservation or tribal or individual trust land is underserved. METHODOLOGY: Whether a tract has 30 percent or more minority population is determined by rounding 30 percent of the tracts population to the nearest person, and comparing this to the count of minority persons in the area. The applicable percentage of area median income and whether the tracts median income is below it is determined by rounding the applicable percentage of area median income to the nearest dollar and comparing this to tract median family income. Data is current as of 04/08/2013 Internet Archive URL:*/

Other (Public Domain)
County FIPSIndianMSAState FIPScensus tractincomemedian incomemetropolitanminoritiesminorityminority populationreservationruraltribalunderserved areas
United States Department of Housing and Urban Developmentover 1 year ago