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Assessing water-quality changes in U.S. rivers at multiple geographic scales using results from probabilistic and targeted monitoringSource

Chloride data used to assess trends over time, using both USGS data for trends in loads and USEPA NRSA data used to assess trends in concentrations. Citation information for this dataset can be found in the EDG's Metadata Reference Information section and's References section.

No licence known
cholorideprobabilistic monitoringtargeted monitoringtrends
United State Environmental Protection Agencyabout 1 year ago
LSTA Allotments (FY 2003-2016)Source

Review Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) allotments by state from FY 2003 to FY 2016. The Grants to States program is the largest source of federal funding support for library services in the U.S. Using a population-based formula, more than $150 million is distributed among the state library agencies every year. Visit to learn more about Grants to States.

Other (Public Domain)
Institute of Museum and Library Servicesover 1 year ago
Material Properties for Brady Hot Springs Nevada USA from PoroTomo ProjectSource

The PoroTomo team has completed inverse modeling of the three data sets (seismology, geodesy, and hydrology) individually, as described previously. The estimated values of the material properties are registered on a three-dimensional grid with a spacing of 25 meters between nodes. The material properties are listed an Excel file. Figures show planar slices in three sets: horizontal slices in a planes normal to the vertical Z axis (Z normal), vertical slices in planes perpendicular to the dominant strike of the fault system (X normal), and vertical slices in planes parallel to the dominant strike of the fault system (Y normal). The results agree on the following points. The material is unconsolidated and/or fractured, especially in the shallow layers. The structural trends follow the fault system in strike and dip. The geodetic measurements favor the hypothesis of thermal contraction. Temporal changes in pressure, subsidence rate, and seismic amplitude are associated with changes in pumping rates during the four stages of the deployment in 2016. The modeled hydraulic conductivity is high in fault damage zones. All the observations are consistent with the conceptual model: highly permeable conduits along faults channel fluids from shallow aquifers to the deep geothermal reservoir tapped by the production wells.

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3DBrady Hot SpringsNevadaPoissons ratioYoungs modulusconceptualconduitdensitydipenergyfaultfluidfracturedgeodesygeologygeothermalhydraulic conductivityhydrologyinterferometryinversionlithologymaterialmodelmodelingp-wavepermeableporoelastic tomographyporotomopressurepropertiespropertypumpingratereservoirs-waveseismicseismic amplitudeseismologyshallowstrain ratestrikestructuralsubsidencetemperaturethermal contractiontrendsunconsolidatedvelocityzone
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)over 1 year ago
Travel Zones 1991Source

TPA has a range of location information products which include digitised boundaries. Travel Zones (TZs) are the geographic units of TPA’s data collection, transport modelling and analysis. They are designed to align as much as possible with current Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) geographic classification for that year, to allow for comparison of different data sources at standard geographies. In order to provide for a similar level of trip generation across zones, TZs are designed to be small in areas with high land use densities and larger in areas of lower density. The key land uses of interest in defining TZs are employment, housing and transport infrastructure. As urban areas change over time, TPA creates a new zoning system in line with each 5-yearly population Census. Digitised boundaries for these zoning systems and equivalences between them, are available to users to undertake spatial analysis. 1991 – 2006 – Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC), with Statistical Local Areas (SLA), Census Collection District (CCD) and Mesh Blocks (MB). Prior to 2006, TZs aligned to Statistical Local Areas (SLA). GMA may change slightly at the boundary to align with ABS geographic classifications. This will not usually impact on the comparison of data over time.

Creative Commons Attribution
1991ABSGeographyTPAgeographicallyspatialtraveltravel zonestrendszones
Transport for NSW10 months ago