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Geologic Map of Garrett, Allegany and Western Washington Counties in Maryland

From the site: "This map includes short descriptions of geologic units and a cross section showing the distribution of geologic units under the earth’s surface. Among other uses, the map will provide users with a better understanding of the distribution, depths and thickness of Marcellus Shale. This map will be especially useful in showing the interplay between geologic formations and groundwater availability and quality. The map updates geologic information to be consistent with adjacent states, redefines boundaries between formations from the previous maps, and updates the subsurface geologic cross section based on new review of geologic cores and geophysical logs. The geologic information is available to users in Geographic Information System (GIS) format. A printable PDF version is also available. At this time we do not plan to offer a printed version of this map. The map is about 36 inches high by 60 inches wide when printed. If you do not have access to a large-format printer you can take the PDF file to a desktop publisher or office supply store and have it printed. This product was assembled at a scale of 1:100,000. Using the map or data a smaller scale, such as 1:60,000 or 1:24,000, can result in serious positional errors. All data, information, and maps are provided "as is" without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness of completeness. The burden for determining accuracy, completeness, timeliness, merchantability and fitness for or the appropriateness for use rests solely on the user. Maryland Department of Natural Resources makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the use of the information obtained here. There are no implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user acknowledges and accepts all limitations."

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Karst in the United States: A Digital Map Compilation and Database

From the site: "This report describes new digital maps delineating areas of the United States, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, having karst or the potential for development of karst and pseudokarst. These maps show areas underlain by soluble rocks and also by volcanic rocks, sedimentary deposits, and permafrost that have potential for karst or pseudokarst development. All 50 States contain rocks with potential for karst development, and about 18 percent of their area is underlain by soluble rocks having karst or the potential for development of karst features. The areas of soluble rocks shown are based primarily on selection from State geologic maps of rock units containing significant amounts of carbonate or evaporite minerals. Areas underlain by soluble rocks are further classified by general climate setting, degree of induration, and degree of exposure. Areas having potential for volcanic pseudokarst are those underlain chiefly by basaltic-flow rocks no older than Miocene in age. Areas with potential for pseudokarst features in sedimentary rocks are in relatively unconsolidated rocks from which pseudokarst features, such as piping caves, have been reported. Areas having potential for development of thermokarst features, mapped exclusively in Alaska, contain permafrost in relatively thick surficial deposits containing ground ice. This report includes a GIS database with links from the map unit polygons to online geologic unit descriptions."

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GeographicGeologyTopographicaldatadocumentdownloadgiskarstmappdfreportunited statesusgs
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Physiographic Map of Maryland

The Physiographic Map of Maryland consists of 2 sections. The first section is Explanatory Text for the Physiographic Map of Maryland (Open File Report 08-03-1 ). This publication has detailed information on the physiographic provinces and subdivisions, 6-digit code used on the map, a summary of topography and geology of ridges in the Ridge & Valley Province and much more. The second section is "Plate 1. Physiographic Map of Maryland (scale 1:250,000)", the PDF map file. This publication is available for download in PDF format. The current version, MDPHYS2003.2, is published September 2008.

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National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Raft River Geothermal Area Logical and Fact Data ModelsSource

This submission includes fact and logical data models for geothermal data concerning wells, fields, power plants and related analyses at Raft River, ID. The fact model is available in VizioModeler (native), html, UML, ORM-Specific, pdf, and as an XML Spy Project. An entity-relationship diagram is also included. Models are derived from tables, figures and other content in the following reports from the Raft River Geothermal Project: "Technical Report on the Raft River Geothermal Resource, Cassia County, Idaho," GeothermEx, Inc., August 2002. "Results from the Short-Term Well Testing Program at the Raft River Geothermal Field, Cassia County, Idaho," GeothermEx, Inc., October 2004.

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ERERDSpy Projectanalysisattributecassia countyclassconceptual modeldata modeleditorentity-relationshipfact modelfieldgeothermalgeothermexhtmlidahological modelnativeormpdfpower plantprojectpropertiesraft riverumlus geothermalviziomodelerwellxmixmlxml spy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
UGR: Bibliography of Upper Devonian Shale Sequence

Bibliography for Upper Devonian Shale Sequence paper.

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Natural GasResourceUGRbibliographydevonian shaleeastern gas shalespdfunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Comparison of Conventional Hydraulic and water/Nitrogen foam Fracturing in Two Ohio Devonian Shale Gas Wells

A paper describing the results of two hydraulic fracturing events. From the paper: "The current natural gas supply problems in the United States arc encouraging research into new or underdeveloped gas sources. One such source is the Devonian Shale sequence of Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. These thick shale deposits contain large gas resources, but have not been fully exploited because of the severely restricted gas well flow rates. Shale wells must be artificially stimulated to improve gas deliverability to a commercial level, and research is underway to develop a stimulation method suited to the Devonian Shale. This report describes a performance comparison of two wells completed in the Shale near Youngstown, Ohio: one stimulated conventionally with hydraulic fracturing, the other with a nitrogen/water foam treatment. Both wells have comparable reservoir sections and received equivalently sized stimulation treatments. Drilling and fracture programs for both wells are discussed along with short-term gas production tests conducted to evaluate the fracture treatments. Early indications show that the foam fracturing method is better suited to the reservoir conditions found in the Devonian Shale, resulting in much faster fracturing fluid clean-up and higher initial gas production than the conventional water method."

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Natural GasResourceUGRdevonianeastern gas shalesfracturinggas productionnatural gasohiopaperpdfresultunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Drilling a Directionally Deviated Well to Stimulate Gas Production from a Marginal Reservoir in southern West Virginia

A brief discussion of some gas production experiments, done to better plan for future drilling events. From the paper: "Numerous areas in both the western and eastern United States contain large reserves of gas trapped in very low permeable reservoirs. The Mesa Verde formation in the Piceance, Green River, and Uinta Basins of the Rocky Mountain region for example, contains reserves of trillions of cubic feet of gas. The Brown Shale of Upper Devonian Age in the eastern United States also holds tremendous reserves of natural gas. The Morgantown West Virginia Energy Research Center of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Agency formerly the U.S. Bureau of Mines, as nart of a long term earth fracture systems evaluation program, has concentrated on developing methods for more efficiently producing gas from these marginal reservoirs. As a result of these studies, ERDA and Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation cooperated on a program to drill a series of wells to test the deviated well concept in the economically marginal Upper Devonian gas reservoir."

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ExperimentalNatural GasResourceUGRdevonianeastern gas shalespaperpdfreservesstudyunconventional gas recoverywest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: ERDA research in Fracturing Technologies

Paper discussing new technologies - both made and being made - that are intended to assist in extracting natural gasses from eastern gas shales. It also discusses the new potentials provided by technological advances. From the paper: "Research in fracturing technology for the ERDA organization is structured on (1) the development of new concepts for increasing the deliverability of natural gas from resources that are classified as marginal by present day practices and (2) the testing and transfer of new technology to the private sector. The program at the Morgantown Energy Research Center is centered about their foremost expertise in delineating and utilizing natural and induced fracture systems for enhancement of resource recovery. More recently, the research program has been expanded to include studies of foam fracturing, production history from fractured wells, cost/effectiveness of stimulation treatments and fracture mechanics as support activities for field demonstration projects. The program at the Bartlesville Energy Research Center evolves about their broad experience in stimulation technology in the marginal gas resources of the western U.S. This experience includes nuclear, explosive and more recently, massive hydraulic fracturing stimulation technology."

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Natural GasResourceeastern gas shaleshydraulic fracturingnatural gaspdfresearchresourcetechnologyunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Increasing Eastern U.S. Natural Gas Reserves from Gas Bearing Shales

Report detailing plans to study and predict natural gas reserves in Eastern Gas Shales. From the paper: "The U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) has initiated a multi-year project directed toward the stimulation of natural gas production in the Eastern Petroliferous basins. The objective of the project is to stimulate increased commercial production of natural gas by providing reliable resource data, developing economical extraction alternatives, and demonstrating the commercial feasibility of promising production techniques. The project should provide a significant contribution to the domestic energy base, supply a clean fuel for eastern industrial use, and help to alleviate anticipated near-term and long-term shortages of natural gas."

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Natural GasResourceeastern gas shalesnatural gaspaperpdfpredictprojectreserveunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Information File Accession List

Unconventional Gas Recovery Program Information File Accession List - names and numbers associated with the program's files and documents.

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Eastern Gas ShalesGeologyNatural GasResourceUnconventional Gas Recoveryindexpaperpdf
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Large Scale Foam Fracturing in the Devonian Shale-A Field Demonstration in West Virginia

A paper discussing the results of a hydraulic fracturing operation. From the paper: "This report describes a large-scale foam fracturing operation performed on a Devonian Shale well in Jackson County, W. Va. Here the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) in cooperation with Consolidated Gas Supply Corp. (CGSC) conducted a foam frac using 973 bbl. water, 2160 MSCF nitrogen, and 155,000 lbs sand proppant. The gross perforated formation interval is 3238-3629 ft. in W. L. Pinnel No. 12041 near Cottageville, Jackson County. The frac test was conducted to help evaluate the effectiveness of foam fracturing in the low-pressure water sensitive Devonian Shale of the Appalachian Basin. The report details the frac job and the well clean-up period with field problems encountered. Also described is the post-frac logging program run to define created vertical fracture extent and gas influx into the well bore. A post-frac deliverability test performed on the well is described."

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DevonainNatural GasResourceUGReastern gas shalesfracturingnatural gaspdfresultshaleunconventional gas recoverywest virginia
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Some Practical Considerations in X-Radiography

A paper about how X-Radiography works and how it could apply to natural gas extraction - particularly in the Devonian shales. From the paper: "An X-radiograph is a photographic image of the preferential transmission (or absorption) of X-radiation by a solid object. The technique can supply an enormous amount of information with a minimal investment of time and money. However, obtaining high-quality, high-resolution radiographs requires a basic understanding of the process of radiography, and an optimization of a series of experimental parameters. This paper discusses the basic technique, discusses the experimental parameters and their relative effects, demonstrates the capabilities of X-radiography as an analytical technique, and includes an appendix of radiographs of Devonian shale material."

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ExperimentalNatural GasResourceUGRX-Radiographyeastern gas shalesgas productionnatural gaspdfunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
UGR: Three Lick Bed: Useful Stratigraphic Marker in Upper Devonian Shale in Eastern Kentucky and Adjacent Areas of Ohio, West Virginia, and Tennessee

Paper discussing the geology of the Devonian shales and the potential locations of gasses within it. From the paper: "The internal stratigraphy of almost any sedimentary resource – be it a coal bed, an evaporite, or an aging oil field programmed for secondary recovery - is a vital first step for evaluating its full resource potential. Because this is also true of the gas potential of the Upper Devonian black-shale sequence of the Appalachian basin, we have identified and named a useful marker bed, the Three Lick Bed, in the upper part of the Ohio Shale and its equivalents in eastern Kentucky and in nearby Ohio, West Virginia, and Tennessee. The Three Lick Bed consists of three greenish-gray shale beds separated by fissile, brownish-black shale. These distinctive greenish gray shale beds are easily recognized in outcrop in seven sections on the east flank of the Cincinnati arch from southern Ohio into Tennessee, have a distinctive signature on wire-line logs, and can be identified in well cuttings over much of eastern Kentucky and adjacent parts of Ohio and West Virginia. The Three Lick Bed correlates with the middle unit of the Gassaway Member of the Chattanooga Shale in Tennessee and with the lower part of the Camp Run Member of the New Albany Shale in Indiana."

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GeologyNatural GasResourceStratigraphyThree Lick BedUGRappalachian basinbedsdevonianeastern gas shalesgeologynatural gaspdfstratigraphyunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Utah FORGE Well 16A(78)-32 Stimulation DFN Fracture Plane Evaluation and DataSource

This dataset includes files used to fit planar fractures through the preliminary earthquake catalogs of the three stages of the April 2022 well 16A(78)-32 stimulation which is linked bellow. These planar features have been used to update the FORGE reference Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) model. The files are provided to encourage other modelers to use additional workflows to find additional/alternative features. To this end, the dataset includes the cleaned earthquake catalog data translated to the FORGE reference model global reference frame, the well trajectory of 16A(78)-32 in those same coordinates, the fit 15 planar features in csv format, and a pdf file with slides illustrating the process used to fit the features. A recorded presentation of this material is available from the October 2022 FORGE Modeling and Simulation Forum which is also linked below.

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DFNEGSExcelFORGEUtah FORGEUtah FORGE wellsWell 16A78-32 stimulationcharacterizationcsvdiscrete fracture networkenergyfracingfrackinggeothermalmodelingpdfrock fracturesstimulationwell stimulationwell 16A78-32well fracturewell fractures
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago