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2021 Cook Inlet Tidal Energy Resource Characterization Bottom Lander MeasurementsSource

These datasets are from tidal resource characterization measurements collected on the Terrasond High Energy Oceanographic Mooring (THEOM) from 1 July 2021 to 30 August 2021 (60 days) in Cook Inlet, Alaska. The lander was deployed at 60.7207031 N, 151.4294998 W in ~50 m of water. The dataset contains raw and processed data from the following two instruments: 1. A Nortek Signature 500 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Data were recorded in 4 Hz in the beam coordinate system from all 5 beams. Processed data has been averaged into 5 minutes bins and converted to the East-North-Up (ENU) coordinate system. 2. A Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). Data were recorded at 8 Hz in the beam coordinate system. Processed data has been averaged into 5 minutes bins and converted to the Streamwise - Cross-stream - Vertical (Principal) coordinate system. Turbulence statistics were calculated from 5-minute bins, with an FFT length equal to the bin length, and saved in the processed dataset. Data was read and analyzed using the DOLfYN (version 1.0.2) python package and saved in MATLAB (.mat) and netCDF (.nc) file formats. Files containing analyzed data (".b1") were standardized using the TSDAT (version 0.4.2) python package. NetCDF files can be opened using DOLfYN (e.g., `dat = dolfyn.load(''*.nc")`) or the xarray python package (e.g. `dat = xarray.open_dataset("*.nc"). All distances are in meters (e.g., depth, range, etc), and all velocities in m/s. See the DOLfYN documentation linked in the submission, and/or the Nortek documentation for additional details.

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ADCPADVAlaskaHydrokineticMATLABMHKMarineNortekSignature 500acoustic doppler current profileracoustic doppler velocimetercurrentdataenergyfrequencymeasurementsmooringpowerprocessed datapythonraw dataresourcetidal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Admiralty Inlet Advanced Turbulence Measurements: Final Data and Code ArchiveSource

Data and code that is not already in a public location that is used in Kilcher, Thomson, Harding, and Nylund (2017) "Turbulence Measurements from Compliant Moorings - Part II: Motion Correction" doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0213.1. The links point to Python source code used in the publication. All other files are source data used in the publication.

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ADVAdmiralty InletDOLfYNDeepWater BuoyancyHydrokineticIMUMHKMarineMatlabNRELNortek VectorPNNLPuget SoundStableMoorTTMTidal Turbulence MooringUniversity of WashingtonVECWashingtonWater Velocitybenchbuoybuoy observationscodecorrectioncurrentdataenergyhigh-precisionin situ oceanicinertial motioninstrumentationlab datameasurementmonitoringmooringpowerprocessed dataprocessingpythonpython source coderesourcesensorsensorssourcetesttidal turbulancetorpedoturbulence
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Admiralty Inlet Hub-Height Turbulence Measurements from June 2012Source

This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet. The measurements were made using an IMU equipped ADV mounted on a mooring, the 'Tidal Turbulence Mooring' or 'TTM'. The inertial measurements from the IMU allows for removal of mooring motion in post processing. The mooring motion has been removed from the stream-wise and vertical velocity signals (u, w). The lateral (v) velocity may have some 'persistent motion contamination' due to mooring sway. The ADV was positioned 11m above the seafloor in 58m of water at 48.1515N, 122.6858W. Units ------ - Velocity data (_u, urot, uacc) is in m/s. - Acceleration (Accel) data is in m/s^2. - Angular rate (AngRt) data is in rad/s. - The components of all vectors are in 'ENU' orientation. That is, the first index is True East, the second is True North, and the third is Up (vertical). - All other quantities are in the units defined in the Nortek Manual. Motion correction and rotation into the ENU earth reference frame was performed using the Python-based open source DOLfYN library (linked in resources). Details on motion correction can be found there. For additional details on this dataset see the included Marine Energy Technology Symposium paper.

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ADCPADVAWACAcoustic Doppler Current ProfilerAcoustic Doppler VelocimeterAcoustic Wave And Current ProfilerAdmiralty HeadAdmiralty InletDOLfYNHydrokineticIMUMHKMarineMatlabNortek VectorPuget SoundTTMTidal Turbulence MooringTurbulenceUSAWAWashingtoncodeeffectivenessenergyfield testinertial measurement unitlateralmooringoceanpowerprocessed datapythonraw dataresourcesafetystream-wisevelocimetryvelocityverticalwater velocity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Admiralty Inlet, WA - Tidal CurrentsSource

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data from seafloor tripods in Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington. Data collected from April 2009 through December 2012. When using the data, please cite the J. Oceanic Eng. paper included in this submission, and please contact Jim Thomson prior to submitting publications or conference abstracts that use the data.

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ADCPAdmiralty HeadAdmiralty InletHydrokineticMHKMarineMatlabNNMRECPMECPuget SoundWAWashingtonacousticacoustic dopplercharacterizationcurrentcurrent profilerdatadopplerenergyfield testmooringmooring dataoceanpowerprocessed dataresourceseafloor tripodstidaltidal monitoringtidevelocity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System - Deployment and Mooring SystemSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes the technical report on deployment and mooring system design requirements and subsystem risk analysis. A primary goal of the Advanced TidGen Power System project is to adapt ORPC's buoyant tensioned mooring system (BTMS) to the Advanced TidGen turbine generator unit (TGU). The TGU, as determined at the System Definition Review held in June 2017, is a dual-driveline, stacked system that implements hydrodynamic improvements for turbine design, turbine-turbine interactions and turbine-structure interactions. A major challenge for mooring and deployment system design will be to account for the substantial increases in loading incurred from increased power production and the resulting system drag during operation. Figure 1 shows the current system as presented for the Preliminary Design Review held in October 2017. This document addresses major risks, preventative measures, and mitigation strategies that have influenced this design and continue to drive development work toward the next design iteration. Also included is the technical report on mooring system design, supporting analytical models, and subsystem FMEA. Maine Marine Composites (MMC) has developed a simulation model to design a mooring system for Ocean Renewable Power Company) TidGen tidal energy converter. This document describes the simulation model, results, and the status of the current mooring system design. A preliminary anchor design is also proposed by MMC. The anchor is primarily a concrete gravity anchor. Structural steel is embedded inside the concrete to provide strength for the chain connection points. Steel L Channels also protrude underneath the concrete to act as a skirt to provide additional resistance.

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CECHydrokineticMHKMarineTGUTidGenanchorbending stresscomponent failurecross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentdeploymentdesigndesign analysisdesign considerationsenergyfailure modeling and effects analysisfatiguefmeagravity anchorlimit statesmaximum power outputmitigationmodel specificationsmooringmorring failureorpcpowerriskssimulaitonsystemtechnologytidaltidal currenttidal powerturbine generator deviceturbine generator unit
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System - Final System Design Technical ReportSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes a technical report describing the advanced technology and final system design. Includes detailed descriptions of each component of each subsystem.

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CECHydrokineticMHKMarineTidGenadvancedcross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentdesignenergyfinal designmooringoceanorpcpowerreporttechnologytidaltidal currentturbine generator unit
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System - System Fabrication PlanSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes the system fabrication plan for Advanced TidGen project.

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CECHydrokineticMHKMarineTidGenassemblycross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentenergyfabricationmooringoceanorpcplanpowerresourcesupply chainsystemtechnologytidaltidal current
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System 2.0 - Presentation of SystemSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission includes the final presentation on all technical work performed, the final subsystem design, supporting analytical models, risk analysis and development plan.

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CECHydrokineticMHKMarineTGUTidGenanchorcross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentdeploymentdesignenergyenvironmentalmitigationmooringoceanorpcpowerrisksubsystemsubsystems reporttechnologytidaltidal currentturbine generator unit
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and ResultsSource

Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Rig Structural Analysis Results. This is the detailed documentation for scaled device testing in a tow tank, including models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy analysis, and structural analysis. This dataset also includes specific information on drivetrain, roller bearing, blade fabrication, mooring, and rotor characteristics.

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2.5 MWAquantisC-planeCECHydrokineticLCOEMHKMarineanalysisaxialaxial flow turbineaxisblade fabricationcost of energycurrentdesigndevicedrawingsdrivetraindynamic rigeconomicsenergygenerationhorizontallab datalab testlaboratory testinglevelized cost of energymodelingmodelsmooringoceanocean currentpowerpresentationsresourceresultsroller bearingrotor characteristicsstructuraltank testtechnologytow tankturbine
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago

Mooring with temperature and pressure loggers on lake Greifen to observe ice growing and inverse stratification

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ice growinginverse stratificationmooring
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, OR - Final Technical Report & AppendicesSource

In 2008, the US Department of Energy (DOE) Wind and Water Power Program issued a funding opportunity announcement to establish university-led National Marine Renewable Energy Centers. Oregon State University and the University of Washington combined their capabilities in wave and tidal energy to establish the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center, or NNMREC. NNMREC's scope included research and testing in the following topic areas: - Advanced Wave Forecasting Technologies; - Device and Array Optimization; - Integrated and Standardized Test Facility Development; - Investigate the Compatibility of Marine Energy Technologies with Environment, Fisheries and other Marine Resources; - Increased Reliability and Survivability of Marine Energy Systems; - Collaboration/Optimization with Marine Renewable and Other Renewable Energy Resources. To support the last topic, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was brought onto the team, particularly to assist with testing protocols, grid integration, and testing instrumentation. NNMREC's mission is to facilitate the development of marine energy technology, to inform regulatory and policy decisions, and to close key gaps in scientific understanding with a focus on workforce development. In this, NNMREC achieves DOE's goals and objectives and remains aligned with the research and educational mission of universities. In 2012, DOE provided NNMREC an opportunity to propose an additional effort to begin work on a utility scale, grid connected wave energy test facility. That project, initially referred to as the Pacific Marine Energy Center, is now referred to as the Pacific Marine Energy Center South Energy Test Site (PMEC-SETS) and involves work directly toward establishing the facility, which will be in Newport Oregon, as well as supporting instrumentation for wave energy converter testing. This report contains a breakdown per subtask of the funded project. Under each subtask, the following are presented and discussed where appropriate: the initial objective or hypothesis; an overview of accomplishments and approaches used; any problems encountered or departures from planned methodology over the life of the project; impacts of the problems or rescoping of the project; how accomplishments compared with original project goals; and deliverables under the subtasks. Products and models developed under the award are also included.

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BLADE ELEMENTHydrokineticIIIMHKMarineNETSNNMRECOROSUOregon State UniversityPMECPacific Marine Energy CenterSETSSWANSouth Energy Test SiteUniversity of WashingtonWAMITWAVEWATCHactuatoranalysisanchoringarrayberthcablescompatibilitydevelopmentdevicediskemulationenergyengineeringenvironmenterrorfacilityfinalforecastinggoalgridinfrastructureinstrumentationmarket and supply chainmodelmonitoringmooringnear shorenorth energy test siteobjectiveoptimizationoregonphysicsphysics-basedpowerpre-designreliabilityreportresourceshelfsimulationsite selectionsurvivabilitytechnicaltechnologytesttidalwave
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Private MooringsSource

Private mooring licences are only issued to individuals. They’re not issued to a partnership, company, organisation or association. A private mooring licence permits you to moor your vessel on navigable waters. The licence is valid for 12 months. It will be renewed on payment of your annual [private mooring fees]( The [RMS Private Moorings]( provides additional information regards: \* What is a private mooring licence? \* Finding a suitable mooring \* Applying for a mooring \* Joining a priority wait list Looking for a private mooring in NSW? Use this [map]( to find available and priority wait list areas, and to submit your application. ![Private Mooring Map](

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago

Mooring with temperature and pressure loggers on lake Sihl to observe ice growing and inverse stratification

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ice growinginverse stratificationmooring
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago

Mooring with temperature and pressure loggers on lake Silvaplana to observe ice growing and inverse stratification

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ice growinginverse stratificationmooring
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago

Mooring with temperature and pressure loggers on lake St.Moritz to observe ice growing and inverse stratification

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ice growinginverse stratificationmooring
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
StingRAY Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis: WEC Risk RegistersSource

Analysis method to systematically identify all potential failure modes and their effects on the Stingray WEC system. This analysis is incorporated early in the development cycle such that the mitigation of the identified failure modes can be achieved cost effectively and efficiently. The FMECA can begin once there is enough detail to functions and failure modes of a given system, and its interfaces with other systems. The FMECA occurs coincidently with the design process and is an iterative process which allows for design changes to overcome deficiencies in the analysis. Risk Registers for major subsystems were completed in compliance with the DOE Risk Management Framework developed by NREL (document included below).

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FMECAHawaiiHydrokineticMHKMarineRenewableRisk RegisterWECWave Energy Converterabsorberanalysiscpwrcriticalitydesigndevelopmentenergyfailure modehullmooringpointpoint absorber buoypower take offprocessptorisk reductionscadastingraysupervisory control and data acquisitiontechnologywave
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
StingRAY Updated WEC Risk RegistersSource

Updated Risk Registers for major subsystems of the StingRAY WEC completed according to the methodology described in compliance with the DOE Risk Management Framework developed by NREL.

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Columbia Power TechnologiesCost ReductionFMECAHydrokineticInstallationMHKMaintenanceMarineOperationPTORisk RegisterStingRAYWECabsorberattenuatorballastbilgeclimatecontrolconvertercoolingdirect-driveelectric plantelectrical collectionenergyfittingfurnishinghullmagnet generatormodulemooringoperationsoutfitpenetrationspointpoint absorber buoypowerpower-take-offrisk managementsafetysingle-point mooringstation powersurveillancesystemtechnologywavewave energy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Triton-C Point Absorber Preliminary System Design PackageSource

Preliminary System Design Package for the Triton-C WEC, including a report and CAD drawings pertaining to the overall preliminary design, system arrangement, surface float hull, and surface float arrangement.

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CADDesignHydrokineticMHKMarineOscilla PowerWECabsorberanchorarrangementconditionsdrawingsdrivetrainefficiencyfailurefloathullloadslow costmode analysismooringmulti-modeperformancepointpoint absorberpoint absorber buoypower productionpreliminarypropertiesreaction structurereportstrategysurface floatsurvivalsystemsystem loadssystem performancetarget masstechnologywavewave conditionswave energy converter
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago

Mooring with temperature and pressure loggers on lake Aegeri to observe ice growing and inverse stratification

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ice growinginverse stratificationmooring
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago