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Herbicide, nutrient, and suspended sediment data for streams in the Devils Icebox and Hunters Caves

The data set contains concentration, load, and daily discharge data for Devils Icebox Cave and Hunters Cave from 1999 to 2002. The data are available in Microsoft Excel 2010 format. Sheet 1 (Cave Streams Metadata) contains supporting information regarding the length of record, site locations, parameters measured, parameter units, method detection limits, describes the meaning of zero and blank cells, and briefly describes unit area load computations. Sheet 2 (Devils Icebox Concentration Data) contains concentration data from all samples collected from 1999 to 2002 at the Devils Icebox site for 12 analytes and two computed nutrient parameters. Sheet 3 (Devils Icebox SS Conc Data) contains 15-minute suspended sediment (SS) concentrations estimated from turbidity sensor data for the Devils Icebox site. Sheet 4 (Devils Icebox Load & Discharge Data) contains daily data for discharge, load, and unit area loads for the Devils Icebox site. Sheet 5 (Hunters Cave Concentration Data) contains concentration data from all samples collected from 1999 to 2002 at the Hunters Cave site for 12 analytes and two computed nutrient parameters. Sheet 6 (Hunters Cave SS Conc Data) contains 15-minute SS concentrations estimated from turbidity sensor data for the Hunters Cave site. Sheet 7 (Hunters Cave Load & Discharge Data) contains daily data for discharge, load, and unit area loads for the Hunters Cave site. Atrazine concentrations in Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW) were shown to be among the very highest of any watershed in the United States based on comparisons using the national Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) model and by direct comparison with the 112 watersheds used in the development of WARP. The herbicide data collected in GCEW are documented at plot, field, and watershed scales. This 20-yr-long (1991-2010) effort was augmented with a spatially broad effort within the Central Mississippi River Basin encompassing 12 related claypan watersheds in the Salt River Basin, two cave streams on the fringe of the Central Claypan Areas in the Bonne Femme watershed, and 95 streams in northern Missouri and southern Iowa. The research effort on herbicide transport has highlighted the importance of restrictive soil layers with smectitic mineralogy to the risk of transport vulnerability. Near-surface soil features, such as claypans and argillic horizons, result in greater herbicide transport than soils with high saturated hydraulic conductivities and low smectitic clay content.

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Cropping SystemsEnvironmentWatercorn beltfarmingsedimentswatersheds
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho (Discharge)

Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed discharge records are available for 13 stations with varying lengths of record ranging from 8 to 34 years. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center initiated a stream discharge and suspended-sediment research program at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in the early 1960s. Continuous discharge measurements began at two sites in 1963, at three additional sites in 1964, and at eight additional sites in subsequent years. Contributing areas to these gauging stations range from 1.03 to 23,822 ha, selected to represent the broad range of environmental settings found across northwestern rangelands. Watershed drainage areas range from 1.03 to 23,822 ha with flow characteristics including ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial regimes. Discharge records are available for 13 stations with varying lengths of record ranging from 8 to 34 years. Drop-box weirs have performed well in RCEW over a wide range of discharges and sediment loads. Four additional types of stream-gauging devices are used in RCEW: (1) self-cleaning overflow V-notch (SCOV) weir, (2) 30 V-notch weir, (3) 90 V-notch weir, and (4) Parshall flume. All stations are equipped with stilling wells and floats for obtaining instantaneous measures of stage height. Instrument shelters are heated to permit collection of discharge and sediment data during cold winter periods. Gauging stations are visited on a weekly or biweekly basis to obtain independent stage height readings for error checking and to service all instrumentation. Stage height measurements were originally recorded using Leopold-Stevens A-35 and FW-1 strip chart recorders, later supplanted by electronic data loggers.

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NP211NP215Suspended Sedimentdrainagehydraulic flumespollution loadrangelandssediment yieldsedimentsstreamswatershedsweirswells
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho (Sediment)

Automated Sigma pump samplers were used at all RCEW gauging stations to collect instantaneous point measures of suspended-sediment concentration. The US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center initiated a stream discharge and suspended-sediment research program at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in the early 1960s. Samples of suspended-sediment concentration were collected at Outlet, Tollgate, and Reynolds Mountain East gauging stations starting in the 1960s and continuing to the present. In early years, samples were collected manually during storm events using integrated samplers at the large weirs or simple grab samples at the smaller weirs. Later, a variety of early sediment samplers such as the U.S. PS-67 and U.S. PS-69 pumping samplers were tested and used in RCEW through cooperative efforts with other Agricultural Research Service locations, federal and state agencies, and universities. In recent years, automated Sigma pump samplers have been used at all gauging stations to collect a continuous record of instantaneous point measures of suspended-sediment concentration during high and low flows. Drop-box weirs have also performed well in RCEW over a wide range of discharges and sediment loads. Four additional types of stream-gauging devices are used in RCEW: (1) self-cleaning overflow V-notch (SCOV) weir, (2) 30 V-notch weir, (3) 90 V-notch weir, and (4) Parshall flume. All stations are equipped with stilling wells and floats for obtaining instantaneous measures of stage height. Instrument shelters are heated to permit collection of discharge and sediment data during cold winter periods. Gauging stations are visited on a weekly or biweekly basis to obtain independent stage height readings for error checking and to service all instrumentation. Stage height measurements were originally recorded using Leopold-Stevens A-35 and FW-1 strip chart recorders, later supplanted by electronic data loggers.

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NP211NP215Suspended Sedimentpollution loadsediment yieldsedimentsstreamswatershedsweirswells
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Snake River Plain Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis - Volcanic Vents, Lacustrine Sediments, and post-Miocene Faults KMZ filesSource

This dataset contain raw data files in kmz files (Google Earth georeference format). These files include volcanic vent locations and age, the distribution of fine-grained lacustrine sediments (which act as both a seal and an insulating layer for hydrothermal fluids), and post-Miocene faults compiled from the Idaho Geological Survey, the USGS Quaternary Fault database, and unpublished mapping. It also contains the Composite Common Risk Segment Map created during Phase 1 studies, as well as a file with locations of select deep wells used to interrogate the subsurface.

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CCRSIdahoPFAPlay Fairway AnalysisSRPSnake River Plaindatafaultfaultsgeoreferencinggeospatialgeospatial datageothermalgoogle earthkmzlacustrinemudsphase 1sedimentsedimentsstructureventventsvolcanicvolcanics
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Total and methyl mercury, moisture, and porosity in Lake Michigan surficial sedimentSource

Total and methyl mercury, moisture content (%), and porosity were measured in Lake Michigan sediment by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/Office of Research and Development/National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory/Mid-Continent Ecology Division/Large Lakes Research Station, Grosse Ile, MI. Both core and Ponar grab samples were collected. The samples were collected from 1994 through 1996. These mercury data were used in the LM2-Mercury model. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Zhang, X., K. Rygwelski , M. Rowe, R. Rossmann, and R. Kreis. Global and regional contributions to total mercury concentrations in Lake Michigan water. JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH. International Association for Great Lakes Research, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 42(1): 62-69, (2016).

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lake michiganmethyl mercurypercent moistureporositysedimentstotal mercury
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago