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Diatoms and Other Algae: The ANSP Algae Image Database

The ANSP Algae Image Database contains light micrograph images of diatom taxa from rivers throughout the USA. Many taxa are represented. There are multiple images of several to help represent within-taxon variability. The images were made primarily by ANSP Patrick Center Phycology Section staff as part of their routine analysis of algal samples. Purposes of the database are to: provide a set of reference images for ANSP algal analysts and collaborators to help them maintain consistency in taxonomic identifications help document names of taxa used in papers and reports by providing easy access to representative images make images available to other phycologists as a resource to help with identifications The set of images available here is not meant to be comprehensive or to be taxonomically definitive, but only to show representative specimens that can be used to supplement image resources in the published taxonomic literature. Read the documentation to learn more about the database and how to search for and view images. More images will be added on a regular basis. More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BFE_71 (

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Freshwater Information Platformabout 1 year ago
Hymenoptera Holotypes of the Smithsonian Institution

This website is a collaborative effort among several individuals. Michael Gates (USDA, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) conceptualized the project. Robert Kula (USDA, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) and Matthew Buffington (USDA, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) contributed to the design of the website. Type photographs were taken by Mr. Jeffrey Chiu and Eugenio (Gino) Nearns (APHIS/PPQ/NIS) developed the website and prepared the on-line searchable database. Signiphoridae type specimens were photographed and processed by members of the Woolley Lab (Ana Dal Molin and Lydia Wessner) and support provided by National Science Foundation - PEET DEB-0730616 grant to Dr. Jim Woolley (Texas A&M University) and Dr. John Heraty (University of California, Riverside).

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Images and videos of hydraulic shortcuts after a large rain eventSource

This package contains images and videos of active hydraulic shortcuts in agricultural areas of the municipalities of Zürich and Rümlang, Switzerland. More information on hydraulic shortcuts and their relevance for pesticide transport in agricultural areas are provided in the following doctoral thesis: The pictures and videos in this package are intended to be used for outreach or training of farmers, etc. and can be used freely (creative commons license). The pictures and videos were taken on 13 July 2021 between 17:23h and 17:55h (UTC+2h), a few hours after a large two-day rain event. The precipitation measured at a nearby rain gage (station Affoltern, MeteoSchweiz; 47.427694, 8.517953) equalled 41.5mm on the 12th of July, and 34.7mm on the 13th of July. The images and videos were taken at six different locations. The situations that are visible on these images and videos are described in the following. For each location, latitude and longitude is indicated in brackets (WGS84 coordinate system). - **Location 1** (47.42726, 8.52567): Surface runoff on a farm track. Since the farm track is elevated in the middle, water flows at the left and right edge of the farm track. Only at one specific location surface runoff changes from the left to the right side. - **Location 2** (47.43118, 8.52572): Surface runoff flows along one edge of a farm track. - **Location 3** (47.43580, 8.52877): Surface runoff accumulates on a potato field, flows on a asphalt road, and then into an inlet of the road storm drainage system. - **Location 4** (47.44077, 8.52534): Surface runoff flows from a corn field on an asphalt road, and then into an inlet of the road storm drainage system. - **Location 5** (47.43819, 8.50848): Surface runoff accumulates on a field with bare soil, causing erosion. At the field border with the lowest elevation, surface runoff flows onto a small asphalt road and then for around 180m along this road. Finally, the surface runoff flows into an inlet of the road storm drainage system of a larger asphalt road. - **Location 6** (47.43837, 8.50621): Surface runoff formed on grassland flows into an inlet of the storm road drainage system. This occurs either directly, or via the road.

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agriculturecropserosionfarm tracksfieldshydraulic shortcutsimagesoverland flowpesticidesphotographspicturesroadsshortcutssurface runoffvideos
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
LTAR Gulf Atlantic Coastal Plain Phenocam ARSGACP1

Phenocam images overlooking row crop field.

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
LTAR Gulf Atlantic Coastal Plain Phenocam ARSGACP2

Phenocam images overlooking miscanthus field.

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
LTAR Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Kendall Phenocam

A stationary camera overlooking the Kendall sub-watershed in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed used to track vegetation phenology (RGB and IR imagery). Images are taken every 30 minutes between 4:00am and 10:30pm local standard time. A link to the Phenocam's network FAQ:

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
LTAR Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed Lucky Hills Phenocam

A stationary camera overlooking the Lucky Hills sub-watershed in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed used to track vegetation phenology (RGB and IR imagery). Images are taken every 30 minutes between 4:00am and 10:30pm local standard time. A link to the Phenocam's network FAQ:

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Plankton net

The PLANKTON*NET data provider at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research is an open access repository for plankton-related information. It covers all types of phytoplankton and zooplankton from marine and freshwater areas. PLANKTON*NET's greatest strength is its comprehensiveness as for the different taxa image information as well as taxonomic descriptions can be archived. PLANKTON*NET also contains a glossary with accompanying images to illustrate the term definitions. PLANKTON*NET therefore presents a vital tool for the preservation of historic data sets as well as the archival of current research results. Because interoperability with international biodiversity data providers (e.g. GBIF) is one of our aims, the architecture behind the new planktonnet@awi repository is observation centric and allows for mulitple assignment of assets (images, references, animations, etc) to any given observation. In addition, images can be grouped in sets and/or assigned tags to satisfy user-specific needs . Sets (and respective images) of relevance to the scientific community and/or general public have been assigned a persistant digital object identifier (DOI) for the purpose of long-term preservation (e.g. set "Plankton*Net celebrates 50 years of Roman Treaties", handle: 10013/de.awi.planktonnet.set.495) More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BFE_70 (

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freshwatermarineoccurrence dataphotographsphytoplanktonplanktontaxonomic datazooplankton
Freshwater Information Platformabout 1 year ago
Silver Peak Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.)Source

Data generated from the Silver Peak Innovative Exploration Project, in Esmeralda County, Nevada, encompasses a deep-circulation (amagmatic) meteoric-geothermal system circulating beneath basin-fill sediments locally blanketed with travertine in western Clayton Valley (lithium-rich brines from which have been mined for several decades). Spring- and shallow-borehole thermal-water geochemistry and geothermometry suggest that a Silver Peak geothermal reservoir is very likely to attain the temperature range 260- 300oF (~125-150oC), and may reach 300-340oF (~150-170oC) or higher (GeothermEx, Inc., 2006). Results of detailed geologic mapping, structural analysis, and conceptual modeling of the prospect (1) support the GeothermEx (op. cit.) assertion that the Silver Peak prospect has good potential for geothermal-power production; and (2) provide a theoretical geologic framework for further exploration and development of the resource. The Silver Peak prospect is situated in the transtensional (regional shearing coupled with extension) Walker Lane structural belt, and squarely within the late Miocene to Pliocene (11 Ma to ~5 Ma) Silver Peak-Lone Mountain metamorphic core complex (SPCC), a feature that accommodated initial displacement transfer between major right-lateral strike- slip fault zones on opposite sides of the Walker Lane. The SPCC consists essentially of a ductiley-deformed lower plate, or core, of Proterozoic metamorphic tectonites and tectonized Mesozoic granitoids separated by a regionally extensive, low-angle detachment fault from an upper plate of severely stretched and fractured structural slices of brittle, Proterozoic to Miocene-age lithologies. From a geothermal perspective, the detachment fault itself and some of the upper-plate structural sheets could function as important, if secondary, subhorizontal thermal-fluid aquifers in a Silver Peak hydrothermal system.

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10km201020112D3D5kmASTERBougerChemistryEsmeralda CountyFaultsFluid DataGeologyGravityGravity SurveyGridHorizontal Gravity GradientIGRFImperial CountyLone MountainMTMT SurveyMagneticMagnetic ReportMagnetotelluric SurveyMapMesquiteNevadaNorth AmericaPhotosPlioceneRadiometric Survey Silver PeakRadiometricsRegional TemperatureRemote SensingResistivityResource ModelSeismicSeismic Reflection SurveyShallow Temperature GradientSilver PeakTGHTMITemperatureTemperature Gradient HolesTerrainTotal Magentic IntensityUpward Continued Regional ResidualWalker LaneWell DataZTEMfluidgeospatial datageothermalground MTlate Miocenephotographs
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
USDA ARS Image Gallery

This Image Gallery is provided as a complimentary source of high-quality digital photographs available from the Agricultural Research Service information staff. Photos, (over 2,000 .jpegs) in the Image Gallery are copyright-free, public domain images unless otherwise indicated.

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NP-990digital imageimage galleryjpegphotographs
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago