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Beaver monitoring data from the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, WisconsinSource

The primary raw data are aerial counts of beaver (Castor canadensis) colonies on streams across the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CNNF). These aerial counts were performed in the fall of each year from 1987 (Nicolet side of CNNF) or 1997 (Chequamegon side of CNNF). Based on the colony counts, we also provide derived beaver colony density values. The surveyed streams were classified into four categories: managed trout, non-managed trout, managed non-trout, and non-managed non-trout. Trout versus non-trout status was assigned by the CNNF using Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources information. Managed streams were those on which targeted removal of beavers was conducted in the spring of each year under a contract with USDA-Wildlife Services. Data also include proportion of stream-side aspen, temperature, snowfall, and soil moisture as measured by the Palmer Drought Severity Index.

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Castor canadensisChequamegon-Nicolet National ForestOpen DataRDAWisconsinaspenbeaverbiotaclimateclimatologyMeteorologyAtmosphereinlandWatersnorthern Wisconsintrappingtrendtrout streams
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Attraction, mobility, and preference by Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) to microbially-mediated volatile emissions by two species of fungi in stored grain

Our goals were to 1) isolate, and culture two fungal morphotypes, 2) characterize the volatile emissions from grain inoculated by each fungal morphotype (Aspergillus flavus or Fusarium spp.) compared to uninoculated and sanitized grain, and 3) understand how MVOCs from each morphotype affects mobility, attraction, and preference by L. serricorne. Headspace collection revealed that the Fusarium- and A. flavus-inoculated grain produced significantly different volatiles compared to sanitized grain or the positive control. Changes in MVOC emissions affected close-range foraging during an Ethovision assay, with a greater frequency of entering and spending time in a small zone with kernels inoculated with A. flavus compared to other treatments. In the release-recapture assay, MVOCs were found to be attractive to L. serricorne at a longer distances in commercial pitfall traps. While there was no preference shown among semiochemical stimuli in a still-air, four-way olfactometer, it is possible that methodological limitations prevented robust interpretation from this assay. Overall, our study suggests that MVOCs are important for close- and long-range orientation of L.serricorne during foraging, and that MVOCs may have the potential for inclusion in behaviorally-based tactics for this species.

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ColeopteraIPMInsectsMVOCsNP304behavioral ecologyentomologymicrobesmobilityolfactionstored productstrappingvolatile responses
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Comparing three collection methods for pollinating insects within electric transmission rights-of-ways

Insect pollinator community data collected from three types of insect traps/collecting methods (colored pan traps, blue vane traps, targeted sweep netting) from four power line right of ways in Alabama. Data are from one growing season (May-October 2018), and collection methods were employed once per month. Data include: 1) insect pollinator community composition data; 2) relative diversity calculations by insect Order; 3) overall insect pollinator community diversity summary by trap type/collecting method and month. These data reflect the community as sampled through different means in the same time period. Resources in this dataset: Resource title: Insect Pollinator Community Composition Matrix File name: Pollinator communty matrix.csv Resource description: Pollinator community composition (taxon, abundance) by site, insect trap type, and season. See Supplemental Table 1 in Campbell et al. 2023 for detailed taxa information. Resource title: Insect Pollinator Community Diversity by Order File name: Pollinator community diversity by Order.csv Resource description: Insect Pollinator community diversity metrics separated by Order for each site, for each insect trap type and season. Resource title: Summary of Overall Insect Pollinator Community Diversity File name: Overall Pollinator community diversity.csv Resource description: Overall Insect Pollinator community diversity summarized by trap type and season. Resource title: Dataset key File name: Dataset key table.pdf Resource description: Column titles and variable descriptions for three datasets, of: 1) Pollinator Community Composition; 2) Pollinator Community Diversity by Order; and 3) Overall Pollinator Community Diversity summarized by Trap Type and Season

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BuprestidaeConopidaeNP304Syphidaebeneficial insectsblue vane trapscolored bowl trapsnative beespollinatorssweep net samplingtrapping
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Comparison of different traps and attractants in three food processing facilities in Greece on the capture of stored product insects

We compared all combinations of three commercial traps and five different attractants on the capture of stored-product insects for two consecutive years in three food processing facilities in Central Greece. Specifically, Facility 1 and 2 were pasta factories and Facility 3 was a flour mill. The traps that were used in the experiments were Dome Trap (Trécé Inc., USA), Wall Trap (Trécé Inc., USA) and Box Trap (Insects Limited, Ltd., USA). The attractants that were evaluated were 0.13 g of : 1) of PantryPatrol gel (Insects Limited, Inc., USA), 2) Storgard kairomone food attractant oil (Trece Inc.), 3) wheat germ (Honeyville, USA), 4) Dermestid tablet attractant (Insects Limited Inc., USA). The traps were inspected approximately every 15 days and rotated clockwise. The captured insects were transferred to the Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology (LEAZ) at University of Thessaly for identification. The results indicated that there was a wide range of species within the three facilities throughout the trapping period, with the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.), being the most abundant. Although there were noticeable differences among the different traps and attractants for the capture of certain species, all combinations provided comparable population fluctuation patterns. In general, Dome traps, baited with either the oil or the gel, were found to be the most effective. There are not much data available so far for the simultaneous comparable use of different trapping devices and different attractants in commercial facilities for long-term monitoring. Certain lures are marketed toward particular pests or classes of pests, while others might be more generic, multi-species lures. To shed light on this issue, we evaluated a series of combinations of floor traps and attractants, in three commercial facilities in Greece, for a period of two years. Our questions included both which trap was broadly most effective as well as whether different combinations of traps and types of attractants were delivering novel information about the stored product insect community. The traps include two types of floor traps, and the wall trap used in the USDA khapra beetle detection programs. The lures included the Insects Limited ™ dermestid tab that is more specifically focused on food kairomones for only that taxon, and the same company’s PantryPatrol gel, which uses wheat kairomones and the pheromones of multiple species, including dermestids. We also use the Trécé Storgard kairomone oil, and simple wheat germ, which are both multi-species kairomones with no pheromones. Resources in this dataset: Resource Title: 2018 and 2019 field trapping data File Name: kb_greek_data_ag_data_commons.csv Resource Description: 2.1 Storage facilities The storage facilities in which this study took place are located in Central Greece. The selection of these facilities was based on their size, the accessibility from University of Thessaly (UTH) personnel and the known historical presence of stored product insect species and other arthropods. The sampling was conducted in three types of storage facilities refereed as Facility 1, Facility 2 and Facility 3. Facilities 1 and 2 are pasta factories, with substantial quantities of soft and hard wheat, flour and bran, but also some barley and maize, while Facility 3 is a flour mill, mostly focused on soft wheat processing. The deployment of the traps on each facility was conducted at 18 June 2018, 4 July 2018, and 3 July 2018 for Facility 1, 2 and 3, respectively. 2.2. Traps, attractants and inspection The trap types that were used in our experiments were Dome Trap (Trécé Inc., USA), Wall Trap (Trécé Inc., USA) and Box Trap (Insects Limited, Ltd., USA). These traps have been proven effective for monitoring purposes based on previous studies (Toews et al., 2009; Athanassiou and Arthur, 2018; Gerken and Campbell, 2021). Four attractants (noted also as lures) were used in our experiments, which were 0.13 g: 1) PantryPatrol gel (gel, Insects Limited, Inc., USA), 2) Storgard™ Oil kairomone food attractant (oil, Trécé Inc.), 3) wheat germ (WG, Honeyville, USA), 4) Dermestid tablet attractant (bait, Insects Limited Inc., USA). Also, an additional series of traps was used without any attractant, and served as “control” (e.g., ctrl). In Facility 1, the different traps and attractant combinations were replicated two times. In Facilities 2 and 3, the combinations were replicated three times, based on larger space availability. For each Facility, the traps were inspected approx. every 15 days, with the exception of some intervals where access to the trapping areas was not possible (e.g. due to fumigations in certain areas etc.). The traps were rotated clockwise after each inspection. The attractants were replaced at 15-day intervals, while the traps were replaced whenever it was considered necessary (damaged or lost traps). All captured insects were transferred to the Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology (LEAZ), Department of Agriculture, Crop Protection and Rural Environment, University of Thessaly. 2.3 Identification The morphological identification of the captured individuals was carried out up to the species level, or lowest taxonomic unit, whenever this was possible using taxonomic keys, but in general many specimens are referred to as taxa. The insects found were classified into species (species identification) using different taxonomic keys (Bousquet, 1990; Peacock, 1993; USDA 1991). Data dictionary: rfb = red flour beetle cfb = confused flour beetle hfb = hairy fungus beetle lgb = lesser grain borer stgb = saw-toothed grain beetle cb = cigarette beetle rw = rice weevil gw = granary weevil imm = indianmeal moth rgb = rusty grain beetle trogoderma = dermestid genus

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GreeceIPMIndian meal mothNP304Tribolium castaneumattractantsbehaviorbehavioral ecologycgahrcigarette beetledermestidaefood facilitieskhapra beetlepitfall trapred flour beetlespierutrappinguniversity of thessaly
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Microbial vectoring capacity by internal- and external-infesting stored product insects after varying dispersal periods between novel food patches: An underestimated risk

To determine whether colony populations of Lasioderma serricorne (cigarette beetle, CB) and Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil, RW) vectored microbes, and to identify possible interactions with dispersal time, a vectoring assay was performed for each species. For the vectoring assay, the impact of dispersal (0, 24, or 72 h) and foraging time (3 or 5 d) on vectoring ability were tested. Briefly, adult L. serricorne or S. oryzae were singly removed from colony containers with sterilized forceps and then placed immediately in the center of Petri dish containing agar for the 0 h dispersal period. Alternatively, some insects were given a 24 or 72 h dispersal period in an autoclaved 4 L-capacity glass container and stored at constant conditions of 25°C, 60% RH, and 14:10 L:D photoperiod prior to being added to the PDA. Petri dishes were maintained at 30°C, 60% RH, and 14:10 L:D photoperiod for either 3 or 5 days, then photographed for microbial growth. Transfer of L. serricorne or S. oryzae adults from dispersal containers to agar at the conclusion of the dispersal period was performed inside the biosafety cabinet to prevent contamination of dishes. Pictures of the agar dishes and corresponding microbial growth were taken using a DSLR camera (EOS 7D Mark II, Canon, Tokyo, Japan) mounted to 3D imaging StackShot (CogniSys, Inc., Traverse City, MI, USA) equipped with a dual flash (MT-26EX-RT, Canon, Tokyo, Japan). Light was diffused using a partially cut frosted plastic jar (15.2 × 7.6 cm D:H) making a total of n = 60 replicates per treatment combination (of dispersal time, insect species, and foraging time in patch). The pictures taken were processed using ImageJ 1.53a (Wayne Rasband, National Institutes of Health, USA) to quantify the microbial growth in the agar dishes. The images had their backgrounds subtracted, then were processed using the "find edges" tool. Finally, they were converted to binary and either dilated or eroded to conform to the original image parameters. A circle encompassing the Petri dish was created and the mean grayscale, standard deviation of the grayscale value, and count of pixels was measured as a surrogate for microbial growth on the dishes. This allowed a quantitative measure of microbial growth by creating an average in a given image. The mean grayscale value could range from 0 (full white), indicating no microbial growth, to 255 (full black), indicating full microbial growth on the entire dish. Finally, visually, microbial morphospecies (alpha) richness was assigned to each image given the number of unique morphospecies on the plate as a proxy for community complexity. Treatments included those from microbially-enriched environments where Aspergillus flavus had been inoculated on wheat or flour (AF). To prepare the AF, 600 g of grain was added to a stainless-steel pot filled with water and placed on a hot plate at 500°C. Once boiling for 15 min, the water was drained and the grain was evenly spread out on sterile wipes (38.1 × 42.5 cm, 3 ply, Tech wipes, Skilcraft, NIB, Alexandria, VA) and allowed to dry inside a laminar fume hood (ca. 3 h). Afterwards, grain was evenly divided (~300 g) and placed in two separate autoclaved mason jars (950-mL capacity). A single hole was pierced through each lid and lined with a cotton ball. The jars were then sealed with aluminum foil and were autoclaved (533LS, Getinge, Rochester, NY, USA) for 30 min. To inoculate with A. flavus, a 3-inch strip of agar containing a pure culture of A. flavus grown on agar for 7 d at 30°C, 60% RH, and 14:10 L:D photoperiod was placed into each jar containing the grain. AF was then maintained at room temperature for roughly 10 d or until the A. flavus evenly covered as much the grain as possible. Batches of inoculated grain were used within 10–15 d of preparation. Grain was never used more than once for each replicate of every trial in each assay experiment to prevent cross contamination. A total of 75 insects were added to 300 g of AF in a 950-ml mason jar and allowed to forage for 2 weeks prior to use in the vectoring experiment. The same dispersal periods (0, 24, 72 h) and time in patch (3 and 5 d) described above were used for this experiment. The mean grayscale value and microbial morphospecies richness was recorded for each image. There were a total of n = 30 replicates per treatment combination. Another treatment included field-collected individuals. To obtain sufficient numbers of adults, insects were caught at four different field sites around the area of greater Manhattan, KS including: 1) a site with a pre-harvest wheat field bordered by woodlands (39°14'26.2"N, 96°34'59.1"W), 2) local apartment complex consisting of end consumers (39°11'43.6"N, 96°36'07.4"W), 3) Kansas State University Agronomy Farm with storage silos (39°12'23.7"N, 96°35'43.2"W), and 4) a private residence adjacent to a working cattle farm (39°12'23.7"N, 96°35'43.2"W). In each location, a total of three 4-funnel Lindgren traps (Bioquip, Rancho Dominguez, CA, USA) were deployed at least 10 m apart at about 1 m height on rebar or hung from a tree along the perimeter of the location site, and were baited with a multi-species lure containing both L. serricorne sex pheromone and Sitophilus spp. pheromone (PTL bullet lure, #IL-108, and Sitophilus spp. bullet lure, #IL-703, Insects Limited, Westfield, IN, USA). In addition, three ground traps were deployed that consisted of commercially-available pitfall traps (Dome®, Storgard, Trécé, Adair, OK, USA) with two connectable pieces (Doud and Phillips 2020; Doud et al. 2021), containing a central well where a Sitophilus spp. lure was added along with a 5 g of whole maize as a kairomone bait. Pheromone lures were changed every 60 d. No kill mechanism was added because adults needed to be alive. Traps were checked on a daily basis for capture of new adults and brought immediately back into the laboratory in separate unused, sterilized containers for addition to agar dishes. Stored product insects were identified using taxonomic keys in USDA (1996). Dispersal period at 0 h and time in patch (3 and 5 d) as described above were used for this experiment. Resources in this dataset: Resource Title: Full CB & RW Vectoring Dataset File Name: cb_rw_full_dataset_richness.csv

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ARSAspergillusColeopteraKansasNP304USDAanimal behaviorbehaviorcgahrchemical ecologycigarette beetlemicrobesmovementmovement ecologyrice weevilstored product peststored productstrappingvectoring
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: Microbial volatile organic compounds mediate attraction by a primary but not secondary stored product insect pest in wheat

This dataset is associated with the forthcoming publication entitled, "Microbial volatile organic compounds mediate attraction by a primary but not secondary stored product insect pest in wheat", and includes data on grain damage from near infrared spectroscopy, behavioral data from wind tunnel and release-recapture experiments, as well as volatile characterization of headspace from moldy grain. For all files, incubation intervals 9, 18, and 27 d represent how long grain was incubated after being tempered to a grain moisture of 12, 15, or 19% or left untempered (ctrl; 10.8% grain moisture). TSO = Trece storgard oil; empty = negative control (no stimulus), LGB = lesser grain borer (Rhzyopertha dominica), and RFB = red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum). Note: The resource 'GC/MS Grain MVOC Headspace Data' was added 2021-08-04 with the deletion of some compounds as unlikely natural compounds and potential contaminants. This is the dataset that undergirds the non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis. See the included file list for more information about methods and results of each file in this dataset.

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AgricultureMVOCsNP304behaviorchemical ecologyentomologyheadspacelesser grain borermicrobial cuesred flour beetlestored product pestsstored productstrappingwind tunnel
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago
Data from: The behavioral response to the putative necromones from dead Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in traps by conspecifics as a function of density and time since capture

Insect Strains and Rearing Two field-derived strains of T. castaneum from either Eastern Kansas, collected in 2012, or Riley County, KS, collected in 2019, were used to assess the effect of strain on the behavioral response to necromones. Except where noted, the 2012 field strain was used for each experiment. T. castaneum was reared on a mixture of 95% unbleached flour and 5% brewer’s yeast in an environmental chamber at 27.5ºC, 60% RH, and 14:10 L:D. Subculturing proceeded by adding 75 mixed-sex T. castaneum to a 947-ml mason jar filled two-thirds with mixed diet. Adults were removed after 72 h of oviposition. Mixed sex adults aged 4–8 weeks old were used in all assays. All experiments were performed between the years 2017–2020. Treatments Time of Death of Prior Captures on Behavioral Response For investigating the attraction to kairomone oil based on how long beetles were left in the oil, the following treatments were included: negative control (neg ctrl), 950μL of Trécé Storgard® Kairomone Oil (kairomone oil for the remainder of the manuscript; Adair, OK, USA) only, or 950 μL of kairomone oil plus 25 freshly killed, mixed sex T. castaneum adults aged in the oil for 1, 25, 48, 72, or 96 h. A second round of the beetles aged longer than 8 days was included with the following treatments: negative control (neg ctrl), 950μL of kairomone oil only, or 950 μL of kairomone oil plus 25 freshly killed, mixed sex T. castaneum adults aged in the oil for 8, 9, 10, or 11 d (Table 1). These experiments were performed in a combination of the wind tunnel, release-recapture assay, and two-choice olfactometer (Table 1). Treatments were added to 20 mL GC headspace vials (Gerstel, GmBH, Germany) for wind tunnel assays, while they were added to Trécé Storgard™ Dome® traps in the release-recapture assays. Influence of Density of Prior Captures on Behavioral Response In order to evaluate whether the behavioral response of T. castaneum modulates with different densities of conspecifics in traps, the following treatments for the density response study were used: the same negative control, 950 μl of kairomone oil only, or 950 μl of kairomone oil plus either 4, 10, 20, or 40 mixed sex T. castaneum adults that were allowed to incubate for 24 h or 96 h. These experiments were performed in a combination of the wind tunnel, release-recapture assay, and headspace collection/GC-MS (Table 1). Treatments were added to 20 mL GC headspace vials (Gerstel, GmBH, Germany) for wind tunnel assays, while they were added to Trécé Storgard™ Dome® traps in the release-recapture assays. Effect of Strain on Behavioral Response to Prior Captures To rule out losing the attraction behaviors from laboratory-rearing protocols, a more recent T. castaneum strain was used and tested against the strain from Eastern Kansas collected in 2012. Thus, both a 2012 and 2019 field-collected (from Riley Co., Kansas) population of T. castaneum were tested in these experiments. The treatments for the strain effect consisted of a negative control, kairomone oil only, and 950 μl of kairomone oil plus either 4, 10, 20, or 40 mixed sex T. castaneum adults, which were allowed to incubate for 24 h. Both strains were tested in the wind tunnel and a release-recapture assay (Table 1). Effect of Rancidity on Behavioral Response to Prior Captures We conducted an experiment to test if long-term storage of the kairomone oil may have caused it to become rancid, despite being stored at 4ºC as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Treatments included: 950 μl of the kairomone oil we have used for most of our other experiments (e.g., standard Storgard® kairomone oil, or SSO) only, Storgard® kairomone oil borrowed from a colleague at the Center for Grain and Animal Health Research (CGAHR) (e.g., BSO), corn oil purchased freshly from the market (e.g., CO), or one of each of these treatments + 25 dead T. castaneum (Table 1). Attraction behavior was assessed in the wind tunnel. Assay Methods Wind Tunnel Assay Wind tunnel assays were used to evaluate upwind attraction by T. castaneum to putative necromones (e.g., see Van Winkle et al. 2022 for a description). Briefly, air was generated with a fan (diameter: 36.5 cm) connected to an inlet to the wind tunnel, where the air passed through an activated carbon filter to eliminate impurities from the air, and two successively smaller slatted-metal sieves (73 × 85 cm) to create a laminar airflow, with an average airspeed of 0.38 m/s. A purified, constant, laminar flow of air was pushed over the treatments 13.5 cm upwind of a release arena (21.6 × 27.9 cm). The odor treatments (Table 1) were positioned level with the surface of the release arena in the wind tunnel and were housed in 20 mL glass headspace vials. Caps were removed from the vials when testing commenced. The adults were placed individually in the center of the release arena and were given 2 min to make a decision, including either leaving on the stimulus edge (upwind) or a non-stimulus edge (three other edges). Adults that did not respond within the timeframe were excluded from statistical analysis. Adults were never tested more than once. All treatments were represented equally in a bout of sampling. The trials were performed inside a walk-in environmental chamber at constant conditions (27.5ºC, 60% RH), with air on purge to vent build-up of odors. Behavior was evaluated using a behavioral response index (BRI) as follows: [(T-C)/N]*100, where T is the number of adults in the treatment leaving on the stimulus edge of the arena, C is the equivalent number for the control, and N is the total sample size for both groups. The BRI can vary from 100 (full attraction) to -100 (full repellency). A total of n = 60 replicate individuals were tested, depending on assay, experiment, and treatment. Release-Recapture Assay Prior to release, 100 mixed-sex T. castaneum were settled on an 8 × 8 cm slat of cardboard for 24 h. The cardboard containing the adults was then placed in the center of a walk-in environmental chamber (5 × 6 × 2 m) set at a constant 25°C, 65% RH, and 14:10 L:D. Paper was fully laid and carefully taped on the bottom of the chamber floor to allow for easy mobility by T. castaneum. A standard Trécé Dome Trap™ that held one of each treatment (Table 1) was positioned equidistantly along the chamber’s perimeter and randomized between replicates. After 24 h, trap capture totals were calculated equal to the additional number of T. castaneum found in the trap minus those seeded in the original treatment. Experimental treatments were run simultaneously. A total of n = 8 replicates per treatment and experiment combination were used. Two-Way Olfactometer Trapping To assess preference among stimuli, T. castaneum individuals were evaluated in a two-way olfactometer. The olfactometer arena consisted of a Petri dish (9 × 1.5 cm diameter:height) with two holes drilled through opposite sides of the base at equal distances from the edge and the center of the dish. A filter paper (85 mm diameter), bisected by a faint line, was placed on the surface of the olfactometer so that the holes were on opposite sides of the filter paper (as in Morrison et al. 2020). The putative necromones (Table 1) were placed in separate, smaller Petri dishes (3.5 cm diameter) below the release arena and centered under each hole. The position of the lure and necromones was randomized between each trial. A single adult was placed in the center of the arena and left for 24 h in an environmental chamber at constant conditions (30C, 65% R.H., 14:10 L:D). A total of n = 10 replicates per comparison were performed. The percent of adults choosing each stimulus and becoming trapped in the bottom petri dish was recorded. Headspace Collection Volatiles were collected from traps seeded with 0 (oil only), 4, 20, or 40 dead T. castaneum and aged 24 h or 96 h. Central airflow was first scrubbed with a charcoal filter, then restricted to 1 L/min with flow meters. Airflow was guided through PTFE tubing to 500 mL-capacity headspace glass containers with lids and an inlet for air. The containers also had an outlet with a Porapaq-Q trap that collected volatiles for 3 h. Volatiles were then eluted with 150 µL of dichloromethane. An internal standard of 1 µL of tetradecane was also added prior to being run on the GC-MS according to standard methodology. There were n = 8 replicates per treatment. Gas Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry All headspace collection sample extracts were run on an Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph (GC) equipped with an Agilent Durabond HP-5 column (30 m length, 0.250 mm diameter, and 0.25 μm film thickness) with He as the carrier gas at a constant 1.2 mL/min flow and 40 cm/s velocity. This was coupled with a single-quadrupole Agilent 5997B mass spectrometer (MS). The compounds were separated by auto-injecting 1 μl of each sample under splitless mode into the GC-MS at room temperature (approximately 23°C). The GC program consisted of 40°C for 1 min followed by 10°C/min increases to 300°C and then held for 26.5 min. After a solvent delay of 3 min, mass ranges between 50 and 550 atomic mass units were scanned. Compounds were tentatively identified by comparison of spectral data with those from the NIST 17 library and by GC retention index. Using the ratio of the peak area for the internal standard to the peak area for the other compounds in the headspace, the emission rates of samples were normalized in ng of volatile per 950 μl aliquot of oil, per μl of solvent, and per h of collection.

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KansasNP304Tribolium castaneumUSDAattractionbehaviorcgahrchemical ecologychoice testdome trapkairomonesmonitoringnecromonesplumepostharvestprior capturesred flour beetlerelease-recapturesemiochemicalsstored productstaxistrappingwind tunnel
United States Department of Agriculture10 months ago