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Central Laboratory Water Samples DCCSource

Water Quality Samples The Dublin City Central Laboratory maintains a database of river , bathing water, sewage and drinking water samples and results of any tests carried out on those samples, from . There are three .xml spreadsheets contained here: The drinkingwater check monitoring data shows samples taken from consumers houses but the specific address is not included in the file, rather an aggregated location e.g. Marino, Sandymount,Drumcondra, Ballymun etc. Also included is drinking water audit monitoring data in a separate file. The river file contains data for the operational monitoring carried out to comply with the Water Frame Work Directive. Bathing water quality results can be viewed (or subscribe to RSS feed) at:

No licence known
Environment and Energyenvironmentriverssewagewaste-waterwater-qualitywater-resources
XML months ago
Melbourne Wastewater - Daily Volume Received by Melbourne WaterSource

This data provides daily accumulated inflow volumes for wastewater treatment at the two Melbourne Water site (Western and Eastern). This data is collected using network flow monitoring devices. This data has been processed and stored as official inflow volumes received by Melbourne Water over a 24 hour period (12am to 12am). Wastewater volume is the total accumulated flow received from the sewer and stormwater networks. This data set is best used in long and short term wastewater services demand analysis. NOTE: Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

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dailyeastern treatment plantflowratemelbournesewageseweragestormwatertransfer networkvolumewastewaterwestern treatment plantwholesale
Melbourne Water Corporation6 months ago
Puget Sound No Discharge ZoneSource

We have established a Vessel Sewage No Discharge Zone (NDZ) for Puget Sound and certain adjoining waters. The NDZ is a body of water where boats may not release sewage, whether treated or not. It helps protect public health, water quality, and sensitive resources. The NDZ (Chapter 173-228 WAC) was adopted on April 9, 2018, after a five year public process and approval from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The rule was effective May 10, 2018. However, certain commercial vessels have a five year delay before the rule begins. There is no change for graywater discharges. For more information, visit Ecology's NDZ webpage.

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012ECYNDZNo Discharge ZonePuget SoundSalish SeaStrait of GeorgiaStrait of Juan De FucaWATWQWashington State Department of EcologyWater Quality ProgramboatgraywaterinlandWaterssewagetreatedvesselwater
The Washington State Department of Ecology10 months ago
USDA Web Soil SurveySource

Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information.

Other (Public Domain)
AASHTOHorizonNRCSNational Cooperative Soil SurveyNatural Resources Conservation ServiceSSURGOSTATSGO2animal disposalavailable water capacitybivouac areascalcium carbonatecanopy covercapability classcation exchangeclaycompostingconductivityconsistencecorrosioncrop yieldcrop yieldsdikesdrainage classecological classificationembankmentserosionexcavationsfarmfarmlandfighting positionfloodingforestfragmentsfrostgeomorphicgolfgravelgypsumhelicopter landinghydrick factorlandfillslandscapinglawnsleveeslinear extensibilityliquid limitmanuremap unitmineral particlesmineralogymoistureorganic matterpHpermeabilityplantsplasticity indexpondpondingporesproductivtyradioactive accumulationradioactive sequestrationreclamation materialsrestrictive layerroadfillroadsrubble disposalrunoffsalinitysand contentsand sourcesanitary landfillseptic tank absorptionsewagesewage sludgesieve analysissiltslopesodium absorptionsoilsoil mapsoil surveysubsidencesurface morphometryt factortemperaturetexturetopsoiltrafficabilitywastewaterwastewater dosposalwater tablewind erodibilitywindbreak
United States Department of Agricultureover 1 year ago
Wastewater Inlet - Daily Raw Water Quality - Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP)Source

The Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP) receives sewage from the eastern side of Melbourne. This file describes the quality of the sewage received by providing results of regular sampling.The sample is taken with a flow-weighted auto-sampler. Samples are collected at 7:00 AM each day and relate to the previous 24 hours (e.g. timestamp of 5/1/19 07:00 was sampled between 4/1/19 07:00 and 5/1/19 07:00). Results are in milligrams per litre (mg/L). To calculate an incoming load in raw sewage, match this with wastewater inlet hourly flow for the same time period (as noted in the example).Quality parameters include: Ammonia (Ammonia as N) (mg/L), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (mg/L), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) (mg/L), Nitrate plus Nitrite (mg/L), Nitrogen (Nitrogen (total)) (mg/L).NOTE. Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

No licence known
eastern treatment plantmelbournesewageseweragestormwatertreatmentwastewaterwater quality
Melbourne Water Corporation6 months ago
Wastewater Inlet - Hourly Flow - Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP)Source

The Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP) receives sewage from the eastern side of Melbourne. This file describes the volume of sewage pumped through ETP on an hourly basis.NOTE. Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

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eastern treatment plantflowratemelbournesewageseweragestormwatertransfer networkvolumewastewaterwholesale
Melbourne Water Corporation6 months ago
Wastewater Outlet - Hourly Flow - Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP)Source

The Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP) discharges treated effluent  in accordance with EPA Victoria licence AL74284 to an ocean outfall at Boag Rocks. This file contains hourly flowrate data at the treatment plant pumpstation. From the pumpstation, the effluent takes several hours (typically 4-8 h) to reach the ocean.NOTE. Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

No licence known
eastern treatment plantflowratemelbournesewageseweragetreatmentvolumewastewater
Melbourne Water Corporation6 months ago