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1D Heat Loss Models Validation ExperimentSource

Contains data from the model validation in the 1D Heat Loss Models to Predict the Aquifer Temperature Profile during Hot/Cold Water Injection Project. The data include two COMSOL models (2D axisymmetric benchmark model and 2D Vinsome model), one python code (1D Vinsome based FEM numerical simulation), one matlab main code (1D Newton analytical solution and all results comparison visualization), and output files generated from the above models.

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1DAnalyticalAquiferFEMGeothermalMATLABbenchmarkcodecold injectionenergyenergy storagegeothermal energy storageheat losshot injectioninjectionmodelpythonsimulationvalidationwater
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
2021 Cook Inlet Tidal Energy Resource Characterization Bottom Lander MeasurementsSource

These datasets are from tidal resource characterization measurements collected on the Terrasond High Energy Oceanographic Mooring (THEOM) from 1 July 2021 to 30 August 2021 (60 days) in Cook Inlet, Alaska. The lander was deployed at 60.7207031 N, 151.4294998 W in ~50 m of water. The dataset contains raw and processed data from the following two instruments: 1. A Nortek Signature 500 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Data were recorded in 4 Hz in the beam coordinate system from all 5 beams. Processed data has been averaged into 5 minutes bins and converted to the East-North-Up (ENU) coordinate system. 2. A Nortek Vector acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). Data were recorded at 8 Hz in the beam coordinate system. Processed data has been averaged into 5 minutes bins and converted to the Streamwise - Cross-stream - Vertical (Principal) coordinate system. Turbulence statistics were calculated from 5-minute bins, with an FFT length equal to the bin length, and saved in the processed dataset. Data was read and analyzed using the DOLfYN (version 1.0.2) python package and saved in MATLAB (.mat) and netCDF (.nc) file formats. Files containing analyzed data (".b1") were standardized using the TSDAT (version 0.4.2) python package. NetCDF files can be opened using DOLfYN (e.g., `dat = dolfyn.load(''*.nc")`) or the xarray python package (e.g. `dat = xarray.open_dataset("*.nc"). All distances are in meters (e.g., depth, range, etc), and all velocities in m/s. See the DOLfYN documentation linked in the submission, and/or the Nortek documentation for additional details.

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ADCPADVAlaskaHydrokineticMATLABMHKMarineNortekSignature 500acoustic doppler current profileracoustic doppler velocimetercurrentdataenergyfrequencymeasurementsmooringpowerprocessed datapythonraw dataresourcetidal
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Admiralty Inlet Advanced Turbulence Measurements: Final Data and Code ArchiveSource

Data and code that is not already in a public location that is used in Kilcher, Thomson, Harding, and Nylund (2017) "Turbulence Measurements from Compliant Moorings - Part II: Motion Correction" doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0213.1. The links point to Python source code used in the publication. All other files are source data used in the publication.

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ADVAdmiralty InletDOLfYNDeepWater BuoyancyHydrokineticIMUMHKMarineMatlabNRELNortek VectorPNNLPuget SoundStableMoorTTMTidal Turbulence MooringUniversity of WashingtonVECWashingtonWater Velocitybenchbuoybuoy observationscodecorrectioncurrentdataenergyhigh-precisionin situ oceanicinertial motioninstrumentationlab datameasurementmonitoringmooringpowerprocessed dataprocessingpythonpython source coderesourcesensorsensorssourcetesttidal turbulancetorpedoturbulence
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Admiralty Inlet Hub-Height Turbulence Measurements from June 2012Source

This data is from measurements at Admiralty Head, in Admiralty Inlet. The measurements were made using an IMU equipped ADV mounted on a mooring, the 'Tidal Turbulence Mooring' or 'TTM'. The inertial measurements from the IMU allows for removal of mooring motion in post processing. The mooring motion has been removed from the stream-wise and vertical velocity signals (u, w). The lateral (v) velocity may have some 'persistent motion contamination' due to mooring sway. The ADV was positioned 11m above the seafloor in 58m of water at 48.1515N, 122.6858W. Units ------ - Velocity data (_u, urot, uacc) is in m/s. - Acceleration (Accel) data is in m/s^2. - Angular rate (AngRt) data is in rad/s. - The components of all vectors are in 'ENU' orientation. That is, the first index is True East, the second is True North, and the third is Up (vertical). - All other quantities are in the units defined in the Nortek Manual. Motion correction and rotation into the ENU earth reference frame was performed using the Python-based open source DOLfYN library (linked in resources). Details on motion correction can be found there. For additional details on this dataset see the included Marine Energy Technology Symposium paper.

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ADCPADVAWACAcoustic Doppler Current ProfilerAcoustic Doppler VelocimeterAcoustic Wave And Current ProfilerAdmiralty HeadAdmiralty InletDOLfYNHydrokineticIMUMHKMarineMatlabNortek VectorPuget SoundTTMTidal Turbulence MooringTurbulenceUSAWAWashingtoncodeeffectivenessenergyfield testinertial measurement unitlateralmooringoceanpowerprocessed datapythonraw dataresourcesafetystream-wisevelocimetryvelocityverticalwater velocity
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Advanced TidGen Power System - OpenFOAM Version 5 CFD Case FilesSource

The TidGen Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects directly into existing grids using smart grid technology. The power system consists of three major subsystems: shore-side power electronics, mooring system, and turbine generator unit (TGU) device. This submission contains supporting CFD files, case files and geometry for the Advanced TidGen. TSR = Tip speed ratio Cp = Power coefficient Cl = Lift coefficient Cd = Drag coefficient

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CADCECCFDHydrokineticMHKMarineOpenFOAMTidGencase filescasefilescodecomputational fluid dynamicscross flow turbinecross-flow turbinecurrentenergyfield testnumerical analysisnumerical modelingoceanorpcpowerpythonrotorscriptsimulationtechnologytesttidaltidal current
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Catalyst Design in Nitrate RemovalSource

Based on the volcano plot developed by Dr. Goldsmith group (Report linked in submission), we utilized DFT (density functional theory) calculations to search for bimetallic materials in the application of catalysts in aqueous nitrate removal. The calculations are conducted via the high-throughput automated workflow package developed by our group (Github linked in submission) using VASP commercial first-principles calculation software.

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DFTDFT CalculationsNAWINitrateaqueous nitrate removalbimetallic materialscodedensity functional theorydensity functional theory calculationsdesalinationgithubhigh-throughput automated workflowmodelnitrate reductionnitrate removalpythonsimulationwaterwater treatment
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Closed Loop Geothermal Working Group: GeoCLUSTER App, Subsurface Simulation Results, and PublicationsSource

To better understand the heat production, electricity generation performance, and economic viability of closed-loop geothermal systems in hot-dry rock, the Closed-Loop Geothermal Working Group -- a consortium of several national labs and academic institutions has tabulated time-dependent numerical solutions and levelized cost results of two popular closed-loop heat exchanger designs (u-tube and co-axial). The heat exchanger designs were evaluated for two working fluids (water and supercritical CO2) while varying seven continuous independent parameters of interest (mass flow rate, vertical depth, horizontal extent, borehole diameter, formation gradient, formation conductivity, and injection temperature). The corresponding numerical solutions (approximately 1.2 million per heat exchanger design) are stored as multi-dimensional HDF5 datasets and can be queried at off-grid points using multi-dimensional linear interpolation. A Python script was developed to query this database and estimate time-dependent electricity generation using an organic Rankine cycle (for water) or direct turbine expansion cycle (for CO2) and perform a cost assessment. This document aims to give an overview of the HDF5 database file and highlights how to read, visualize, and query quantities of interest (e.g., levelized cost of electricity, levelized cost of heat) using the accompanying Python scripts. Details regarding the capital, operation, and maintenance and levelized cost calculation using the techno-economic analysis script are provided. This data submission will contain results from the Closed Loop Geothermal Working Group study that are within the public domain, including publications, simulation results, databases, and computer codes. GeoCLUSTER is a Python-based web application created using Dash, an open-source framework built on top of Flask that streamlines the building of data dashboards. GeoCLUSTER provides users with a collection of interactive methods for streamlining the exploration and visualization of an HDF5 dataset. The GeoCluster app and database are contained in the compressed file, where the "x" refers to the version number. For example, is Version 1 of the app. This zip file also contains installation instructions. **To use the GeoCLUSTER app in the cloud, click the link to "GeoCLUSTER on AWS" in the Resources section below. To use the GeoCLUSTER app locally, download the to your computer and uncompress this file. When uncompressed this file comprises two directories and the geocluster_installation.pdf file. The geo-data app contains the HDF5 database in condensed format, and the GeoCLUSTER directory contains the GeoCLUSTER app in the subdirectory dash_app, as The geocluster_installation.pdf file provides instructions on installing Python, the needed Python modules, and then executing the app.

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CLGWGClosed Loop Geothermal Working GroupDASHGeoCLUSTERLCOELCOHapplicaitonclosed loopcoaxialcoaxial configurationcodeconfigurationdatabaseeconomicenergygeothermalhdf5hdrhot-dry rockinstallationmodelingpythonsCO2 working fluidsimulationsubsurfaceu-shape configurationu-shapedwater working fluid
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Coupling Subsurface and Above-Surface Models for Optimizing the Design of Borefields and District Heating and Cooling SystemsSource

Accurate dynamic energy simulation is important for the design and sizing of district heating and cooling systems with geothermal heat exchange for seasonal energy storage. Current modeling approaches in building and district energy simulation tools typically consider heat conduction through the ground between boreholes without flowing groundwater. While detailed simulation tools for subsurface heat and mass transfer exist, these fall short in simulating above-surface energy systems. To support the design and operation of such systems, the study developed a coupled model including a software package for building and district energy simulation, and software for detailed heat and mass transfer in the subsurface. For the first, it uses the open-source Modelica Buildings Library, which includes dynamic simulation models for building and district energy and control systems. For the heat and mass transfer in the soil, it uses the TOUGH simulator. The TOUGH family of codes can model heat and multi-phase, multi-component mass transport for a variety of fluid systems, as well as chemical reactions, in fractured porous media. The study validated the coupled modeling approach by comparing the simulation results with one from the g-function based ground response model. It then looked into effects when the water table and the regional groundwater flow are considered in the ground, from the perspective of heat exchange between borehole and ground, and the electrical consumption of the district heating and cooling systems. To access the simulation models, please find the links in the submission: -- For coupled approach validation: see model Buildings.Fluid.Geothermal.Borefields.Examples.BorefieldsWithTough and Buildings.Examples.DistrictReservoirNetworks.Examples.Reservoir3Variable_TOUGH from the "Modelica Building Library" resource, branch issue1495_tough_interface, commit a2667c0. -- For the study of the effect of water table: see model Buildings.Examples.DistrictReservoirNetworks.Examples.Reservoir3Variable_TOUGH from he "Modelica Building Library" resource, branch issue1495_tough_interface_moreIO, commit 760de49. -- For the study of the effect of regional groundwater flow: see Buildings.Examples.DistrictReservoirNetworks.Examples.Reservoir3Variable_TOUGH from he "Modelica Building Library" resource, branch issue1495_tough_interface_moreIO_3D, commit c2a2d2a. The coupling interface script "" can be found from the above links in the folder Buildings/Resources/Python-Sources. Also, the needed files for TOUGH simulation are in the folder Buildings/Resources/Python-Sources/ToughFiles that can be accessed through the above links. A brief description of these files is given below; detailed specifications for the first three files may be found in the TOUGH3 Users Guide (Jung et al., 2018) (1) INCON - initial conditions for each grid block (2) INFILE - main input file with material properties and control parameters (3) MESH - description of the computational grid (4) readsave - Modelica/TOUGH interface program: read the final output of TOUGH simulation after TOUGH time step and prepare for transfer to Modelica for next Modelica time step (5) readsave.inp - input parameters for program readsave (6) writeincon - Modelica/TOUGH interface program: write the output of Modelica after Modelica time step and prepare for transfer to TOUGH as initial conditions for the next TOUGH step (7) writeincon.inp - input parameters for program writeincon

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CouplingDistrict Energy SystemEnergyGeothermalGeothermal BofieldModelicaModelica Buildings LibraryTOUGHborefieldcodedistrict coolingdistrict heatingenergy storagegeothermal heat exchangeground source heat pumpgshpmodelmodelingoptimizationpythonseasonal energy storagesimulation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Demand-Side Grid Model (dsgrid) Data from the Electrification Futures Project (EFS)Source

This data set contains the full-resolution and state-level data described in the linked technical report ( It can be accessed with the NREL-dsgrid-legacy-efs-api, available on GitHub at and through PyPI (pip install NREL-dsgrid-legacy-efs-api). The data format is HDF5. The API is written in Python. This initial dsgrid data set, whose description was originally published in 2018, covers electricity demand in the contiguous United States (CONUS) for the historical year of 2012. It is a proof-of-concept demonstrating the feasibility of reconciling bottom-up demand modeling results with top-down information about electricity demand to create a more detailed description than is possible with either type of data source on its own. The result is demand data that is more highly resolved along geographic, temporal, sectoral, and end-use dimensions as may be helpful for conducting electricity sector-wide "what-if" analysis of, e.g., energy efficiency, electrification, and/or demand flexibility. Although we conducted bottom-up versus top-down validation, the final residuals were significant, especially at higher geographic and temporal resolution. Please see the Executive Summary and/or Section 3 of the report to obtain an understanding of the data set limitations before deciding whether these data are suitable for any particular use case. New dsgrid datasets are under development. Please visit for the latest information which is also linked in the data resources.

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Electrification Futures StudyPyPlanalysiscontiguous United Statesdatademanddemand flexibilitydemand sidedemand-sidedsgridelectricalelectricityelectricity demandelectrificationenergygridhigh-resolutionhistorial yearloadmodelmodeled datapowerprocessed datapythonvalidation
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
GOOML Big Kahuna Forecast Modeling and Genetic Optimization FilesSource

This submission includes example files associated with the Geothermal Operational Optimization using Machine Learning (GOOML) Big Kahuna fictional power plant, which uses synthetic data to model a fictional power plant. A forecast was produced using the GOOML data model framework and fictional input data, and a genetic optimization is included which determines optimal flash plant parameters. The inputs and outputs associated with the forecast and genetic optimization are included. The input and output files consist of data, configuration files, and plots. A link to the Physics-Guided Neural Networks (phygnn) GitHub repository is also included, which augments a traditional neural network loss function with a generic loss term that can be used to guide the neural network to learn physical or theoretical constraints. phygnn is used by the GOOML framework to help integrate its machine learning models into the relevant physics and engineering applications. Note that the data included in this submission are intended to provide a demonstration of GOOML's capabilities. Additional files that have not been released to the public are needed for users to run these models and reproduce these results. Units can be found in the readme data resource.

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Big KahunaGOOMLcodeconfigurationdataenergyexampleflash plantsforecastgenetic optimizationgeothermalinputsmachine learningmodelneural networkoperationsoptimizationoutputsphygnnphysics guided neural networkspower plantprocessed datapythonsimulationsteam fieldsteamfieldsynthetic datawells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Python Codebase and Jupyter Notebooks - Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, NevadaSource

Git archive containing Python modules and resources used to generate machine-learning models used in the "Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis in the Great Basin Region, Nevada" project. This software is licensed as free to use, modify, and distribute with attribution. Full license details are included within the archive. See "" for setup instructions and file trees annotated with module descriptions.

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Great BasinNevadaPFAalgorithmannartificial neural networkbayesian neural networkbnncharaterizationcodedatadocumentationenergyexplorationgeothermalgeotiffgitjupyterjupyter notebookmachine learningmodelnmfknon-negative matrix factorizationpandaspcaprincipal component analysispythonpytorchresultsscript
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Wind Integration National Dataset (WIND) ToolkitSource

Wind resource data for North America was produced using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). The WRF model was initialized with the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis (ERA-Interm) data set with an initial grid spacing of 54 km. Three internal nested domains were used to refine the spatial resolution to 18, 6, and finally 2 km. The WRF model was run for years 2007 to 2014. While outputs were extracted from WRF at 5 minute time-steps, due to storage limitations instantaneous hourly time-step are provided for all variables while full 5 min resolution data is provided for wind speed and wind direction only. The following variables were extracted from the WRF model data: - Wind Speed at 10, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 200 m - Wind Direction at 10, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 200 m - Temperature at 2, 10, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 200 m - Pressure at 0, 100, 200 m - Surface Precipitation Rate - Surface Relative Humidity - Inverse Monin Obukhov Length

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APIERA IntermERA-IntermEastern Wind Integration Data SetWRFWeather Research and Forecasting ModelWestern Wind Integration Data Setcodedataenergymeterologymodelnumerical weather modelpowerpythontoolkitweatherwindwind data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago