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Geophysical and transport properties of reservoir rocks. Final report for task 4

The principal objective of research on the seismic properties of reservoir rocks is to develop a basic understanding of the effects of rock microstructure and its contained pore fluids on seismic velocities and attenuation. Ultimately, this knowledge would be used to extract reservoir properties information such as the porosity, permeability, clay content, fluid saturation, and fluid type from borehole, cross-borehole, and surface seismic measurements to improve the planning and control of oil and gas recovery. This thesis presents laboratory ultrasonic measurements for three granular materials and attempts to relate the microstructural properties and the properties of the pore fluids to P- and S-wave velocities and attenuation. These experimental results show that artificial porous materials with sintered grains and a sandstone with partially cemented grains exhibit complexities in P- and S-wave attenuation that cannot be adequately explained by existing micromechanical theories. It is likely that some of the complexity observed in the seismic attenuation is controlled by details of the rock microstructure, such as the grain contact area and grain shape, and by the arrangement of the grain packing. To examine these effects, a numerical method was developed for analyzing wave propagation in a grain packing. The method is based on a dynamic boundary integral equation and incorporates generalized stiffness boundary conditions between individual grains to account for viscous losses and grain contact scattering.

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Geologyinduced seismicitymicrostructurepore fluid
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
SOC Synthetic Microstructure Bank

QUICK START: Start with property_library.html (can be found by typing the filename into the query box) and use the interactive table to filter, sort, and select a microstructure with the desired properties. Search for the alphabetic code to obtain the corresponding dataset. Full description: This is a bank of 1,970 unique 3-phase electrode microstructure files. When you account for reassigning phase IDs (e.g. declare that 1=Ni and 2=pore, instead of 1=pore and 2=Ni), it actually represents 5,910 unique electrode microstructures, each of which could be considered to be either an air or a fuel electrode (e.g. declare that the phase IDs correspond to pore, Ni, and YSZ; or that they correspond to pore, LSCF, and GDC; or whatever electron-conductor and ion-conductor combination is being studied). The voxel size is 50 nm and each electrode file contains a 4x4 grid of (12.5 micron)^3 sub-volumes. If placed together in a grid, they comprise a 50x50x12.5 micron electrode (note that the interfaces between sub-volumes will be sharp; this can be mitigated via simulating annealing/relaxation). The sub-volumes can also be used individually for a reasonably sized 12.5 micron cubic region-of-interest. A user can simply consider the voxel size to be a different value to rescale the volumes (and all of their morphological features, including particle size) as desired. These microstructures were generated using DREAM3D. The general procedure is outlined in The file names are an alphabetic code having to do with the input parameters used in DREAM3D when they were generated. Most users would be best served by starting with the file property_library.html or property_library_subvols.html (which lists properties for each individual subvolume). These files contain a catalogue of the actual, measured properties of every microstructure in the database. Any combination of property values can be filtered and sorted until a desired electrode is found, at which point the user can find the file corresponding to that alphabetic code. The properties in the catalogue include connected TPB density, and for each phase: phase fraction, average particle size, polydispersity of particle size, tortuosity, and connected pair-wise interfacial area. They also include what fraction of each property is connected through to the interfaces of the volume. If the desired combination of properties is not found at first, remember that the phase IDs can be re-assigned arbitrarily, e.g. swapping 1s and 2s. In fact, the database was generated with this in mind so as not to generate redundant microstructures. If the database does not contain the desired property combinations, try to search for the other possible permutations of those properties with re-assigned phase IDs. Please cite for use. Please contact the maintainer, William K. Epting, for additional information or assistance.

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3D microstructureElectrode MicrostructureSOECSOFCmicrostructure
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
SOFC Microstructures (PFIB-SEM and synthetic) from JPS 2018

This is the microstructural data used in the publication "Mesoscale characterization of local property distributions in hetergeneous electrodes" by Tim Hsu, William K. Epting, Rubayyat Mahbub, et al., published in the Journal of Power Sources in 2018. (DOI 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.03.025). Included are a commercial cathode and anode active layer (Materials and Systems Research, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT) imaged by Xe plasma FIB-SEM (FEI, Hillsboro, OR), and four synthetic microstructures of varying particle size distribution widths generated by DREAM3D (BlueQuartz Software, Springboro, OH). For the MSRI electrodes, both the original greyscale and the segmented versions are provided. Each .zip file contains a "stack" of .tif image files in the Z dimension, and an .info ascii text file containing useful information like voxel sizes and phase IDs. More details can be found in the pertinent publication at

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Self-Healing and Re-Adhering Polymer-Cements with Improved ToughnessSource

Polymer-cement experiments were conducted in order to assess the chemical and thermal properties of various polymer-cement composites. This file set includes the following polymer-cement analyses: Polymer-Cement Composite Synthesis Polymer-Cement Interactions by Atomistic Simulations Polymer-Cements Compressive Strength & Fracture Toughness Polymer-Cements Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Analysis Polymer-Cements Resistance to Thermal Shock-CO2 and H2SO4 Attack Polymer-Cements Rheology Analysis Polymer-Cements Self-Repairing Permeability Analysis Polymer-Cements Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) Compositional Analysis Polymer-Cements Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Total Organic and Inorganic Carbon Analysis (TOC and TIC) Polymer-Cements X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

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CO2Chemical analysisCompositional analysisEDXFTIRFourier transform infrared spectroscopyH2SO4RheologySEMTGATICTOCX-ray diffractionatomistic simulationsattackbrinebulk thermal propertiescementcompressive strengthconsistencydynamic yield strengthelemental compositionflowabillityfracture toughnessgeothermalintegritymicrostructuremineral acidpermeabilitypolymerpolymer mass percentagepolymer-cementradial distribution functionratioresistanceself-healingsulfuric acidtechnologythermal shockthermogravimetric analysistotal carbon analysistotal inorganic carbontotal organic carbonwater to cementwellborewellbore cementwellbore integrity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Stressed MSRI Anode (S1)

Microstructure of an electrochemically aged active anode layer from a 25 mm anode-supported SOFC button cell produced by Materials and Systems Research, Inc (Salt Lake City, UT), characterized using xenon plasma FIB-SEM at Carnegie Mellon University on 30 October 2017. The electrochemical aging procedure consisted of running the cell for 1,500 hours at 750°C, at a current density of 0.25 A/cm2, using wet (3% H2O) hydrogen as a fuel. The microstructure is approximately 145x106x6 μm3; the voxel size in the dataset is 50x50x50 nm3. The phase IDs in the segmented data are as follows: 1:pore, 2:Ni, 3:Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ). The greyscale values in the un-segmented data follow the same order, from darkest to brightest.

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago