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Crude Oil ImportsSource

Imports by origin of all grades of crude oil, i.e., heavy sour, heavy sweet, light sour, light sweet, and medium crude oil. View data by country, by world region, or by OPEC and non-OPEC status. Data in monthly or annual time series. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
APIOPECcrude oilcrude oil importspetroleumpetroleum imports
No formats found
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Crude Oil Imports: By Origin Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Imports by origin of all grades of crude oil, i.e., heavy sour, heavy sweet, light sour, light sweet, and medium crude oil. View data by country, by world region, or by OPEC and non-OPEC status. Data in monthly or annual time series. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
APIOPECcrude oilcrude oil importspetroleumpetroleum imports
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Crude Oil and Petroleum ExportsSource

Monthly Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Exports . Data are back to January 1981 for petroleum products and back to January 1920 for crude oil.

No licence known
crude oilcrude oil exportspetroleumpetroleum exports
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Deep Seismic Reflection Studies in the Pacific Northwest U.S. Data Visualization Disc

From its inception in May of 1982, the U.S. Department of Energy Deep Source Gas project has investigated the possibility that significant quantities of hydrocarbons, natural gas in particular, may be generated during and following convergent plate tectonic sediment subduction. Sediment subduction is believed to have been an important process during the past 180 million years along the western margin of North America. Several years of regional geological, and limited geochemical investigations led to the theory that some portion of these subducted sedimentary units may have been left in place in the upper crust of the continental plate margin of this region. The potential for these, in part, deeply buried rocks to generate petroleum, and to contain important quantities of natural gas at drillable depths, was at the heart of this effort. Along with Gas Hydrates, the Deep Source Gas program of the Morgantown Energy Technology Center was structured under the heading of Speculative Gas Resources being investigated in frontier areas of the U.S. Following an initial reconnaissance geophysical effort in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, which included the use of magnetotellurics (MT), gravity, and magnetics information, an important high conductivity MT anomaly was identified in southwest Washington. This feature later identified as the Southern Washington Cascades Conductor, or SWCC, was of sufficient areal extent to warrant further study for its potential as a deeply buried subduction system with significant sedimentary section. Approximately 238 kilometers of 1024 channel deep seismic reflection data were collected in 1988, 1989 and 1990 across the SWCC anomaly in six seismic lines. At this time approximately half of the data has been analyzed and released in the following publications: U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 91-119 entitled "Are Hydrocarbon Source Rocks Hidden Beneath the Volcanic Flows in the Southern Washington Cascades?" by W. D. Stanley, W. J. Gwilliam, G. V. Latham, and J. K. Westhusing, 41 p., 12 figs.; American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1990 Annual Convention, San Francisco, abstract entitled "Deep Seismic Surveys of a Dormant Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest United States", by W. J. Gwilliam, W. D. Stanley, G. V. Latham and J. K. Westhusing; U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center Proceedings of the 1990 Natural Gas Research and Development Contractors Review Meeting, entitled "Exploration For Deep Source Hydrocarbons in Subduction Terrain of the Pacific Northwest" by Keith Westhusing and Steve Krehbiel, 22 p. 18 figs., available through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Publication No.DE9100203035; U.S. Department of Energy Morgantown Energy Technology Center Proceedings of the 1992 Natural Gas Research and Development Contractors Review Meeting, abstract, entitled "Deep Source Gas Seismic Survey - Washington State" by Steven C. Krehbiel, Mary Rafalowski-Guide and Mark H. Thomas, available through NTIS Publication No. DE92001278; American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin vol. 76, no. 10, October 1992 paper entitled "The Southern Washington Cascades Conductor-A Previously Unrecognized Thick Sedimentary Sequence?" by W. D. Stanley, W. J. Gwilliam, Gary Latham, and Keith Westhusing, 16 p., 11 figs.

No licence known
1994AAPGClassificationDOEData Series DDS-16Deep Source GasExploratoryGasGeochemistryGeologyMETCMTMorgantown Energy Technology CenterOilSEG-Y format seismic dataTypesUNIXUSGSWashingtonWell Datageochemicalhydrocarbonslocationmagnetotelluricsnatural gaspetroleumsubductionvelocity
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Deep Seismic Reflection Studies in the Pacific Northwest U.S. Open File Report 92-714

From its inception in May of 1982, the U.S. Department of Energy Deep Source Gas project has investigated the possibility that significant quantities of hydrocarbons, natural gas in particular, may be generated during and following convergent plate tectonic sediment subduction. Sediment subduction is believed to have been an important process during the past 180 million years along the western margin of North America. Several years of regional geological, and limited geochemical investigations led to the theory that some portion of these subducted sedimentary units may have been left in place in the upper crust of the continental plate margin of this region. The potential for these, in part, deeply buried rocks to generate petroleum, and to contain important quantities of natural gas at drillable depths, was at the heart of this effort. Along with Gas Hydrates, the Deep Source Gas program of the Morgantown Energy Technology Center was structured under the heading of Speculative Gas Resources being investigated in frontier areas of the U.S. Following an initial reconnaissance geophysical effort in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, which included the use of magnetotellurics (MT), gravity, and magnetics information, an important high conductivity MT anomaly was identified in southwest Washington. This feature later identified as the Southern Washington Cascades Conductor, or SWCC, was of sufficient areal extent to warrant further study for its potential as a deeply buried subduction system with significant sedimentary section. Approximately 238 kilometers of 1024 channel deep seismic reflection data were collected in 1988, 1989 and 1990 across the SWCC anomaly in six seismic lines. At this time approximately half of the data has been analyzed and released in the following publications: U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 91-119 entitled "Are Hydrocarbon Source Rocks Hidden Beneath the Volcanic Flows in the Southern Washington Cascades?" by W. D. Stanley, W. J. Gwilliam, G. V. Latham, and J. K. Westhusing, 41 p., 12 figs.; American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1990 Annual Convention, San Francisco, abstract entitled "Deep Seismic Surveys of a Dormant Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest United States", by W. J. Gwilliam, W. D. Stanley, G. V. Latham and J. K. Westhusing; U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center Proceedings of the 1990 Natural Gas Research and Development Contractors Review Meeting, entitled "Exploration For Deep Source Hydrocarbons in Subduction Terrain of the Pacific Northwest" by Keith Westhusing and Steve Krehbiel, 22 p. 18 figs., available through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Publication No.DE9100203035; U.S. Department of Energy Morgantown Energy Technology Center Proceedings of the 1992 Natural Gas Research and Development Contractors Review Meeting, abstract, entitled "Deep Source Gas Seismic Survey - Washington State" by Steven C. Krehbiel, Mary Rafalowski-Guide and Mark H. Thomas, available through NTIS Publication No. DE92001278; American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin vol. 76, no. 10, October 1992 paper entitled "The Southern Washington Cascades Conductor-A Previously Unrecognized Thick Sedimentary Sequence?" by W. D. Stanley, W. J. Gwilliam, Gary Latham, and Keith Westhusing, 16 p., 11 figs.

No licence known
1993AAPGDOEGasGeochemistryGeologyMETCMTMorgantown Energy Technology CenterOilOpen File Report 92-714SEG-Y format seismic dataTypesUNIXUSGSWashingtonWell Datageochemicalhydrocarbonslocationmagnetotelluricsnatural gaspetroleumseismic linesubductionvelocity
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
EIA Data Tools and Maps

A comprehensive list of data, tools, and maps from EIA.

No licence known
Alternative FuelDataEIAMapsToolscoalfloodnatural gaspetroleum
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Energy Information Administration facts and data

EIA downloadable gis energy information for the US; includes shapefiles for data on Coal Mines - Surface and Underground, Crude Oil Pipelines, Liquefied Natural Gas Import/Export Terminals, Natural Gas Interstate and Intrastate Pipelines, Natural Gas Market Hubs, NGL Pipelines, Petroleum Product Pipelines, Petroleum Refineries, Petroleum Terminals, Power Plants, and Strategic Petroleum Reserves.

No licence known
CoalEIANatural GasOilResourcecoaldatadownloadgisminenatural gasoilpetroleumpipelinesreservesunited states
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Flow in Porous Media, Phase Behavior and Ultraflow Interfacial Tensions


No licence known
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Flow in Porous Media, Phase and Ultralow Interfacial Tensions

Flow in Porous Media, Phase and Ultralow Interfacial Tensions: Mechanisms of Enhanced Petroleum Recovery

No licence known
Enhanced Gas RecoveryGeologyflowinterfacialmechanismsmediapetroleumphaseporoustensionsultralow
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Geothermal Drilling and Completions: Petroleum Practices Technology TransferSource

NREL and the Colorado School of Mines (SURGE) conducted research in FY14 to identify petroleum drilling and completion practices (methods and technologies) that can be transferred to geothermal drilling and completion, to provide the geothermal industry with more effective, lower cost and lower risk methods. The submitted resource is the FY14 project final report.

No licence known
best practicescompletioncostdrillingfinal reportgeothermalmethodspetroleumtechnologytechnology transfer
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago

GoNM is a web map that shows locations of active and former petroleum storage tank (PST) facilities and sites of active and closed releases. The web map contains links to relevant documents (if available electronically) pertaining to individual sites when they are clicked on the map, such as inspection reports including tank closure information and monitoring reports for release sites. Water quality and depth to groundwater information is included in monitoring reports.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
BTEXbenzenecathodic protectiondelivery prohibitionethylbenzenegas stationgroundwaterleakpetroleumred tagreleaserisksecondary containmentstoragetankxylene
ArcGIS MapServices
New Mexico Environment Departmentabout 1 year ago
Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) - US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Source

From Website: The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) collects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) data from large emitting facilities, suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases that result in GHG emissions when used, and facilities that inject carbon dioxide underground. Type(s) of content in package: Includes data sets from the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Includes 2015 data highlights, facility level information, envirofacts, industrial profile, and miscellaneous sets of data. Internet Archive URL:*/

Other (Public Domain)
GHGRPIncludes 2015chemicalselectrical equipmentelectronics manufacturinggreenhouse gasindustrial greenhouse gasmetalsmineralsnatural gaspetroleumpower plantspulp and paperrefineriesunderground coal minesunderground injection of CO2waste
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Indiana Geological Survey ArcMap Services

From the site: "Desktop GIS software users may access IGS Web map services (WMS) online without downloading GIS data sets to their local systems. This is particularly useful for viewing large aerial photo data sets that may be hundreds of gigabytes in size." The GIS map includes information on Indiana boundaries, geology, hydrocarbon resources, and hydrography.

No licence known
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
International Energy Outlook Table BrowserSource

The International Energy Outlook (IEO) presents EIA's long-term assessment of world energy markets. The IEO includes projections of world energy demand by region and primary energy source through 2040; electricity generation by fuel type; and energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.

No licence known
carbon dioxideclimatecoalcrude oildieselelectric powerelectricityemissionsenergy demandenergy projectionsenergy supplyexportforecastgasolinegreenhouse gasimportinternational energyjet fuelnatural gaspetroleumrefiningrenewable energyyearly projections
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
International Energy StatisticsSource

Country specific data by year, month and quarter. Most data are available back to 1980. Fuel production, consumption, imports, exports, capacity, stocks, emissions, heat contents, and conversion factors; as well as population, as available for all fuels and countries.

No licence known
CO2 emissionsDOEDepartment of EnergyOECD oil productionOECD oil supplyOPEC oil productionOPEC oil supplybiofuelscarbon emissionscoalcoal reserveselectricityenergy consumptionenergy productionexportsfuel stocksgenerationheat contentimportsinternational energy statistics by countrynatural gasnatural gas reservesoiloil reservespetroleumrenewable fuelreserves
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Lifecycle Assessment/Analysis (LCA)Source

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a comprehensive form of analysis that utilizes the principles of Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Cost Analysis, and various other methods to evaluate the environmental, economic, and social attributes of energy systems ranging from the extraction of raw materials from the ground to the use of the energy carrier to perform work (commonly referred to as the “life cycle” of a product). Results are used to inform research at NETL and evaluate energy options from a National perspective.

No licence known
analysisbiomasscoalcostingfossilfuelgeothermalhydropowerlifecycleliquidnatural gasnuclearpetroleumrenewablesolarwind
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Monthly Energy ReviewSource

A publication of recent and historical energy statistics. This publication includes statistics on total energy production, consumption, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and international petroleum; carbon dioxide emissions; and data unit conversion values. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
coaleiaelectricityemissionsenergy pricesenergy productionnatural gaspetroleumrenewable energy
United States Department of Energyover 1 year ago
NMBGMR Energy Resources

Energy resources, like petroleum, coal, uranium and geothermal, all contribute to New Mexico's economy. Our petroleum research group produces primary research that supports the petroleum industry in New Mexico, along with curating and making publicly available an extensive collection of cores, cuttings, and well logging records. In the arena of geothermal resources, we operate equipment for measuring deep borehole temperatures, that can be used to evaluate geothermal resources around the state.

No licence known
coalcorescuttingsenergyenergy resourcesgeothermalpetroleumwell log
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourcesabout 1 year ago

OSTI.GOV is the primary search tool for DOE science, technology, and engineering research and development results and the organizational hub for information about the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information. OSTI.GOV makes discoverable over 70 years of research results from DOE and its predecessor agencies. Research results include journal articles/accepted manuscripts and related metadata; technical reports; scientific research datasets and collections; scientific software; patents; conference and workshop papers; books and theses; and multimedia.

No licence known
AECAtomic Energy CommissionDOEECDERDAEnergy Research and Development AdministrationOSTIOffice of Scientific and Technical Information peatSTIacceleratorsadvanced propulsionatomic and molecular physicsbibliographic databiologybiomass fuelsbiomedicinechemistrycoalcomputingcondensed matter physicsconservation technologydirect energy conversiondosimetryelementary particles and fieldsenergy citationsenergy conservationenergy consumptionenergy conversionenergy policyenergy researchenergy storageenergy technologiesenergy utilizationengineeringenvironmental cleanupenvironmental sciencesfissionfossil fuelsfull-textfusion technologygasgeosciencesgeothermal energyhazardous waste managementhuman genome projecthydro energyhydroelectricityhydrogeninformation bridgeinformation scienceinstrumentationisotope technologyisotopeslife scienceslignitematerials handlingmaterials sciencemathematicsmechanicsmetals and ceramicsmilitary technologynational defensenatural gasnuclear chemistrynuclear disarmamentnuclear fuelsnuclear medicinenuclear physicsnuclear powernuclear reactorsnuclear sciencenuclear technologyoil shalespetroleumphysicsplasma physicspollutionpower distributionpower generationpower plantspower transmissionquantum mechanicsradiationradiation physicsradiation technologyradioactive wastesradiochemistryradiologyrenewable energy sourcesresearch and developmentsafeguardsscientific and technical informationscientific reportssolar energysuperconductivitysuperfluiditysynthetic fuelstar sandstechnical reportsthermonuclear powertidal energytidal powerwave powerweaponrywind energy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Pennsylvania Spatial Data: Total Petroleum Systems

From the site: "The Total Petroleum System is used in the National Assessment Project and incorporates the Assessment Unit, which is the fundamental geologic unit used for the assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources. The Total Petroleum System is shown here as a geographic boundary defined and mapped by the geologist responsible for the province and incorporates not only the set of known or postulated oil and (or) gas accumulations, but also the geologic interpretation of the essential elements and processes within the petroleum system that relate to source, generation, migration, accumulation, and trapping of the discovered and undiscovered petroleum resource(s)."

No licence known
GeologyNatural GasOilPASDAPennsylvaniaResourcedatadownloadgasgeologygisoilpetroleumsystemtotal
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago

PetroWiki was created from the seven volume Petroleum Engineering Handbook (PEH) published by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). PetroWiki preserves the PEH content in unaltered form (page names that start with PEH:), while allowing SPE's membership to update and expand content from the published version. Pages that do not have PEH: at the beginning may have started with content from the PEH, but have been modified over time by contributors to the wiki. Content in PetroWiki is moderated by at least two members with subject matter expertise. This helps to ensure that the information found in PetroWiki is technically accurate. Disclaimer Unlike some other online wikis, PetroWiki content is copyright SPE. For information about using content from PetroWiki, see PetroWiki:Permissions.

No licence known
GeologyPetroWikiPetroleum Engineering HandbookSPESociety of Petroleum Engineerspetroleum
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Petroleum Data: Crude Reserves and Production Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Data on the proved reserves, production, and drilling of crude oil, lease condensates, natural gas, and natural gas wells. Monthly and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
APIcrude oilcrude oil productiondiesel fueldrillingheating oiljet fuellease condensatemotor gasolinepetroleumproved reservesresidual fuel
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Data: Imports/Exports and Movements Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Imports and exports of petroleum products and crude oil. Weekly, monthly, and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
AAPIcrude oilcrude oil exportscrude oil importspetroleumpetroleum exportspetroleum imports
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Data: Prices Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Prices of petroleum products and crude oil. Weekly, monthly, and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
APIcrude oilcrude oil pricesdiesel fuelfuelfuel pricesgasolinegasoline pricesheating oiljet fuelmotor gasolinepetroleumpetroleum pricesresidual fuel
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Data: Refining and Processing Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Data on petroleum inputs, production, yield, and capacity. Weekly, monthly and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
APIcrude oilcrude oil capacitycrude oil inputscrude oil productioncrude oil yieldpetroleumpetroleum capacitypetroleum inputspetroleum productionpetroleum yield
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Data: Stocks Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Data on petroleum and crude oil stocks. Weekly, monthly, and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
APIcrude oilcrude oil stocksgasoline stockspetroleumpetroleum stocks
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Data: Summary Application Programming Interface (API)Source

Data on petroleum production, imports, inputs, stocks, exports, and prices. Weekly, monthly, and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration form:

No licence known
butanecrude oildiesel fuelethanefuelgasolineheating oilisobutanejet fuelmotor gasolinepetroleumresidual fuel
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Petroleum Refineries in the U.S.Source

Petroleum Refineries in the U.S.This feature layer, utilizing data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), displays the locations of all the petroleum refineries in the U.S.  Per EIA , "Petroleum refineries change crude oil into petroleum products for use as fuels for transportation, heating, paving roads, and generating electricity and as feedstocks for making chemicals. Refining breaks crude oil down into its various components, which are then selectively reconfigured into new products. Petroleum refineries are complex and expensive industrial facilities. All refineries have three basic steps: separation, conversion and treatment.Chevron USA RefineryData currency: This cached Esri service is checked monthly for updates from its federal source (Petroleum Refineries)Data modification: None For more information, please visit: Oil and petroleum products explainedFor feedback: ArcGIScomNationalMaps@esri.comEnergy Information AdministrationPer EIA, "The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment."

No licence known
AsphaltCrackingCracking UnitsCrude OilDOEDepartment of EnergyDiesel FuelEIAEnergy Information AdministrationGasGasolineHeating OilIndustrial FacilitiesInfrastructureJet FuelLubricating OilPetrochemical feedstocksPetroleum RefineriesU.S. Department of EnergyUSDOEbarrelbarrelschemicalsdistillationdistillation processesfederalfuelsheatingpetroleumrefineriesrefinery
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)over 1 year ago
Produced Water Data Search - Petroleum Recovery Resource Center

The Petroleum Recovery Research Center (PRRC), the only research center of its kind in New Mexico, is a scientific research organization dedicated to solving problems related to the oil and gas industry.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
oilpetroleumproduced water
New Mexico Techabout 1 year ago
UK National Data Repository for petroleum-related information and samples (NDR)Source

The United Kingdom’s National Data Repository for petroleum-related information and samples (NDR) is a key piece of UK digital infrastructure. All offshore petroleum licensees and owners / operators of offshore infrastructure have access to the NDR to facilitate their reporting obligations to the NSTA. The NSTA may use the NDR to disclose reported information to any registered user, subject to statutory confidentiality periods. Anyone with an interest in petroleum-related information may register to search, view and download disclosed information, free of charge, or to order data for delivery on media, on a cost reflective basis

Other (Open)
UKco2north seapetroleum
North Sea Transition Authorityabout 1 year ago
Unconventional Resources

The Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources objective is to develop a sufficient scientific base for predicting and quantifying potential risks associated with the oil/gas resources in shale reservoirs that require hydraulic fracturing and/or other engineering measures to produce.

No licence known
GeologyNatural GaUCRUnconventional ResourceWell Datagashydraulic fracturingoilpetroleum
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Vanadium and nickel complexes in petroleum resid acid

Acid and base fractions from petroleum vacuum resids with no detectable (by visible spectrophotometry) quantities of porphyrinic Ni or V complexes were hydrotreated under various conditions to determine if significant amounts of porphyrinic metals were released, via disassociation or other means, upon hydrotreating. No significant quantities were observed, thereby indicating that nonporphyrinic metals were not simply associated, complexed or otherwise masked (in terms of visible spectrophotometric response) porphyrinic metal complexes. However, it is possible that hydrotreating was simply not effective in breaking up these associates and/or that some porphyrinic forms of metal were in fact released but were rapidly destroyed by hydrotreating. In addition, three liquid chromatographic (LC) separation methods were sequentially applied to Cerro Negro (Orinoco belt Venezuelan heavy crude) >700{degree}C resid in an effort to separate and concentrate the metal complexes present. Nonaqueous ion exchange chromatography was used initially to separate the resid into acid, base and neutral types. Two concentrates containing 19,500 and 13,500 ppm total V, or an estimated 19 and 13 wt % V-containing compounds respectively, were obtained. The degree of enrichment of Ni compounds obtained was significantly lower. By visible spectrophotometry, using vanadyl etioporphyrin as a standard, each of the concentrates contained near a more »1:1 ratio of porphyrinic:nonporphyrinic V complexes. Analogous separation behavior for porphyrinic versus nonporphyrinic metal forms was observed throughout much of the work, thereby suggesting that a comparable diversity of structures existed within each general class of metal compounds. The generally wide dispersion of both Ni and V over the LC separation scheme suggests a structural variety of metal complexes that is comparable to that observed for other heteroatoms (N, S, O) in petroleum.

No licence known
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago