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April 21, 2014 - GOES-R Science SeminarsSource

JPSS and GOES-R Activities Supporting 2013 Fire Outbreaks presentation.*/

Other (Public Domain)
firefire detectionmapping
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrationover 1 year ago
KY Fresh-Saline Water Interface Map

KY Fresh-Saline Water Interface Map

No licence known
GeographicHydrologyKYResourceSalineTopographicalWaterfresh waterkentuckymappingwater
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Mapping Fracture Network Creation with Microseismicity During EGS DemonstrationsSource

This a report for the project "Mapping Fracture Network Creation with Microseismicity During EGS Demonstrations". Effective enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) require optimal fracture networks for efficient heat transfer between hot rock and fluid. Microseismic mapping is a key tool used to infer the subsurface fracture geometry. Traditional earthquake detection and location techniques are often employed to identify microearthquakes in geothermal regions. However, most commonly used algorithms may miss events if the seismic signal of an earthquake is small relative to the background noise level or if a microearthquake occurs within the coda of a larger event. Consequently, we have developed a set of algorithms that provide improved microearthquake detection. Our objective is to investigate the microseismicity at the DOE Newberry EGS site to better image the active regions of the underground fracture network during and immediately after the EGS stimulation. Detection of more microearthquakes during EGS stimulations will allow for better seismic delineation of the active regions of the underground fracture system. This improved knowledge of the reservoir network will improve our understanding of subsurface conditions, and allow improvement of the stimulation strategy that will optimize heat extraction and maximize economic return. This project is the FY14 continuation of FY13 AOP project 25728, which had its origins as the ARRA lab project AID 19981.

No licence known
EGSNewberryalgorithmfracturefracture creationfracturinggeothermalmappingmicroseismicmicroseismicity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Mapping and Assessment of the United States Ocean Wave Energy Resource

This project estimates the naturally available and technically recoverable U.S. wave energy resources, using a 51-month Wavewatch III hindcast database developed especially for this study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) National Center for Environmental Protection. For total resource estimation, wave power density in terms of kilowatts per meter is aggregated across a unit diameter circle. This approach is fully consistent with accepted global practive and includes the resource made available by the lateral transfer of wave energy along wave crests, which enables wave diffraction to substantially resestablish wave power densities within a few kilometers of a linear array, even for fixed terminator devices.

No licence known
OceanRecoverable Wave Energy ResourceResourceTidalWave Energy ResourceWave Power Densitymappingtide
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
NMED Wetlands Program

The goals of the New Mexico Wetlands Program are to protect and restore New Mexico’s remaining wetlands and riparian areas and to increase self-sustaining, naturally functioning wetlands areas so they continue to benefit New Mexico’s future.

License not specified
ecosystem healthmappingplayaswetlands
New Mexico Environment Departmentabout 1 year ago
Regional Assessment for the CO2 Storage Potential in Northern Niagaran Pinnacle Reef Trend

The goal of Task 1-11 was to perform an initial assessment of the geologic storage capacity and injectivity of the Northern Fairway of Michigan’s Niagaran Reef Trend. This task included a regional assessment and mapping effort to understand the variability in the reef geology, fluid content, and reservoir parameters across the trend consisting of several hundred reefs.

No licence known
Geologic characterizationROZcross sectiondiagenesisgeochemistrygeomechanicsmappingstorage resourcewhole corewireline log
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Station CAD Drawings (S - V)Source

This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names **S - V**. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station. Showing train direction, station entry and exit, facilities and more. The CAD drawings were provided in 2016 so some stations could also be dated/historical in terms of data and details or **unavailable to be published.**

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
The Convergence of Heat, Groundwater, & Fracture Permeability: Innovative Play Fairway Modeling Applied to the Tularosa Basin Project ReportSource

This report details all of the work done in Phase 2 of a geothermal exploration project in Tularosa Basin, New Mexico. Data acquired as part of Phase 2 includes field geology (geological reconnaissance and mapping), gravity surveys, shallow temperature surveys, well water sampling and geothermometry, temperature logging, and magnetotelluric (MT) surveys. The new data is incorporated into new PFA models and Phase 2 plays were subsequently developed, ranked, and prioritized. This report also presents an overview of recommendations and costs for the next phase.

No licence known
MTMT surveyModelNew MexicoPFAPermeabilityPhase 2Play Fairway AnalysisTularosaenergyexplorationfield geologygeophysicsgeothermalgeothermometrygravitygravity surveygroundwater samplingmagnetotelluricmappingpriorityreconnaissanceresource assessmentshallow tempshallow temperature surveytemperaturetemperature loggingwater samplingwell water sampling
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Travel Zones 2016Source

Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial unit of geography defined by Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA), a business unit within Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The TZ spatial layer is applied to data sources used by TfNSW for transport modelling and analysis, including the Household Travel Survey and the Census 2016 Journey to Work data. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Statistical Area boundaries form the foundation of the TZ. Generally, a TZ is larger than a Statistical Area Level 1 or Mesh Block, both ABS geography definitions. The ABS Statistical Areas are based on population counts whereas TZ boundaries are defined using population, employment, housing and transport infrastructure. TZs are designed to have standardised trip generation levels across all zones. This causes zones to be different sizes across the metropolitan area. As with many other spatial boundaries, TZs tend to be small in areas with high land-use densities and larger in areas of lower density. This dataset now includes a CSV file mapping the Transit Stop Number (TSN) to the Travel Zone (TZ16). It captures the stop name, suburb and coordinates. [Travel Zone Explorer]( is an interactive map where you can search for Travel Zones (TZ) and find out the current and future population in occupied private dwellings by age and sex.

Creative Commons Attribution
TPAlocationmapmappingspatialstoptransittravel zonestsn
Transport for NSW10 months ago