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Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Logging TechnologiesSource

The objective of advanced drilling and logging technologies is to promote ways and means to reduce the cost of geothermal drilling through an integrated effort which involves developing an understanding of geothermal drilling and logging needs, elucidating best practices, and fostering an environment and mechanisms to share methods and means to advance the state of the art. Drilling is an essential and expensive part of geothermal exploration, development, and utilization. Drilling, logging, and completing geothermal wells are expensive because of high temperatures and hard, fractured formations. The consequences of reducing cost are often impressive, because drilling and well completion can account for more than half of the capital cost for a geothermal power project. The objectives of Advanced Geothermal Drilling and Logging Technologies are: 1. Quantitatively understand geothermal drilling costs from around the world and identify ways to reduce those costs, while maintaining or enhancing productivity. 2. Identify and develop new and improved technologies for significantly reducing the cost of geothermal well construction to lower the cost of electricity and/or heat produced with geothermal resources. 3. Inform the international geothermal community about these drilling technologies. 4. Provide a vehicle for international cooperation, field tests, etc. toward the development and demonstration of improved geothermal drilling and logging technologies.

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2012Annex VIIAnnual ReportDrillingIEAgeothermalgialoggingtechniques
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System - Control and SCADA SystemSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes a technical report on control system development, supporting simulations and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system requirements. Also included is the final design of the control and SCADA system, with supporting simulations and risk mitigation control strategies to address major system technical risks.

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CECCMSHydrokineticMHKMarineSCADATGUTidGenbackupcommunicationcondition monitoringcondition monitoring systemcontrol theorycross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentdatadesignenergyfault limitsfinal designhardwarelab testlogginglogicmooring systemoceanpowerprinciplesreportsensor listshore-sidesimulationsimulationssubsystem developmentsubsystem testingsupervisory control and data acquisitiontechnologytheorytidaltidal currentturbine generator unitwarning
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 2: Core LogsSource

Core logs and photos from the EGS Collab project Experiment 2 for the Top Vertical well (TV4100) and the Top Horizontal well (TV 4100) on the 4100 Level of SURF (the Sanford Underground Research Facility). The core logs are stored in a single PDF file with 5-ft run intervals. In the monitoring well IDs, "O" indicates that the well is orthogonal to the anticipated fracture plane, "T" refers to top, and "H" refers to horizontal. A core log CT scan for TV4100 and a layout image of the 4100 wells are included as well. Logs include: experiment number; borehole ID; depth interval; run number; final packed core box number; scribe line (yes/no; red-on-right convention); logging dates; logger initials; as well as sketches of core foliation, folding, and fracturing with additional details and notes on other features of interest. Shift reports include: date, location, personnel, summary of site activity, and field notes.

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EGSEGS CollabSURFSanford Underground Research Facilitycorecore logenergyexperimentfoldingfoliationfracturinggeothermalhydraulicloggingstimulationwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Exploration Best Practices on OpenEISource

This is an electronic database detailing different types of, various phases of, best practices for, and cost and time associated with geothermal exploration techniques. The groups of exploration techniques included in the database are Data and Modeling Techniques, Downhole Techniques, Drilling Techniques, Field Technologies, Geochemical Techniques, Geophysical Techniques, Lab Analysis Techniques, and Remote Sensing Techniques.

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2-M probeDC resistivityFLIRInSARLiDARMT surveyOpenEISARSWIRbest practicesconceptual modelsdatabase linkdrillingelectromagnetic surveyexplorationexploration costsgeochemistrygeophysicsgeothermalgravityhyperspectralisotopeloggingmagneticsmultispectralreflectionrefractonremote sensingresistivity surveyseismicwell logging
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Harsh Environment Sensors for Geothermal ApplicationsSource

Technical papers detailing the development of harsh environment sensors for geothermal applications. Principle Investigator is Prof. Albert P. Pisano (University of California, Berkeley). Submission includes a paper about geothermal environmental exposure testing on encapsulant and device materials in addition to a paper pertaining to MEMS Sensors for downhole monitoring of geothermal systems.

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aluminum nitridechemical analysisdown-holedownholeencapsulationenvironmental exposureexposuregeothermalharsh environmentloggingmass changememsmicroelectromechanicalmonitoringpressuresapphiresensorsilicon carbidesputter xpstemperature
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hotspot Project: The Snake River Geothermal Drilling Project Initial ReportSource

The Snake River volcanic province (SRP) overlies a thermal anomaly that extends deep into the mantle; it represents one of the highest heat flow provinces in North America. The primary goal of this project is to evaluate geothermal potential in three distinct settings: (1) Kimama site: inferred high sub-aquifer geothermal gradient associated with the intrusion of mafic magmas, (2) Kimberly site: a valley-margin setting where surface heat flow may be driven by the up-flow of hot fluids along buried caldera ring-fault complexes, and (3) Mountain Home site: a more traditional fault-bounded basin with thick sedimentary cover. In-depth studies continue at all three sites, complemented by high-resolution gravity, magnetic, and seismic surveys, and by downhole geophysical logging.

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aquiferbasaltdownholedrillingexplorationgeophysicalgeothermalgravityhotspothotspot projectidahokimamakimberleylithologic loglithologyloggingmagneticplainrhyoliteseismicsnake riverstratigraphic columnvolcanic province
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Mud Pulse Logging While Drilling Telemetry System-Design, Development, and Demonstrations

Mud Pulse Logging While Drilling Telemetry System-Design, Development, and Demonstrations, Topical Report; July 1978

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Snake River Plain FORGE: Well Data for INEL-1Source

Well data for the INEL-1 well located in eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho. This data collection includes caliper logs, lithology reports, borehole logs, temperature at depth data, neutron density and gamma data, full color logs, fracture analysis, photos, and rock strength parameters for the INEL-1 well. This collection of data has been assembled as part of the site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. They were assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

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4 arm4-armDOEEGSFORGEINEELINEL-1IdahoLASNGRSRGCSRPSnake River Plainaddendumanalysisaquiferboreholebulk modulusbutte countycaliperchartcompensatedcompensated neutroncompensated soniccomplianceconfining pressurecore holecore sampledatadensitydensity logdepthdesnityfield reportformation densityfour armfracturefracture identificationfrequencyfull colorgammagamma frequencygamma radiationgamma raygeologygeothermalgroundwater monitoringhole diameteridaho fallsinductionlithologiclithologyloglogginglogsmechanical caliper lognatural gamma radiationneutronp-wave velocityparameteresperforatingperforating depth controlphotoplotpoissonpoissons ratiorawraw datarayrocks-wave velocityseismic velocityshear modulussonicspherically focused inductionsrgstrengthtemptemperate at depthtemperaturetesting reportuncompensatedwell completionwell datawell logwell padwell schematicwell surveywildcatyoungs modulus
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 16A(78)-32 LogsSource

This dataset contains all well logs from Utah FORGE well 16A(78)-32. This includes the mud log, Sanvean Technologies logs, and Schlumberger logs. Please see the file descriptions below for information about each log.

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16A78-32EGSFMIFORGEROPSanveanSanvean logsSchlumbergerSchlumberger logsUtah FORGEUtah geothermalcharacterizationcoredrilldrill ratedrill stem testenergyformation microimagerfullboregeologygeothermallithologyloggingmineralsmud lograte of penetrationtemperaturewell 16A78-32 Sanvean logswell 16A78-32 Schlumberger logswell 16A78-32 drilling logswell 16A78-32 mud logwell datawell logwellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Well 56-32 Drilling Data and LogsSource

This dataset consists of drilling data (Pason data spreadsheets, daily reports, days v. depth, mud logs), Schlumberger logs (FMI, shear anisotropy analysis, memory, sonic, array induction/spectral density/dual spaced neutron/gamma ray/caliper, spectral GR/temperature, and Gardner density correlation), and an end of well report (EOWR) for Utah FORGE well 56-32. This is a vertical well that will be used for seismic monitoring. It was drilled between February 7th and February 21st 2021 to a depth of 9,145 feet. More information about this well can be found at: (linked below)

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EGSEOWRFMIFORGEGRGardner densityPasonSchlumbergerUtah FORGEUtah FORGE well 56-32Well 56-32Well 56-32 DataWell 56-32 Pason dataWell 56-32 Schlumberger logsWell 56-32 daily drilling reportsWell 56-32 logsarray inductioncaliperdaily drilling reportday vs depthdensitydrill bit BHAdrillingdual spacedend of well reportenergygammageothermallogginglogsmemorymud logneutronshear anisotropysonicspectralspectral densitytemperaturewell datawell log
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
West Flank Coso FORGE: Mud LogsSource

Mud logs for wells 83-11, 68-6, 33A-7, 33A-7RD, 52B-7, and 88-1 at West Flank

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CosoEGSFORGEWest Flankc02formation loggamma radiationgeothermalhydrostaticlithology loglogloggingmud logmud logspressurestatictemperaturewellwell log
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
West Flank Coso FORGE: Well 48-11TCH Temperature, Pressure, Directional, Well History, Wellbore SchematicSource

Temperature logs, pressure logs, directional survey, well history, well bore schematic, and other reports for well 48-11TCH at West Flank FORGE

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48-11TCHCosoEGSFORGETemperature logsWell dataWest Flankbottomholebreccia zonesdaily drilling reportsdatadirectionaldirectional surveygeothermalgeothermal exploration permitgradienthistoryhydrothermal clay abundancehydrothermal veinslithologyloggingmud logspressureresistivityschematicservice reportstatic surveysundry noticetemperaturewellwell completionwell historywell logwell schematicwellborewellbore schematic
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago