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Fast Reserve Market InformationSource

Fast Reserve provides the rapid and reliable delivery of active power through an increased output from generation or a reduction in consumption from demand sources, following receipt of an electronic dispatch instruction from National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO). These reports provide information about the volume of, and time periods over which, Fast Reserve has been required. **Note** - Since the introduction of Fast Reserve dispatch instructions to our [NBM ASDP report]( on our data portal in 2020, we have continued to provide the Fast Reserve Market Information report (MIR). As the NBM ASDP report is available in CSV format and contains all of the data that we use to create the monthly Fast Reserve MIR, we believe that market providers can now use the machine readable format to undertake their own analysis of the Fast Reserve service and create bespoke reporting. In addition, as Fast Reserve is only being procured through the Optional service, there is no tender results data to share as part of market information. Therefore, we intend to stop producing the MIR for future months, and just retain all the historical MIR on our data portal, with the June 2021 report being the last one published.

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Firm Fast Reserve Post Tender ReportsSource

Fast Reserve provides the rapid and reliable delivery of active power through an increased output from generation or a reduction in consumption from demand sources, following receipt of an electronic dispatch instruction from National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO). These tender reports provide information on the post-assessment results of tenders. > **Note:** This datafeed **is no longer being updated** as we are not currently procuring Fast Reserve. More information about the future of Fast Reserve tenders can be found here: [](

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Land Owned by Melbourne WaterSource

Layer containing polygons that denote the location and extent of parcels of land that are owned by Melbourne Water. This layer is intended to be used to identify Melbourne Water owned land and responsibilities for the management of Melbourne Water assets. Layer shows general location of assets only and so cannot be used for detailed mapping or analysis.NOTE: Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

No licence known
drainagelandmelbourne watermwcownershippropertyreserveseweragewastewaterwater supplywaterways
Melbourne Water Corporation6 months ago
Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Market InformationSource

If demand ends up being greater than forecast, or there is unforeseen generation unavailability, extra sources of power may be needed to manage the system. One form of reserve that is used to manage this is Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), which runs from 20 mins - 4 hours after a frequency event occurs. These market information reports are produced after each tender round and are designed to give existing and potential STOR participants an overall view of the tenders received. They give data on the tendered utilisation and availability prices, our forward contracted position and further details on the type and dynamics of the tendered units. **Please Note:** This datafeed **is no longer being updated** as we are not currently procuring STOR. More information about the future of STOR tenders can be found here: [](

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) Post Tender ReportsSource

If demand ends up being greater than forecast, or there is unforeseen generation unavailability, extra sources of power may be needed to manage the system. One form of reserve that is used to manage this is Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR), which runs from 20 mins - 4 hours after a frequency event occurs. These tender results show the outcome of the associated tender round for every STOR year available in that tender round. > ** Please Note:** This datafeed is **no longer being updated** as we are now procuring STOR via daily auctions. More information about STOR daily auctions can be found here: [](

National Grid ESOover 1 year ago
UGR: Increasing Eastern U.S. Natural Gas Reserves from Gas Bearing Shales

Report detailing plans to study and predict natural gas reserves in Eastern Gas Shales. From the paper: "The U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) has initiated a multi-year project directed toward the stimulation of natural gas production in the Eastern Petroliferous basins. The objective of the project is to stimulate increased commercial production of natural gas by providing reliable resource data, developing economical extraction alternatives, and demonstrating the commercial feasibility of promising production techniques. The project should provide a significant contribution to the domestic energy base, supply a clean fuel for eastern industrial use, and help to alleviate anticipated near-term and long-term shortages of natural gas."

No licence known
Natural GasResourceeastern gas shalesnatural gaspaperpdfpredictprojectreserveunconventional gas recovery
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago