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CFRF Data/Tools Providers ListSource

The Climate Financial Risk Forum (CFRF) list of data and tools providers is a collection of currently-available climate risk data, tools and products for financial institutions. It has been created to serve as an illustrative list of current climate risk offerings, highlighting the variety and scope of what is currently available in the marketplace. This is to ultimately support research and decision making around climate risk product procurement. The database has been designed to provide practitioners with relevant information in a digestible and searchable format.

License not specified
The UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI)11 months ago
E3: Economy - Energy - Environment; Supporting Manufacturing Leadership through SustainabilitySource

The E3 initiative is designed to help you thrive in a new business era focused on sustainability and, working together, to promote sustainable manufacturing and economic growth throughout the United States. Within the E3 framework, we can: - Drive Innovation - Increase Manufacturing Productivity - Boost Local Economies - Reduce Environmental Impacts - Foster Development - Conserve Energy and Resources This website provides information and tools for E3, including fact sheets, contacts, and calculators.

No licence known
best practicescalculatorscommunitiesdevelopmenteconomicseconomyenergyenvironmentinnovationproductivityresourcessustainabilitytoolsunited states
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
GeoRePORT 2.0Source

Version 2 of the GeoRePORT protocols and excel-based reporting tools. Software allows users to grade the geologic, technical, and socio-economic conditions at a geothermal resource location for both electricity generation and direct-use. Includes tool and protocols for: * Geologic Assessment Tool * Technical Assessment Tool * Socio-Economic Assessment Tool * International Socio-Economic Assessment Tool In addition, GeoRePORT now includes a Resource Size Assessment tool and protocol.

No licence known
Land AccessPermittingResource SizeSocio-Economicassessmentdirect useeconomicenergygeologicgeothermalpower generationprotocolreportingreporting toolsresourceresource assesmentsocioeconomictechnicaltooltools
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy AIRMaster+ toolSource

Contains the AIRMaster+ tool as well as 5 pdfs. AIRMaster+ is a free online software tool that helps users analyze energy use and savings opportunities in industrial compressed air systems. Use AIRMaster+ to baseline existing and model future system operations improvements, and evaluate energy and dollar savings from many energy efficiency measures. AIRMaster+ provides a systematic approach to assessing compressed air systems, analyzing collected data, and reporting results. Internet Archive URL:*/

Other (Public Domain)
consumer toolsenergy efficiencyenergy usesoftwaretools
United States Department of Energyover 1 year ago
Shale Resources and Water Risks

Explore water availability across shale gas and tight oil resources. Dozens of countries around the world are deciding whether or not to develop their shale gas and tight oil resources. However, extracting these energy sources poses environmental risks, especially to water. Drilling and hydraulic fracturing requires up to 25 million liters of water per well, meaning shale resources can be hard to develop where freshwater is hard to find. The risks and impacts specific to surface and groundwater availability have been thinly documented to date. This tool and the associated report: Identify priority locations worldwide where freshwater management will be most critical if shale is developed. Reveal potential business risks associated with freshwater availability to companies and build the case for corporate water stewardship and early source-water assessment. Scope This tool shares information that can create dialog among water users from industry, government, and civil society in river basins worldwide. It does not attempt to identify risks to water quality from shale resource development, nor does it assess the oil and gas industry’s water management practices. Definitions Baseline water stress: The ratio of total water withdrawals to available renewable supply in an area. In high-stress areas, 40 percent or more of the available supply is withdrawn every year. In extremely high-stress areas, that number goes up to 80 percent or higher. A higher percentage means more water users are competing for limited supplies. See the high and extremely high-stress areas highlighted in red and dark red on the maps. For more detailed information, please see Aqueduct’s Global Maps 2.0 metadata document. Hydraulic fracturing: A method of extraction for shale gas and tight oil resources. Fluid is pumped at high pressure down a well to create cracks in low-permeability geological formations. Natural gas and oil then flows from the cracks back into the well. Shale play: Part of a shale basin that can be commercially extracted. Shale gas: Natural gas deposit found in shale reservoirs, which are between ten and many thousands of times less permeable than conventional natural gas reservoirs. Tight oil: Oil trapped in fine-grained sedimentary rocks with extremely low permeability, such as shale, sandstone, or carbonate Technically recoverable resource: Shale oil or gas deposit that can be extracted with current technology, but does not consider economic viability.

No licence known
Baseline water stressGasGeologyHydraulic fracturingOilShaleShale gasShale playTight oilTypesWaterWell Dataresourcestools
National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)about 1 year ago
US Forest Service Climate Tools and Data

A gallery of climate maps, tools and resources supporting environment analyses.

Open Data Commons Attribution License
US Forest Serviceabout 1 year ago
USGS Data and Tools

USGS data and tools are the digital information in a format suitable for direct input to software that can analyze its meaning in the scientific, engineering, or business context for which the data were collected.

License not specified
USGSalert and notification servicesdata analysisdata visualizationsinteractive mapstools
US Geological Surveyabout 1 year ago