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AOS: Ozone (O3) Monitor

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ADCARMARM Data CenterAtmospheric DataClimateORNLOzone Monitoraerosolozone
Undefinednc tar
United States Department of Energyabout 1 year ago
Age-related differences in pulmonary effects of acute and subchronic episodic ozone exposures in Brown Norway ratsSource

This data set provides the biological endpoints collected from individual animals that culminated into a published paper. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Snow, S., C. Gordon , V. Bass, M. Schladweiler , A. Ledbetter , K. Jarema , P. Phillips , A. Johnstone , and U. Kodavanti. Age-related differences in pulmonary effects of acute and subchronic episodic ozone exposures in Brown Norway rats. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. Informa Healthcare USA, New York, NY, USA, 28(7): 313-23, (2016).

No licence known
adaptationage-ozone pulmonaryage-related susceptibilityozonepulmonarywhole-body plethysmography
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Air Quality AwareSource

The Air Quality Aware app is intended to provide information about the current conditions of air quality in the United States, along with the potential human health impacts. The data shown here from the Living Atlas are authoritative U.S. government sources, including:The Environmental Protection Agency AirNow program for current and future Air Quality Index information.The NOAA National Weather Service wind forecast.U.S. Census - derived  American Community Survey demographic data.Air quality stations and "Current" conditions update hourly. Forecasts "Today" and "Tomorrow" are generated once a day, usually in the late afternoon, local time. While some areas of Canada and Mexico have air quality information displayed, forecast air quality, winds, and demographic information are only available in the USA. 

No licence known
ACSCensusEPANOAAPM 2.5air qualitydemographicsozoneweather
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Air Quality Non-Attainment Areas: Ozone (O3)Source

Ambient monitoring measures the status of air quality throughout the state to assess trends, compliance with federal and state air quality standards, effectiveness of control strategies and attainment plans, health effects and environmental damage; respond to citizen complaints; evaluate specific geographic or hot-spot air quality concerns; and create environmental indicators. Emission inventory is the cataloging of sources of air pollution and the emissions from those sources. Inventory data are critical to the understanding of the causes of air pollution problems and creation of appropriate solutions. Meteorological forecasting and dispersion modeling of air pollutants are essential to understanding the movement and buildup of air pollution; the carrying capacity of airsheds; the interaction of pollutants; and the location of maximum impact of sources of pollution. As of September 26, 2005 there are no longer any areas of Washington designated as "NONATTAINMENT."

No licence known
00703AQAir Quality ProgramECYENVHealthWashington State Department of Ecologyairair quality standardsattainmentenvironmentmaintenancemonitoringnonattainmentozonepollutantspollutionquality
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
Air Quality System (AQS) ambient observations: 2007 ozoneSource

Ambient ozone concentrations for 2007 from the national ambient air quality monitoring networks stored in the Air Quality System (AQS).

No licence known
air pollutionair qualityambient airclean air trendsenvironmentepaepidemiologyfederal data downloadfederal datasetsmonitoring airozonepublic healthrespiratoryunited states
No formats found
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Benefits on Earth | NASASource overview page including many topics related to earth science and research. Topics include: climate change, ozone, water pollution, environmental hazards, citizen science, environmental monitoring and impact studies.

Other (Public Domain)
biological hazardsclimate changecontaminantsenvironmental assessmentsnatural hazardsozonewater quality
ZIPJSONTXTHTMLapplication/javascriptpdf, jpg, htmlGIFJPEGPNGSVG
National Aeronautics and Space Administrationover 1 year ago
CMAQ v5.2 and WRF v3.8.1 model data, meta data and figuresSource

The data are described in detail in the uploaded file "Science hub metadata.docx". This dataset is associated with the following publication: Zhang, Y., J. Bash, S. Roselle, A. Shatas, A. Repinsky, R. Mathur, C. Hogrefe, J. Piziali, T. Jacobs, and A. Gilliland. Unexpected air quality impacts from implementation of green infrastructure in urban environments: a Kansas City Case Study. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 744(20): 140960, (2020).

No licence known
green infrastructureozoneparticular matterplanetary boundary layertemperatureurban air quality
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Evaluation and Comparison of Methods for Measuring Ozone and NO2 Concentrations in Ambient Air during DISCOVER-AQSource

NO2 and O3 data from the DISCOVER-AQ field study measured by the United States EPA. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Long, R., M. Beaver, R. Duvall, J. Szykman, S. Kaushik, K. Kronmiller, M. Wheeler, S. Garvey, and J. Crawford. Evaluation and Comparison of Methods for Measuring Ozone and NO2 Concentrations in Ambient Air during DISCOVER-AQ. EM Magazine. Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1-11, (2016).

No licence known
air qualitydiscover-aqnitrogen dioxideno2o3ozone
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Exacerbation of ozone-induced pulmonary and systemic effects by 2-adrenergic and/or glucocorticoid agonist/sSource

This data set pertains to the manuscript "Exacerbation of ozone-induced pulmonary and systemic effects by 2-adrenergic and/or glucocorticoid agonist/s". It shows the raw data for each figure in the manuscript that is created with these data. Basically examining the influence of beta adrenergic and glucocorticoid receptor agonists on ozone-induced lung injury and inflammation. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Henriquez, A., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler, C. Miller, J. Dye, A. Ledbetter, M. Hargrove, U. Kodavanti, and J. Richards. Exacerbation of ozone-induced pulmonary and systemic effects by beta2-adrenergic and/or glucocorticoid agonist/s. Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group, London, UK, 9(1): 17925, (2019).

No licence known
clenbuteroldexamethasoneglucocorticoidlung inflammationozonesystemic metabolic
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Farraj_NO2-O3 Sequential exposure study_All dataSource

Cardiovascular Physiologic and Systemic Responses to Sequential Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone in Rats. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Farraj , A., F. Malik, N. Coates , L. Walsh , D. Winsett , D. Terrell , L. Thompson, W. Cascio , and M. Hazari. Morning NO2 Exposure Sensitizes Hypertensive Rats to the Cardiovascular Effects of Same Day O3 Exposure in the Afternoon. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY. Informa Healthcare USA, New York, NY, USA, 28(4): 170-179, (2016).

No licence known
afternoonair pollutionautonomic nervous systemblood pressurecardiovascularcontractilityelectrocardiogramheart rateheart rate variabilitymorningnitrogen dioxideozonepriming effectsratssequential
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Figure 9Source

This is a NetCDF file in ioapi format that contains the probability that ozone is above the 8 hr max O3 standard for the four days of the simulation. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: The file size is a large binary NetCDF file of 56Mb. It can be accessed through the following means: File is located on US EPA's HPC system sol file archive: /asm/grc/JGR_ENSEMBLE_ScienceHub/ Format: NetCDF file that contains the O3 gridded data to reproduce Figure 9. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Gilliam , R., C. Hogrefe , J. Godowitch, S. Napelenok , R. Mathur , and S.T. Rao. Impact of inherent meteorology uncertainty on air quality model predictions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 120(23): 12,259–12,280, (2015).

No licence known
ensemble modelingo3ozoneprobabilistic modelingprobablitywrf-cmaq
No formats found
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago

Fortran/NCARgraphics program to compute and plot RRF mean and variability:map_rrf_variability_13runs_epimax.f Ioapi files needed by Fortran/NCARGraphics code: CMAQ.CONC.SREF.June2011.New.13runs.o3_8hrdm CMAQ.CONC.SREF.June2011.N50V25.New.13runs.o3_8hrdm GRIDCRO2D_060607 Plotting routines map_rrf_mean_sigma_ne_13runs_epimax.ncgm. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Gilliam , R., C. Hogrefe , J. Godowitch, S. Napelenok , R. Mathur , and S.T. Rao. Impact of inherent meteorology uncertainty on air quality model predictions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 120(23): 12,259–12,280, (2015).

No licence known
emissions reductionsensemble modelingo3ozoneprobabilistic modelingrelative response factorvocswrf-cmaq
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago

NetCDF files of PBL height (m), Shortwave Radiation, 10 m wind speed from WRF and Ozone from CMAQ. The data is the standard deviation of these variables for each hour of the 4 day simulation. Figure 4 is only one of the time periods: June 8, 2100 UTC. The NetCDF files have a time stamp (Times) that can be used to find this time in order to reproduce the Figure 4. Also included is a data dictionary that describes the domain and all other attributes of the model simulation. This dataset is not publicly accessible because: The file is 202Mb binary NetCDF file that is too large. It can be accessed through the following means: Archived on the US EPA HPC Sol computer system:/asm/grc/JGR_ENSEMBLE_ScienceHub/Figure4.tar.gz. Format: Tar.gz file that contains NetCDF files required to reproduce Figure 4. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Gilliam , R., C. Hogrefe , J. Godowitch, S. Napelenok , R. Mathur , and S.T. Rao. Impact of inherent meteorology uncertainty on air quality model predictions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, USA, 120(23): 12,259–12,280, (2015).

No licence known
10-m wind speedensemble modelingozonepbl heightprobabilistic modelingsolar radiationstandard deviation of the sref ensemblewrf-cmaq
No formats found
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Files for 2019 manuscript "Multipollutant modeling of ozone, reactive nitrogen and HAPs across the continental US with CMAQ-CB6" published in Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 201, Pages 62-72Source

Model output used to generate figures 1-8, demonstrating differences between three different versions of Carbon Bond mechanisms and performance of the model against observed data. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Luecken, D., G. Yarwood, and B. Hutzell. Multipollutant modeling of ozone, reactive nitrogen and HAPs across the continental US with CMAQ-CB6. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 201: 62-72, (2019).

No licence known
cb6chemical mechanismscmaqozone
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Influence of uncertainties in burned area estimates on modeled wildland fire PM2.5 and ozone pollution in the contiguous U.S.Source

Data files used in manuscript - "Influence of burned area uncertainties on modeled wildland fire PM2.5 and ozone pollution in the contiguous U.S.". This dataset is associated with the following publication: Koplitz, S., C. Nolte, G. Pouliot, J. Vukovich, and J. Beidler. Influence of uncertainties in burned area estimates on modeled wildland fire PM2.5 and ozone pollution in the contiguous U.S.. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 191: 328-339, (2018).

No licence known
burned areacmaqozonepm2.5wildland fires
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Luftgütedaten Umweltbundesamt 0: Aktuelle Luftgütemesswerte des Bundes und der Länder

Air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction, pressure, precipitation, sunshine duration, global radiation, surface radiation budget. Parameter measured/observed: Ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1), heavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb), PAH, VOC, EC/OC. Observational Network: Austrian background air quality monitoring network according to the Austrian Ambient Air Quality Act and Ozone Act Stations: Enzenkirchen, Illmitz, Klöch, Pillersdorf, Sonnblick, Vorhegg, Zöbelboden

Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Air quality monitoringair pollutantcarbon monoxidegreenhouse gasimmission controlnitrogen oxidesozoneparticulate mattersulphur dioxide
UBA10 months ago
Luftgütedaten Umweltbundesamt 1: aktuelle Ozondaten Österreich

Air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction, pressure, precipitation, sunshine duration, global radiation, surface radiation budget. Parameter measured/observed: Ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1), heavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb), PAH, VOC, EC/OC. Observational Network: Austrian background air quality monitoring network according to the Austrian Ambient Air Quality Act and Ozone Act Stations: Enzenkirchen, Illmitz, Klöch, Pillersdorf, Sonnblick, Vorhegg, Zöbelboden

Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Air quality monitoringair pollutantcarbon monoxidegreenhouse gasimmission controlnitrogen oxidesozoneparticulate mattersulphur dioxide
UBA10 months ago
Luftgütedaten Umweltbundesamt 2: Data from Sonnblick site: GAW World Data Centre for Reactive Gas

Air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction, pressure, precipitation, sunshine duration, global radiation, surface radiation budget. Parameter measured/observed: Ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5, PM1), heavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb), PAH, VOC, EC/OC. Observational Network: Austrian background air quality monitoring network according to the Austrian Ambient Air Quality Act and Ozone Act Stations: Enzenkirchen, Illmitz, Klöch, Pillersdorf, Sonnblick, Vorhegg, Zöbelboden

Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Air quality monitoringair pollutantcarbon monoxidegreenhouse gasimmission controlnitrogen oxidesozoneparticulate mattersulphur dioxide
UBA10 months ago
Mutagenic atmospheres resulting from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbon and NOx mixturesSource

Although many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are regulated to limit air pollution and the consequent health effects, the photooxidation products generally are not. Thus, we examined the mutagenicity in Salmonella TA100 of photochemical atmospheres generated in a steady-state atmospheric simulation chamber by irradiating mixtures of single aromatic VOCs, NOx, and ammonium sulfate seed aerosol in air. The 10 VOCs examined were benzene; toluene; ethylbenzene; o-, m-, and p-xylene; 1,2,4- and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene; m-cresol; and naphthalene. Salmonella were exposed at the air-agar interface to the generated atmospheres for 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 h. Dark-control exposures produced non-mutagenic atmospheres, illustrating that the gas-phase precursor VOCs were not mutagenic at the concentrations tested. Under irradiation, all but m-cresol and naphthalene produced mutagenic atmospheres, with potencies ranging from 2.0 (p-xylene) to 10.4 (ethylbenzene) revertants m3 mgC-1 h-1. The mutagenicity was due exclusively to direct-acting late-generation products of the photooxidation reactions. Gas-phase chemical analysis showed that a number of oxidized organic chemical species enhanced during the irradiated exposure experiments correlated (r ≥ 0.81) with the mutagenic potencies of the atmospheres. Molecular formulas assigned to these species indicated that they likely contained peroxy acid, aldehyde, alcohol, and other functionalities. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Riedel, T., D. DeMarini, S. Warren, E. Corse, J. Offenberg, T. Kleindienst, M. Lewandowski, and J. Zavala. Mutagenic atmospheres resulting from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbon and NOx mixtures. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 178: 164-172, (2018).

No licence known
air qualityair toxicsaromatic compoundsmutagenicityozonesalmonella ta100secondary organic aerosol
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Nimbus-7 SMMR global gridded ocean parameters for 1979-1984Source

"These files are the Wentz Nimbus-7 SMMR global 60km gridded ocean parameters for 1979-1984. There are 72 files which breaks down to 1 file per month. So, NIMBUS7-SMMR00000.dat is January 1979, NIMBUS7-SMMR00001.dat is February 1979, etc."

Other (Public Domain)
Nimbus programNimbus-7nasaocean parametersozoneozone hole
National Aeronautics and Space Administrationover 1 year ago
Ozone and IUGR CMillerSource

Data related to the effects of peri-implantation ozone exposure on maternal and fetal health outcomes at the end of gestation. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Miller, C., J. Dye, A. Ledbetter, M. Schladweiler, J. Richards, S. Snow, C. Wood, A. Henriquez, L. Thompson, A. Farraj, M. Hazari, and U. Kodavanti. Uterine Artery Flow and Offspring Growth in Long-Evans Rats following Maternal Exposure to Ozone during Implantation. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Research Triangle Park, NC, USA, 125(12): 127005, (2017).

No licence known
fetal growth assessmentozonepreeclampsiapregnancy
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Ozone-Induced Vascular Contractility and Pulmonary Injury are Differentially Impacted by Diets Enriched with Coconut Oil, Fish Oil, and Olive OilSource

This data set is broken up into 2 Excel files. In one file are all the data pertaining to the vascular and pulmonary effects of ozone exposure in rats fed either a normal diet or diet enriched with coconut oil, fish oil, or olive oil. The different tabs of the spreadsheet pertain to each figure or table found in the manuscript. This file was updated on 12/7/17 to reflect changes to Figure 3 in response to reviewers comments following submission to Toxicological Sciences. In the second file is all the data for Figure 8 pertaining to the global microRNA assessment. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Snow, S., W. Cheng, A. Henriquez, M. Hodge, V. Bass, G. Nelson, G. Carswell, J. Richards, M. Schladweiler, A. Ledbetter, B. Chorley, K. Gowdy, H. Tong, and U. Kodavanti. Ozone-Induced Vascular Contractility and Pulmonary Injury are Differentially Impacted by Diets Enriched with Coconut Oil, Fish Oil, and Olive Oil. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 163(1): 57-69, (2018).

No licence known
dietary supplementsfish oilozonepulmonary injuryvascular contractility
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Ozone-induced dysregulation of neuroendocrine axes requires adrenal-derived stress hormonesSource

This study was performed to determine the role of adrenal-derived stress hormones in mediating brain effects after ozone exposure. Sham and adrenalectomized rats were exposed to air or ozone for 4 hours and within 2 hours after exposure brain regions, hypothalamus and brainstem were isolated and circulating pituitary hormones were analyzed. Global gene expression was analysed in these two brain regions using Illumina mRNA sequencing platform and data were analyzed using various bioinformatics platforms. The resulting data are included in this manuscript. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Henriquez, A., J. House, S. Snow, C. Miller, M. Schladweiler, A. Astriab Fisher, H. Ren, M. Valdez, P. Kodavanti, and U. Kodavanti. Ozone-induced dysregulation of neuroendocrine axes requires adrenal-derived stress hormones. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, RESTON, VA, 172(1): 38-50, (2019).

No licence known
adrenalectomybrainstemhypothalamusneuroendocrine hormonesozonepituitary
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Ozone-induced systemic and pulmonary effects are diminished in adrenalectomized ratsSource

This data set is an excel file pertaining to the study that examined ozone-induced systemic and pulmonary effects in rats that underwent SHAM surgery (control), adrenal demedullation or total bilateral adrenalectomy. Different pages of the spreadsheet shows individual animal data for markers of lung injury and inflammation, body weights, whole body plethysmography measurements, levels of circulating hormones and lipids, and circulating white blood cell count as well as platelet count. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Miller, D., S. Snow, M. Schladweiler , J. Richards , A. Ghio , A. Ledbetter , and U. Kodavanti. Acute Ozone-Induced Pulmonary and Systemic Metabolic Effects are Diminished in Adrenalectomized Rats#. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Society of Toxicology, 150(2): 312-22, (2016).

No licence known
adrenalectomyhpa-axislung injuryozonestress response
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Regional Air Quality DataSource

This asset provides data on regional air quality, including trace level SO2, nitric acid, ozone, carbon monoxide, and NOy; and particulate sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium from 1989 to present. Precipitation and meteorology are provided from 1989 to 2011.

No licence known
air qualitycarbon monoxidecastnetclean air status and trends networkcoemissionsenvironmentenvironmental protection agencyepanitratesnoxoapoaroffice of atmospheric programsozoneparticulatesso2sulfatesunited states
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Time series analysis of wintertime O3 and NOx formationSource

Concentrations of 11 species are reported from continuous measurements taken during a wintertime field study in Utah. Time series data for measured species generally displayed strong diurnal patterns. Six species show a diurnal pattern of daytime maximums (NO, NOy, O3, H2O2, CH2O2, and Cl2), while five species show a diurnal pattern of night time maximums (NO2, HONO, ClNO2, HNO3, and N2O5). Vector autoregression analyses were completed to better understand important species influencing the formation of O3 and NOx. For the species studied, r2 values of predicted versus measured concentrations ranged from 0.82–0.99. Fitting parameters for the autoregressive matrix, Pi, indicated the importance of species precursors. In addition, values of fitting parameters for Pi were relatively insensitive to data size, with variations generally <10%. Variable causation was quantified using the Granger causation method. Assuming O3 and NOx behave as chemical products, reactants (in order of importance) are as follows: H2O2, N2O5, HONO, and ClNO2. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Olson, D., T. Riedel, R. Long, J. Offenberg, M. Lewandowski, and T. Kleindienst. Time series analysis of wintertime O3 and NOx formation using vector autoregressions. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, USA, 218: 116988, (2019).

No licence known
air qualityair toxicsmachine learningnoxozonesecondary organic aerosoltime series analysis
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
ozone hourly data at four monitoring sitesSource

contains hourly ozone and meteorological data. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Schliep, E., A. Gelfand, and D. Holland. Alternating Gaussian process modulated renewal processes for modeling threshold exceedances and durations. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. Springer-Verlag, BERLIN-HEIDELBERG, GERMANY, 32(2): 401-417, (2018).

No licence known
frequency and duration of exceedancesnaaqsozoneozone exceedances
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago