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Complete 2010 Greenhouse Gas DataSource

These files contain the publicly available data from the GHG Reporting Program for 2010. This data includes non-confidential data reported by facilities that directly emit GHGs. The files also contain non-confidential information reported by suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases. The files include data in both HTML (human readable) and XML format. For more information on the GHG Reporting Program and this data, please visit

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40 cfr part 98chemicalsclimate changeconsolidated appropriations act 2008direct emitterse-ggrtelectronic greenhouse gas reporting toolenvironmentenvironmental protection agencyepafacilitiesghgglobal warminggreenhouse gaseslandfillsmandatory reporting of greenhouse gases rulemetalsmineralsoapoaroffice of air and radiationoffice of atmospheric programspaperpower plantspulprefineriessamplesuppliersunited states
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Development of 3D Geological Model of Tuscarora Sandstone for Feasibility of Deep Direct-Use Geothermal at West Virginia University Main CampusSource

The subsurface uncertainty at West Virginia University Main Campus is dominated by the uncertainty in the projections of geofluid flowrate in the target formation, the Tuscarora Sandstone. In this paper, three cores from the heterogeneous reservoir, available through West Virginia Geologic and Economic Survey, are analyzed by performing core analysis using CT scanning and permeability measurements via minipermeameter. Additional geological data are collected through cores, published literature, seismic data, and nearby, existing wells to estimate thickness, fracture network configuration and geothermal gradient to minimize the uncertainty of well deliverability. Using these estimated reservoir properties; a 3D conceptual model for the proposed geothermal site is developed. This dataset includes a GRC conference publication along with the data used to produce results explained in the paper including minipermeability measurement data for Preston -119 core and thin section analysis photos and data for Clay-513 core.

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3DClay-513Core AnalysisDirect UsePreston-119Tuscarora Sandstoneanalysisdataddudeepenergyfeasibilityflow rategeofluidgeologic modelgeologygeothermalgrcminipermeabilitypaperparameter estimationpermeabilityphotospresentationreservoirstudythin sectionwvu
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Exploration Gap Assessment (FY13 Update)Source

This submission contains an update to the previous Exploration Gap Assessment funded in 2012, which identify high potential hydrothermal areas where critical data are needed (gap analysis on exploration data). The uploaded data are contained in two data files for each data category: A shape (SHP) file containing the grid, and a data file (CSV) containing the individual layers that intersected with the grid. This CSV can be joined with the map to retrieve a list of datasets that are available at any given site. A grid of the contiguous U.S. was created with 88,000 10-km by 10-km grid cells, and each cell was populated with the status of data availability corresponding to five data types: 1. well data 2. geologic maps 3. fault maps 4. geochemistry data 5. geophysical data

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SGWStanford Geothermal WorkshopdBase filedata coveragedata gapsexplorationfaultfault mapsgapgap assessmentgeochemistrygeochemistry datageologicgeologic mapsgeophysicalgeospatial datageothermalgeothermal prospectorindex filemineralnational geothermal data systemngdsnrelpaperprocessprojection fileraw datashapefilestructural mapsstructurewellwell datawestern US
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Geothermal Investigations in West Virginia, 1982

Paper and metadata for studies regarding geothermal information and data in West Virginia. Includes location coordinates, chemical analyses, and other factors/measurements. From the site: "Preliminary study of the potential geothermal resources and analysis of the subsurface temperatures and heat flows of West Virginia. Geothermal resources in eastern United States include (1) warm-spring systems, (2) radioactive granite plutons beneath thick sedimentary cover, and (3) deep sedimentary basins having normal temperature gradients. The Appalachian basin in West Virginia contains sedimentary rocks that are greater than 20000 ft deep; thick sections of shale and sandstone occur in these regions. These deep basins are potentially attractive geothermal resources if higher-than-normal temperature gradients are identified. Numerous warm springs in eastern West Virginia suggest that deep circulation of ground waters along faults may locally elevate wall rock temperatures in the Appalachian basin. This is a preliminary study of the potential geothermal resources and provides an analysis of the subsurface temperatures and heat flow of West Virginia."

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GeothermalResourceappalachian basinchemistrycoordinatesdatageothermalpaperratiationresourcesedimentary basinsstudywest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Graph Theory for Analyzing Pair-wise Data: Application to Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar DataSource

Graph theory is useful for estimating time-dependent model parameters via weighted least-squares using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data. Plotting acquisition dates (epochs) as vertices and pair-wise interferometric combinations as edges defines an incidence graph. The edge-vertex incidence matrix and the normalized edge Laplacian matrix are factors in the covariance matrix for the pair-wise data. Using empirical measures of residual scatter in the pair-wise observations, we estimate the variance at each epoch by inverting the covariance of the pair-wise data. We evaluate the rank deficiency of the corresponding least-squares problem via the edge-vertex incidence matrix. We implement our method in a MATLAB software package called GraphTreeTA available on GitHub ( We apply temporal adjustment to the data set described in Lu et al. (2005) at Okmok volcano, Alaska, which erupted most recently in 1997 and 2008. The data set contains 44 differential volumetric changes and uncertainties estimated from interferograms between 1997 and 2004. Estimates show that approximately half of the magma volume lost during the 1997 eruption was recovered by the summer of 2003. Between June 2002 and September 2003, the estimated rate of volumetric increase is (6.2 +/- 0.6) x 10^6 m^3/yr. Our preferred model provides a reasonable fit that is compatible with viscoelastic relaxation in the five years following the 1997 eruption. Although we demonstrate the approach using volumetric rates of change, our formulation in terms of incidence graphs applies to any quantity derived from pair-wise differences, such as wrapped phase or wrapped residuals. Date of final oral examination: 05/19/2016 This thesis is approved by the following members of the Final Oral Committee: Kurt L. Feigl, Professor, Geoscience Michael Cardiff, Assistant Professor, Geoscience Clifford H. Thurber, Vilas Distinguished Professor, Geoscience

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AKAlaskaGraphTreeTAInSARMatLabOkmokPoroTomoapplicationcovarianceenergyflowgraph theoryimplementationinterferometricinversionlaplacianmagmamatrixmethodmodelmodelingpaperparametersporoelastic tomographyradarremote sensingsynthetic aperturetemporal adjustmentthesistime seriestime-dependenttime-varyingviscoelastic relaxationviscousvolcanovolumeweighted least-squares
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Greenhouse Gas Data Publication ToolSource

This tool to gives you access to greenhouse gas data reported to EPA by large facilities and suppliers in the United States through EPA's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program. The tool allows you to view data in several formats including maps, tables, charts and graphs for individual facilities or groups of facilities. You can search the data set for individual facilities by name or location or filter the data set by state or county, industry sectors and sub-sectors, annual facility emission thresholds, and greenhouse gas type. For more information on the GHG Reporting Program and this data, please visit

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40 cfr part 98chemicalsclimate changeconsolidated appropriations act 2008e-ggrtelectronic greenhouse gas reporting toolenvironmentenvironmental protection agencyepafacilitiesghgglobal warminggreenhouse gaseslandfillsmandatory reporting of greenhouse gases rulemetalsmineralsoapoaroffice of air and radiationoffice of atmospheric programspaperpower plantspulprefineriessampleunited states
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
Groundwater Quality and Simulation of Sources of Water to Wells in the Marsh Creek Valley at the U.S. Geological Survey Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory, Tioga County, Pennsylvania

A report on the composition of groundwater in an area inside sites where Marcellus Shale is being drilled. The studies performed aimed to determine whether and how much contamination was occurring from the drilling. Includes isotope and radiation data. From the site: "This report provides a November 2010 snapshot of groundwater quality and an analysis of the sources of water to wells at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Northern Appalachian Research Laboratory (NARL) near Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. The laboratory, which conducts fisheries research, currently (2011) withdraws 1,000 gallons per minute of high-quality groundwater from three wells completed in the glacial sand and gravel aquifer beneath the Marsh Creek valley; a fourth well that taps the same aquifer provides the potable supply for the facility. The study was conducted to document the source areas and quality of the water supply for this Department of Interior facility, which is surrounded by the ongoing development of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale."

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Northern AppalachianPennsylvaniaResourceTioga CountyWatercontaminationdatadrillgroundwaterisotopemarcellus shalepaperradiationstudywater quality
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Innovative Play Fairway Modelling Applied to the Tularosa Basin Project ReportSource

This report describes all of the work done in Phase I of a geothermal exploration project in the Tularosa Basin, as well as an outline for Phase II work, and more.

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assessmentbasinexplorationfracture permeabilitygeothermalgroundwaterheatinnovativeinvestigationmodellingnew mexiconmpaperpfaphase 1play fairway analysisprojectreportresourcetularosatularosa basin
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Isotopic evidence of enhanced carbonate dissolution at a coal mine drainage site in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA

Link to an Applied Geochemistry paper from Science Direct through SciTech Connect. The paper discusses the chemical processes at work in Allegheny County, PA, and uses stable isotopes to track dissolved inorganic carbon in a coal mine drainage site. The studies investigated how much draining and leaching into groundwaters was occurring. The paper includes measurements of various factors including trace metal amounts, isotopic concentrations, pH, alkalinity, and strontium concentrations.

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Allegheny CountyCoalDICFluidsGeochemistryPennsylvaniaResourcecarbonatechemistrycoaldatadissolved inorganic compounddrainagegroundwaterisotopepaperstudy
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Newberry Well 55-29 Stimulation Data 2014Source

The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon, a 5 year project begun in 2010, tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. First, the stimulation pumps used were designed to run for weeks and deliver large volumes of water at moderate well-head pressure. Second, to stimulate multiple zones, AltaRock developed thermo-degradable zonal isolation materials (TZIMs) to seal off fractures in a geothermal well to stimulate secondary and tertiary fracture zones. The TZIMs degrade within weeks, resulting in an optimized injection/ production profile of the entire well. Third, the project followed a project-specific Induced Seismicity Mitigation Plan (ISMP) to evaluate, monitor for, and mitigate felt induced seismicity. An initial stimulation was conducted in 2012 and continued for 7 weeks, with over 41,000 m3 of water injected. Further analysis indicated a shallow casing leak and an unstable formation in the open hole. The well was repaired with a shallow casing tieback and perforated liner in the open hole and re-stimulated in 2014. The second stimulation started September 23rd, 2014 and continued for 3 weeks with over 9,500 m3 of water injected. The well was treated with several batches of newly tested TZIM diverter materials and a newly designed Diverter Injection Vessel Assembly (DIVA), which was the main modification to the original injection system design used in 2012. A second round of stimulation that included two perforation shots and additional batches of TZIM was conducted on November 11th, 2014 for 9 days with an additional 4,000 m3 of water injected. The stimulations resulted in a 3-4 fold increase in injectivity, and PTS data indicates partial blocking and creation of flow zones near the bottom of the well. This submission includes all of the files and reports associated with the stimulation, pressure testing, and monitoring included in the scope of the project.

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Enhanced Geothermal System Newberry Volcano TOUGHREACT201455-29AltaRockChemicalDTSDaily ReportDemonstrationDiverter MaterialDownhole pressureEGSELHSFlow TestFoulger ConsultingGRCGeochemistryGroundwater MonitoringHydrologicalISTIInjectionMEQMechanicalMicroseismic MonitoringNEWWNN-17NN-18NewberryPCGPLHSPNSNPTSPTS dataPad 16Pad 29Pad-16Pad-29PresentationPressure Fall-OffPublicationsResultsSGWSeismicStanfordStimulationTemperature MonitoringThermalVCVolcanoWHPWHTWeir BoxWell Constructionaddendumanalysisbackflow reportcasingchartclustereddatadeptheventfield temperaturefinal reportflow dataflow rateflowrategas chemistrygeothermalgraphground watergroundwaterhole depthsinduced seismicityinduced seismisityinjectivitylocationsmanual readingsmicroseismicitymitigationmonitoring dataoperations summaryoutputpaperplanpresssurepressure dataproduction wellprofilerawreportschematicseismic dataspinnerstimulation datasurface watersurveytemperaturetemperature at depthultrasonicwell datawell head pressurewellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Radium Content of Oil- and Gas-Field Produced Waters in the Northern Appalachian Basin (USA)

From the site: "Radium activity data for waters co-produced with oil and gas in New York and Pennsylvania have been compiled from publicly available sources and are presented together with new data for six wells, including one time series. When available, total dissolved solids (TDS), and gross alpha and gross beta particle activities also were compiled. Data from the 1990s and earlier are from sandstone and limestone oil/gas reservoirs of Cambrian-Mississippian age; however, the recent data are almost exclusively from the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale. The Marcellus Shale represents a vast resource of natural gas the size and significance of which have only recently been recognized. Exploitation of the Marcellus involves hydraulic fracturing of the shale to release tightly held gas. Analyses of the water produced with the gas commonly show elevated levels of salinity and radium."

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PennsylvaniaResourceWaterappalachian basincoordinatesdatagasmarcellus shalenew yorkoilpaperradioactivityradiumstudywater
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Snake River Plain FORGE: Site Characterization DataSource

The site characterization data used to develop the conceptual geologic model for the Snake River Plain site in Idaho, as part of phase 1 of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE) initiative. This collection includes data on seismic events, groundwater, geomechanical models, gravity surveys, magnetics, resistivity, magnetotellurics (MT), rock physics, stress, the geologic setting, and supporting documentation, including several papers. Also included are 3D models (Petrel and Jewelsuite) of the proposed site. Data for wells INEL-1, WO-2, and USGS-142 have been included as links to separate data collections. These data have been assembled by the Snake River Geothermal Consortium (SRGC), a team of collaborators that includes members from national laboratories, universities, industry, and federal agencies, lead by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Other contributors include the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CEAS), the University of Idaho, Idaho State University, Boise State University, University of Wyoming, University of Oklahoma, Energy and Geoscience Institute-University of Utah, US Geothermal, Baker Hughes Campbell Scientific Inc., Chena Power, US Geological Survey (USGS), Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Geological Survey, and Mink GeoHydro.

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3D3D modelAnnual reportEGSERSPESRPEasternEastern Snake River PlainFORGEGRRAGeothermal SystemsHeHeiseINEL siteINEL-1INLIdahoJewelSuiteMTMonitoringNRMNeogenePaleozoicPetrelPhase 1PicaboResistivitySRGCSeismicSnake River PlainTDUSGSUSGS-142UndiscoveredWO-2Yellowstoneaddendumanalyticalanomaliesaquiferbasinblogcalderacharacterizationcollectionconceptual modelcoordinatesdatadeformationdistributionelectricalelevationeventsextensionextensional structuresfieldfold hingesgeochemicalgeoelectricgeologicgeologic modelgeomechanicalgeomechanical modelgeothermalgravitygroundwaterheat flowheliumhistoryinformationintrusioninversionisostaticisotopeisotopic evidencelocationlong-periodmagmatismmagneticmagneticsmagnetotelluricsmantle plumemapmodelmodelingoceanic hotspotpaleoseismologypaperpotentialprofilingray tracereceiverrefractionrefraction surveyresidualrhyoliticrock physicssectionseismic modelingsettingsitesite characterizationsite datasnapshotsoundingsrgsrpstressstrian ratessublithosphericsubsidencesupplementaltarget depthtectonic faultsteleseismictemptemperaturethermalthermal watervolcanicvolcanicsvolcanismvoncanicwebsitewell datawell headswellbore
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Southwestern Pennsylvania Marcellus Shale Short-Term Ambient Air Sampling Report

Paper and data describing conditions the sampling and chemistry of air-sampling sites upon the Marcellus Shale. From the site: "Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) reports findings from a short-term air quality sampling program in the southwest region of PA during a five-week period in 2010. Sampling took place in Greene and Washington counties while background air samples were collected in Washington County. Detection of methane, ethane, propane, and benzene in air samples (compounds for which health standards have not been set)."

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Air PollutionAtmosphericPennsylvaniaairchemistrycontaminationdatamarcellus shalepaperstudy
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios for selected sites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN)

From the site: "Increasingly, hydrologic studies require information on the isotopic composition of natural waters. This report presents stable hydrogen (δ2H) and oxygen isotope ratios (δ180) of precipitation samples from seven selected sites of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN) collected during the years 1992-1994."

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AIRMoNDelawareFluidsGeochemistryNOAANew YorkNorthern AppalachianPennsylvaniaResourceWaterdatagroundwaterillinoisisotopeohiopaperratioresearchstudytennessee
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Summary 2010 Greenhouse Gas DataSource

This file contains a summary of the publicly available data from the GHG Reporting Program for 2010. This data includes non-confidential data reported by facilities that directly emit GHGs. The files also contain non-confidential information reported by suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases. This excel file contains the same information available in the Data Publication Tool. The file contains the most important, high-level information reported by direct emitters and suppliers and can be easily sorted to respond to many common queries. Please visit for more information on the data.

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40 cfr part 98chemicalsclimate changeconsolidated appropriations act 2008direct emitterse-ggrtelectronic greenhouse gas reporting toolenvironmentenvironmental protection agencyepafacilitiesghgglobal warminggreenhouse gaseslandfillsmandatory reporting of greenhouse gases rulemetalsmineralsoapoaroffice of air and radiationoffice of atmospheric programspaperpower plantspulprefineriessamplesuppliersunited states
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
The Value of Spatial Information for Determining Well PlacementSource

The article and accompanying spreadsheet represent the information posteriors derived from synthetic data of magnetotellurics (MT). These were used to calculate value of information of MT for geothermal exploration. Information posteriors describe how well MT was able to locate the "throat" of clay caps, which are indicative of hidden geothermal resources. This data is fully explained in the peer-reviewed publication: The value of spatial information for determining well placement: a geothermal example, written by Trainor-Guitton, W., Hoversten, G. M., Ramirez, A., Roberts, J., Juliusson, E., Key, K., and Mellors, R. and published on August 25th, 2014.

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articleblind geothermal prospectclay capsgeothermalinformation posteriormagnetotelluricspaperpeer-reviewedpublicationsample dataspatial informationsupporting datasynthetic datavalue of informationwell placement
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
UGR: Comparison of Conventional Hydraulic and water/Nitrogen foam Fracturing in Two Ohio Devonian Shale Gas Wells

A paper describing the results of two hydraulic fracturing events. From the paper: "The current natural gas supply problems in the United States arc encouraging research into new or underdeveloped gas sources. One such source is the Devonian Shale sequence of Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. These thick shale deposits contain large gas resources, but have not been fully exploited because of the severely restricted gas well flow rates. Shale wells must be artificially stimulated to improve gas deliverability to a commercial level, and research is underway to develop a stimulation method suited to the Devonian Shale. This report describes a performance comparison of two wells completed in the Shale near Youngstown, Ohio: one stimulated conventionally with hydraulic fracturing, the other with a nitrogen/water foam treatment. Both wells have comparable reservoir sections and received equivalently sized stimulation treatments. Drilling and fracture programs for both wells are discussed along with short-term gas production tests conducted to evaluate the fracture treatments. Early indications show that the foam fracturing method is better suited to the reservoir conditions found in the Devonian Shale, resulting in much faster fracturing fluid clean-up and higher initial gas production than the conventional water method."

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Natural GasResourceUGRdevonianeastern gas shalesfracturinggas productionnatural gasohiopaperpdfresultunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Drilling a Directionally Deviated Well to Stimulate Gas Production from a Marginal Reservoir in southern West Virginia

A brief discussion of some gas production experiments, done to better plan for future drilling events. From the paper: "Numerous areas in both the western and eastern United States contain large reserves of gas trapped in very low permeable reservoirs. The Mesa Verde formation in the Piceance, Green River, and Uinta Basins of the Rocky Mountain region for example, contains reserves of trillions of cubic feet of gas. The Brown Shale of Upper Devonian Age in the eastern United States also holds tremendous reserves of natural gas. The Morgantown West Virginia Energy Research Center of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Agency formerly the U.S. Bureau of Mines, as nart of a long term earth fracture systems evaluation program, has concentrated on developing methods for more efficiently producing gas from these marginal reservoirs. As a result of these studies, ERDA and Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation cooperated on a program to drill a series of wells to test the deviated well concept in the economically marginal Upper Devonian gas reservoir."

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ExperimentalNatural GasResourceUGRdevonianeastern gas shalespaperpdfreservesstudyunconventional gas recoverywest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Increasing Eastern U.S. Natural Gas Reserves from Gas Bearing Shales

Report detailing plans to study and predict natural gas reserves in Eastern Gas Shales. From the paper: "The U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) has initiated a multi-year project directed toward the stimulation of natural gas production in the Eastern Petroliferous basins. The objective of the project is to stimulate increased commercial production of natural gas by providing reliable resource data, developing economical extraction alternatives, and demonstrating the commercial feasibility of promising production techniques. The project should provide a significant contribution to the domestic energy base, supply a clean fuel for eastern industrial use, and help to alleviate anticipated near-term and long-term shortages of natural gas."

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Natural GasResourceeastern gas shalesnatural gaspaperpdfpredictprojectreserveunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Information File Accession List

Unconventional Gas Recovery Program Information File Accession List - names and numbers associated with the program's files and documents.

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Eastern Gas ShalesGeologyNatural GasResourceUnconventional Gas Recoveryindexpaperpdf
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
US Low-Temperature EGS Resource Potential EstimateSource

Shapefile of shallow, low-temperature EGS resources for the United States, and accompanying paper (submitted to GRC 2016) describing the methodology and analysis. These data are part of a very rough estimate created for use in the U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technology Office's Vision Study. They are not a robust estimate of low-temperature EGS resources in the U.S, and should be used accordingly.

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EGSGISGIS dataGeoVisionVision Studydirect useestimategeospatial datageothermallow temperaturelow-temppaperresource potentialshallowshapefilethermal energy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: GRC Paper on Geothermal Exploration at NewberrySource

Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: 2012 GRC Paper Geothermal Exploration at Newberry

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EGSGRCGeophysical explorationGeophysicsIETcalderaexplorationgeothermalgrc paperhydrothermalnewberryoregonpapervalidationvolcano
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago