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Location of NGED Distribution Substations (Easting / Northings)
This dataset provides the distribution substations within NGED's four licence areas and their connection to the primary substation. A distribution substation is an electrical substation that reduces voltage from high to low voltage, typically 230 or 400 voltages, suitable for local distribution to consumers. Distribution substations are often located near the point of supply, or connection. ### Notes Substations with less than 6 customers have had some data aggregated to primary substation level obfuscating customer and low carbon technology counts and capacities from the distribution substation. Demand and Supply Distribution Substations data Number of customers and LCTs by substation/transformer Substations with less than 6 customers have had some of their data obfuscated
This dataset provides the location of primary, bulk supply (BSP) and grid supply (GSP) substations in the National Grid distribution network.