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Alternative Biomass Production Study for Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices in Morris, Minnesota

Alternative Biomass Production Study for Resilient Economic Agricultural Practices in Morris, Minnesota The Tillage Study was established in 1997 to assess the effect of a variety of tillage intensities on soil C. The initial eight treatments included no-tillage, moldboard + disk tillage, chisel tillage, and fall and spring residue management, with or without strip-tillage and strip-tillage + subsoiling (Archer and Reicosky, 2009). In 2004, treatments were reduced to no-tillage, moldboard tillage, and fall and spring residue management without strip-tillage, but all had an early or late planting date. The last comprehensive set of soil samples were collected in 2006. In 2008, the strip-tilled subset of the Tillage Study plots were repurposed for the Alternative Biomass Production Systems study, which was designed to explore alternative strategies to support bioenergy including planting of cellulosic feedstock. The Alternative Biomass Production plots included perennials in an extended 6-year rotation, winter cereal rye cover crops in a corn-soybean rotation, and an alternative Sorghum-Sudan grass hybrid forage system, all of which have and will continue to be monitored for agronomic and soil properties.

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Andropogon gerardiiEnvironmentLoliumMorris MN ABPNP211NP212Natural Resources and GenomicsPanicum virgatumREAPSorghum bicolor subsp. drummondiiTrifolium pratenseautumnbioenergybiomass productioncombustioncorncorn stovercover cropscrop managementcuttingdevelopmental stagesdiscingdryingenergy cropsfarmingfeedstocksforage grassesgrain yieldherbicideshybridslakeslive mulchesno-tillageon-farm researchperennialsplanting dateproduction technologyryeseed setseedbedssoil depthsoil nutrientssoil samplingsoybeansspringstatisticsstrawstrip tillagesubsoiling
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Australian Statistical Geography StandardSource

The Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) brings together in one framework all of the regions which the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and many other organisations use to collect, release and analyse geographically classified statistics. The ASGS ensures that these statistics are comparable and geospatially integrated and provides users with a coherent set of standard regions so that they can access, visualise, analyse and understand statistics.

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW10 months ago
China Agricultural and Economic DataSource

Note: Updates to this data product are discontinued. The China agricultural and economic database is a collection of agricultural-related data from official statistical publications of the People's Republic of China. Analysts and policy professionals around the world need information about the rapidly changing Chinese economy, but statistics are often published only in China and sometimes only in Chinese-language publications. This product assembles a wide variety of data items covering agricultural production, inputs, prices, food consumption, output of industrial products relevant to the agricultural sector, and macroeconomic data.

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ChinaERSEconomic Research ServiceU S Department of AgricultureUSDAagricultural economicsagricultureconsumptioncropsdatalivestockpricesproductionstatistics
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Construction status report 2016 for Quarter 4Source

Local Authorities, Approved Housing Bodies, the Housing Agency and the D/HPC&LG have been advancing a suite of social housing schemes, through a range of delivery mechanisms and programmes. This dataset provides a comprehensive list of these social housing schemes that are currently advancing nationwide and in some cases those that have been delivered in 2016. The dataset shows the status of the schemes at of the end of Q4 2016. This dataset of schemes includes details of all construction projects, broken down by programme and local authority, which will deliver new and much needed additional social housing stock to alleviate the current shortage of social housing. This delivery will include construction by Local Authorities and Approved Housing Bodies, Regeneration Projects, Capital Assistance Schemes, as well as Rapid Delivery projects, and projects funded under the Capital Advance and Leasing Facility. It is envisaged that the dataset will be updated on a quarterly basis in conjunction with the publication of the Quarterly Progress Reports on implementation of Rebuilding Ireland – an Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness.

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2016constructionhousinglocal authorityregenerationstatistics
CSV months ago
Crash StatisticsSource

The data is available on the **[TfNSW Centre for Road Safety](** website. The site provides information on: 1. Interactive crash statistics with dynamic reports on road user deaths and injuries, locations and crash types. 2. Fatality trends that shows the number of road deaths per 100,000 population from 1908 onwards. 3. Serious injuries that show over the period from 2005 to 2015, about 30 people are hospitalised by crashes on NSW roads each day. 4. Reports and publications that you can download.

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CentreReportsaccidentscrashdatainjuriesinjurynswpeopleroad safetyroadssafetystatisticsvehicle
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Cycling CountSource

This dataset contains the cycling count data for different local government area (LGA).

Creative Commons Attribution
bicyclebike ridingcouncilcyclecyclingcycling countgovernmentlocallocal areanumbersridestatistics
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Development of Classification Systems for Wave Energy Resources and WEC TechnologiesSource

The submission includes wave resource classification reports, summary of classification statistics and regional trends, and data files with classification statistics for selected sites for extreme significant wave height. Two conference papers were uploaded that include classification metrics and geographic distributions for US coastal waters. These conference papers are: Neary, V.S., Coe, R.G., Cruz, J., Haas, K., Bacelli, G., Debruyne, Y., Ahn, S., Nevarez, V. (2017) Classification systems for wave energy resources and WEC technologies. Proceedings of 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series (EWTEC 2017), Cork, Ireland, August 27-September 1, 2017 Haas, K., Ahn, S., Neary, V.S., and S. Bredin (2017) Development of a wave energy classification system. Proceedings of the 5th Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS2017), Washington, D.C., May 1-3, 2017

No licence known
HydrokineticMHKMarineWECcharacterizationclassificationclimateconditionsdatadesigndistributionenergyengineeringextremegeographicoceanpowerregionalresourcesitestatisticssystemtechnologytrendwavewave energy converter classificationwave energy resource classificationwave height
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Final Report - Cascades/Aleutians Play Fairway ProjectSource

Final Report describing data collection, evaluation, modeling and analysis. Ranking of Cascade and Aleutian volcanic centers for geothermal potential.

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AleutiansCascadesPFAPlay Fairwayalaskaassessmentcaliforniadataevaluationexplorationgeochemistrygeodesygeologygeophysicsgeothermalheat flowinvestigationmodelmt st helensreconaissancereservoirshastasitestatisticsstructuraltectonicvolcanicvolcanowashington
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Freight DataSource

These data sets contain freight forecast, performance and other statistics. The data includes: * Strategic Freight Forecasts - NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts for the 40 year period between 2016 to 2056 * Freight performance dashboard – Strategic Targets from NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023 including + Use of rail freight + Road safety + Rail freight access + Rail freight capability + Port Botany Efficiency Detailed information for drivers and rationale used to produce NSW freight commodity demand volume forecasts can be found in the [NSW Freight Commodity Demand Forecasts 2016-56 Report]( A visualisation of the Strategic Freight Forecasts is available on the Transport for NSW Website under [Freight data]( Additional information on above Strategic Targets is available in the [NSW Freight and Ports Plan 2018-2023]( Visualisations of the Strategic Targets are available on the Transport for NSW Website under [Freight data](

Creative Commons Attribution
FreightNSW FreightTPAforecastnswport botanyport planrail freightrail freight accessroadsafetystatistics
Transport for NSWabout 2 months ago
General election February 2011- general statisticsSource

General election February 2011- general statistics

No licence known
CSV months ago
General election of May 2007- General StatisticsSource

General Election May 2007-general statistics

No licence known
CSV months ago
Journey to Work (JTW) 2001Source

This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 2001 (Tuesday 7th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of JTW is employed persons aged 15 years and over, who were employed during the week before Census night, and with a workplace in NSW. JTW data may produce slightly different counts to those obtained directly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the same geographic level due to: * ABS confidentialising process is applied to the data that TPA purchases (randomisation of small cells) * Further validation and adjustment of the data undertaken by TPA * Imputation of records of incomplete addresses to eliminate locality ‘dump’ codes ABS data is used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Creative Commons Attribution
ABSStatisticalTPAcensusemployedemploymentjourney to workstatistics
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Journey to Work (JTW) 1991Source

This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 1991 (Tuesday 6th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of JTW is employed persons aged 15 years and over, who were employed during the week before Census night, and resident in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) JTW data may produce slightly different counts to those obtained directly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the same geographic level due to: * ABS confidentialising process is applied to the data that TPA purchases (randomisation of small cells) * Further validation and adjustment of the data undertaken by TPA * Imputation of records of incomplete addresses to eliminate locality ‘dump’ codes ABS data is used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Creative Commons Attribution
1991JTWTPAcensusemployedjourneystatisticstimetravel zoneswork
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Journey to Work (JTW) 1996Source

This dataset contains a snapshot of commuting patterns for Census day 1996 (Tuesday 6th August). It is a complete enumeration via a self-completion Census form. The scope of JTW is employed persons aged 15 years and over, who were employed during the week before Census night, and counted in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) JTW data may produce slightly different counts to those obtained directly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for the same geographic level due to: * ABS confidentialising process is applied to the data that TPA purchases (randomisation of small cells) * Further validation and adjustment of the data undertaken by TPA * Imputation of records of incomplete addresses to eliminate locality ‘dump’ codes ABS data is used with permission from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Creative Commons Attribution
ABSStatisticalTPAcensuscommuteinformationstatisticstravel zones
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Key Roads Performance ReportSource

The Key Roads Performance report outlines the time it takes to travel along major road routes in NSW during peak periods. The trips described in this report cover many major roads in Sydney, Newcastle, and Wollongong. Other key roads in NSW will be added in future reports as the report is refined, and additional roads may be included to address community needs. For each trip, this report provides the travel time during the AM and PM peak periods and a detailed description of the trip. The report is issued monthly, starting with October 2018 until June 2019. For more information visit [RMS Key Performance Report](

Creative Commons Attribution
20182019Sydneymajor roadsmonthlynewcastlenswpeakperformancereportroad routeroadsroutesstatisticstravelwollongong
Transport for NSW4 months ago
National Agriculture Statistics Service QuickStatsSource

The USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) conducts hundreds of surveys every year and prepares reports covering virtually every aspect of U.S. agriculture. Production and supplies of food and fiber, prices paid and received by farmers, farm labor and wages, farm finances, chemical use, and changes in the demographics of U.S. producers are only a few examples. Internet Archive URL:*/

Creative Commons Attribution
chemical usefarm financesfarm laborfood and fibernassstatistics
United States Department of Agricultureover 1 year ago
Opal Trips - BusSource

This dataset contains Official Bus Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual boarding and alighting a bus) is aggregated to a total monthly figure representing the estimated number of trips. \*\*Caution \*\* 1. School Student travel using concessional Opal cards is included. However this may be underrepresented, due to inconsistent tap-on/tap-off behaviour by students 2. Magnetic Stripe Ticketing (MST – paper tickets) data was also available in July 2016. MST patronage data for July is available [here]( 3. Opal data may be subject to minor revision for the two months following upload 4. Data is static at a point in time, and may not match other reports that are real time 5. All non-Opal travel is excluded, for example transport concession entitlement cards, integrated ticketing for major events, and fare non-compliance 6. An Opal Trip is defined as a tap-on/tap-off pair (including where only a single tap-on or tap-off is recorded) 7. 'Other' group under bus contract includes NightRide and Unallocated. 8. Keolis Downer Hunter took over the Newcastle Bus franchise from Newcastle Buses (State Transit Authority) effective 1 July 2017. The contract area NISC1 reflects this and Keolis Downer Hunter figures for Jul 2017 onwards are included as part of Private Bus Operator numbers. From January 2018 NISC1 includes non-Opal categories of On Demand and Other. The category ‘Other’ includes: Fare Free Zone, Integrated Ticketing, Free Travel Passes, Route 110 Newcastle City Loop, Park and Ride, and Special Events. 9. Transit Systems West took over the Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contract 6 from Sydney Buses (State Transit Authority) effective 1 July 2018. The contract area SBSC Contract 6 reflects this and Transit Systems West figures for Jul 2018 onwards are included as part of Private Bus Operator numbers. 10. Figures in Jul 2017 for Newcastle Buses reflect services operated by STA which completed post-midnight 30 June 2017. 11. NightRide services are included in Sydney Metropolitan Bus Services Contract (SMBSC) areas from 1 March 2018 onwards. 12. Keolis Downer Northern Beaches took over the Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contract 8 from Sydney Buses (State Transit Authority) effective 31 October 2021. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 8 (GSBC008) reflects this and Keolis Downer Northern Beaches figures for Nov 2021 onwards are included as part of Private Bus Operator numbers. 13. Busways North West took over the Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contract 7 from Sydney Buses (State Transit Authority) effective 9 January 2022. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 7 (GSBC007) reflects this and Busways North West figures for Jan 2022 onwards are included as part of Private Bus Operator numbers. 14. Transdev John Holland took over the Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contract 9 from Sydney Buses (State Transit Authority) effective 3 April 2022. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 9 (GSBC009) reflects this and Transdev John Holland figures for April 2022 onwards are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 15. CDC NSW took over Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts 12 and 14 from Transdev and Forest Coaches, effective 21 May 2023. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 14 (GSBC014) reflects this and CDC NSW figures after 21 May 2023 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 16. U-Go Mobility took over Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts 05 and 10 from Punchbowl and Transdev NSW, effective 1 July 2023. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 10 (GSBC010) reflects this and U-Go MObility figures after July 2023 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 17. Transit Systems NSW took over Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts 3 and 13 from Transit Systems and Transdev NSW, effective 6 August 2023. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 3 (GSBC003) reflects this and Transit Systems NSW figures after 6 August 2023 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 18. Transit Systems NSW SW took over Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts 2 and 15 from Interline and Busabout, effective 8 October 2023. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 2 (GSBC002) reflects this and Transit Systems NSW SW figures after 8 October 2023 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 19. Busways R1 took over Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts 1, effective 10 December 2023. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 1 (GSBC001) reflects this and Busways R1 figures after 10 December 2023 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 20. CDC NSW R4 took over Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contracts 4, effective 10 March 2024. The contract area Greater Sydney Bus Contract 4 (GSBC004) reflects this and CDC NSW R4 figures after 10 March 2024 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 21. Redbus CDC NSW took over Outer Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contract 7, effective 6 July 2024. The contract area Outer Metro Bus Services Contract 7 (OMBSC007) reflects this and Redbus CDC NSW figures after 6 July 2024 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. 22. Busways OMR6 took over Outer Sydney Metropolitan Bus Service Contract 6, effective 28 July 2024. The contract area Outer Metro Bus Services Contract 6 (OMBSC006) reflects this and Busways OMR6 figures after 28 July 2024 are included as part of the Private Bus Operator numbers. You can find the bus contract boundaries in shapefile format in the [Metro / Outer Metro Bus Contract boundaries]( dataset

Creative Commons Attribution
OpalStatisticalTap OffTap Onbusbus contractcontractmetroopal tapouter metrostatistics
Transport for NSWabout 2 months ago
Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Files, All Data, 2015Source

The 2015 study represents the 14th iteration of the RECS program. First conducted in 1978, the Residential Energy Consumption Survey is a national sample survey that collects energy-related data for housing units occupied as a primary residence and the households that live in them. Data were collected from more than 5,600 households selected at random using a complex multistage, area-probability sample design. The sample represents 118.2 million U.S. households. The 1st version of the 2015 RECS microdata file, released in April 2017, reflected preliminary household characteristics data. The file was updated in October 2017 (Version 2) to include additional square footage and household energy insecurity data. The file was updated again in May 2018 (Version 3) and included final household characteristics data, as well as final consumption and expenditures data. The final version of the microdata file was updated in December 2018 (Version 4) and contains wood consumption variables, as well as additional weather and climate-related variables used in the end-use modeling process.

No licence known
Household use of energyRECS dataResidential energy consumption dataappliancesdataenergyenergy consumptionenergy dataenergy usefederal data downloadfederal datasetshousingnationalstatistics
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)11 months ago
Statistics for the general election of May 2002Source

General Election May 2002-general statistics

No licence known
CSV months ago
TfNSW Passenger travel performance reportsSource

This dataset captures the following public transport performance reports. Each resource is displayed as an interactive chart with filter options. The [TfNSW passenger travel]( provides more information. * Sydney Metropolitan and Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Contract on time running results * Ferries service Reliability and On-Time Running Results * NSW Trains service reliability and punctuality results on all regional lines in New South Wales. * Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink (Intercity) performance reports * New Customer On-Time measure – measuring our customer’s experience * Sydney Network - Historical Trains Punctuality Performance report * Performance Reporting for the Sydney Light Rail network Use the **GO TO RESOURCE** Option to view the individual reports.

Creative Commons Attribution
ChartReportsStatisticalTfNSWbusferryinformationlight railperformancepublicstatisticstraintransport
Transport for NSW10 months ago
Train and Metro Station Entries and Exits DataSource

Counts of train and metro station entries and exits, including monthly data, and 'typical day' samples. Note: Sydney Metro North West commenced operations May 2019.

Creative Commons Attribution
Transport for NSW3 months ago
Travel Zones 1996Source

TPA has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s data collection, transport modelling and analysis. They are designed to align as much as possible with current Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) geographic classification for that year, to allow for comparison of different data sources at standard geographies. Geographic coverage – Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) In order to provide for a similar level of trip generation across zones, TZs are designed to be small in areas with high land use densities and larger in areas of lower density. The key land uses of interest in defining TZs are employment, housing and transport infrastructure. As urban areas change over time, TPA creates a new zoning system in line with each 5-yearly population Census. Digitised boundaries for these zoning systems and equivalences between them, are available to users to undertake spatial analysis. 1991 – 2006 – Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), with Statistical Local Areas (SLA), Census Collection District (CCD) and Mesh Blocks (MB). Prior to 2006, TZs aligned to Statistical Local Areas (SLA). GMA may change slightly at the boundary to align with ABS geographic classifications. This will not usually impact on the comparison of data over time.

Creative Commons Attribution
1996ABSGeographyStatisticalTPAgeographicallyspatialstatisticstraveltravel zoneszones
Transport for NSW10 months ago
U.S. Bioenergy Statistics

The U.S. Bioenergy Statistics are a source of information on biofuels intended to present a picture of the renewable energy industry and its relationship to agriculture. Where appropriate, data are presented in both a calendar year and the relevant marketing year timeframe to increase utility to feedstock-oriented users. The statistics highlight the factors that influence the demand for agricultural feedstocks for biofuels production; for instance, numerous tables emphasize the relationship between energy and commodity markets.

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United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano: Drilling SummarySource

Drilling summary from validation of innovative exploration technologies for Newberry Volcano, including depths, dates, and drilling statistics from 2012

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IETTGTGWcalderadatadrillingdrilling dataegsexplorationgeothermalhydrothermalinnovative exploration technologiesnewberryoregonstatisticssummarytemperature gradientvolcanowellwell data
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Water Scarcity Statistics

This dataset contains Water scarcity statistics for 2005 from water footprint network.Follow for timely data to advance energy economics research.

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King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)4 months ago