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Chemistry of the thermal water samples of the Camas Prairie area in Idaho, USASource

This dataset includes chemistry of geothermal water samples of the Camas Prairie area in Idaho. The samples included in this dataset were collected over the period of 2016-2019. Collection/analysis of new water samples and compilation of existing water chemistry database were conducted for Snake River Play Fairway Project. All chemical analysis of the samples were conducted in the Analytical Laboratory at the Center of Advanced Energy Studies (unless otherwise indicated) in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Isotope analysis were conducted in analytical/isotope measurement labs at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Utah State University, and University of Utah.

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Camas PrairieIdahoPFAPlay FairwaySRPSnake River Plainblindcharacterizationchemistrygeochemistrygroundwatergroundwater chemistryhydrologyisotopeisotope analysisrare earth elementsresourcethermal waterswaterwater samples
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Exploration Best Practices on OpenEISource

This is an electronic database detailing different types of, various phases of, best practices for, and cost and time associated with geothermal exploration techniques. The groups of exploration techniques included in the database are Data and Modeling Techniques, Downhole Techniques, Drilling Techniques, Field Technologies, Geochemical Techniques, Geophysical Techniques, Lab Analysis Techniques, and Remote Sensing Techniques.

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2-M probeDC resistivityFLIRInSARLiDARMT surveyOpenEISARSWIRbest practicesconceptual modelsdatabase linkdrillingelectromagnetic surveyexplorationexploration costsgeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalgravityhyperspectralisotopeloggingmagneticsmultispectralreflectionrefractonremote sensingresistivity surveyseismicwell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Exploring for Geothermal Resources in a Dormant Volcanic System: The Haleakala Southwest Rift Zone, Maui, Hawai'iSource

Suites of new geophysical and geochemical surveys provide evidence for geothermal resource at the Haleakala Southwest Rift Zone (HSWRZ) on Maui Island, Hawai'i. This poster outlines the Site's background, the geophysical surveys conducted on the Site (LiDAR, gravity and magnetics), the geochemiclal surveys conducted on the Site (CO2 flux), and summarizes the recent findings and conclusions.

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aeromagneticblind geothermal systemsbudgetco2 fluxexplorationgeochemicalgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhaleakalahawaiihyperspectralisotopemauipunarift zonesoil temperaturetimelineulupalakuavolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geochemical Changes in Response to CO2 Injection in a CO2-EOR Complex in Northern Michigan

The overall purpose of the geochemical monitoring program under Midwestern Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) is to use stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry in concert with analysis of general geochemical parameters of fluids and gases and analysis of core samples to determine geochemical processes occurring in the reef structure because of CO2 injection..

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BagleyBrineCharlton 19Dover 33El Mac Hills 1-19DEl Mac Hills 2-18Janik-Mackowiac 1-11Janik-Stevens 3-11Lawnichak 1-33Lawnichak 2-33Lawnichak 5-33Lawnichak 9-33SEMXCTXRDXRFcompositiondissolved organic carbongasisotopeisotope ratio
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago

Gas and brine sample analyses for Dover 33, Bagley, and Charlton 19 reefs in Northern Michigan.

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BagleyBrineCharlton 19Dover 33El Mac Hills 1-19DEl Mac Hills 2-18Janik-Mackowiac 1-11Janik-Stevens 3-11Lawnichak 1-33Lawnichak 2-33Lawnichak 5-33Lawnichak 9-33compositiondissolved organic carbongasisotopeisotope ratio
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Groundwater Quality and Simulation of Sources of Water to Wells in the Marsh Creek Valley at the U.S. Geological Survey Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory, Tioga County, Pennsylvania

A report on the composition of groundwater in an area inside sites where Marcellus Shale is being drilled. The studies performed aimed to determine whether and how much contamination was occurring from the drilling. Includes isotope and radiation data. From the site: "This report provides a November 2010 snapshot of groundwater quality and an analysis of the sources of water to wells at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory (NARL) near Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. The laboratory, which conducts fisheries research, currently (2011) withdraws 1,000 gallons per minute of high-quality groundwater from three wells completed in the glacial sand and gravel aquifer beneath the Marsh Creek valley; a fourth well that taps the same aquifer provides the potable supply for the facility. The study was conducted to document the source areas and quality of the water supply for this Department of Interior facility, which is surrounded by the ongoing development of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale."

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Northern AppalachianPennsylvaniaResourceTioga CountyWatercontaminationdatadrillgroundwaterisotopemarcellus shalepaperradiationstudywater quality
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Isotopic evidence of enhanced carbonate dissolution at a coal mine drainage site in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA

Link to an Applied Geochemistry paper from Science Direct through SciTech Connect. The paper discusses the chemical processes at work in Allegheny County, PA, and uses stable isotopes to track dissolved inorganic carbon in a coal mine drainage site. The studies investigated how much draining and leaching into groundwaters was occurring. The paper includes measurements of various factors including trace metal amounts, isotopic concentrations, pH, alkalinity, and strontium concentrations.

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Allegheny CountyCoalDICFluidsGeochemistryPennsylvaniaResourcecarbonatechemistrycoaldatadissolved inorganic compounddrainagegroundwaterisotopepaperstudy
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Ormat Maui Project 2011 Peer Review Presentation: Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic EnvironmentsSource

Geothermal Technologies Program Peer Review Presentation on Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments. Includes plans and statuses for multi-phase geophysical and geochemical surveys in overt and subtle volcanic systems in Hawaii and Maui.

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aeromagneticblind geothermal systemsbudgetco2 fluxexplorationgeochemicalgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhaleakalahawaiihyperspectralisotopemauipunarift zonesoil temperaturetimelineulupalakuavolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Peer Review Presentation: Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic EnvironmentsSource

Geothermal Technologies Program Peer Review Presentation on Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments. Includes plans and statuses for multi-phase geophysical and geochemical surveys in overt and subtle volcanic systems in Hawaii and Maui.

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aeromagneticblind geothermal systemsbudgetco2 fluxexplorationgeochemicalgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhaleakalahawaiihyperspectralisotopemauipunarift zonesoil temperaturetimelineulupalakuavolcanic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Persistent Effects of the Gold King Mine Spill on Biota: Animas and San Juan Rivers, Northern New Mexico - Open-file Report 601

Three years following the Gold King Mine (GKM) spill that released approximately 11 million liters of metal-laden mine drainage into the Animas River, the scientific community is still evaluating the effects of this acute environmental impact in the context of a chronically mineaffected region. People living within the region affected by the spill had two principal concerns in its aftermath: is the water safe and what are the spill effects on the plants and fish consumed by humans? These are related issues, and perhaps not easy to answer. The work reported here aims to answer the second question regarding spill effects on biota, while appreciating that doing so requires a sophisticated understanding of chemical element cycling and the interactions among the physical and biological components of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems within the influence of the Animas and San Juan Rivers.

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bioaccumulationcarbon isotopecontaminantscontaminationdecompositionecologyecosystemecosystem healthenvironmentfishinvertebratesisotopeminingmining spillripariansedimentsoilsurface water contaminationsurface water qualityvegetationwater quality
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago
Snake River Plain FORGE: Site Characterization DataSource

The site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. This collection includes data on seismic events, groundwater, geomechanical models, gravity surveys, magnetics, resistivity, magnetotellurics (MT), rock physics, stress, the geologic setting, and supporting documentation, including several papers. Also included are 3D models (Petrel and Jewelsuite) of the proposed site. Data for wells INEL-1, WO-2, and USGS-142 have been included as links to separate data collections. These data have been assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Other contributors include the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CEAS), the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Boise State University, University of Wyoming, University of Oklahoma, Energy and Geoscience Institute-University of Utah, US Geothermal, Baker Hughes Campbell Scientific Inc., Chena Power, US Geological Survey (USGS), Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Geological Survey, and Mink GeoHydro.

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3D3D modelAnnual reportEGSERSPESRPEasternEastern Snake River PlainFORGEGRRAGeothermal SystemsHeHeiseINEL siteINEL-1INLIdahoJewelSuiteMTMonitoringNRMNeogenePaleozoicPetrelPhase 1PicaboResistivitySRGCSeismicSnake River PlainTDUSGSUSGS-142UndiscoveredWO-2Yellowstoneaddendumanalyticalanomaliesaquiferbasinblogcalderacharacterizationcollectionconceptual modelcoordinatesdatadeformationdistributionelectricalelevationeventsextensionextensional structuresfieldfold hingesgeochemicalgeoelectricgeologicgeologic modelgeomechanicalgeomechanical modelgeothermalgravitygroundwaterheat flowheliumhistoryinformationintrusioninversionisostaticisotopeisotopic evidencelocationlong-periodmagmatismmagneticmagneticsmagnetotelluricsmantle plumemapmodelmodelingoceanic hotspotpaleoseismologypaperpotentialprofilingray tracereceiverrefractionrefraction surveyresidualrhyoliticrock physicssectionseismic modelingsettingsitesite characterizationsite datasnapshotsoundingsrgsrpstressstrian ratessublithosphericsubsidencesupplementaltarget depthtectonic faultsteleseismictemptemperaturethermalthermal watervolcanicvolcanicsvolcanismvoncanicwebsitewell datawell headswellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios for selected sites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN)

From the site: "Increasingly, hydrologic studies require information on the isotopic composition of natural waters. This report presents stable hydrogen (δ2H) and oxygen isotope ratios (δ180) of precipitation samples from seven selected sites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN) collected during the years 1992-1994."

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AIRMoNDelawareFluidsGeochemistryNOAANew YorkNorthern AppalachianPennsylvaniaResourceWaterdatagroundwaterillinoisisotopeohiopaperratioresearchstudytennessee
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: North Milford Groundwater GeochemistrySource

This dataset contains groundwater geochemistry from several wells in North Milford Valley, Utah, in the region of the Utah FORGE project (Phase 2c). Readme file that discusses the data contained in the Excel spreadsheet. Data include GPS coordinates (UTM, Lat-Long), sampling temperature, pH, Li, Na, K, Ca, Mg, SiO2, B, Cl, F, SO4, HCO3, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopes. Analyses were performed at the Utah State Laboratory and the University of Minnesota. The zipped archive includes Excel and csv format spreadsheets, a shapefile map with well locations, and a readme text file with additional information. The zip is updated data from October 2021.

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EGSFORGEGWMilfordRoosevelt Hot SpringsUtahUtah FORGEcharacterizationenergygeochemistrygeospatial datageothermalgroundwatergroundwater geochemistryion balanceisotopenorth Milford Valleyresourcesamplingtemperaturewater chemistry
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago