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SMART-DS Synthetic Electrical Network Data OpenDSS Models for SFO, GSO, and AUSSource

The SMART-DS datasets (Synthetic Models for Advanced, Realistic Testing: Distribution systems and Scenarios) are realistic large-scale U.S. electrical distribution models for testing advanced grid algorithms and technology analysis. This document provides a user guide for the datasets. This dataset contains synthetic detailed electrical distribution network models, and connected timeseries loads for the greater San Francisco (SFO), Greensboro, and Austin areas. It is intended to provide researchers with very realistic and complete models that can be used for extensive powerflow simulations under a variety of scenarios. The data is synthetic, but has been validated against thousands of utility feeders to ensure statistical and operational similarity to electrical distribution networks in the US. The OpenDSS data is partitioned into several regions (each zipped separately). After unzipping these files, each region has a folder for each substation, and subsequent folders for each feeder within the substation. This allows users to simulate smaller sections of the full dataset. Each of these folders (region, substation and feeder) has a folder titled "analysis" which contains CSV files listing voltages and overloads throughout the network for the peak loading time in the year. It also contains .png files showing the loading of residential and commercial loads on the network for every day of the year, and daily breakdowns of loads for commercial building categories. Time series data is provided in the "profiles" folder including real and reactive power at 15 minute resolution along with parquet files in the "endues" folder with breakdowns of building end-uses.

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AUSGSOOpenDSSSFOSMART-DSbig datadistributiondistribution systemelectricalelectrical networkenergyenergy systems integrationgridgrid modernizationload timeseriesparquetpowerpowerflowrealisticscenariosolarsolar powersyntheticsystemtesting
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
UK SSP: Demography (units: thousands of people)Source

Population age structure from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project. This dataset contains only SSP2, the 'Middle of the Road' scenario.This data contains a field for each year (on a decadal basis). A separate field for 'Age Class' allow the data to be filtered e.g. by age class '10-14'.Boundaries use ONS LAD boundaries and have been simplified to 10m resolution. Indicator Demography Metric Age Structure Unit Thousands per age class Spatial Resolution LAD Temporal Resolution Yearly Sectoral Categories 19 age classes Baseline Data Source ONS 2019 Projection Trend Source IIASA What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience. More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap. This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsageage structureclimatedemographicsdemographyeconomymodellingscenariosocioeconomic
Met Officeover 1 year ago
UK SSP: Inequality (units: ratio)Source

S80/S20 income quintile ratio from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project.This data contains a field for each year. A separate field for 'Scenario' allows the data to be filtered, e.g. by scenario 'SSP3'.Boundaries use ONS NUTS3 boundaries and have been simplified to 10m resolution. Indicator Inequality Metric S80/S20 income quintile ratio Unit Ratio [unitless] Spatial Resolution NUTS 3 Temporal Resolution Decadal Sectoral Categories N/A Baseline Data Source OECD 2011 Projection Trend Source Stakeholder process What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience.More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsclimateeconomyinequalitymodellingscenariosocioeconomic
Met Officeover 1 year ago
UK SSP: Life Expectancy (units: years)Source

Life expectancy at birth from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project.This data contains a field for each year. A separate field for 'Scenario' allows the data to be filtered, e.g. by scenario 'SSP3'.Boundaries use ONS LAD boundaries and have been simplified to 10m resolution. Indicator Health Metric Life expectancy at birth Unit Years Spatial Resolution LAD Temporal Resolution Decadal Sectoral Categories N/A Baseline Data Source ONS 2018 Projection Trend Source Stakeholder process What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience.More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsclimateeconomyhealthlife expectancymodellingscenariosocioeconomic
Met Officeover 1 year ago
UK SSP: Population (units: headcount)Source

What does the data show? Population from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project. The data is available for the end of each decade. Provided on a 2km Transverse Mercator Grid (prj4string: “+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +a=6377563.396 +rf=299.324975315035 +units=m +no_defs”). The source data was originally at a 1km resolution, but for usability it has been converted to 2km resolution.  This dataset contains SSP1, SSP2, SSP3, SSP4 and SSP5. For more information see the table below. Indicator Population Metric Population Unit Headcount Spatial Resolution 2km grid (sourced from 1km grid) Temporal Resolution Decadal Sectoral Categories N/A Baseline Data Source ONS 2019; LCM 2015, Worldpop 2020 Projection Trend Source IIASA; UK SSP urbanisation   What are the naming conventions and how do I explore the data? This data contains a field for each SSP scenario and the year at the end of each decade. For example, 'SSP1_2040' is the projection for 2040 in the SSP1 scenario. There are a small number of features in this data with much higher population values than the majority of features. This can skew the styling, and so if you want to emphasise areas of high density population you may wish to adjust the style settings to account for this. To understand how to explore the data, see this page: Please note, if viewing in ArcGIS Map Viewer, the map will default to ‘SSP1_2020’ values. What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)? The global SSPs, used in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices. Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist. Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available to combine with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the UK-SSPs project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience. Useful links:Further information on the UK SSPs can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.Further information on RCP scenarios, SSPs and understanding climate data within the Met Office Climate Data Portal.    

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2kmClimateMet OfficeSSPSocioeconomicUKUK SSPsUKCR Programmeeconomymodellingpopulationscenariosocioeconomic
Met Officeabout 1 year ago
UK SSP: Population (units: headcount)Source

Population from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project.This data contains a field for each scenario and year. E.g. 'SSP1_2040' is the projection for 2040 in the SSP1 scenario.There are a small number of features in this data with much higher population values than the majority of features. This can skew the styling, and so if you want to emphasise areas of high density population you may wish to adjust the style settings to account for this.Data is on a 2km grid using transverse mercator projection, prj4string: “+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +a=6377563.396 +rf=299.324975315035 +units=m +no_defs”. Source data was 1km resolution, but for usability it has been converted to 2km resolution. IndicatorPopulationMetricPopulationUnitHeadcountSpatial Resolution2km grid (sourced from 1km grid)Temporal ResolutionDecadalSectoral CategoriesN/ABaseline Data SourceONS 2019; LCM 2015, Worldpop 2020Projection Trend SourceIIASA; UK SSP urbanisationWhat are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience.More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsclimateeconomymodellingpopulationscenariosocioeconomic
Met Officeover 1 year ago
UK SSP: Rail Infrastructure (units: railway line m/km2)Source

Railway lines per area from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project.This data contains a field for each year. A separate field for 'Scenario' allows the data to be filtered, e.g. by scenario 'SSP3'.Boundaries use ONS LAD boundaries and have been simplified to 10m resolution. Indicator Rail Infrastructure Metric Railway lines per area Unit m/km2 Spatial Resolution LAD Temporal Resolution Decadal Sectoral Categories N/A Baseline Data Source WFP 2014 Projection Trend Source Stakeholder process What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience.More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsclimateeconomymodellingrail infrastructurescenariosocioeconomic
Met Officeover 1 year ago
UK SSP: Social Cohesion (units: % of population reporting neighbours willing to help)Source

Share of population reporting neighbours willing to help from the UK Climate Resilience Programme UK-SSPs project.This data contains a field for each year. A separate field for 'Scenario' allows the data to be filtered, e.g. by scenario 'SSP3'.Boundaries use ONS NUTS3 boundaries and have been simplified to 10m resolution. Indicator Social Cohesion Metric Share of population reporting neighbours willing to help Unit % Spatial Resolution NUTS 3 Temporal Resolution Decadal Sectoral Categories N/A Baseline Data Source UK HLS 2015 Projection Trend Source Stakeholder process What are Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs)?The global SSPs, used in IPCC assessments, are five different storylines of future socioeconomic circumstances, explaining how the global economy and society might evolve over the next 80 years. Crucially, the global SSPs are independent of climate change and climate change policy, i.e. they do not consider the potential impact climate change has on societal and economic choices.Instead, they are designed to be coupled with a set of future climate scenarios, the Representative Concentration Pathways or ‘RCPs’. When combined together within climate research (in any number of ways), the SSPs and RCPs can tell us how feasible it would be to achieve different levels of climate change mitigation, and what challenges to climate change mitigation and adaptation might exist.Until recently, UK-specific versions of the global SSPs were not available combined with the RCP-based climate projections. The aim of the project was to fill this gap by developing a set of socioeconomic scenarios for the UK that is consistent with the global SSPs used by the IPCC community, and which will provide the basis for further UK research on climate risk and resilience.More details can be found on the UK SSP project site and in this storymap.This dataset forms part of the Met Office’s Climate Data Portal service. This service is currently in Beta. We would like your help to further develop our service, please send us feedback via the site -

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SSPSSPsUKUK SSPUK SSPsclimateeconomymodellingscenariosocial cohesionsocioeconomic
Met Officeover 1 year ago
Utah FORGE: Groundwater DataSource

This submission includes two modeled drawdown scenarios with new supply well locations, a total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration grid (raster dataset representing the spatial distribution of TDS), and an excel spreadsheet containing well data.

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ArcGISEGSFORGEGISRoosevelt Hot SpringsTDSUtah FORGEaquifercharacterizationconcentrationconcentrationsdatadrawdownflow rategeochemistrygeospatial datageothermalgroundwaterlocationmilfordmodelmodelledpotentialpredictedreservoirresourcescenarioshape fileshapefilesupplysupply welltesttransducerutahwater tablewellwell datawell locationwells
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago