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Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals - SDG #6, Clean Water and Sanitation - Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (a Data Story)

"An interactive data-story narrative and infographic on progress on the targets for SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, focusing on water, sanitation, and hygiene: essential for well-being. One chapter in a larger collection of data stories in the Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020. The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2020 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets within each goal and introduces concepts about how some SDGs are measured. Where data is available, it also highlights the emerging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the SDGs. The Atlas draws from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators database, as well as from a wide variety of relevant data sources from scientists and other researchers worldwide."

Creative Commons Attribution
SDGSDG 6WASHclean waterhygienesanitationsustainable development
World Bankover 1 year ago
Data for: Gamifying quantitative face-to-face interviews in rural IndiaSource

**Objective** Standardized face-to-face interviews are widely used to collect data in low and middle-income countries for social science and health research. Such interviews can be long and tedious. In an attempt to improve the respondents’ experience during interviews, we developed a concept of gamified interview by including a game element. Gamification is reported to increase engagement in tasks, but results from rigorously developed research are equivocal, and a theory of gamification is still needed. **Materials & methods** We conducted a randomized controlled trial to rigorously evaluate the proposed gamification based on the self-determination theory, specifically on the basic psychological needs theory. In total, 1266 respondents were interviewed. Single and multiple mediation analyses were used to understand how gamification works. **Results** Our evaluation showed that the gamification we had developed did not improve the outcome, i.e. the reported experience of the interview. The effect of gamification depended on the ability of respondents: gamification can be counterproductive if it overburdens the respondents. Finally, the basic psychological needs theory explained the mechanisms of action of gamification well: feeling competent and related to others improved the reported experience of the interview. **Conclusion** We emphasize the need to develop context-specific gamification and invite researchers to follow equivalently rigorous evaluation of gamification in future studies.

No licence known
Gamificationglobal southinterviewrandomized controlled trialsanitationself-determination theorysurvey researchsustainable development goals
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
Data for: Predictive models using “cheap and easy” field measurements: Can they fill a gap in planning, monitoring, and implementing fecal sludge management solutions?Source

The characteristics of fecal sludge delivered to treatment plants are highly variable. Adapting treatment process operations accordingly is challenging due to a lack of analytical capacity for characterization and monitoring at many treatment plants. Cost-efficient and simple field measurements such as photographs and probe readings could be proxies for process control parameters that normally require laboratory analysis. To investigate this, we evaluated questionnaire data, expert assessments, and simple analytical measurements for fecal sludge collected from 421 onsite containments. This data served as inputs to models of varying complexity. Random forest and linear regression models were able to predict physical-chemical characteristics including total solids (TS) and ammonium (NH4+-N) concentrations, and solid-liquid separation performance including settling efficiency and filtration time (R2 from 0.51-0.66) based on image analysis of photographs (sludge color, supernatant color, and texture) and probe readings (conductivity (EC) and pH). Supernatant color was the best predictor of settling efficiency and filtration time, EC was the best predictor of NH4+-N, and texture was the best predictor of TS. Predictive models have the potential to be applied for real-time monitoring and process control if a database of measurements is developed and models are validated in other cities. Simple decision tree models based on the single classifier of containment type can also be used to make predictions about citywide planning, where a lower degree of accuracy is required.

No licence known
WASHfecal sludgeimage analysismachine learningrandom forestsanitationtoilet type
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)about 1 year ago
JMP WASH dataSource

Established in 1990, the WHO/UNICEF JMP global database includes estimates of progress in household, school and healthcare facility drinking water, sanitation and hygiene since 2000. Explore the data.JMP estimates are calculated from data produced by national authorities. The JMP database includes over 5,000 national data sources with information on WASH in households including nationally representative household surveys, censuses and administrative reports.

Creative Commons Attribution
cleaningdrinking waterhealthcare facilitieshouseholdshygienesanitationschoolsservice levelswaste management
JMPover 1 year ago
LMIC Drinking Water and Sanitation Access, Geospatial Estimates 2000-2017

Annual estimates were produced for access to drinking water and sanitation Facilities at the 5x5 km-level for 90 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) for 2000-2017. These estimates were produced using a geo-positioned dataset created from 634 household surveys. Survey sources used include the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) and UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) series, and other country‐specific surveys. This dataset includes the following: GeoTIFF raster files for pixel-level estimates of drinking water and sanitation facility coverage percent (percent of people with the given type of access) and number (number of people with the given type of access) ; CSV files of aggregated estimates for each country at zero, first and second administrative divisions; Code files used to generate the estimates.

Other (Open)
WASHdrinking watersanitationwater supply
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluationover 1 year ago
Our World In DataSource

This database collates 3552 development indicators from different studies with data by country and year, including single year and multiple year time series. The data is presented as charts, the data can be downloaded from linked project pages/references for each set, and the data for each presented graph is available as a CSV file as well as a visual download of the graph (both available via the download link under each chart).

Creative Commons Attribution
WASHagriculturedroughtfinancefoodnatural disasterspollutionprecipitationsanitationschool sanitationwater borne diseaseswater qualitywater resources
Global Change Data Labover 1 year ago
SDG 6 (Water) Data - API for Data Export

Through the API, you can export data on all indicators contained within the SDG 6 Data Portal.

Creative Commons Attribution
Tags: 6.1capacity-buildingcooperationdisastersdrinking waterhygieneintegrated water resource managementsanitationstakeholder participationwastewaterwater availabilitywater qualitywater-related ecosystems
UN Waterover 1 year ago
Uganda Safe Water Coverage

Rural safe water coverage as defined by the Directorate of Water Development, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda.

Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)
GIS dataafricadrinking waterhygienesafe watersanitationugandawater quality
World Resource Instituteover 1 year ago
Water Security Dashboard

Selection of 104 water security related indicators, with visualisation tools to plot up to 4 variables simultaneously. Graphs can be direct linked, and data sets can be downloaded as CSV files

Creative Commons Attribution
Ag Value AddedAge Dependency Ratio oldAge Dependency Ratio youngAgricultural landAgriculture WithdrawalAgriculture irrigated landAquaculture ProductionArable landArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of agricultural drainage waterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of non-treated municipal wastewaterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of not treated municipal wastewaterArea equipped for irrigation by direct use of treated municipal wastewaterBasic - Drinking water from an improved sourceBasic - Use of improved facilities which are not shared with other householdsBattle Related DeathsCapacity of the municipal wastewater treatment facilitiesClimate RobustnessCollected municipal wastewaterCrop production indexDam CapacityDependency RatioDesalinated water producedDirect use of not treated municipal wastewater for irrigation purposesElectricity from HydropowerEmployment in Ag FemaleEmployment in Ag MaleEmployment in Ag TotalEnvironmental Flow IndexEnvironmental FlowsFish Species ThreatenedFood Production IndexForest areaFresh groundwater withdrawalFresh surface water withdrawalGDPGDP GrowthGDP per capitaGINI IndexGood Governance Indicators - Political Stability - NonviolenceGood Governance Indicators - Regulatory QualityGood Governance Indicators - Rule of LawGood Governance Indicators - Voice and AccountabilityGood Governance Indicators -Control of CorruptionGood Governance Indicators -Government EffectivenessHDIImproved latrine and otherIndustrial Water WithdrawalIndustry Value AddedInvestment in water and sanitation with private participationIrrigation water withdrawalLand area where elevation is below 5 metersLimited - Drinking water from an improved sourceLimited - Use of improved facilities shared between two or more householdsManufacturing Value AddedMunicipal water WithdrawalNet MigrationNon-piped improved drinking waterNot treated municipal wastewater dischargedNumber of municipal wastewater treatment facilitiesOpen Defecation - Disposal of human faeces in fields forests bushes open bodies of waterPiped improved drinking waterPollution IndexPopulation DensityPopulation GrowthPopulation affected by flood drought and extreme tempPopulation living below 5mProduced municipal wastewaterRefugee by country of asylumRefugee by country of originRural PopulationRural Population living below 5mSafely Managed - Drinking water from an improved water sourceSafely Managed - Use of improved facilities which are not shared with other householdsSeptic tankServices Value AddedSewerSurface Water - Drinking water directly from a river dam lake pond stream canal or irrigation canalSurface areaThreatened AmphibiansTotal Fisheries ProductionTotal PopulationTotal Renewable Ground WaterTotal Renewable Surface WaterTotal Renewable Water ResourcesTotal Water WithdrawalTreated municipal wastewater dischargedUnemployment RateUnimproved - Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected springUnimproved - Use of pit latrines without a slab or platform hanging latrines or bucket latrinesUrban PopulationUrban Population living below 5mVorosmarthys Enviro IndexWASHWater Per CapitaWater ProductivityWater Stressagricultureconnection rate for wastewater treatmenteconomic indicatorsirrigationpc of area equipped for full control irrigation actually irrigatedpc of area equipped for irrigation by groundwaterpc of area equipped for irrigation by surface waterpc of irrigation potential equipped for irrigationpc of the cultivated area equipped for irrigationpercentage of wastewater treatedplotssanitationunder 5 diarrheal deathswater security
World Bankover 1 year ago
Yale Environmental Performance IndexSource

A quantitative basis for comparing, analyzing, and understanding environmental performance for 180 countries. We score and rank these countries on their environmental performance using the most recent year of data available and calculate how these scores have changed over the previous decade. Data provided by country, and can be filtered by regions. Relavent metrics scored on the EPI include: Access to sanitation and drinking water, Unsafe sanitation, unsafe drinking water, water resources impact (based on wastewater discharge), Wastewater Treatment

Other (Non-Commercial)
drinking waterenvironmental impactsanitationwastewater
Yale Universityover 1 year ago
mWater Portal

The mWater Data Portal is where users can visualize the mWater open access global database of water and sanitation data. Over 4,000,000 sites have been shared to the mWater database from the Water Point Data Exchange and mWater users who choose to make their data public. An interactive map allows users to make custom, exportable maps of their private data as well as global, public data. Users data can be exported through the Sites Page in the Data Portal. Export data for free as often as you need in CSV or Microsoft Excel formats.

Other (Attribution)
data portaldigitalmobile appopen sourcesanitationsurveywater pointswater supply
mWaterover 1 year ago