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Aggregated samples of Rhein - Schmitter  1972 /1973Source

# Description At the hydrological monitoring station Rhein - Schmitter aggregated samples were collected  and analysed in an approximately weekly rhythm in 1972 and 1973.
 # Aim and Monitoring Program Based on the program of International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (IKSR) to analyse the input of nutrients from tributary waters into lake Bodensee, the hydrological monitoring station Rhein - Schmitter was equipped for continious water sampling, measuring and data recording. The  samples  were taken in a weekly rhythm and analysed at EAWAG on components of nitrogen and phosphor proportional to the discharge. At high water discharge (Q > 330 m3/sec) samples were collected in a lower cadence into a separate collector (samples may therefore overlap in collection time). Averages of water temperature, pH or conductivity originate from the continuous recording. The data were published in the Hydrological Yearbook of Switzerland. # Origin of Data Data publication in the Hydrological Yearbook of Switzerland FOEN.

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NADUFSwiss Riverschemical statelong-termphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)5 months ago
CDRRC growing season aridity and grazing season vegetation biomass data

Growing season aridity and livestock grazing seasonality can influence biomass production of perennial grasses in dryland systems. For this study, we used a long-term dataset (1967-2004) to investigate the independent and joint effects of growing season aridity (De Martonne aridity index calculated for the months of June through September) and grazing season (yearlong continuous, fall, winter/spring, or summer season grazing) on the mean annual biomass (kg per hectare) of the perennial grasses Bouteloua eriopoda (black grama), Aristida spp. (threeawn), and Sporobolus spp. (dropseed) in a southwestern United States Chihuahuan Desert rangeland system. Biomass data were collected from 78 permanent sampling transects that were within one mile (1609.34 m) distance to water. Over the 37-year study period, total perennial grass biomass decreased as growing season aridity increased, but the extent of this relationship depended upon season of grazing and specific grass taxon. Aridity-related decreases in total perennial grass biomass were most severe in the summer and fall summer seasonal grazing pastures, primarily due to inherently low black grama levels. Our findings indicate that over time, summer and fall grazing can potentially exacerbate the negative effects of increasing aridity on perennial grass biomass.

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CDRRCLTARLand Use and Land Cover ChangeManagement PracticesNP216Plant-Animal InteractionsPrimary Productionariditylong-termperennial grasses
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Locally verified daily temperature and precipitation data from a NOAA weather station at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1914-2006

This data package contains locally verified daily meteorological observations from a NOAA National Weather Service station located at the USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters in southern New Mexico, USA. Daily data has been collected there by USDA staff since 1914 for minimum and maximum air temperature and daily accumulated precipitation using standard U.S. climatological service instrumentation and procedures. The included data were verified and transcribed directly from the original paper data sheets and have undergone quality control and assurance procedures different than those in place at NOAA. These data therefore differ from those directly downloadable from NOAA servers. Local verification and transcription of observations from the data sheets ceased in 2006 and data are now directly entered to the NOAA system. Therefore, this dataset is complete and will no longer be added to.All observations from this weather station have also undergone NOAA QA/QC procedures and those data are available by accessing the Jornada Experimental Range, NM US GHCN station through the National Climatic Data Center portal ( - daily and monthly data are available).

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HQJERLTARNOAANP216NWSUSDAair temperatureatmospheric processesclimatedailydesertsdisturbancehydrologic processeslong termlong-termmaximum temperaturemeteorologyminimum temperatureprecipitationrainstudy 379temperatureweather station
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Locally verified evaporation data from a NOAA evaporation pan at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1953-1979

This data package contains locally verified monthly total pan evaporation data from a NOAA National Weather Service station located at the USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters in southern New Mexico, USA. The evaporation pan measurements commenced in 1953 and ended in 1979 when the instrument was decommissioned. Pan evaporation observations were made using standard U.S. climatological service instrumentation and procedures. The included data were verified and transcribed directly from records retrieved from NOAA in ~1995 and have since undergone quality control and assurance procedures different than those in place at NOAA. These data therefore differ from those directly downloadable from NOAA servers. There is no further data from this decommissioned instrument, so this dataset is now complete and data will no longer be updated here.All observations from this weather station have also undergone NOAA QA/QC procedures and those data are available by accessing the Jornada Experimental Range, NM US GHCN station through the National Climatic Data Center portal ( - monthly pan evaporation data are available back to 1930, but there may be data issues prior to 1953).

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EvapotranspirationHQHydrologyJERLTARNOAANP216NWSUSDAatmospheric processesclimatedesertsdisturbanceevaporationhydrologic processeslong termlong-termmeteorologymonthlystudy 379water balanceweather station
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Locally verified monthly summary temperature and precipitation data from a NOAA weather station at USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters, southern New Mexico USA, 1914-1998

This data package contains locally verified monthly meteorological observations from a NOAA National Weather Service station located at the USDA Jornada Experimental Range headquarters in southern New Mexico, USA. Monthly summary data (based on daily observations) has been collected there by USDA staff since 1914 for minimum and maximum air temperature and daily accumulated precipitation using standard U.S. climatological service instrumentation and procedures. The included data were verified and transcribed directly from the original paper data sheets and have undergone quality control and assurance procedures different than those in place at NOAA. These data therefore differ from those directly downloadable from NOAA servers. Local verification and transcription of observations from the data sheets ceased in 1998 and data are now directly entered to the NOAA system. Therefore, this dataset is complete and will no longer be added to.All observations from this weather station have also undergone NOAA QA/QC procedures and those data are available by accessing the Jornada Experimental Range, NM US GHCN station through the National Climatic Data Center portal - daily and monthly data are available).

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HQJERLTARNOAANP216NWSUSDAair temperatureatmospheric processesclimatedesertsdisturbancehydrologic processeslong termlong-termmaximum temperaturemeteorologyminimum temperaturemonthlyprecipitationrainstudy 379temperatureweather station
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
NADUF - National long-term surveillance of Swiss rivers (2020)Source

## There is a [newer version of this dataset](! The “National Long-term Surveillance of Swiss Rivers” (NADUF) program was initiated in 1972 as a cooperative project between three institutes: + [Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)]( (since 2003) With the NADUF program, the chemical-physical state of Swiss rivers as well as intermediate-term and long-term changes in concentration are observed. Furthermore, it provides data for scientific studies on biological, chemical and physical processes in river water. The NADUF network serves as a basic data and sampling facility to evaluate the effectiveness of water protection measures and for various scientific projects.

No licence known
NADUFSwiss Riverschemical statelong-termmonitoringphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
NADUF - National long-term surveillance of Swiss rivers (2020-1)Source

## There is a [newer version]( of this dataset. **There is an [older version of this dataset](** The “National Long-term Surveillance of Swiss Rivers” (NADUF) program was initiated in 1972 as a cooperative project between three institutes: + [Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)]( (since 2003) The following institutes participated later: + [Amt für Umwelt und Energie des Kantons Basel-Stadt (AUE)]( + [Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS)]( With the NADUF program, the chemical-physical state of Swiss rivers as well as intermediate-term and long-term changes in concentration are observed. Furthermore, it provides data for scientific studies on biological, chemical and physical processes in river water. The NADUF network serves as a basic data and sampling facility to evaluate the effectiveness of water protection measures and for various scientific projects.

No licence known
NADUFSwiss Riverschemical statelong-termmonitoringphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
NADUF - National long-term surveillance of Swiss rivers (2021-1)Source

## There is [a newer version]( of this dataset. **There is [an older version]( of this dataset.** The “National Long-term Surveillance of Swiss Rivers” (NADUF) program was initiated in 1972 as a cooperative project between three institutes: + [Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)]( (since 2003) The following institutes participated later: + [Amt für Umwelt und Energie des Kantons Basel-Stadt (AUE)]( + [Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS)]( With the NADUF program, the chemical-physical state of Swiss rivers as well as intermediate-term and long-term changes in concentration are observed. Furthermore, it provides data for scientific studies on biological, chemical and physical processes in river water. The NADUF network serves as a basic data and sampling facility to evaluate the effectiveness of water protection measures and for various scientific projects.

No licence known
NADUFSwiss Riverschemical statelong-termmonitoringphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
NADUF - National long-term surveillance of Swiss rivers (2021-2)Source

## There is [a newer version]( of this dataset. **There is [an older version]( of this dataset.** The “National Long-term Surveillance of Swiss Rivers” (NADUF) program was initiated in 1972 as a cooperative project between three institutes: + [Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG)]( + [Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)]( (since 2003) The following institutes participated later: + [Amt für Umwelt und Energie des Kantons Basel-Stadt (AUE)]( + [Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS)]( With the NADUF program, the chemical-physical state of Swiss rivers as well as intermediate-term and long-term changes in concentration are observed. Furthermore, it provides data for scientific studies on biological, chemical and physical processes in river water. The NADUF network serves as a basic data and sampling facility to evaluate the effectiveness of water protection measures and for various scientific projects.

No licence known
NADUFSwiss Riverschemical statelong-termmonitoringphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
Spot samples from river GlattSource

# Description Along river Glatt and river Chriesbach, spot samples were taken in an approximately weekly rhythm at five different stations from June 1972 to April 1977.
In those samples physical, geochemical, anthropogenic parameters and heavy metals were measured. # Aim This project served as a pilot project for new extensive chemical examinations of flowing waters with regard to: - sample taking - sample preservation - chemical analysis - data preparation - data storage - data analysis - assessment of the water bodies Apart from this, strongly polluted water from river Glatt was analyzed. # Data Files - Glatt-Rheinsfelden - Glatt-Opfikon - Glatt-Niederglatt - Glatt-Glattfelden - Glatt-Faellanden - Glatt-Aubruecke_Hagenholz - Chriesbach-Duebendorf # Structure of the Data Files - measured data - loads - annual average of concentrations and loads - graphs of time series of concentrations and loads # Data source Chemical data are from Eawag and discharge data are from AWEL and FOEN # Publication List - Zobrist J. et al. (2011): 77 Jahre Untersuchungen an der Glatt. gwa 9, 315-327. This publication contains furthermore all important constructions works which have been accomplished at river Glatt. - Zobrist J. et al. (1976): Charakterisierung des chemischen Zustandes der Glatt. gwa 56, 97-114.

No licence known
Swiss Riverschemical statelong-termphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)5 months ago
Spot samples in Swiss rivers from 1965 to 1973Source

# Description Spot samples were taken and analysed in a quarterly rhythm at eight different stations distributed all over Switzerland from 1965 to 1973. - Aare - Bern, Felsenau - Aare - Beznau - Broye - Payerne - Doubs - Ocourt - Inn - Martinsbruck - Rhein - Sankt Margarethen - Rhône - Aïre -Rhône - Porte du Scex # 
Monitoring Program 
In those samples, physical, geochemical and anthropogenic parameters were measured. # Origin of Data Data publication in the Hydrological Yearbook of Switzerland FOEN.

No licence known
Swiss Riverschemical statelong-termphysical state
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)5 months ago