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Aggregated Computational Toxicology Online Resource (ACToR)Source

Aggregated Computational Toxicology Online Resource (ACToR) aggregates data from thousands of public sources on over 500,000 chemicals. It is is a database of environmental chemicals that is searchable by chemical name and other identifiers, and by chemical structure.

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United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Computational Toxicology Online ResourcesSource

This data is downloaded from the EPA’s Aggregated Computational Toxicology Online Resource (ACToR), which is the data and web applications warehouse for EPA’s computational toxicology information; this includes high-throughput screening, chemical exposure, sustainable chemistry (chemical structures and physicochemical properties) and virtual tissues data. ACToR aggregates data from thousands of public sources on over 500,000 chemicals.

Creative Commons Attribution
chemical assayschemical product categorycomputational toxicologyendocrine disruptiontoxicity forecasttoxicology
United States Environmental Protection Agencyover 1 year ago
Data from: The dispersal capacity of the invasive P. truncatus and the cosmopolitan S. zeamais after brief exposure to a novel insecticide formulation

Insecticide Two insecticides were used in this study: an existing formulation (tradename: Diacon IGR+ R ; Central Life Sciences, Schaumberg, IL, USA), and a new formulation with synergist (tradename: Gravista ). Diacon IGR+ contains 11.4% methoprene and 4.75% deltamethrin, with a label rate of 0.12 kg AI/L and 0.05 kg AI/L. The label rate as a residual surface treatment gives a range of 28.5 mL AI/L−171 mL AI/L H2O to cover 94 m2 for both compounds. We used the maximum labeled rate of 24 mg AI/m2 for deltamethrin and 57 mg AI/m2 for methoprene. This corresponded to 0.3 ml of the formulation in 25 ml H2O, sprayed at the rate of 0.3 ml per 50.3 cm2 arena, using an artist’s air brush (Badger 100 series, Badger Corporation, Franklin Park, IL, US) for each treatment. Each replicate was evenly applied to the concrete dish using a compressor pump. The new Gravista formulation has one labeled rate of 684 ml formulation/L H2O to cover 92.9 m2. To achieve this, we mixed 0.5 ml of the new formulation in 10 ml H2O. This was sprayed at the same rate as the other compound. Distilled water was used for the control arenas at 0.3 mL per arena. The arenas were given 8 h to dry prior to use in experiments. Insects (20 of each species per replicate) were exposed on the insecticide-treated petri dishes for either 4 or 24 h. After exposure, individual Prostephanus truncatus and Sitophilus zeamais were removed and placed into clean Petri dish arenas and evaluated for condition. Using a stereomicroscope (SMZ-18, Nikon Inc., Tokyo, Japan) under 60× magnification, P. truncatus and S. zeamais were classified as alive (moving normally, is able to right itself when flipped over, no twitching), affected (moving sluggishly or erratically, unable to right itself, twitching of antennae or legs may be present), or dead (completely immobile even after prodding) according to prior published definitions (Ranabhat et al., 2022). Dispersal and Mortality To test dispersal capacity to new food patches, a dispersal apparatus was employed. Species-specific cohorts of 20 adults (P. truncatus or S. zeamais) were exposed to Gravista, IGR+, or an untreated control as above for 4 or 24 h, then given 48 h to disperse across 30 or 70 cm standardized sections of PVC pipe (3.175 cm ID). After exposure to insecticide formulations, insects were evaluated for condition after exposure before placing them in the dispersal apparatus. The ends of both sides of the PVC pipe were sealed with mesh (425 μm) to prevent escape. At the far end of the pipe, a hole (2 cm D) was drilled and centered over a glass jar (5 × 6.5 cm D:H) to create a pitfall trap design. The glass jar contained 20 g of whole maize kernels, representing a novel food patch, to induce insects to disperse with food kairomones. Untreated, clean, and uninfested yellow maize was used in the experiments. Grain was sourced from Heartland Mills (Marienthal, KS, USA), and frozen for 72 h prior to use to ensure no prior insect infestation was present. At the end of the sampling period, the number of insects in the jar and their mortality was scored as alive, affected or dead. In addition, the position of each individual was recorded as residing in zone 1 (at the release point), zone 2 (in first half of tube), zone 3 (in second half of tube), or zone 4 (collection jar with maize). In total, there were n = 12 replicate cohorts for each species and combination of distance and treatment. In total, 1,440 P. truncatus and 1,440 S. zeamais were tested in this experiment.

No licence known
KansasMaizeNP304USDAbehaviorcapacitycgahrdeltamethrindispersalinsecticidelarger grain borermaize weevilmethoprenemovementprostephanus truncatussitophilussitophilus zeamaisspierustored product peststored productssynergisttoxicology
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
EPA-developed, patented technologies available for licensingSource

Under the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA), Federal Agencies can patent inventions developed during the course of research. These technologies can then be licensed to businesses or individuals for further development and sale in the marketplace.

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air qualitycontaminated sitesdrinking waterecological protectionfuel emissionshazardous substancesinventionpatentpollution preventionremediationtechnologytoxicologytreatmentvehicleswastewater monitoringwater quality
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago