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Data for: A global-scale dataset of direct natural groundwater recharge rates: A review of variables, processes and relationshipsSource

Groundwater recharge indicates the existence of renewable groundwater resources and is therefore an important component in sustainability studies. However, recharge is also one of the least understood, largely because it varies in space and time and is difficult to measure directly. For most studies, only a relatively small number of measurements is available, which hampers a comprehensive understanding of processes driving recharge and the validation of hydrogeological model formulations for small- and large-scale applications. We present a new global recharge dataset encompassing >5000 locations. In order to gain insights into recharge processes, we provide a systematic analysis between the dataset and other global-scale datasets, such as climatic or soil-related parameters. Precipitation rates and seasonality in temperature and precipitation were identified as the most important variables in predicting recharge. The high dependency of recharge on climate indicates its sensitivity to climate change. We also show that vegetation and soil structure have an explanatory power for recharge. Since these conditions can be highly variable, recharge estimates based only on climatic parameters may be misleading. The freely available dataset offers diverse possibilities to study recharge processes from a variety of perspectives. By noting the existing gaps in understanding, we hope to encourage the community to initiate new research into recharge processes and subsequently make recharge data available to improve recharge predictions.

No licence known
globalgroundwaternatural rechargerecharge
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Maui Groundwater Recharge DataSource

2014 USGS publication titled "Spatially distributed groundwater recharge estimated using a water-budget model for the Island of Maui, Hawai'i, 1978-2007" which includes groundwater recharge data for Maui.

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HawaiiMauiPFAUSGSaquifergeothermalgroundwaterrechargewaterwater politicswater-budget
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Oahu Groundwater Recharge DataSource

2015 USGS publication titled "Spatially distributed groundwater recharge for 2010 land cover estimated using a water-budget model for the island of O'ahu, Hawaii" which includes groundwater recharge data for Oahu.

No licence known
HawaiiOahuPFAUSGSaquiferdatageothermalgroundwaterrechargewaterwater politicswater-budget
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Recharge Data for Hawaii IslandSource

Recharge data for Hawaii Island in shapefile format. The data are from the following sources: Whittier, R.B and A.I. El-Kadi. 2014. Human Health and Environmental Risk Ranking of On-Site Sewage Disposal systems for the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii - Final, Prepared for Hawaii Dept. of Health, Safe Drinking Water Branch by the University of Hawaii, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics. Oki, D. S. 1999. Geohydrology and Numerical Simulation of the Ground-Water Flow System of Kona, Island of Hawaii. U.S. Water-Resources Investigation Report: 99-4073. Oki, D. S. 2002. Reassessment of Ground-water Recharge and Simulated Ground-Water Availability for the Hawi Area of North Kohala, Hawaii. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation report 02-4006.

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ArcGISGISHawaiiaquiferdrinking watergeospatial datageothermalgroundwaterpfarechargeshape fileshapefilewaterwater table
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: Recharge Data for the Islands of Kauai, Lanai and Molokai, HawaiiSource

Recharge data for the islands of Kauai, Lanai and Molokai in shapefile format. These data are from the following sources: Whittier, R.B and A.I. El-Kadi. 2014. Human Health and Environmental Risk Ranking of On-Site Sewage Disposal systems for the Hawaiian Islands of Kauai, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii - Final, Prepared for Hawaii Dept. of Health, Safe Drinking Water Branch by the University of Hawaii, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics. (for Kauai, Lanai, Molokai). Shade, P.J., 1995, Water Budget for the Island of Kauai, Hawaii, USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4128, 25 p. (for Kauai). Izuka, S.K. and D.S. Oki, 2002 Numerical simulation of ground-water withdrawals in the Southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii, U.S. Geologic Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4200, 52 pgs. (for Kauai). Hardy, W.R., 1996, A Numerical Groundwater Model for the Island of Lanai, Hawaii - CWRM Report No., CWRM-1, Commission on Water Resources Management, Department of Natural Resources, State of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI. (for Lanai). Oki, D.S., 1997, Geohydrology and numerical Simulation of the Ground-Water Flow System of Molokai, Hawaii, USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4176, 62 p. (for Molokai).

No licence known
HawaiiKauaiLanaiMolokaiPFAaquiferdatageospatial datageothermalgroundwaterhydrologyrechargewaterwater budgetwater supplywater table
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago

Maps prepared by the Office of the State Engineer are available and can be accessed from the following gallery, by subject. For more information about accessing maps, email the GIS team

No licence known
acequiasacequias mappingadjudicationaquifer storagedirect injectiongroundwater availabilitygroundwater rechargegroundwater storagepoints of diversionrechargeunderground storage and recoverywater planningwater quantitywater rights
New Mexico Office of the State Engineer & Interstate Stream Commissionabout 1 year ago
Orange-Senqu Water Information SystemSource

A range of data for the Orange-Senqu basin, including narrative and numerical data covering rainfall, evaporation, radiation, soil type, groundwater recharge, yield, groundwater quality, dam infrastructure, surface water flows, surface water quality, flood, irrigation, urban water supply. The database can be searched by category or keywork, and will produce particular studies, with coverage of particular regions or the whole basin. Where data is available, it will be linked within the study pages, and provided either in pdf, xls, or GIS-compatable formats.

Creative Commons Attribution
evaporationfloodflowground waterirrigationrainfallrechargestoragewater supplyyield
Orange-Senqu River Commission (ORASECOM)over 1 year ago
San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project Diversion and Recharge Data

The San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project was completed in 2008, ending Albuquerque’s sole reliance on an overtaxed aquifer by tapping into surface water transported from the Colorado River basin. The water, rights to which have been purchased in perpetuity, is part of New Mexico’s allotment of Colorado River water, which has been apportioned among Western states. It is not native Rio Grande water. Officials first proposed use of the water for drinking after scientific studies in the early 1990s showed that Albuquerque’s aquifer – once thought to be virtually limitless – was smaller than originally believed, and being pumped twice as fast as nature could replenish it. But switching to surface water would be no easy task. It took more than $400 million in new infrastructure to divert the water from the Rio Grande, treat the water to safe drinking water standards, and deliver it to customers. The project was financed with seven dedicated rate increases over several years. Among other things, those rate increases paid for: 38 miles of distribution pipeline (some of it underneath the Rio Grande itself). An adjustable diversion dam and intake structure on the Rio Grande. Funding of programs to preserve the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow and its habitat, and inclusion of fish screens and passages at the diversion site to minimize Project impacts on fish populations. A Raw Water Pump Station on the Rio Grande, built to resemble a Spanish mission church the better to blend in with its surroundings. Eight miles of raw water pipeline to transport water from the Raw Water Pump Station. A $160 million Water Treatment Plant. The plant, with a capacity of about 80 million gallons per day, uses a series of chemical and mechanical processes to remove sediment and other contaminants from the water. It employs the same treatment process now in use by such communities as Fresno, California and Tampa, Florida. Ratepayer dollars also were used to fund an ongoing conservation program. Permit requirements for the San Juan Chama Drinking Water Project called for an eventual reduction in Albuquerque’s per capita water usage to 155 gallons per day. That goal has already been met and surpassed. Project construction, which began in 2004, was completed in 2008. Pipeline construction wrapped up in April of 2008, and the Water Treatment Plant was finished in November of 2008.

License not specified
diversionsflowrechargewater qualitywater quantity
Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authorityabout 1 year ago
WRRI Statewide Water AssessmentSource

WRRI's Statewide Water Assessment is an effort that will complement existing state agency water resource assessments. It will provide new, dynamic (updated frequently), spatially representative assessments of water budgets for the entire state of New Mexico. Projects included in the Statewide Water Assessment bring new technologies that expand existing studies and are applicable statewide. Of particular interest are water budget components for which state agencies require improved information, such as evapotranspiration (ET), crop consumptive use, groundwater recharge, and streamflow.

License not specified
ETNMSUevapotranspirationgroundwatermass balancemodelingprecipitationrechargestoragestreamflowsurface waterwater budgets
New Mexico Water Resources Research Insitituteabout 1 year ago
WRRI Technical Reports

Numerous technical reports related to water in New Mexico regions

License not specified
MesillaNMSURio GrandeWRRIdesalinationevapotranspirationgroundwaterinfiltrationirrigationproduced waterrechargereusesalinitysurface waterwater budgets
New Mexico Water Resources Research Insitituteabout 1 year ago