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Geothermal Flexibility CharacteristicsSource

This spreadsheet identifies various flexibility characteristics for flash and binary geothermal power plants which could potentially facilitate provision of grid services beyond bulk power generation. Characteristics are differentiated between resource characteristics such as metal concentration and plant characteristics such as flow rates of pumps used in flash vs. binary plants.

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ancillary servicesbinaryenergyflashflexible geothermal operationgeothermalplantpowerresourcetransmission capacity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hydraulic power stations of EDF SASource

Abstract: Location and installed capacity of EDF SA's power plants and generation units in operation, for hydraulics. Of the more than 400 hydropower facilities operated by EDF, only power plants with a capacity greater than 100 MW are present in this dataset. The geographical scope is metropolitan France, but excluding Corsica and the Ponant Islands. Consolidated view at 31/12/2022. Detailed description: Details of power station categories: Run-of-river: These waterfalls normally operate in base mode and use whatever flow is available. Falls with reserves: Waterfalls with reserves store all or part of the inflow in their reservoirs, in order to produce at times of high demand. Depending on how long a reservoir takes to fill up, there are 2 possible scenarios: Lock & Lake. Tidal power: This involves taking advantage of the ebb and flow of the tide to alternately fill and empty a reservoir by activating turbines built into the dam. Pumped waterfalls: Pumped waterfalls are those where the water can be pumped up from a lower basin to an upper basin by means of pumps and accumulated in order to be used later to generate electricity. There are several categories: Pure pumping the aim of which is to bring up, during off-peak periods of electricity consumption, volumes of water that will be turbined during peak periods of electricity consumption. Pure PSP have no gravity feed to the upper basin. Mixed pumping the aim of which is to raise, during off-peak periods of electricity consumption, the volumes of water that will be turbined during peak periods of electricity consumption. Mixed PSP have gravity inflows to the upper basin.

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Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
Mine and Mineral Processing Plant Locations-Supplemental Information for USGS Map

The locations of 1,879 coal mines and facilities, 8 uranium mines, and 1,965 mines and processing plants for 74 types of nonfuel minerals and materials are shown with symbols on both a large multicolored lithologic map and eight smaller maps. With the exception of certain commodities, such as gold, silver, gemstones, and coal, all mines and plants are shown for which production was reported or estimated in 1997. These localities account for most of the fuel and nonfuel minerals and materials produced in the United States in 1997, other than crushed stone, sand and gravel, and common clay. The poster-size map (Map I-2654) is available for purchase from the U.S. Geological Survey Map Distribution, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225. Internet versions of the map and seven commodity grouping maps that contain data for nonfuel minerals and materials are available. The information presented in the three data documents represents basic data about the 1,965 mines and processing plants shown on the map. Included in each of the three documents is company name, site name, State, county, commodity, and whether the location is a mine, processing plant, or both for each of the locations shown on the map. The data documents contain the basic data arranged by commodity, State, and county. For locations where multiple commodities are produced (for example, a mine that produces both gold and silver), the commodities are listed alphabetically. The value figure shows estimates of the value of nonfuel minerals produced in the United States in 1997. These estimates are presented in descending order by State.

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CoalGeologyNatural GasOilResourceUSGSWell Datadatalocationmapmineplant
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
Nuclear power stations of EDF SASource

Abstract: Location and installed capacity of EDF SA's nuclear and fossil-fired power plants and generation units in operation. The geographical scope is metropolitan France, but not Corsica or the Ponant Islands. Detailed description: The dataset has a consolidated view as at 31/12/2022.

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Électricité de France S.A (EDF)over 1 year ago
Plant Variety Protection Office Certificate Database

The Plant Variety Protection Office (PVPO) Scanned Certificates Database is a collection of Certificates of Protection for new plant varieties that are seed reproduced or tuber propagated. A variety may be represented by seeds, transplants, plants, tubers, tissue culture plantlets and other matter. A Certificate of Protection is awarded to an owner of a variety after an examination shows that it is new, distinct from other varieties, and genetically uniformed and stable through successive generations. This tool allows stakeholders access to the breeding history and morphological characteristics used in developing new plant varieties. This tool contains over 5,000 varieties that have been issued a Certificate of Protection since 1975.

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breedercertificatecharacteristicsdistinctintellectual propertymorphologyownerplantplantletsprotectionseedstissue culturetransplanttubervariety
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago