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Brady's Geothermal Field - DTS Raw DataSource

The submitted data correspond to the complete raw temperature datasets captured by the distributed temperature sensing (DTS) horizontal and vertical arrays during the PoroTomo Experiment. Files in each submitted resource include: .xml (level 0): Data that includes Stokes, Anti-Stokes, and Temperature data .csv (level 1): Data that includes temperature PT100: Reference probe data

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NVPoroTomoanti-stokesdistributed temperature sensingdistributed temperature surveydtsgeothermalnear surface datanevadaproberaw datastokessurface datatemperaturetrenched cablewell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EGS Collab Experiment 1: In-situ observation of pre-, co- and post-seismic shear slip preceding hydraulic fracturingSource

Understanding the initiation and arrest of earthquakes is one of the long-standing challenges of seismology. Here we report on direct observations of borehole displacement by a meter-sized shear rupture induced by pressurization of metamorphic rock at 1.5 km depth. We observed the acceleration of sliding, followed by fast co-seismic slip and a transient afterslip phase. Total displacements were about 7, 5.5 and 9.5 micrometers, respectively for the observed pre-slip, co-seismic slip and afterslip. The observed pre-slip lasted about 0.4 seconds. Co-seismic slip was recorded by the 1 kHz displacement recording and a 12-component array of 3-C accelerometers sampled at 100 kHz. The observed afterslip is consistent with analytical models of arrest in a velocity-strengthening region and subsequent stress relaxation. The observed slip vector agrees with the activation of a bedding plane within the phyllite, which is corroborated by relocated seismic events that were observed during the later stages of the injection experiment. This submission includes the pressure and deformation data recorded by the SIMFIP probe during the first injection at the 164 ft (50 m) notch of borehole E1-I. The injection was performed on on 05/22/2018 as part of Experiment 1 of the EGS Collab project. This data accompanies a manuscript submitted to GRL, linked in this submission.

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E1-IEGSEGS CollabSIMFIPSURFSanford Underground Research Facilityafterslipaxialboreholeborehole displacementco-seismicdeformationdisplacementenergyfracturinggeothermalhydraulicin-situinjection testpost-seismicpre-slippressureprobeseismicshearslipslip vectorstimulation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
EPA-developed, patented technologies related to miscellaneous areas of environmental experties and invention that are available for licensingSource

Under the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA), Federal Agencies can patent inventions developed during the course of research. These technologies can then be licensed to businesses or individuals for further development and sale in the marketplace. These technologies relate to ecological research, human health, and manufacturing.

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e. coliinventionopticalpatentprobesamplertechnology
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
McGee Mountain Geoprobe Survey, Humboldt County, NevadaSource

This shapefile contains location and attribute data for a Geoprobe temperature survey conducted by Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc. during 2010. The purpose of direct push technology (DPT) probe activity at the McGee Mtn. Project, Nevada was to 1) determine bottom hole temperatures using nominal 1.5 inch probe tooling to place resistance temperature detectors (RTD) and 2) take water samples, if possible, to characterize the geothermometry of the system. A total of 23 holes were probed in five days for a cumulative total of 857.5 ft. at 21 sites at McGee Mountain. The probed holes ranged in depth from a maximum of 75 ft to a minimum of 10 ft and averaged 37.3 ft. The average temperature of the 23 holes was 18.9 degrees C, with a range of 12.0 degrees C at site MMTG#1b to 42.0 degrees C at site MMTG#19. . No water was encountered in any of the probed holes, with the exception of MMTG#10, and no water was collected for sampling. Zip file containing Arcview shapefile in UTM11 NAD83 projection. 5 kb file size.

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DPTDirect Push TechnologyMcGeeRTDResistance Temperature Detectorsexplorationgeoprobegeospatial datageothermalgeothermometricgeothermometryheat flowhumboldt countyhydrologymcgee mountainnevadaprobeshallow temperature surveyshapefilewater sampleswater sampling
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago