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Data for Barron et al. "Photoenhanced toxicity of weathered crude oil in sediment and water to larval zebrafish" submitted to the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologySource

The dataset contains fish mortality associated with various treatment of oil and dispersants in water accommodated fractions and sediment. The dataset also contains analytical chemistry associated with each experimental treatment. This dataset is associated with the following publications: Barron, M. Photoenhanced Toxicity of Petroleum to Aquatic Invertebrates and Fish. ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. Springer, New York, NY, USA, 73(1): 40-46, (2017). Barron, M., J. Kryzwa, C. Lilavois, and S. Raimondo. Photoenhanced toxicity of weathered crude oil in sediment and water to larval zebrafish. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY. Springer, New York, NY, USA, 100(1): 49-53, (2018).

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dispersantsmortalityoilphototenhanced toxicityzebrafish
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Modeling long-term, stage-structured dynamics of Tribolium castaneum at food facilities with and without two types of long-lasting insecticide netting

Insecticide Netting In this study, we focused on two types of long-lasting insecticide netting (LLIN) that have been found to be effective for managing various stored product insect pests. One is an LLIN consisting of a polyethylene netting (2 × 2 mm mesh, D-Terrence, Vestergaard, Inc., Lausanne, Switzerland) with 0.4% deltamethrin active ingredient (a.i.), while the second one is Carifend® net (40 deniers with mesh size 97 knots/cm2; BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany) containing 0.34% α-cypermethrin (a.i.). Foundational Model We used a standard Lefkovitch matrix model to project population growth for Tribolium castaneum, with four life stages (e.g., egg, larva, pupa, and adult;(Lefkovitch,1965). In equation (1), the Leftkovitch matrix L matrix (4 × 4) represents the life-stage structure of T. castaneum which has an egg, larvae, pupae, and an adult, where only the adults contribute to the fecundity, F. By multiplying L with the population vector ni(t), where t is time step (e.g., generation) and i is a life stage, we obtain the resultant vector ni(t + 1), which reveals the distribution of individuals across different life stages in the subsequent time period. In equation (1), P1 represents the probability of staying in the egg stage and G1 is the probability of moving from the egg to the larval stage, P2 is the probability of staying in the larval stage, G2 is probability of moving from the larval stage to pupal stage, P3 is the probability of staying in the pupal stage, G3 is probability of moving from the pupal stage to adult, while P4 is the probability of staying in the adult stage (Figure 1). Model Parameterization and Scenarios We simulated population outcomes for up to 15 generations by using the life table data for T. castaneum using the R package popbio. Survivorship, fecundity, and transition information for each stage were derived from the literature (summarized in Table 1). The developmental duration of eggs, larvae, and pupae were 3.82 ± 0.005, 22.81 ± 0.67, and 6.24 ± 0.071 days (Kollros,1944). The average life duration of the adult used in this study was 221.16 days (Park et al., 1961). We used 94 offspring for fertility from the study Park et al.,(1965) and 99% rate of eclosion from pupae to adult. In order to explore the sensitivity of the base model to changes in mortality and fecundity, both of these parameters were systematically varied from near zero to their maximum value given in the base model (e.g., F = 94, P4 = 0.871). The parameters were varied alone or in combination and the resulting population growth was plotted. All plots were created using ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016) in R software (R Core Team, 2022). Three empirical scenarios from the literature were modeled containing estimates of fecundity reduction only, survivorship reduction only, or both fecundity and survivorship reduction when using LLIN (R.V. Wilkins et al., 2021; Gerken et al., 2021;Scheff et al., 2021, Scheff et al., 2023; Table 2). An individual projection matrix was constructed for each of the three scenarios and combinations of the reductions in fecundity, survivorship, or both. Population growth and proportion in each life stage was projected for 15 generations for each case, including the base model. Overall variation and oscillation were calculated to compare trends among proportion of life stages in each case. In order to compare differences in population sizes between cases for all generations and for generation 15 only, population sizes for each generation were bootstrapped 1000 times to provide iterative replication. The bootstrapped data were then compared one case to another using proc ttest in SAS (Version 9.4) for all generations and for generation 15 only. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed to determine which stage should be targeted to most greatly affect the population growth after exposure to the netting. Moreover, a mortality function based on empirical data with LLIN exposure collected in the laboratory on T. castaneum was implemented. The three scenarios are derived from: Gerken, A. R., J. F. Campbell, S. R. Abts, F. Arthur, W. R. Morrison, and D. S. Scheff. 2021. “Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Netting Affects Reproductive Output and Mating Behavior in Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Trogoderma variabile (Coleoptera: Dermestidae).” Edited by Rizana Mahroof. Journal of Economic Entomology 114 (6): 2598–2609. Scheff, D. S., A. R. Gerken, W. R. Morrison, J. F. Campbell, F. H. Arthur, and K. Y. Zhu. 2021. “Assessing Repellency, Movement, and Mortality of Three Species of Stored Product Insects after Exposure to Deltamethrin-Incorporated Long-Lasting Polyethylene Netting.” Journal of Pest Science 94 (3): 885–98. Wilkins, R.V., J.F. Campbell, K.Y. Zhu, L.A. Starkus, T. McKay, and W.R. Morrison. 2021. “Long-Lasting Insecticide-Incorporated Netting and Interception Traps at Pilot-Scale Warehouses and Commercial Facilities Prevents Infestation by Stored Product Beetles.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4: Resources in this dataset: Resource Title: Script for Modeling of LLIN effects on T. castaneum MS File Name: ranabhat_etal_modeling_MS_r_script_final_agdata_commons.R

No licence known
ARSIPMKansasKansas State UniversityNP304R statistical softwareTribolium castaneumUSDAalpha-cypermethrinbehavioral ecologycgahrdeltamethrinecological modelsexposurefecundityinsecticide nettingmortalitypopbiopopulation growthred flour beetle
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Multiple Cause of Death DatabaseSource

The Multiple Cause of Death database (1999-2015) contains mortality and population counts for all U.S. counties within the given timespan. Data are based on death certificates for U.S. residents. Each death certificate contains a single underlying cause of death, up to twenty additional multiple causes, and demographic data. The number of deaths, crude death rates, age-adjusted death rates and 95% confidence intervals for death rates can be obtained by cause of death (4 digit ICD-10 codes, 113 selected causes of death, 130 selected causes of infant death, drug and alcohol related causes of death, injury intent and injury mechanism categories), place of residence (national, region, division, state, and county), age (single-year-of age, 5-year age groups, 10-year age groups and infant age groups), race (American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black or African American, White), Hispanic ethnicity, gender and year. Data are also available by urbanization categories for county of residence, place of death, month and week day of death, and whether an autopsy was performed. Data supplied through the CDC WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research) system. __Connected to Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 3.2.1 - Under-five mortality rate__

Creative Commons Attribution
CDC WONDERNRPSDGsSustainable Development Goalscauses of deathdemographicsmortalitypopulation health
Centers for Disease Control and Preventionover 1 year ago
Suicide mortality dataSource

Suicide mortality rate, 1999 - 2014 __ Connected to SDG indicator 3.4.2 - Suicide mortality rate __

Creative Commons Attribution
NRPSDGsSustainable Development Goalsmortalitysuicide
Centers for Disease Control and Preventionover 1 year ago
Under 5 mortality ratesSource

This data was obtained from the Multiple Cause of Death database that contains mortality and population counts for all U.S. counties. Data are based on death certificates for U.S. residents. Each death certificate contains a single underlying cause of death, up to twenty additional multiple causes, and demographic data. __ Connected to SDG indicator 3.2.1 - Under-five mortality rate __

Creative Commons Attribution
NRPSDGsSustainable Development Goalshealthmortality
Centers for Disease Control and Preventionover 1 year ago